brush border membrane

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trafficking, membrane retention, and signal-specific regulation of the Na+/H+ exchanger 3 (NHE3) are modulated by the Na+/H+ Exchanger Regulatory Factor (NHERF) family of PDZ-adapter proteins. This study explored the assembly of NHE3 and NHERF2 with the cGMP-dependent kinase II (cGKII) within detergent-resistant membrane microdomains (DRMs, \"lipid rafts\") during in vivo guanylate cycle C receptor (Gucy2c) activation in murine small intestine.
    Small intestinal brush border membranes (siBBMs) were isolated from wild type, NHE3-deficient, cGMP-kinase II-deficient, and NHERF2-deficient mice, after oral application of the heat-stable Escherichia coli toxin (STa) analog linaclotide. Lipid raft and non-raft fractions were separated by Optiprep density gradient centrifugation of Triton X-solubilized siBBMs. Confocal microscopy was performed to study NHE3 redistribution after linaclotide application in vivo.
    In the WT siBBM, NHE3, NHERF2, and cGKII were strongly raft associated. The raft association of NHE3, but not of cGKII, was NHERF2 dependent. After linaclotide application to WT mice, lipid raft association of NHE3 decreased, that of cGKII increased, while that of NHERF2 did not change. NHE3 expression in the BBM shifted from a microvillar to a terminal web region. The linaclotide-induced decrease in NHE3 raft association and in microvillar abundance was abolished in cGKII-deficient mice, and strongly reduced in NHERF2-deficient mice.
    NHE3, cGKII, and NHERF2 form a lipid raft-associated signal complex in the siBBM, which mediates the inhibition of salt and water absorption by Gucy2c activation. NHERF2 enhances the raft association of NHE3, which is essential for its close interaction with the exclusively raft-associated activated cGKII.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To clarify the regulation of drug absorption by the enteric nervous system, we investigated how adrenergic agonists (adrenaline (ADR), clonidine (CLO), dobutamine (DOB)) and dibutyryl cAMP (DBcAMP) affected P-glycoprotein (P-gp) function by utilizing isolated rat jejunal sheets and Caco-2 cell monolayers. ADR and CLO significantly decreased the secretory transport (Papptotal) of rhodamine-123 and tended to decrease the transport via P-gp (PappP-gp) and passive transport (Papppassive). In contrast, DBcAMP significantly increased and DOB tended to increase Papptotal and both tended to increase PappP-gpand Papppassive. Changes in P-gp expression on brush border membrane by adrenergic agonists and DBcAMP were significantly correlated with PappP-gp, while P-gp expression was not changed in whole cell homogenates, suggesting that the trafficking of P-gp would be responsible for its functional changes. Papppassive was inversely correlated with transmucosal or transepithelial electrical resistance, indicating that adrenergic agonists affected the paracellular permeability. Adrenergic agonists also changed cAMP levels, which were significantly correlated with PappP-gp. Furthermore, protein kinase A (PKA) or PKC inhibitor significantly decreased PappP-gp in Caco-2 cell monolayers, suggesting that they would partly contribute to the changes in P-gp activity. In conclusion, adrenergic agonists regulated P-gp function and paracellular permeability, which would be caused via adrenoceptor stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dietary deficiencies in zinc (Zn) and vitamin A (VA) are among the leading micronutrient deficiencies globally and previous research has proposed a notable interaction between Zn and VA physiological status. This study aimed to assess the effects of zinc and vitamin A (isolated and combined) on intestinal functionality and morphology, and the gut microbiome (Gallus gallus). The study included nine treatment groups (n~11)-no-injection (NI); H2O; 0.5% oil; normal zinc (40 mg/kg ZnSO4) (ZN); low zinc (20 mg/kg) (ZL); normal retinoid (1500 IU/kg retinyl palmitate) (RN); low retinoid (100 IU/kg) (RL); normal zinc and retinoid (40 mg/kg; 1500 IU/kg) (ZNRN); low zinc and retinoid (ZLRL) (20 mg/kg; 100 IU/kg). Samples were injected into the amniotic fluid of the fertile broiler eggs. Tissue samples were collected upon hatch to target biomarkers. ZLRL reduced ZIP4 gene expression and upregulated ZnT1 gene expression (p < 0.05). Duodenal surface area increased the greatest in RL compared to RN (p < 0.01), and ZLRL compared to ZNRN (p < 0.05). All nutrient treatments yielded shorter crypt depths (p < 0.01). Compared to the oil control, ZLRL and ZNRN reduced (p < 0.05) the cecal abundance of Bifidobacterium and Clostridium genera (p < 0.05). These results suggest a potentially improved intestinal epithelium proceeding with Zn and VA intra-amniotic administration. Intestinal functionality and gut bacteria were modulated. Further research should characterize long-term responses and the microbiome profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic alcohol use has been attributed to the development of malnutrition. This is in part due to the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the absorption of vital nutrients, including glucose, amino acids, lipids, water, vitamins, and minerals within the small intestine. Recent advances in research, along