breast core biopsy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Surgical excision is often performed to exclude phyllodes tumor (PT) when Core Needle Biopsy (CNB) of the breast returns fibroepithelial lesion-not further characterized (FEL-NFC). If imaging or CNB pathology features can be identified that predict a very low probability of borderline/malignant PT, thousands of women could be spared the expense and morbidity of surgical excisions.
    METHODS: This retrospective cohort study includes 180 FEL-NFC from 164 patients who underwent surgical excisional biopsy.
    RESULTS: The upgrade rate from FEL-NFC to benign PT was 15%, and to borderline/malignant PT 7%. Imaging features predicting upgrade to borderline/malignant PT included greater size (p = 0.0002) and heterogeneous echo pattern on sonography (p = 0.117). Histologic features of CNB predicting upgrade to borderline/malignant PT included \"pathologist favors PT\" (p = 0.012), mitoses (p = 0.014), stromal overgrowth (p = 0.006), increased cellularity (p = 0.0001) and leaf-like architecture (p = 0.077). A three-component score including size > 4.5 cm (Size), heterogeneous echo pattern on sonography (Heterogeneity), and stromal overgrowth on CNB (Overgrowth) maximized the product of sensitivity x specificity for the prediction of borderline/malignant PT. When the SHO score was 0 (72% of FEL-NFC) the probability of borderline/malignant PT on excision was only 1%.
    CONCLUSIONS: The combination of size ≤ 4.5 cm, homogeneous echo pattern, and absence of stromal overgrowth is highly predictive of a benign excision potentially sparing most patients diagnosed with FEL-NFC the expense and morbidity of a surgical excision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Whether the optimal management of pure flat epithelial atypia (FEA) found on core needle biopsy (CNB) specimens is surgical excision or imaging follow-up remains controversial. This study aimed to determine the upgrade rate to ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), invasive carcinoma or a high-risk lesion (atypical ductal hyperplasia, atypical lobular hyperplasia, or lobular carcinoma in situ), and it explored the relationship between a family history of breast cancer and the risk of upgrade.
    METHODS: Cases with pure FEA found on stereotactic CNB of microcalcifications between March 2011 to December 2017 were followed by excisional biopsy or periodic imaging. The proportion of cases upgraded to a high-risk lesion and the odds of upgrade as related to a family history of breast cancer were determined with 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
    RESULTS: We identified 622 cases of pure FEA; 101 (16.2%) underwent surgical excision and 269 (43.2%) had imaging follow-up of ≥ 24 months. There were no upgrades to DCIS or invasive cancer in any of these 370 individuals (0%), and 4.6% (17/370; 95% CI: 2.9%-7.2%) were upgraded to a high-risk lesion. There was a nonstatistically significant trend between family history and upgrade to high-risk lesion (odds ratio 1.72 [95% CI: 0.65%-4.57%]).
    CONCLUSIONS: In our study, the upgrade rate of pure FEA to malignancy was 0%. We suggest that regular imaging follow-up is an appropriate alternative to surgery. Because of potential differences in biopsy techniques and pathologist interpretation of the primary biopsy, individual institutions should audit their own results prior to altering their management of FEA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photon absorption remote sensing (PARS) is a new laser-based microscope technique that permits cellular-level resolution of unstained fresh, frozen, and fixed tissues. Our objective was to determine whether PARS could provide an image quality sufficient for the diagnostic assessment of breast cancer needle core biopsies (NCB). We PARS imaged and virtually H&E stained seven independent unstained formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded breast NCB sections. These identical tissue sections were subsequently stained with standard H&E and digitally scanned. Both the 40× PARS and H&E whole-slide images were assessed by seven breast cancer pathologists, masked to the origin of the images. A concordance analysis was performed to quantify the diagnostic performances of standard H&E and PARS virtual H&E. The PARS images were deemed to be of diagnostic quality, and pathologists were unable to distinguish the image origin, above that expected by chance. The diagnostic concordance on cancer vs. benign was high between PARS and conventional H&E (98% agreement) and there was complete agreement for within-PARS images. Similarly, agreement was substantial (kappa > 0.6) for specific cancer subtypes. PARS virtual H&E inter-rater reliability was broadly consistent with the published literature on diagnostic performance of conventional histology NCBs across all tested histologic features. PARS was able to image unstained tissues slides that were diagnostically equivalent to conventional H&E. Due to its ability to non-destructively image fixed and fresh tissues, and the suitability of the PARS output for artificial intelligence assistance in diagnosis, this technology has the potential to improve the speed and accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Primary angiosarcoma of the breast is very rare and difficult to pathologically diagnose especially on core needle biopsy. Only 11 cases of breast primary angiosarcoma diagnosed on