brownian dynamics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dynamics of a driven superconducting vortex lattice in a two-dimensional (2D) periodic potential of square symmetry is studied using Brownian dynamics simulations. The range and strength of the vortex-substrate interaction are taken to be of the same order as that of the vortex-vortex interaction. The matching effect in a driven vortex lattice in the presence of a periodic array of pinning centers refers to the enhanced resistance to the vortex lattice motion when the ratio of the number of vortices to the number of pinning centers (called the filling fraction) takes simple fractional values. In particular, one expects a pronounced matching effect when the filling fraction is one. Contrary to this expectation, a drop in the vortex lattice mobility is observed as the filling fraction is increased from value one. This anti-matching effect can be understood in terms of the structural change in the vortex lattice as the filling fraction is varied. The dip observed in vortex mobility as a function of temperature when the filling fraction equals one (Joseph T 2020PhysicaA556124737), is studied for other values of filling above and below one. The behavior is found to persist for other fillings as well and is associated with the melting of the vortex lattice. The temperature at which the lattice melts is found to increase with drive and explains the shift in the temperature at which mobility is a minimum, locally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In order to understand the basic mechanisms affecting emulsion stability, the intrinsic dynamics of the drop population must be investigated. We hypothesize that transient ballistic motion can serve as a marker of interactions between drops. In 1G conditions, buoyancy-induced drop motion obscures these interactions. The microgravity condition onboard the International Space Station enable this investigation.
    METHODS: We performed Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS) experiments in the ESA Soft Matter Dynamics (SMD) facility. We used Monte Carlo simulations of photon trajectory to support data analysis. The analysis framework was validated by ground-based characterizations of the initial drop size distribution (DSD) and the properties of the oil/water interface in the presence of surfactant.
    RESULTS: We characterized the drop size distribution and found to be bi-disperse. Drop dynamics shows transient ballistic features at early times, reaching a stationary regime of primarily diffusion-dominated motion. This suggests different ageing mechanisms: immediately after emulsification, the main mechanism is coalescence or aggregation between small drops. However at later times, ageing proceeds via coalescence or aggregation of small with large drops in some emulsions. Our results elucidate new processes relevant to emulsion stability with potential impact on industrial processes on Earth, as well as enabling technologies for space exploration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computational models of cells cannot be considered complete unless they include the most fundamental process of life, the replication of genetic material. In a recent study, we presented a computational framework to model systems of replicating bacterial chromosomes as polymers at 10 bp resolution with Brownian dynamics. This approach was used to investigate changes in chromosome organization during replication and extend the applicability of an existing whole-cell model (WCM) for a genetically minimal bacterium, JCVI-syn3A, to the entire cell cycle. To achieve cell-scale chromosome structures that are realistic, we modeled the chromosome as a self-avoiding homopolymer with bending and torsional stiffnesses that capture the essential mechanical properties of dsDNA in Syn3A. Additionally, the polymer interacts with ribosomes distributed according to cryo-electron tomograms of Syn3A. The polymer model was further augmented by computational models of loop extrusion by structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein complexes and topoisomerase action, and the modeling and analysis of multi-fork replication states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Active fluids composed of constituents that are constantly driven away from thermal equilibrium can support spontaneous currents and can be engineered to have unconventional transport properties. Here, we report the emergence of (meta)stable traveling bands in computer simulations of aligning circle swimmers. These bands are different from polar flocks and, through coupling phase with mass transport, induce a bulk particle current with a component perpendicular to the propagation direction, thus giving rise to a collective Hall (or Magnus) effect. Traveling bands require sufficiently small orbits and undergo a discontinuous transition into a synchronized state with transient polar clusters for large orbital radii. Within a minimal hydrodynamic theory, we show that the bands can be understood as nondispersive soliton solutions fully accounting for the numerically observed properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many phenomena observed in synthetic and biological colloidal suspensions are dominated by the static interaction energies and the hydrodynamic interactions that act both between individual particles and also between colloids and macroscopic interfaces. This calls for methods that allow precise measurements of the corresponding forces. One method used for this purpose is total internal reflection microscopy (TIRM), which has been employed for around three decades to measure in particular the interactions between a single particle suspended in a liquid and a solid surface. However, given the importance of the observable variables, it is crucial to understand the possibilities and limitations of the method. In this paper, we investigate the influence of technically unavoidable