burst analysis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Time series analysis is critical for understanding brain signals and their relationship to behavior and cognition. Cluster-based permutation tests (CBPT) are commonly used to analyze a variety of electrophysiological signals including EEG, MEG, ECoG, and sEEG data without a priori assumptions about specific temporal effects. However, two major limitations of CBPT include the inability to directly analyze experiments with multiple fixed effects and the inability to account for random effects (e.g. variability across subjects). Here, we propose a flexible multi-step hypothesis testing strategy using CBPT with Linear Mixed Effects Models (LMEs) and Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models (GLMEs) that can be applied to a wide range of experimental designs and data types.
    METHODS: We first evaluate the statistical robustness of LMEs and GLMEs using simulated data distributions. Second, we apply a multi-step hypothesis testing strategy to analyze ERPs and broadband power signals extracted from human ECoG recordings collected during a simple image viewing experiment with image category and novelty as fixed effects. Third, we assess the statistical power differences between analyzing signals with CBPT using LMEs compared to CBPT using separate t-tests run on each fixed effect through simulations that emulate broadband power signals. Finally, we apply CBPT using GLMEs to high-gamma burst data to demonstrate the extension of the proposed method to the analysis of nonlinear data.
    RESULTS: First, we found that LMEs and GLMEs are robust statistical models. In simple simulations LMEs produced highly congruent results with other appropriately applied linear statistical models, but LMEs outperformed many linear statistical models in the analysis of \"suboptimal\" data and maintained power better than analyzing individual fixed effects with separate t-tests. GLMEs also performed similarly to other nonlinear statistical models. Second, in real world human ECoG data, LMEs performed at least as well as separate t-tests when applied to predefined time windows or when used in conjunction with CBPT. Additionally, fixed effects time courses extracted with CBPT using LMEs from group-level models of pseudo-populations replicated latency effects found in individual category-selective channels. Third, analysis of simulated broadband power signals demonstrated that CBPT using LMEs was superior to CBPT using separate t-tests in identifying time windows with significant fixed effects especially for small effect sizes. Lastly, the analysis of high-gamma burst data using CBPT with GLMEs produced results consistent with CBPT using LMEs applied to broadband power data.
    CONCLUSIONS: We propose a general approach for statistical analysis of electrophysiological data using CBPT in conjunction with LMEs and GLMEs. We demonstrate that this method is robust for experiments with multiple fixed effects and applicable to the analysis of linear and nonlinear data. Our methodology maximizes the statistical power available in a dataset across multiple experimental variables while accounting for hierarchical random effects and controlling FWER across fixed effects. This approach substantially improves power leading to better reproducibility. Additionally, CBPT using LMEs and GLMEs can be used to analyze individual channels or pseudo-population data for the comparison of functional or anatomical groups of data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Life on the molecular scale is based on a versatile interplay of biomolecules, a feature that is relevant for the formation of macromolecular complexes. Fluorescence-based two-color coincidence detection is widely used to characterize molecular binding and was recently improved by a brightness-gated version which gives more accurate results. We developed and established protocols which make use of coincidence detection to quantify binding fractions between interaction partners labeled with fluorescence dyes of different colors. Since the applied technique is intrinsically related to single-molecule detection, the concentration of diffusing molecules for confocal detection is typically in the low picomolar regime. This makes the approach a powerful tool for determining bi-molecular binding affinities, in terms of KD values, in this regime. We demonstrated the reliability of our approach by analyzing very strong nanobody-EGFP binding. By measuring the affinity at different temperatures, we were able to determine the thermodynamic parameters of the binding interaction. The results show that the ultra-tight binding is dominated by entropic contributions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soluble oligomers produced during protein aggregation have been thought to be toxic species causing various diseases. Characterization of these oligomers is difficult because oligomers are a heterogeneous mixture, which is not readily separable, and may appear transiently during aggregation. Single-molecule spectroscopy can provide valuable information by detecting individual oligomers, but there have been various problems in determining the size and concentration of oligomers. In this work, we develop and use a method that analyzes single-molecule fluorescence burst data of freely diffusing molecules in solution based on molecular diffusion theory and maximum likelihood method. We demonstrate that the photon count rate, diffusion time, population, and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiency can be accurately determined from simulated data and the experimental data of a known oligomerization system, the tetramerization domain of p53. We used this method to characterize the oligomers of the 42-residue amyloid-β (Aβ42) peptide. Combining peptide incubation in a plate reader and single-molecule free-diffusion experiments allows for the detection of stable oligomers appearing at various stages of aggregation. We find that the average size of these oligomers is 70-mer and their overall population is very low, less than 1 nM, in the early and middle stages of aggregation of 1 µM Aβ42 peptide. Based on their average size and long diffusion time, we predict the oligomers have a highly elongated rod-like shape.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    UNASSIGNED: Time series analysis is critical for understanding brain signals and their relationship to behavior and cognition. Cluster-based permutation tests (CBPT) are commonly used to analyze a variety of electrophysiological signals including EEG, MEG, ECoG, and sEEG data without a priori assumptions about specific temporal effects. However, two major limitations of CBPT include the inability to directly analyze experiments with multiple fixed effects and the inability to account for random effects (e.g. variability across subjects). Here, we propose a flexible multi-step hypothesis testing strategy using CBPT with Linear Mixed Effects Models (LMEs) and Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models (GLMEs) that can be applied to a wide range of experimental designs and data types.
