brown bear

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding mortality causes is important for the conservation of endangered species, especially in small and isolated populations inhabiting anthropized landscapes where both natural and human-caused mortality may hinder the conservation of these species. We investigated the mortality causes of 53 free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos) found dead between 1998 and 2023 in the Cantabrian Mountains (northwestern Spain), a highly human-modified region where bears are currently recovering after being critically threatened in the last century. We detected natural traumatic injuries in 52.63% and infectious diseases in 39.47% of the 38 bears for which the mortality causes were registered, with 21.05% of these cases presenting signs of both infectious diseases and traumas. More specifically, almost 30% of the bears died during or after intraspecific fights, including sexually selected infanticide (10.53%). In addition, primary infectious diseases such as infectious canine hepatitis, distemper, clostridiosis and colibacillosis caused the death of 15.79% of the bears. The number of direct human-caused deaths (i.e., shooting, poisoning, snare) decreased over the study period. This study also reveals three new mortality causes triggered by pathogens, two of which-Clostridium novyi and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli-not previously described in ursids, and the other one, canine distemper virus, never reported in brown bears as cause of death. New management strategies for the conservation of Cantabrian bears, which are urgently needed due to the rapid expansion of the population, should consider the mortality causes described in this study and must promote further research to elucidate how the high prevalence of infectious diseases may threaten the current recovery of the population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is one of the survivors of the Late Quaternary megafauna extinctions. However, despite being widely distributed across the Holarctic, brown bears have experienced extensive range reductions, and even extirpations in some geographical regions. Previous research efforts using genetic data have provided valuable insights into their evolutionary history. However, most studies have been limited to contemporary individuals or mitochondrial DNA, limiting insights into population processes that preceded the present. Here, we present genomic data from two Late Pleistocene brown bears from Honshu, Japan and eastern Siberia, and combine them with published contemporary and ancient genomes from across the Holarctic range of brown bears to investigate the evolutionary relationships among brown bear populations through time and space. By including genomic data from Late Pleistocene and Holocene individuals sampled outside the current distribution range, we uncover diversity not present in contemporary populations. Notably, although contemporary individuals display geographically structured populations most likely driven by isolation-by-distance, this pattern varies among the ancient samples across different regions. The inclusion of ancient brown bears in our analysis provides novel insights into the evolutionary history of brown bears and contributes to understanding the populations and diversity lost during the Late Quaternary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brown bears (Ursus arctos) are kept under varied captive conditions, some of which may greatly compromise their welfare. FOUR PAWS is an NGO that rescues some of these bears kept in substandard conditions and houses them in species-appropriate sanctuaries, where preventive and reactive veterinary care is provided. This retrospective study aims to provide an overview of pathologies and clinical abnormalities reported in veterinary records and their prevalence according to body system affected and pre-rescue bear origin. Origin was categorised as subzoo (bears coming from substandard zoos), dancing (used to \"dance\" upon a music cue), restaurant (used to attract clients), private keeping (used for various purposes, such as photo props), circus (used for shows), and bear-baiting (exploited for hunting dog training in baiting stations). Clinical findings were extracted from reports of veterinary examinations done from 2006 to 2021, during rescue, routinely, in response to clinical signs, and/or post-mortem. Their prevalence was calculated according to the body system affected and neoplasia (specific group independent from the organ) over the findings\' total number. Prevalence was also calculated according to pre-rescue origin (general and relative values in proportion to the number of reports per origin). Results refer to 302 veterinary reports of 114 bears examined, rescued from 1998 to 2021, with the age at rescue varying from a few months to 30 years (median 13 years). The total number of clinical findings was 1,003, and the systems with more findings were oral cavity (56.0%), abdominal cavity and digestive system (7.9%), integumentary (7.9%), ocular systems (7.7%), and musculoskeletal (7.6%). Findings involving other body systems and neoplasia were less prevalent (≤2.8%). Results showed a higher prevalence of some clinical findings for bears rescued from certain origins compared to others. Straightforward associations between pre-rescue origin and clinical findings were not feasible due to unknown anamnesis and details on pre-rescue conditions, and because some housing and management characteristics might be