noise effects and an inappropriate choice of particle size and sampling time on TIRM measurement results. Our main focus is on the measurement of diffusion coefficients and drift velocities, as the influence of error sources on dynamic properties has not been investigated so far. We find that detector shot noise and prolonged sampling times may cause erroneous results in the steep parts of the interaction potential where forces of the order of pico-Newtons or larger act on the particle, while the effect of background noise is negligible below certain thresholds. Furthermore, noise does not significantly affect dynamic data but we find that lengthy sampling times and/or probe particles with too small a radius will cause issues. Most importantly, we observe that dynamic results are very likely to differ from the standard hydrodynamic predictions for stick boundary conditions due to partial slip.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Methylene blue has multiple antiviral properties against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The ability of methylene blue to inhibit different stages of the virus life cycle, both in light-independent and photodynamic processes, is used in clinical practice. At the same time, the molecular aspects of the interactions of methylene blue with molecular components of coronaviruses are not fully understood. Here, we use Brownian dynamics to identify methylene blue binding sites on the SARS-CoV-2 envelope. The local lipid and protein composition of the coronavirus envelope plays a crucial role in the binding of this cationic dye. Viral structures targeted by methylene blue include the S and E proteins and negatively charged lipids. We compare the obtained results with known experimental data on the antiviral effects of methylene blue to elucidate the molecular basis of its activity against coronaviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computational models of cells cannot be considered complete unless they include the most fundamental process of life, the replication and inheritance of genetic material. By creating a computational framework to model systems of replicating bacterial chromosomes as polymers at 10 bp resolution with Brownian dynamics, we investigate changes in chromosome organization during replication and extend the applicability of an existing whole-cell model (WCM) for a genetically minimal bacterium, JCVI-syn3A, to the entire cell-cycle. To achieve cell-scale chromosome structures that are realistic, we model the chromosome as a self-avoiding homopolymer with bending and torsional stiffnesses that capture the essential mechanical properties of dsDNA in Syn3A. In addition, the conformations of the circular DNA must avoid overlapping with ribosomes identitied in cryo-electron tomograms. While Syn3A lacks the complex regulatory systems known to orchestrate chromosome segregation in other bacteria, its minimized genome retains essential loop-extruding structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein complexes (SMC-scpAB) and topoisomerases. Through implementing the effects of these proteins in our simulations of replicating chromosomes, we find that they alone are sufficient for simultaneous chromosome segregation across all generations within nested theta structures. This supports previous studies suggesting loop-extrusion serves as a near-universal mechanism for chromosome organization within bacterial and eukaryotic cells. Furthermore, we analyze ribosome diffusion under the influence of the chromosome and calculate in silico chromosome contact maps that capture inter-daughter interactions. Finally, we present a methodology to map the polymer model of the chromosome to a Martini coarse-grained representation to prepare molecular dynamics models of entire Syn3A cells, which serves as an ultimate means of validation for cell states predicted by the WCM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An extensive review of literature simulations of quiescent polymer melts is given, considering results that test aspects of the Rouse model in the melt. We focus on Rouse model predictions for the mean-square amplitudes ⟨(Xp(0))2⟩ and time correlation functions ⟨Xp(0)Xp(t)⟩ of the Rouse mode Xp(t). The simulations conclusively demonstrate that the Rouse model is invalid in polymer melts. In particular, and contrary to the Rouse model, (i) mean-square Rouse mode amplitudes ⟨(Xp(0))2⟩ do not scale as sin-2(pπ/2N), N being the number of beads in the polymer. For small p (say, p≤3) ⟨(Xp(0))2⟩ scales with p as p-2; for larger p, it scales as p-3. (ii) Rouse mode time correlation functions ⟨Xp(t)Xp(0)⟩ do not decay with time as exponentials; they instead decay as stretched exponentials exp(-αtβ). β depends on p, typically with a minimum near N/2 or N/4. (iii) Polymer bead displacements are not described by independent Gaussian random processes. (iv) For p≠q, ⟨Xp(t)Xq(0)⟩ is sometimes non-zero. (v) The response of a polymer coil to a shear flow is a rotation, not the affine deformation predicted by Rouse. We also briefly consider the Kirkwood-Riseman polymer model.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Rouse model is the foundational basis of much of modern polymer physics. The period alternative, the Kirkwood-Riseman model, is rarely mentioned in modern monographs. The models are qualitatively different. The models do not agree as to how many internal modes a polymer molecule has. In the Kirkwood-Riseman model, polymers in a shear field perform whole-body rotation; in the Rouse model, polymers respond to shear with an affine deformation. We use Brownian dynamics to show that the Kirkwood-Riseman model for chain motion is qualitatively correct. Contrary to the Rouse model, in shear flow, polymer coils rotate. Rouse modes are cross-correlated. The amplitudes and relaxation rates of Rouse modes depend on the shear rate. Several alternatives to Rouse modes as collective coordinates are discussed.