    UNASSIGNED: We first evaluate the statistical robustness of LMEs and GLMEs using simulated data distributions. Second, we apply a multi-step hypothesis testing strategy to analyze ERPs and broadband power signals extracted from human ECoG recordings collected during a simple image viewing experiment with image category and novelty as fixed effects. Third, we assess the statistical power differences between analyzing signals with CBPT using LMEs compared to CBPT using separate t-tests run on each fixed effect through simulations that emulate broadband power signals. Finally, we apply CBPT using GLMEs to high-gamma burst data to demonstrate the extension of the proposed method to the analysis of nonlinear data.
    UNASSIGNED: First, we found that LMEs and GLMEs are robust statistical models. In simple simulations LMEs produced highly congruent results with other appropriately applied linear statistical models, but LMEs outperformed many linear statistical models in the analysis of \"suboptimal\" data and maintained power better than analyzing individual fixed effects with separate t-tests. GLMEs also performed similarly to other nonlinear statistical models. Second, in real world human ECoG data, LMEs performed at least as well as separate t-tests when applied to predefined time windows or when used in conjunction with CBPT. Additionally, fixed effects time courses extracted with CBPT using LMEs from group-level models of pseudo-populations replicated latency effects found in individual category-selective channels. Third, analysis of simulated broadband power signals demonstrated that CBPT using LMEs was superior to CBPT using separate t-tests in identifying time windows with significant fixed effects especially for small effect sizes. Lastly, the analysis of high-gamma burst data using CBPT with GLMEs produced results consistent with CBPT using LMEs applied to broadband power data.
    UNASSIGNED: We propose a general approach for statistical analysis of electrophysiological data using CBPT in conjunction with LMEs and GLMEs. We demonstrate that this method is robust for experiments with multiple fixed effects and applicable to the analysis of linear and nonlinear data. Our methodology maximizes the statistical power available in a dataset across multiple experimental variables while accounting for hierarchical random effects and controlling FWER across fixed effects. This approach substantially improves power and accuracy leading to better reproducibility. Additionally, CBPT using LMEs and GLMEs can be used to analyze individual channels or pseudo-population data for the comparison of functional or anatomical groups of data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functional assessment of in vitro neuronal networks-of relevance for disease modelling and drug testing-can be performed using multi-electrode array (MEA) technology. However, the handling and processing of the large amount of data typically generated in MEA experiments remains a huge hurdle for researchers. Various software packages have been developed to tackle this issue, but to date, most are either not accessible through the links provided by the authors or only tackle parts of the analysis. Here, we present \'\'MEA-ToolBox\'\', a free open-source general MEA analytical toolbox that uses a variety of literature-based algorithms to process the data, detect spikes from raw recordings, and extract information at both the single-channel and array-wide network level. MEA-ToolBox extracts information about spike trains, burst-related analysis and connectivity metrics without the need of manual intervention. MEA-ToolBox is tailored for comparing different sets of measurements and will analyze data from multiple recorded files placed in the same folder sequentially, thus considerably streamlining the analysis pipeline. MEA-ToolBox is available with a graphic user interface (GUI) thus eliminating the need for any coding expertise while offering functionality to inspect, explore and post-process the data. As proof-of-concept, MEA-ToolBox was tested on earlier-published MEA recordings from neuronal networks derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) obtained from healthy subjects and patients with neurodevelopmental disorders. Neuronal networks derived from patient\'s hiPSCs showed a clear phenotype compared to those from healthy subjects, demonstrating that the toolbox could extract useful parameters and assess differences between normal and diseased profiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For single-molecule studies in solution, very small concentrations of dye-labelled molecules are employed in order to achieve single-molecule sensitivity. In typical studies with confocal microscopes, often concentrations in the pico-molar regime are required. For various applications that make use of single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) or two-color coincidence detection (TCCD), the molecule concentration must be set explicitly to targeted values and furthermore needs to be stable over a period of several hours. As a consequence, specific demands must be imposed on the surface passivation of the cover slides during the measurements. The aim of having only one molecule in the detection volume at the time is not only affected by the absolute molecule concentration, but also by the rate of diffusion. Therefore, we discuss approaches to control and to measure absolute molecule concentrations. Furthermore, we introduce an approach to calculate the probability of chance coincidence events