bystander effect

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) might impact disease progression in people living with HIV (PLWH), including those on effective combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). These individuals often experience chronic conditions characterized by proviral latency or low-level viral replication in CD4+ memory T cells and tissue macrophages. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IFN-γ, can reactivate provirus expression in both primary cells and cell lines. These cytokines are often elevated in individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19. However, it is still unknown whether SARS-CoV-2 can modulate HIV reactivation in infected cells. Here, we report that exposure of the chronically HIV-1-infected myeloid cell line U1 to two different SARS-CoV-2 viral isolates (ancestral and BA.5) reversed its latent state after 24 h. We also observed that SARS-CoV-2 exposure of human primary monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) initially drove their polarization towards an M1 phenotype, which shifted towards M2 over time. This effect was associated with soluble factors released during the initial M1 polarization phase that reactivated HIV production in U1 cells, like MDM stimulated with the TLR agonist resiquimod. Our study suggests that SARS-CoV-2-induced systemic inflammation and interaction with macrophages could influence proviral HIV-1 latency in myeloid cells in PLWH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prenatal exposure to toxins can adversely affect long-term health outcomes of the offspring. Though chemotherapeutics are now standard of care for treating cancer patients during pregnancy, certain compounds are known to cross the placenta and harm placental tissue. The consequences for the fetus are largely unexplored. Here we examined the responses of newborn cord blood mononuclear cells in tissue culture to two chemotherapeutic drugs, cyclophosphamide and epirubicin, when either directly exposed to these drugs, or indirectly after crossing a placenta trophoblast bilayer barrier. Cord blood mononuclear cells exposed to the conditioned media obtained from cyclophosphamide-exposed trophoblast barriers showed a significant 2.4-fold increase of nuclear ROS levels compared to direct exposure to cyclophosphamide. Indirect exposure to epirubicine-exposed trophoblast barriers not only enhanced nuclear ROS levels but also significantly increased the fraction of cord blood cells with double strand breaks, relative to directly exposed cells. Neither apoptosis nor proliferation markers were affected in cord mononuclear blood cells upon direct or indirect exposure to cyclophosphamide or epirubicin. Our data suggests that trophoblast cells exposed to cyclophosphamide or epirubicine may induce an indirect \'bystander\' effect and can aggravate genotoxicity in the fetal compartment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viral coinfections are responsible for a significant portion of cases of patients hospitalized with influenza-like illness. As our awareness of viral coinfections has increased, researchers have started to experimentally examine some of the virus-virus interactions underlying these infections. One mechanism of interaction between viruses is through the innate immune response. This seems to occur primarily through the interferon response, which generates an antiviral state in nearby uninfected cells, a phenomenon know as the bystander effect. Here, we develop a mathematical model of two viruses interacting through the bystander effect. We find that when the rate of removal of cells to the protected state is high, growth of the first virus is suppressed, while the second virus enjoys sole access to the protected cells, enhancing its growth. Conversely, growth of the second virus can be fully suppressed if its ability to infect the protected cells is limited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known regarding radiation-induced matrikines and the possible degradation of extracellular matrix following therapeutic irradiation. The goal of this study was to determine if irradiation can cut collagen proteins at specific sites, inducing potentially biologically active peptides against cartilage cells. Chondrocytes cultured as 3D models were evaluated for extracellular matrix production. Bystander molecules were analyzed in vitro in the conditioned medium of X-irradiated chondrocytes. Preferential breakage sites were analyzed in collagen polypeptide by mass spectrometry and resulting peptides were tested against chondrocytes. 3D models of chondrocytes displayed a light extracellular matrix able to maintain the structure. Irradiated and bystander chondrocytes showed a surprising radiation sensitivity at low doses, characteristic of the presence of bystander factors, particularly following 0.1 Gy. The glycine-proline peptidic bond was observed as a preferential cleavage site and a possible weakness of the collagen polypeptide after irradiation. From the 46 collagen peptides analyzed against chondrocytes culture, 20 peptides induced a reduction of viability and 5 peptides induced an increase of viability at the highest concentration between 0.1 and 1 µg/ml. We conclude that irradiation promoted a site-specific degradation of collagen. The potentially resulting peptides induce negative or positive regulations of chondrocyte growth. Taken together, these results suggest that ionizing radiation causes a degradation of cartilage proteins, leading to a functional unbalance of cartilage homeostasis after exposure, contributing to cartilage dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radiotherapy for bulky tumors often results in palliation with suboptimal outcomes. The prognosis is worsened by immunosuppression caused by radio-chemotherapy, negatively impacting on survival. Novel Partial Tumor Irradiation (PTI) was designed to spare the Peritumoral Immune Microenvironment (PIM) and to be delivered synchronously with immune activity peaks, thus enhancing both local and distant tumor control through immunostimulation.