core needle biopsy have been reported in English literature of last 5 years. We reported a case of primary angiosarcoma of the breast diagnosed on core needle biopsy and summarized the useful morphological clues in literature which prompted the diagnosis of angiosarcoma. A 50-year-old woman presented with a palpable mass in her left breast for a year. She never received breast surgery or radiotherapy before. Microscopically, the core needle biopsy specimen displayed interanastomosing vascular spaces that dissected through the mammary stroma and adipose tissue. The vascular channels were mostly lined by a single layer of endothelial cells with a mild degree of nuclear atypia, whereas focally, the endothelia were multilayered, with tufting and formation of glomerulus-like structures. CD31, CD34, and ERG immunochemical stain highlighted the endothelial cells lining on the vascular spaces. The Ki67 index was about 10%, and MYC was negative. Primary angiosarcomas have significant overlaps of morphological features with benign and borderline vascular lesions. Anastomosing vascular spaces, cytologic atypia, endothelial mitotic activity, infiltration of glandular parenchyma, elevated Ki-67, and high cellularity are all useful clues to diagnose angiosarcomas. Among them, anastomosing vascular spaces with infiltrated growth pattern especially invasion into the breast intralobular stroma and adipose tissue was the most common character of angiosarcomas which alert the possibility of malignancy in core needle biopsy. However, an accurate diagnosis demands integration of various histological clues and multidisciplinary discussion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is a cutting-edge technology introduced in recent years as an in-depth analysis of breast cancer diagnostics. Compared with 2D Full-Field Digital Mammography, DBT has demonstrated greater sensitivity and specificity in detecting breast tumors. This work aims to quantitatively evaluate the impact of the systematic introduction of DBT in terms of Biopsy Rate and Positive Predictive Values for the number of biopsies performed (PPV-3). For this purpose, we collected 69,384 mammograms and 7894 biopsies, of which 6484 were Core Biopsies and 1410 were stereotactic Vacuum-assisted Breast Biopsies (VABBs), performed on female patients afferent to the Breast Unit of the Istituto Tumori \"Giovanni Paolo II\" of Bari from 2012 to 2021, thus, in the period before, during and after the systematic introduction of DBT. Linear regression analysis was then implemented to investigate how the Biopsy Rate had changed over the 10 year screening. The next step was to focus on VABBs, which were generally performed during in-depth examinations of mammogram detected lesions. Finally, three radiologists from the institute\'s Breast Unit underwent a comparative study to ascertain their performances in terms of breast cancer detection rates before and after the introduction of DBT. As a result, it was demonstrated that both the overall Biopsy Rate and the VABBs Biopsy Rate significantly decreased following the introduction of DBT, with the diagnosis of an equal number of tumors. Besides, no statistically significant differences were observed among the three operators evaluated. In conclusion, this work highlights how the systematic introduction of DBT has significantly impacted the breast cancer diagnostic procedure, by improving the diagnostic quality and thereby reducing needless biopsies, resulting in a consequent reduction in costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitotic rate is an important prognostic predictor in invasive breast carcinoma. Current guidelines recommend counting mitoses from 10 contiguous high power fields (HPFs) in the core biopsy. We propose a method to score mitotic activity in 1 HPF at the most mitotically active area of the tumour edge, or the interface between invasive tumour and benign breast tissue. We propose a score of 1, 2, or 3, corresponding to ≤1, 2, or ≥3 mitoses in 1 HPF, respectively. A total of 141 breast core biopsies with corresponding surgical excisions were blindly examined. We counted the number of mitotic figures in 1 HPF and in 10 contiguous HPFs in the core biopsy and compared with the mitotic count from 10 contiguous HPFs in the excision which is considered the gold standard. Concordance rates and interobserver agreement rates were calculated. The concordance rate was 82.3%, 78.7% and 82.3% between 1 HPF versus 10 HPFs in the core biopsy, 1 HPF in the core biopsy versus 10 HPFs in the excision and 10 HPFs in the core biopsy vs 10 HPFs in the excision, respectively. In the core biopsy, all three investigators agreed in 73.8% and 83.7% of the cases using the 1 HPF method and the 10 HPFs method, respectively; in the excision specimen, agreement was reached in 82.3% of the cases. The 1 HPF method showed similar concordance rate and interobserver agreement compared to the conventional method in the prediction of the mitotic score in the excision in all score groups. When stratified by mitotic score, the 1 HPF method predicted superior correlation with excision in the score 1 group than the 10 HPFs method, but not in the score 2 or 3 groups. From these findings we conclude that the proposed 1 HPF method can be used in clinical practice to grade invasive breast carcinomas in core biopsies, with the possibility of being utilised in small biopsies with less than 10 HPFs of invasive carcinoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study provides data on the diagnostic concordance between initial and review diagnoses of all breast core biopsy cases at a single tertiary hospital in Western Australia over a 1-year period. A retrospective review of all breast core biopsy cases between January 1 and December 31, 2016, was carried out at PathWest, Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth, Western Australia. Each biopsy is reported by a single pathologist and then reviewed within 1 week by a panel of intradepartmental subspecialist breast pathologists, who either agree with the original diagnosis, have a minor discordant diagnosis, or a major discordant diagnosis. Records for 2036 core biopsies were available between January 1 and December 31, 2016. Of these, 56.0% (n = 1141) were classified as benign, 34.3% (n = 699) as malignant, 7.2% (n = 147) as indeterminate, 2.3% (n = 46) as nondiagnostic, and 0.1% (n = 3) as suspicious for malignancy. In 99.1% (n = 2018) of cases, there was agreement between initial and review diagnoses. In total, 0.9% (n = 18) were disagreements: 0.49% (n = 10) were major discordant disagreements and 0.39% (n = 8) were minor discordant disagreements. All cases of major discordant disagreements would have resulted in significant changes to clinical management. This study demonstrates that an Australian institution is providing a high-quality pathology service with a low error rate between initial and review diagnoses of breast core biopsies. It reinforces the importance of secondary review of biopsies in a timely fashion for detecting potentially serious misdiagnoses that could lead to inappropriate management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of systematic radiological review by breast specialist radiologist of malignant breast lesion imaging on the therapeutic management of patients.
    METHODS: Data collection was performed for patients with histopathologically proved breast cancer or suspicious breast lesion on imaging realized out of our institution. Patients underwent systematic mammary and axillary ultrasound, imaging review and if necessary complementary mammographic images. We analyzed the number of additional breast biopsies and axillary lymph node fine needle aspiration (FNA) with their histopathological results. We assessed their impact by comparing the final surgical treatment to the one planned before review.
    RESULTS: Two hundred and seventeen patients were included, with a total of 230 BIRADS 0, 4, 5 or 6 breast lesions. Seventy-six additional breast core biopsies were realized, leading to diagnose 43 additional BIRADS 6 lesions (24 infiltrative carcinomas, 9 DCIS and 10 atypical lesions) in 30 patients (13.82%). Thirty-five additional lymph node FNA were realized with 12 metastatic nodes and 3 false negative samples. Imaging review lead to change surgical treatment in 59 patients (27.19%, P<0.01) with modification in breast surgery in 37 patients, axillary surgery in 8 patients and both sites surgery in 12 patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study shows an impact of systematic radiological review by breast specialist radiologist in therapeutic management of patients treated for malignant breast lesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The clinical significance of radial scar (RS)/complex sclerosing lesion (CSL) with high-risk lesions (epithelial atypia) diagnosed on needle core biopsy is not well defined. We aimed at assessing the upgrade rate to ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive carcinoma on the surgical excision specimen in a large cohort with RS/CSL associated with atypia.
    METHODS: 157 women with a needle core biopsy diagnosis of a RS/CSL with atypia and follow-up histology were studied. Histological findings, including different forms of the atypical lesions and final histological outcome in the excision specimens, were retrieved and analysed, and the upgrade rates for malignancy and for invasive carcinoma were calculated.
    RESULTS: 69.43% of the cases were associated with atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) or atypia not otherwise classifiable, whereas lobular neoplasia was seen in 21.66%. On final histology, 39 cases were malignant (overall upgrade rate of 24.84%); 12 were invasive and 27 had DCIS. The upgrade differed according to the type of atypia and was highest for ADH (35%). When associated with lobular neoplasia, the upgrade rate was 11.76%. The upgrade rate\'s variability was also considerably lower when considering the upgrade to invasive carcinoma alone for any associated lesion.
    CONCLUSIONS: The upgrade rate for ADH diagnosed on needle core biopsy with RS is similar to that of ADH without RS and therefore should be managed similarly. RS associated with lobular neoplasia is less frequently associated with malignant outcome. Most lesions exhibiting some degree of atypia showed a similar upgrade rate to invasive carcinoma. Management of RS should be based on the concurrent atypical lesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article focuses on current issues relating to fibroepithelial lesions, predominantly those with cellular stroma, and covers key pathologic features, differential diagnosis, and pitfalls. Phyllodes tumors are emphasized, including the histologic categorization and prognostic features of these lesions. The management of fibroepithelial lesions on needle core biopsy is reviewed.