with new cutting-edge technologies, have advanced our understanding of the mechanism of ethanol\'s effect on intestinal nutrient absorption at the brush border membrane (BBM) of the small intestine. However, further studies are needed to delineate how ethanol consumption could have an impact on altered nutrient absorption under various disease conditions. Current research has elucidated the relationship of alcohol consumption on glucose, glutamine, vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B9 (folate), C (ascorbic acid), selenium, iron, and zinc absorption within the small intestine. We conducted systematic computerized searches in PubMed using the following keywords: (1) \"Alcohol effects on nutrient transport\"; (2) \"Alcohol mediated malabsorption of nutrients\"; (3) \"Alcohol effects on small intestinal nutrient transport\"; and (4) \"Alcohol mediated malabsorption of nutrients in small intestine\". We included the relevant studies in this review. The main objective of this review is to marshal and analyze previously published research articles and discuss, in-depth, the understanding of ethanol\'s effect in modulating absorption of vital macro and micronutrients in health and disease conditions. This could ultimately provide great insights in the development of new therapeutic strategies to combat malnutrition associated with alcohol consumption.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among food additive metal oxide nanoparticles (NP), titanium dioxide (TiO₂) and silicon dioxide (SiO₂) are commonly used as food coloring or anti-caking agents, while zinc oxide (ZnO) and iron oxide (Fe₂O₃) are added as antimicrobials and coloring agents, respectively, and can be used as micronutrient supplements. To elucidate potential perturbations associated with NP consumption on gastrointestinal health and development, this in vivo study utilized the Gallus gallus (broiler chicken) intraamniotic administration to assess the effects of physiologically relevant concentrations of food-grade metal oxide NP on brush border membrane (BBM) functionality, intestinal morphology and intestinal microbial populations in vivo. Six groups with 1 mL injection of the following treatments were utilized: non-injected, 18 MΩ DI H2O; 1.4 × 10-6 mg TiO2 NP/mL, 2.0 × 10-5 mg SiO2 NP/mL, 9.7 × 10-6 mg ZnO NP/mL, and 3.8 × 10-4 mg Fe2O3 NP/mL (n = 10 per group). Upon hatch, blood, cecum, and duodenum were collected to assess mineral (iron and zinc) metabolism, BBM functional, and pro-inflammatory-related protein gene expression, BBM morphometric analysis, and the relative abundance of intestinal microflora. Food additive NP altered mineral transporter, BBM functionality, and pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression, affected intestinal BBM development and led to compositional shifts in intestinal bacterial populations. Our results suggest that food-grade TiO₂ and SiO₂ NP have the potential to negatively affect intestinal functionality; food-grade ZnO NP exposure effects were associated with supporting intestinal development or compensatory mechanisms due to intestinal damage, and food-grade Fe₂O₃ NP was found to be a possible option for iron fortification, though with potential alterations in intestinal functionality and health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is a synthetic organochlorine compound that is widely used in biocide and pesticide industries, and in preservation of wood, fence posts, cross arms and power line poles. Humans are usually exposed to PCP through air, contaminated water and food. PCP enters the body and adversely affects liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidney and lungs. PCP is a highly toxic class 2B or probable human carcinogen that produces large amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within cells. This work aimed to determine PCP-induced oxidative damage in rat kidney. Adult rats were given PCP (25, 50, 100, 150 mg/kg body weight), in corn oil, once a day for 5 days while control rats were given similar amount of corn oil by oral gavage. PCP increased hydrogen peroxide level and oxidation of thiols, proteins and lipids. The antioxidant status of kidney cells was compromised in PCP treated rats while enzymes of brush border membrane (BBM) and carbohydrate metabolism were inhibited. Plasma level of creatinine and urea was also increased. Administration of PCP increased DNA fragmentation, cross-linking of DNA to proteins and DNA strand scission in kidney. Histological studies supported biochemical findings and showed significant damage in the kidneys of PCP-treated rats. These changes could be due to redox imbalance or direct chemical modification by PCP or its metabolites. These results signify that PCP-induced oxidative stress causes nephrotoxicity, dysfunction of BBM enzymes and DNA damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined by a reduced renal function, that is, glomerular filtration rate, and the extent of kidney damage is assessed by determining serum creatinine levels and proteins in urine, diagnosed as proteinuria/albuminuria. Albuminuria increases with age and can result from glomerular and/or proximal tubule (PT) alterations. Brush border membranes (BBMs) on PT cells are important in maintaining the stability of PT functions.