    Present proof-of-principle trial enrolled 26 patients with bulky tumors, comparing outcomes between treatments administered at immune activity peaks versus troughs. The primary endpoint was local-bystander and distal-abscopal response-rate. Secondary endpoints included overall-, progression-free-, cancer-specific survival, neoadjuvant and immunomodulatory potential.
    All measured outcomes were significantly influenced by treatment-timing. The bystander and abscopal response rates were 77% and 41%, respectively. PTI significantly upregulated pro-inflammatory and cell-death-inducing pathways improving the efficacy of radiotherapy by highly complex tumors.
    This study highlights the profound impact PTI can have on a highly palliative patient cohort previously deemed beyond therapeutic hope. With 41 % of these patients still alive after a median follow-up of 50 months, PTI offers a potential lifeline for those facing advanced, treatment-resistant cancers. This approach generated also distant immunogenic anti-tumor responses, offering a promising new avenue for the treatment of advanced cancers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salinomycin (Sal) has attracted considerable attention in the field of tumor treatment, especially for its inhibitory effect on cancer stem cells (CSCs) and drug-resistant tumor cells. However, its solubility and targeting specificity pose significant challenges to its pharmaceutical development. Sal-A6, a novel peptide-drug conjugate (PDC), was formed by linking the peptide A6 targeting the CSC marker CD44 with Sal using a specific linker. This conjugation markedly enhances the physicochemical properties of Sal and compared to Sal, Sal-A6 demonstrated a significantly increased activity against ovarian cancer. Furthermore, Sal-A6, employing a disulfide bond as a linker, exhibited bystander killing effect. Moreover, it induces substantial cytotoxic effect on both cancer stem cells and drug-resistant cells in addition to enhance chemosensitivity of resistant ovarian cancer cells. In summary, the results indicated that Sal-A6, a novel PDC derived from Sal, has potential therapeutic applications in the treatment of ovarian cancer and drug-resistant patients. Additionally, this discovery offers insights for developing PDC-type drugs using Sal as a foundation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several HER2-targeting antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) have gained market approval for the treatment of HER2-expressing metastasis. Promising responses have been reported with the new generation of ADCs in patients who do not respond well to other HER2-targeting therapeutics. However, these ADCs still face challenges of resistance and/or severe adverse effects associated with their particular payload toxins. Eribulin, a therapeutic agent for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer and liposarcoma, is a new choice of ADC payload with a distinct mechanism of action and safety profile.
    METHODS: We\'ve generated a novel HER2-tageting eribulin-containing ADC, BB-1701. The potency of BB-1701 was tested in vitro and in vivo against cancer cells where HER2-expressing levels vary in a large range. Bystander killing effect and toxin-induced immunogenic cell death (ICD) of BB-1701 were also tested.
    RESULTS: In comparison with HER2-targeting ADCs with DM1 and Dxd payload, eribulin-containing ADC demonstrated higher in vitro cytotoxicity in HER2-low cancer cell lines. BB-1701 also effectively suppressed tumors in models resistant to DM1 or Dxd containing ADCs. Mode of action studies showed that BB-1701 had a significant bystander effect on HER2-null cells adjacent to HER2-high cells. In addition, BB-1701 treatment induced ICD. Repeated doses of BB-1701 in nonhuman primates showed favorable pharmacokinetics and safety profiles at the intended clinical dosage, route of administration, and schedule.