and demonstrate that measurements with challenging smFRET samples require a strict limit of maximal sample concentrations in order to produce meaningful results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The possible targeting functionality and low immunogenicity of exosomes and exosome-like nanovesicles make them promising as drug-delivery carriers. To tap into this potential, accurate non-destructive methods to load them and characterize their contents are of utmost importance. However, the small size, polydispersity, and aggregation of nanovesicles in solution make quantitative characterizations of their loading particularly challenging. Here, an ad-hoc methodology is developed based on burst analysis of dual-color confocal fluorescence microscopy experiments, suited for quantitative characterizations of exosome-like nanovesicles and of their fluorescently-labeled loading. It is applied to study exosome-mimetic nanovesicles derived from animal extracellular-vesicles and human red blood cell detergent-resistant membranes, loaded with fluorescently-tagged dUTP cargo molecules. For both classes of nanovesicles, successful loading is proved and by dual-color coincident fluorescence burst analysis, size statistics and loading yields are retrieved and quantified. The procedure affords single-vesicle characterizations well-suited for the investigation of a variety of cargo molecules and biological nanovesicle combinations besides the proof-of-principle demonstrations of this study. The results highlight a powerful characterization tool essential for optimizing the loading process and for advanced engineering of biomimetic nanovesicles for therapeutic drug delivery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons communicate with other neurons in response to environmental changes. Their goal is to transmit information to their targets reliably. A burst, which consists of multiple spikes within a short time interval, plays an essential role in enhancing the reliability of information transmission through synapses. In the visual system, retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), the output neurons of the retina, show bursting activity and transmit retinal information to the lateral geniculate neuron of the thalamus. In this study, to extend our interest to the population level, the burstings of multiple RGCs were simultaneously recorded using a multi-channel recording system. As the first step in network analysis, we focused on investigating the pairwise burst correlation between two RGCs. Furthermore, to assess if the population bursting is preserved across species, we compared the synchronized bursting of RGCs between marmoset monkey (callithrix jacchus), one species of the new world monkeys and mouse (C57BL/6J strain). First, monkey RGCs showed a larger number of spikes within a burst, while the inter-spike interval, burst duration, and inter-burst interval were smaller compared with mouse RGCs. Monkey RGCs showed a strong burst synchronization between RGCs, whereas mouse RGCs showed no correlated burst firing. Monkey RGC pairs showed significantly higher burst synchrony and mutual information than mouse RGC pairs did. Comprehensively, through this study, we emphasize that two species have a different bursting activity of RGCs and different burst synchronization suggesting two species have distinctive retinal processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite a multitude of commercially available multi-electrode array (MEA) systems that are each capable of rapid data acquisition from cultured neurons or slice cultures, there is a general lack of available analysis tools. These analysis gaps restrict the efficient extraction of meaningful physiological features from data sets, and limit interpretation of how experimental manipulations modify neural network activity. Here, we present the development of a user-friendly, publicly-available software called MEAnalyzer. This software contains several spike train analysis methods including relevant statistical calculations, periodicity analysis, functional connectivity analysis, and advanced data visualizations in a user-friendly graphical user interface that requires no coding from the user. Widespread availability of this user friendly and mathematically advanced program will stimulate and enhance the use of MEA technologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurotoxicity and seizurogenic liabilities are difficult to detect using currently available in vitro cytotoxicity assays. This is primarily due to the inherent limitations of these assays to predict adverse neural network disruptions and chemically induced perturbations. Many of these detrimental effects are detected with in vivo studies after substantial time and monetary resources have already been invested. Due to these late-stage unforeseen side effects, the implementation of a reliable high throughput in vitro method for assessing seizure-inducing and neurotoxic compound effects early in the drug discovery process would be ideal. We have developed an in vitro screening tool to identify chemical entities that cause neurotoxic and seizurogenic effects. This article describes the preparation and use of a 48-well microelectrode array (MEA) platform along with custom data analysis algorithms and commercially available analysis tools to screen for neurotoxic liabilities and seizurogenic effects using recorded spike file data generated from cryogenically preserved rat cortical neurons. © 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.