    An LC-MS/MS bottom-up proteomics analysis of BBMs from four groups of rat models was applied to investigate protein abundance alterations associated with CKD progression. Moreover, systems biology analyses were used to identify key proteins that can provide insight into the different regulated molecular pathways and processes associated with CKD.
    Our results indicated that 303 proteins showed significantly altered expressions from the severe CKD BBM group when compared to the control. Focusing on renal diseases, several proteins including Ctnnb1, Fah, and Icam1 were annotated to kidney damage and urination disorder. The up-regulation of Ctnnb1 (β-catenin) could contribute to CKD through the regulation of the WNT signaling pathway.
    Overall, the study of protein abundance changes in BBMs from rat models helps to reveal protein corrections with important pathways and regulator effects involved in CKD. Although this study is focused on rat models, the results provided more information for a deeper insight into possible CKD mechanisms in humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This is a preliminary study evaluating the effect of different fractions of Concord grapes (Vitis labrusca L.) on the brush border membrane (BBM) morphology, duodenal gene expression, and specific gut bacterial populations. For this study, we utilized a unique intraamniotic approach, wherein, the test substances are administered into the amnion of the Gallus gallus egg (on day 17). The embryo orally consumes the amniotic fluid along with the injected test substance before the hatch. We randomly divided ~50 fertilized eggs into 5 groups including 6% grape (juice, puree, and pomace) along with controls (no injection and diluent—H2O). The grape juice was prepared by crushing the grapes; the grape residues were used as pomace. The grape puree included the grape skin, endocarp, mesocarp, and juice but not the seeds. On day 21, the hatch day, the blood, pectoral muscle, liver, duodenum, and large intestine were harvested. Our results showed no significant differences in blood glucose, pectoral glycogen level, or body weight. However, significant (p < 0.05) differences in duodenal and liver gene expression were observed between the treatment groups. The grape puree treatment resulted in higher Clostridium numbers and lower Bifidobacterium numbers when compared to all other groups. In summary, the dietary consumption of grape polyphenols has the potential to beneficially modulate aspects of intestinal health provided their concentration is limited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genistein is an isoflavone naturally present in numerous staple food crops, such as soybeans and chickpeas. This study utilized the Gallus gallus intraamniotic administration procedure to assess genistein administration effects on trace mineral status, brush border membrane (BBM) functionality, intestinal morphology, and intestinal microbiome in vivo. Eggs were divided into five groups with 1 mL injection of the following treatments: no-injection, DI H2O, 5% inulin, and 1.25% and 2.5% genistein (n = 8 per group). Upon hatch, blood, cecum, small intestine, and liver were collected for assessment of hemoglobin, intestinal microflora alterations, intestinal morphometric assessment, and mRNA gene expression of relevant iron and zinc transporter proteins, respectively. This study demonstrated that intraamniotic administration of 2.5% genistein increased villus surface area, number of acidic goblet cells, and hemoglobin. Additionally, genistein exposure downregulated duodenal cytochrome B (DcytB) and upregulated hepcidin expression. Further, genistein exposure positively altered the composition and function of the intestinal microbiota. Our results suggest a physiological role for genistein administration in improving mineral status, favorably altering BBM functionality and development, positively modulating the intestinal microbiome, as well as improving physiological status.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Copper (Cu) is a heavy metal that is widely used in industries and is also an essential micronutrient for living beings. However, excess Cu is toxic and human exposure to high levels of this metal results in numerous adverse health effects. We have investigated the effect of oral administration of copper chloride (CuCl2), a Cu(II) compound, on various parameters of oxidative stress, cellular metabolism, and DNA integrity in the rat kidney. This was done to delineate the molecular mechanism of Cu(II) toxicity. Adult male rats were randomly divided into five groups. Animals in four CuCl2-treated groups were separately administered single acute oral dose of CuCl2 at 5, 15, 30, and 40 mg/kg body weight. Animals in the fifth group were not given CuCl2 and served as the control. All rats were sacrificed 24 h after the dose of CuCl2 and their kidneys removed. CuCl2 administration led to significant alterations in enzymatic and non-enzymatic parameters of oxidative stress. It changed the activities of metabolic and membrane bound enzymes and also decreased the activities of brush border membrane enzymes. CuCl2 treatment dose-dependently enhanced DNA damage and DNA-protein crosslinking in renal cells, when compared to the control group. The administration of CuCl2 also resulted in marked morphological changes in the kidney, with more prominent alterations at higher doses of CuCl2. These results clearly show that CuCl2 impairs the antioxidant defense system resulting in oxidative damage to the kidney.