    CONCLUSIONS: The preclinical data support the test of BB-1701 in patients with various HER2-expressing cancers, including those resistant to other HER2-targeting ADCs. A phase I clinical trial of BB-1701 (NCT04257110) in patients is currently underway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro and in vivo observations accumulated over several decades have firmly shown that the biological effects of ionizing radiation can spread from irradiated cells/tissues to non-targeted cells/tissues. Redox-modulated intercellular communication mechanisms that include a role for secreted factors and gap junctions, can mediate these non-targeted effects. Clearly, the expression of such effects and their transmission to progeny cells has implications for issues related to radiation protection. Their elucidation is also relevant towards enhancing the efficacy of cancer radiotherapy and reducing its impact on the development of normal tissue toxicities. In addition, the study of non-targeted effects is pertinent to our basic understanding of intercellular communications under conditions of oxidative stress. This review will trace the history of non-targeted effects of radiation starting with early reports of abscopal effects which described radiation induced effects in tissues distant from the site of radiation exposure. A related effect involved the production of clastogenic factors in plasma following irradiation which can induce chromosome damage in unirradiated cells. Despite these early reports suggesting non-targeted effects of radiation, the classical paradigm that a direct deposition of energy in the nucleus was required still dominated. This paradigm was challenged by papers describing radiation induced bystander effects. This review will cover mechanisms of radiation-induced bystander effects and the potential impacts on radiation protection and radiation therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MPS IIIC is a lysosomal storage disease caused by mutations in heparan-α-glucosaminide N-acetyltransferase (HGSNAT), for which no treatment is available. Because HGSNAT is a trans-lysosomal-membrane protein, gene therapy for MPS IIIC needs to transduce as many cells as possible for maximal benefits. All cells continuously release extracellular vesicles (EVs) and communicate by exchanging biomolecules via EV trafficking. To address the unmet need, we developed a rAAV-hHGSNATEV vector with an EV-mRNA-packaging signal in the 3\'UTR to facilitate bystander effects, and tested it in an in vitro MPS IIIC model. In human MPS IIIC cells, rAAV-hHGSNATEV enhanced HGSNAT mRNA and protein expression, EV-hHGSNAT-mRNA packaging, and cleared GAG storage. Importantly, incubation with EVs led to hHGSNAT protein expression and GAG contents clearance in recipient MPS IIIC cells. Further, rAAV-hHGSNATEV transduction led to the reduction of pathological EVs in MPS IIIC cells to normal levels, suggesting broader therapeutic benefits. These data demonstrate that incorporating the EV-mRNA-packaging signal into a rAAV-hHGSNAT vector enhances EV packaging of hHGSNAT-mRNA, which can be transported to non-transduced cells and translated into functional rHGSNAT protein, facilitating cross-correction of disease pathology. This study supports the therapeutic potential of rAAVEV for MPS IIIC, and broad diseases, without having to transduce every cell.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The standard of care for radiation therapy is numerous, low-dose fractions that are distributed homogeneously throughout the tumor. An alternative strategy under scrutiny is to apply spatially fractionated radiotherapy (high and low doses throughout the tumor) in one or several fractions, either alone or followed by conventional radiation fractionation . Spatial fractionation allows for significant sparing of normal tissue, and the regions of tumor or normal tissue that received sublethal doses can give rise to beneficial bystander effects in both cases. Bystander effects are broadly defined as biological responses that are significantly greater than would be anticipated based on the radiation dose received. Typically these effects are initiated by diffusion of reactive oxygen species and secretion of various cytokines. As demonstrated in the literature, spatial fractionation related bystander effects can occur locally from cell to cell and in what are known as \"cohort effects,\" which tend to take the form of restructuring of the vasculature, enhanced immune infiltration, and development of immunological memory. Other bystander effects can take place at distant sites in what are known as \"abscopal effects.\" While these events are rare, they are mediated by the immune system and can result in the eradication of secondary and metastatic disease. Currently, due to the complexity and variability of these bystander effects, they are not thoroughly understood, but as knowledge improves they may present significant opportunities for improved clinical outcomes.