transversal to origins. Results suggest that bears rescued from certain origins were prone to specific clinical findings, supporting the need for the creation of ad hoc preventive veterinary and husbandry management plans after rescue, thus contributing to the improvement of captive bear welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How organisms obtain energy to survive and reproduce is fundamental to ecology, yet researchers use theoretical concepts represented by simplified models to estimate diet and predict community interactions. Such simplistic models can sometimes limit our understanding of ecological principles. We used a polyphagous species with a wide distribution, the brown bear (Ursus arctos), to illustrate how disparate theoretical frameworks in ecology can affect conclusions regarding ecological communities. We used stable isotope measurements (δ13 C, δ15 N) from hairs of individually monitored bears in Sweden and Bayesian mixing models to estimate dietary proportions of ants, moose, and three berry species to compare with other brown bear populations. We also developed three hypotheses based on predominant foraging literature, and then compared predicted diets to field estimates. Our three models assumed (1) bears forage to optimize caloric efficiency (optimum foraging model), predicting bears predominately eat berries (~70% of diet) and opportunistically feed on moose (Alces alces) and ants (Formica spp. and Camponotus spp; ~15% each); (2) bears maximize meat intake (maximizing fitness model), predicting a diet of 35%-50% moose, followed by ants (~30%), and berries (~15%); (3) bears forage to optimize macronutrient balance (macronutrient model), predicting a diet of ~22% (dry weight) or 17% metabolizable energy from proteins, with the rest made up of carbohydrates and lipids (~49% and 29% dry matter or 53% and 30% metabolizable energy, respectively). Bears primarily consumed bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus; 50%-55%), followed by lingonberries (V. vitis-idaea; 22%-30%), crowberries (Empetrum nigrum; 8%-15%), ants (5%-8%), and moose (3%-4%). Dry matter dietary protein was lower than predicted by the maximizing fitness model and the macronutrient balancing model, but protein made up a larger proportion of the metabolizable energy than predicted. While diets most closely resembled predictions from optimal foraging theory, none of the foraging hypotheses fully described the relationship between foraging and ecological niches in brown bears. Acknowledging and broadening models based on foraging theories is more likely to foster novel discoveries and insights into the role of polyphagous species in ecosystems and we encourage this approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Combining naturalistic enclosure design and animal welfare with visitor interests and education can be challenging for zoos and wildlife parks. To accomplish both purposes, different types of enrichment (food-based or non-food-based items, such as environmental, sensory, cognitive, social) can be used. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of food-based and olfactory enrichments on enclosure use, behavior, and visibility of captive brown bears (Ursus arctos), pine martens (Martes martes), domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo), and golden jackals (Canis aureus).
    We used observational approaches to measure enclosure use, behavior, and visibility during three different experimental phases: (1) pre-enrichment (baseline, no experience with the enrichment yet), (2) during enrichment (enrichment was provided at low frequented locations in the enclosures that are easily visible to visitors), and (3) post-enrichment (enrichment was removed from the enclosures).
    We found that enrichment led to a uniform use of the enclosure and enhanced visibility in brown bears, increased activity budgets in pine martens, and observed high object interaction in both species. No effects of enrichment were detected in domestic ferrets. Golden jackals did not leave their burrows during daytime during the entire observation period; thus, observations were not possible at all. Our results suggest different effects of food-based enrichment, e.g., enclosure use, temporal activity patterns, and animal visibility. However, further studies should control for the specific role of the factors involved. Our study represents one of the first explorations of food-based enrichment in rather understudied species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hibernation is a highly seasonal physiological adaptation that allows brown bears (Ursus arctos) to survive extended periods of low food availability. Similarly, daily or circadian rhythms conserve energy by coordinating body processes to optimally match the environmental light/dark cycle. Brown bears express circadian rhythms in vivo and their cells do in vitro throughout the year, suggesting that these rhythms may play important roles during periods of negative energy balance. Here, we use time-series analysis of RNA sequencing data and timed measurements of ATP production in adipose-derived fibroblasts from active and hibernation seasons under two temperature conditions to confirm that rhythmicity was present. Culture temperature matching that of hibernation body temperature (34 °C) resulted in a delay of daily peak ATP production in comparison with active season body temperatures (37 °C). The timing of peaks of mitochondrial gene transcription was altered as were the amplitudes of transcripts coding