• 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have reported that the cGMP-specific PDE5 isozyme is overexpressed in colon adenomas and adenocarcinomas and essential for colon cancer cell proliferation, while PDE5 selective inhibitors (e.g., sildenafil) have been reported to have cancer chemopreventive activity.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the anticancer activity of a novel PDE5 inhibitor, RF26, using colorectal cancer (CRC) cells and the role of PDE5 in CRC tumor growth in vivo.
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to characterize the anticancer activity of a novel celecoxib derivative, RF26, in CRC cells previously reported to lack COX-2 inhibition but have potent PDE5 inhibitory activity.
    METHODS: Anticancer activity of RF26 was studied using human CRC cell lines. Its effects on intracellular cGMP levels, cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) activity, β-catenin levels, TCF/LEF transcriptional activity, cell cycle distribution, and apoptosis were measured. CRISPR/cas9 PDE5 knockout techniques were used to determine if PDE5 mediates the anticancer activity of RF26 and validate PDE5 as a cancer target.
    RESULTS: RF26 was appreciably more potent than celecoxib and sildenafil to suppress CRC cell growth and was effective at concentrations that increased intracellular cGMP levels and activated PKG signaling. RF26 suppressed β-catenin levels and TCF/LEF transcriptional activity and induced G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis within the same concentration range. CRISPR/cas9 PDE5 knockout CRC cells displayed reduced sensitivity to RF26, proliferated slower than parental cells, and failed to establish tumors in mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Further evaluation of RF26 for the prevention or treatment of cancer and studying the role of PDE5 in tumorigenesis are warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apicomplexan parasites mobilize ionic calcium (Ca2+) from intracellular stores to promote microneme secretion and facilitate motile processes including gliding motility, invasion, and egress. Recently, a multipass transmembrane protein, ICM1, was found to be important for calcium mobilization in Plasmodium falciparum and P. berghei. Comparative genomics and phylogenetics have revealed putative ICM orthologs in Toxoplasma gondii and other apicomplexans. T. gondii possesses two ICM-like proteins, which we have named TgICM1-L (TGGT1_305470) and TgICM2-L (TGGT1_309910). TgICM1-L and TgICM2-L localized to undefined puncta within the parasite cytosol. TgICM1-L and TgICM2-L are individually dispensable in tachyzoites, suggesting a potential compensatory relationship between the two proteins may exist. Surprisingly, mutants lacking both TgICM1-L and TgICM2-L are fully viable, exhibiting no obvious defects in growth, microneme secretion, invasion, or egress. Furthermore, loss of TgICM1-L, TgICM2-L, or both does not impair the parasite\'s ability to mobilize Ca2+. These findings suggest that additional proteins may participate in Ca2+ mobilization or import in Apicomplexa, reducing the dependence on ICM-like proteins in T. gondii. Collectively, these results highlight similar yet distinct mechanisms of Ca2+ mobilization between T. gondii and Plasmodium.IMPORTANCECa2+ signaling plays a crucial role in governing apicomplexan motility; yet, the mechanisms underlying Ca2+ mobilization from intracellular stores in these parasites remain unclear. In Plasmodium, the necessity of ICM1 for Ca2+ mobilization raises the question of whether this mechanism is conserved in other apicomplexans. Investigation into the orthologs of Plasmodium ICM1 in T. gondii revealed a differing requirement for ICM proteins between the two parasites. This study suggests that T. gondii employs ICM-independent mechanisms to regulate Ca2+ homeostasis and mobilization. Proteins involved in Ca2+ signaling in apicomplexans represent promising targets for therapeutic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effect of a promising NO donor, a binuclear nitrosyl iron complex (NIC) with 3,4-dichlorothiophenolyls [Fe2(SC6H3Cl2)2(NO)4], on the adenylate cyclase and soluble guanylate cyclase enzymatic systems was studied. In in vitro experiments, this complex increased the concentration of important secondary messengers, such as cAMP and cGMP. An increase of their level by 2.4 and 4.5 times, respectively, was detected at NIC concentration of 0.1 mM. The ligand of the complex, 3,4-dichlorothiophenol, produced a less pronounced effect on adenylate cyclase. It was shown that the effect of this complex on the activity of soluble guanylate cyclase was comparable to the effect of anionic nitrosyl complex with thiosulfate ligands that exhibits vasodilating and cardioprotective properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Placental protein 13 (PP13) exhibits a plasma concentration that increases gradually during normal gestation, a process that is disrupted in preeclampsia, which is characterized by elevated vascular resistance, reduced utero-placental blood flow, and intrauterine growth restriction. This study investigated PP13\'s role in vascular tone regulation and its molecular mechanisms. Uterine and subcutaneous arteries, isolated from both pregnant and non-pregnant women, were precontracted with the thromboxane analogue U46619 and exposed to PP13 using pressurized myography. The molecular mechanisms were further investigated, using specific inhibitors for nitric oxide synthase (L-NAME+LNNA at 10-4 M) and guanylate cyclase (ODQ at 10-5 M). The results showed that PP13 induced vasodilation in uterine arteries, but not in subcutaneous arteries. Additionally, PP13 counteracted U46619-induced vasoconstriction, which is particularly pronounced in pregnancy. Further investigation revealed that PP13\'s mechanism of action is dependent on the activation of the nitric oxide-cGMP pathway. This study provides novel insights into the vasomodulatory effects of PP13 on human uterine arteries, underscoring its potential role in regulating utero-placental blood flow. These findings suggest that PP13 may be a promising candidate for improving utero-placental blood flow in conditions such