cancer incidence rate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cervical cancer is a preventable disease. Nevertheless, stagnation has been seen in incidence rates also in countries with well-functioning healthcare. On this basis, we investigated associations between control interventions and changes in cervical cancer incidence in Denmark from 2009 to 2022. Data on human papillomavirus (HPV)-vaccination were retrieved from Staten\'s Serum Institute; on screening recommendations from Danish Health Authority, on screening performance from Danish Quality Database for Cervical Screening; and on cervical cancer incidence from Nordcan and Danish Cancer Register. We reported coverage with HPV vaccination (1+ dose); coverage with cervical cell samples; number of women with primary HPV tests; proportion of non-normal cell samples without timely follow-up; number of conizations; and cervical cancer incidence rates. In 2022, all women aged ≤29 had been offered childhood HPV vaccination with coverage of 80%-90%. By 2020-2022, the cervical cancer incidence rate in women aged 20-29 was 3 per 100,000; at level of disease elimination. In 2017, women aged 70+ were offered a one-time HPV screening, and by 2020-2022, the old-age peak in cervical cancer incidence had largely disappeared. From 2009 to 2022, proportion of non-normal cell samples without timely follow-up decreased from 20% to 10%, and conventional cytology was largely replaced by SurePath liquid-based cytology; these factors could explain the steady decrease in cervical cancer incidence rate. Implementation of primary HPV screening in women aged 30-59 in 2021 was reflected in a, probably temporary, increase in the 2022 cervical cancer incidence rate. In conclusion, combined interventions with childhood HPV vaccination; one-time HPV screening of elderly women; and better management of screening broke previous stagnation in cervical cancer incidence rate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pregnancy-associated cancer-that is diagnosed in pregnancy or within 365 days after delivery-is increasingly common as cancer therapy evolves and survivorship increases. This study assessed the incidence and temporal trends of pregnancy-associated cancer in Alberta and Ontario-together accounting for 50% of Canada\'s entire population. Linked data from the two provincial cancer registries and health administrative data were used to ascertain new diagnoses of cancer, livebirths, stillbirths and induced abortions among women aged 18-50 years, from 2003 to 2015. The annual crude incidence rate (IR) was calculated as the number of women with a pregnancy-associated cancer per 100,000 deliveries. A nonparametric test for trend assessed for any temporal trends. In Alberta, the crude IR of pregnancy-associated cancer was 156.2 per 100,000 deliveries (95% CI 145.8-166.7), and in Ontario, the IR was 149.4 per 100,000 deliveries (95% CI 143.3-155.4). While no statistically significant temporal trend in the IR of pregnancy-associated cancer was seen in Alberta, there was a rise in Ontario (p = 0.01). Pregnancy-associated cancer is common enough to warrant more detailed research on maternal, pregnancy and child outcomes, especially as cancer therapies continue to evolve.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer incidence and/or mortality among individuals varies with diet, socio-culture, ethnicity, race, gender, and age. Similarly, environmental temperature modulates many biological functions. To study the effect of environment temperature on cancer incidence, the US population was selected. Because, county-wise cancer incidence rate data of various anatomical site-specific cancers and different races/ethnicities for both males and females are available. Moreover, the differences amongst the aforementioned factors among individuals are much less, as compared to the world population. Statistical analysis showed a negative correlation between the average annual temperature and cancer incidence rate at all anatomical sites and individually for 13 types (out of 16 types) of anatomical site-specific cancer incidence rates (e.g. uterine, bladder, thyroid, breast, esophagus, ovary, melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, brain, pancreas, etc.) for females. Further analysis found a similar inverse trend in all races/ethnicities of the female population but not in all male races/ethnicities or anatomical site-specific cancers. Moreover, the majority of the counties having the top-most cancer incidence rate in females are located above the latitude 36.5°N. These findings indicate that living in a cold county in the United States might have a higher risk of cancer irrespective of cancer type (except cervical and liver) and races/ethnicities for females but not in all such cases for the male population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous antinuclear demonstrations reveal that the public is anxious about the potential health effects caused by nuclear power plants. The purpose of this study is to address the question \"Is there a higher cancer incidence rate in the vicinity of nuclear power plants in Taiwan?\" The Taiwan Cancer Registry database from 1979 to 2003 was used to compare the standardized incidence rate of the top four cancers with strong evidence for radiation risks between the \"plant-vicinity\" with those \"non-plant-vicinity\" groups. All cancer sites, five-leading cancers in Taiwan, and gender-specific cancers were also studied. We also adopted different observation time to compare the incidence rate of cancers between two groups to explore the impact of the observation period. The incidences of leukemia, thyroid, lung, and breast cancer were not significantly different between two groups, but cervix uteri cancer showed higher incidence rates in the plant-vicinity group. The incidence of cervical cancer was not consistently associated with the duration of plant operation, according to a multiyear period comparison. Although there was higher incidence in cervix cancer in the plant-vicinity group, our findings did not provide the crucial evidence that nuclear power plants were the causal factor for some cancers with strong evidence for radiation risks.