for enzymes of the electron transport chain. Additionally, we observed changes in mean expression and timing of key metabolic genes such as SIRT1 and AMPK which are linked to the circadian system and energy balance. The amplitudes of several circadian gene transcripts were also reduced. These results reveal a link between energy conservation and a functioning circadian system in hibernation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A morphological description is provided for a unique find of a frozen mummified subfossil brown bear (Ursus arctos L., 1758), found for the first time ever. The find is a well-preserved bear carcass of approximately 3500 years in age. Results of computed tomography and DNA testing are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phylogeographic studies uncover hidden pathways of divergence and inform conservation. Brown bears (Ursus arctos) have one of the broadest distributions of all land mammals, ranging from Eurasia to North America, and are an important model for evolutionary studies. Although several whole genomes were available for individuals from North America, Europe and Asia, limited whole-genome data were available from Central Asia, including the highly imperilled brown bears in the Gobi Desert. To fill this knowledge gap, we sequenced whole genomes from nine Asian brown bears from the Gobi Desert of Mongolia, Northern Mongolia and the Himalayas of Pakistan. We combined these data with published brown bear sequences from Europe, Asia and North America, as well as other bear species. Our goals were to determine the evolutionary relationships among brown bear populations worldwide, their genetic diversity and their historical demography. Our analyses revealed five major lineages of brown bears based on a filtered set of 684,081 single nucleotide polymorphisms. We found distinct evolutionary lineages of brown bears in the Gobi, Himalayas, northern Mongolia, Europe and North America. The lowest level of genetic diversity and the highest level of inbreeding were found in Pakistan, the Gobi Desert and Central Italy. Furthermore, the effective population size (Ne ) for all brown bears decreased over the last 70,000 years. Our results confirm the genetic distinctiveness and ancient lineage of brown bear subspecies in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia and the Himalayas of Pakistan and highlight their importance for conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The studied farms are small family businesses, and so, in more than half of the cases, their continuity is not guaranteed. Livestock management is typical of a mountain system, in which the animals graze throughout the year in cultivated fields, sown meadows, forests near the farms, and mountain pastures during the three summer months. The herds always have the constant surveillance of a shepherd. Farmers consider the current infrastructure present in mountain grasslands insufficient to facilitate the management and care of their herd. Their activity conflicts with various species of wildlife, such as the wild boar, Sus scrofa, roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, or griffon vulture, Gyps fulvus, and large carnivores such as the brown bear, Ursus arctos, or the grey wolf Canis lupus, despite all of them taking preventive measures to defend their herds from predators. The most widely used prevention measures are the presence of mastiff dogs, Canis lupus familiaris, next to the herds and the use of electric fencing to lock up livestock at night. Farmers reject the presence of bears and wolves in their area, considering it a real threat to the continuity of their economic activity, which presents a high degree of vulnerability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malassezia pachydermatis (phylum Basidiomycota, class Malasseziomycetes) is a zoophilic opportunistic pathogen with recognized potential for invasive infections in humans. Although this pathogenic yeast is widespread in nature, it has been primarily studied in domestic animals, so available data on its genotypes in the wild are limited. In this study, 80 yeast isolates recovered from 42 brown bears (Ursus arctos) were identified as M. pachydermatis by a culture-based approach. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) was used to endorse conventional identification. The majority of samples exhibited a high score fluctuation, with 42.5% of isolates generating the best scores in the range confident only for genus identification. However, the use of young biomass significantly improved the identification of M. pachydermatis at the species confidence level (98.8%). Importantly, the same MALDI-TOF MS efficiency would be achieved regardless of colony age if the cut-off value was lowered to ≥1.7. Genotyping of LSU, ITS1, CHS2, and β-tubulin markers identified four distinct genotypes in M. pachydermatis isolates. The most prevalent among them was the genotype previously found in dogs, indicating its transmission potential and adaptation to distantly related hosts. The other three genotypes are described for the first time in this study. However, only one of the genotypes consisted of all four loci with bear-specific sequences, indicating the formation of a strain specifically adapted to brown bears. Finally, we evaluated the specificity of the spectral profiles of the detected genotypes. MALDI-TOF MS exhibited great potential to detect subtle differences between all M. pachydermatis isolates and revealed distinct spectral profiles of bear-specific genotypes.