as preeclampsia. Further research and clinical studies are warranted to validate PP13\'s efficacy and safety as a therapeutic agent for managing preeclampsia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-term synaptic plasticity at glutamatergic synapses on striatal spiny projection neurons (SPNs) is central to learning goal-directed behaviors and habits. Our studies reveal that SPNs manifest a heterosynaptic, nitric oxide (NO)-dependent form of long-term postsynaptic depression of glutamatergic SPN synapses (NO-LTD) that is preferentially engaged at quiescent synapses. Plasticity is gated by Ca2+ entry through CaV1.3 Ca2+ channels and phosphodiesterase 1 (PDE1) activation, which blunts intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and NO signaling. Both experimental and simulation studies suggest that this Ca2+-dependent regulation of PDE1 activity allows for local regulation of dendritic cGMP signaling. In a mouse model of Parkinson disease (PD), NO-LTD is absent because of impaired interneuronal NO release; re-balancing intrastriatal neuromodulatory signaling restores NO release and NO-LTD. Taken together, these studies provide important insights into the mechanisms governing NO-LTD in SPNs and its role in psychomotor disorders such as PD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC) is characterized by infrequent bowel movements and hard stools lasting for at least three months or longer. This disease affects 8-12% of the US population and 10-17% of the world population. Treatment and management involve identifying the primary cause, changing dietary habits, and adequate physical activity. Linaclotide is a guanylate cyclase-agonist acting locally in the luminal surface of the intestinal enterocyte leading to a signal transduction cascade, activation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), thus increasing secretion of chloride and bicarbonate into the intestinal lumen with eventual increased intestinal fluid and faster transit time.
    UNASSIGNED: We reviewed multiple studies and did a thorough literature review on CIC including its pathophysiology. Through this literature review, we were able to discuss and give the context and rationale for drug regimens indicated for CIC.
    UNASSIGNED: The era we live in right now is akin to nutrient-rich and fertilized soil as knowledge and resources are abundant. The opportunities and potential are endless. Constipation being more extensively studied, our understanding of medications and diseases broadens, leading to novel medications being discovered. Linaclotide is a pioneer in this aspect and can pave the way for future generations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We recently characterized the competitive inhibition of cyclic AMP (cAMP) on three periplasmic acid phosphatases, AphAHi, NadNHi, and eP4 (HelHi), in Haemophilus influenzae Rd KW20. This inhibitory effect is vital for orchestrating the nutritional growth and competence development in KW20. Initially discovered in Escherichia coli, the function of AphA remains however obscure. This study investigates the regulation of E. coli aphA expression under nutrient starvation conditions. Using transcriptional reporters with truncated aphA promoter sequences, we found that starvations of carbon and phosphate, but not amino acid, stimulated aphA expression through distinct promoter regions. Deletions of crp or cyaA abolished aphA expression, confirming their crucial roles. Conversely, CytR deletion increased aphA expression, suggesting CytR\'s role as a repressor of aphA expression. Additionally, we extended the study of three other second messengers, i.e., cyclic GMP, cyclic UMP, and cyclic CMP, each sharing structural similarities with cAMP. Notably, cGMP competitively inhibits AphAHi\'s acid phosphatase activity akin to cAMP. In contrast, both cUMP and cCMP stimulate AphAHi\'s phosphatase activity in a concentration dependent manner. Collectively, these data imply a complicated connection between nucleotide metabolism, AphA, cyclic purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in bacterial nutrient uptake and natural competence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biochemical assays are described to analyze signal transduction by the second messenger cGMP in Dictyostelium. The methods include enzyme assays to measure the activity and regulation of cGMP synthesizing guanylyl cyclases and cGMP-degrading phosphodiesterases. In addition, several methods are described to quantify cGMP levels. The target of cGMP in Dictyostelium is the large protein GbpC that has multiple domains including a Roc domain, a kinase domain, and a cGMP-stimulated Ras-GEF domain. A cGMP-binding assay is described to detect and quantify GbpC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We describe the current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) production and subsequent characterization of eOD-GT8 60mer, a glycosylated self-assembling nanoparticle HIV-1 vaccine candidate and germline targeting priming immunogen. Production was carried out via transient expression in the human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cell line followed by a combination of purification techniques. A large-scale cGMP (200 L) production run yielded 354 mg of the purified eOD-GT8 60mer drug product material, which was formulated at 1 mg/mL in 10% sucrose in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.2. The clinical trial material was comprehensively characterized for purity, antigenicity, glycan composition, amino acid sequence, and aggregation and by several safety-related tests during cGMP lot release. A comparison of the purified products produced at the 1 L scale and 200 L cGMP scale demonstrated the consistency and robustness of the transient transfection upstream process and the downstream purification strategies. The cGMP clinical trial material was tested in a Phase 1 clinical trial (NCT03547245), is currently being stored at -80 °C, and is on a stability testing program as per regulatory guidelines. The methods described here illustrate the utility of transient transfection for cGMP production of complex products such as glycosylated self-assembling nanoparticles.





