
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expression of IKCa (SK4) channel subunits overlaps with that of SK channel subunits, and it has been proposed that the two related subunits prefer to co-assemble to form heteromeric hSK1:hIKCa channels. This implicates hSK1:hIKCa heteromers in physiological roles that might have been attributed to activation of SK channels. We have used a mutation approach to confirm formation of heterometric hSK1:hIKCa channels. Introduction of residues within hSK1 that were predicted to impart sensitivity to the hIKCa current blocker TRAM-34 changed the pharmacology of functional heteromers. Heteromeric channels formed between wildtype hIKCa and mutant hSK1 subunits displayed a significantly higher sensitivity and maximum block to addition of TRAM-34 than heteromers formed between wildtype subunits. Heteromer formation was disrupted by a single point mutation within one COOH-terminal coiled-coil domain of the hIKCa channel subunit. This mutation only disrupted the formation of hSK1:hIKCa heteromeric channels, without affecting the formation of homomeric hIKCa channels. Finally, the Ca2+ gating sensitivity of heteromeric hSK1:hIKCa channels was found to be significantly lower than the Ca2+ gating sensitivity of homomeric hIKCa channels. These data confirmed the preferred formation of heteromeric channels that results from COOH-terminal interactions between subunits. The distinct sensitivity of the heteromer to activation by Ca2+ suggests that heteromeric channels fulfil a distinct function within those neurons that express both subunits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies in human colonic cell lines and murine intestine suggest the presence of a Ca2+-activated anion channel, presumably TMEM16a. Is there a potential for fluid secretion in patients with severe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations by activating this alternative pathway? Two-dimensional nondifferentiated colonoid-myofibroblast cocultures resembling transit amplifying/progenitor (TA/PE) cells, as well as differentiated monolayer (DM) cultures resembling near-surface cells, were established from both healthy controls (HLs) and patients with severe functional defects in the CFTR gene (PwCF). F508del mutant and CFTR knockout (null) mice ileal and colonic mucosa was also studied. HL TA/PE monolayers displayed a robust short-circuit current response (ΔIeq) to UTP (100 µM), forskolin (Fsk, 10 µM) and carbachol (CCH, 100 µM), while ΔIeq was much smaller in differentiated monolayers. The selective TMEM16a inhibitor Ani9 (up to 30 µM) did not alter the response to luminal UTP, significantly decreased Fsk-induced ΔIeq, and significantly increased CCH-induced ΔIeq in HL TA/PE colonoid monolayers. The PwCF TA/PE and the PwCF differentiated monolayers displayed negligible agonist-induced ΔIeq, without a significant effect of Ani9. When TMEM16a was localized in intracellular structures, a staining in the apical membrane was not detected. TMEM16a is highly expressed in human colonoid monolayers resembling transit amplifying cells of the colonic cryptal neck zone, from both HL and PwCF. While it may play a role in modulating agonist-induced CFTR-mediated anion currents, it is not localized in the apical membrane, and it has no function as an apical anion channel in cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy human colonic epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The gastrointestinal symptom of diabetes mellitus, chronic constipation, seriously affects patients\' life. Whereas, the mechanism of chronic constipation is still ambiguous, resulting in a lack of effective therapies for this symptom. As a part of the smooth muscle cells, interstitial cells of Cajal, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha-positive (PDGFRα+) cells syncytium (SIP syncytium), PDGFRα+ cells play an important role in regulating colonic motility. According to our previous study, in PDGFRα+ cells in colons of diabetic mice, the function of the P2Y1 purinergic receptor/type 3 small-conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK3) channel signaling pathway is strengthened, which may lead to colonic dysmotility. The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in SK3 channel properties of PDGFRα+ cells in diabetic mice.
    UNASSIGNED: Whole-cell patch clamp, Western blotting, superoxide dismutase activity measurement, and malondialdehyde measurement were main methods in the present study.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study revealed that when dialysed with low calcium ion (Ca2+) solution, the SK3 current density was significantly decreased in PDGFRα+ cells from diabetic mice. However, the SK3 current density in PDGFRα+ cells was enhanced from diabetic mice when dialysed with high Ca2+ solution. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide-treatment mimicked this phenomenon in SK3 transgenic HEK293 cells. The subunit of SK3 channels, protein kinase CK2, was up-regulated in colonic muscle layers and hydrogen peroxide-treated HEK293 cells. Additionally, protein phosphatase 2A, the subunit of SK3 channels, was not changed in streptozotocin-treated mouse colons or hydrogen peroxide-treated HEK293 cells.
    UNASSIGNED: The diabetic oxidative stress-induced upregulation of CK2 contributed to modulating SK3 channel sensitivity to Ca2+ in colonic PDGFRα+ cells, which may result in colonic dysmotility in diabetic mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    K+ channels enable potassium to flow across the membrane with great selectivity. There are four K+ channel families: voltage-gated K (Kv), calcium-activated (KCa), inwardly rectifying K (Kir), and two-pore domain potassium (K2P) channels. All four K+ channels are formed by subunits assembling into a classic tetrameric (4x1P = 4P for the Kv, KCa, and Kir channels) or tetramer-like (2x2P = 4P for the K2P channels) architecture. These subunits can either be the same (homomers) or different (heteromers), conferring great diversity to these channels. They share a highly conserved selectivity filter within the pore but show different gating mechanisms adapted for their function. K+ channels play essential roles in controlling neuronal excitability by shaping action potentials, influencing the resting membrane potential, and responding to diverse physicochemical stimuli, such as a voltage change (Kv), intracellular calcium oscillations (KCa), cellular mediators (Kir), or temperature (K2P).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The corneal endothelium is the inner cell monolayer involved in the maintenance of corneal transparence by the generation of homeostatic dehydration. The glycosaminoglycans of the corneal stroma develop a continuous swelling pressure that should be counteracted by the corneal endothelial cells through active transport mechanisms to move the water to the anterior chamber. Protein transporters for sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) are involved in this endothelial \"pump function\", however despite its physiological importance, the efflux mechanism is not completely understood. There is experimental evidence describing transendothelial diffusion of water in the absence of osmotic gradients. Therefore, it is important to get a deeper understanding of alternative models that drive the fluid transport across the endothelium such as the electrochemical gradients. Three transcriptomic datasets of the corneal endothelium were used in this study to analyze the expression of genes that encode proteins that participate in the transport and the reestablishment of the membrane potential across the semipermeable endothelium. Subsequently, the expression of the identified channels was validated in vitro both at mRNA and protein levels. The results of this study provide the first evidence of the expression of KCNN2, KCNN3 and KCNT2 genes in the corneal endothelium. Differences among the level of expression of KCNN2, KCNT2 and KCNN4 genes were found in a differentially expressed gene analysis of the dataset. Taken together these results underscore the potential importance of the ionic channels in the pathophysiology of corneal diseases. Moreover, we elucidate novel mechanisms that might be involved in the pivotal dehydrating function of the endothelium and in others physiologic functions of these cells using in silico pathways analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural circuits are endowed with several forms of intrinsic and synaptic plasticity that could contribute to adaptive changes in behavior, but circuit complexities have hindered linking specific cellular mechanisms with their behavioral consequences. Eye movements generated by simple brainstem circuits provide a means for relating cellular plasticity to behavioral gain control. Here we show that firing rate potentiation, a form of intrinsic plasticity mediated by reductions in BK-type calcium-activated potassium currents in spontaneously firing neurons, is engaged during optokinetic reflex compensation for inner ear dysfunction. Vestibular loss triggers transient increases in postsynaptic excitability, occlusion of firing rate potentiation, and reductions in BK currents in vestibular nucleus neurons. Concurrently, adaptive increases in visually evoked eye movements rapidly restore oculomotor function in wild-type mice but are profoundly impaired in BK channel-null mice. Activity-dependent regulation of intrinsic excitability may be a general mechanism for adaptive control of behavioral output in multisensory circuits.





