break-induced replication

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The duplication-triplication/inverted-duplication (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) structure is a complex genomic rearrangement (CGR). Although it has been identified as an important pathogenic DNA mutation signature in genomic disorders and cancer genomes, its architecture remains unresolved. Here, we studied the genomic architecture of DUP-TRP/INV-DUP by investigating the DNA of 24 patients identified by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) on whom we found evidence for the existence of 4 out of 4 predicted structural variant (SV) haplotypes. Using a combination of short-read genome sequencing (GS), long-read GS, optical genome mapping, and single-cell DNA template strand sequencing (strand-seq), the haplotype structure was resolved in 18 samples. The point of template switching in 4 samples was shown to be a segment of ∼2.2-5.5 kb of 100% nucleotide similarity within inverted repeat pairs. These data provide experimental evidence that inverted low-copy repeats act as recombinant substrates. This type of CGR can result in multiple conformers generating diverse SV haplotypes in susceptible dosage-sensitive loci.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) is a telomere maintenance mechanism mediated by break-induced replication, evident in approximately 15% of human cancers. A characteristic feature of ALT cancers is the presence of C-circles, circular single-stranded telomeric DNAs composed of C-rich sequences. Despite the fact that extrachromosomal C-rich single-stranded DNAs (ssDNAs), including C-circles, are unique to ALT cells, their generation process remains undefined. Here, we introduce a method to detect single-stranded telomeric DNA, called 4SET (Strand-Specific Southern-blot for Single-stranded Extrachromosomal Telomeres) assay. Utilizing 4SET, we are able to capture C-rich single-stranded DNAs that are near 200 to 1500 nucleotides in size. Both linear C-rich ssDNAs and C-circles are abundant in the fractions of cytoplasm and nucleoplasm, which supports the idea that linear and circular C-rich ssDNAs are generated concurrently. We also found that C-rich ssDNAs originate during Okazaki fragment processing during lagging strand DNA synthesis. The generation of C-rich ssDNA requires CST-PP (CTC1/STN1/TEN1-PRIMASE-Polymerase alpha) complex-mediated priming of the C-strand DNA synthesis and subsequent excessive strand displacement of the C-rich strand mediated by the DNA Polymerase delta and the BLM helicase. Our work proposes a model for the generation of C-rich ssDNAs and C-circles during ALT-mediated telomere elongation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overexpression of Cyclin E1 perturbs DNA replication, resulting in DNA lesions and genomic instability. Consequently, Cyclin E1-overexpressing cancer cells increasingly rely on DNA repair, including RAD52-mediated break-induced replication during interphase. We show that not all DNA lesions induced by Cyclin E1 overexpression are resolved during interphase. While DNA lesions upon Cyclin E1 overexpression are induced in S phase, a significant fraction of these lesions is transmitted into mitosis. Cyclin E1 overexpression triggers mitotic DNA synthesis (MiDAS) in a RAD52-dependent fashion. Chemical or genetic inactivation of MiDAS enhances mitotic aberrations and persistent DNA damage. Mitosis-specific degradation of RAD52 prevents Cyclin E1-induced MiDAS and reduces the viability of Cyclin E1-overexpressing cells, underscoring the relevance of RAD52 during mitosis to maintain genomic integrity. Finally, analysis of breast cancer samples reveals a positive correlation between Cyclin E1 amplification and RAD52 expression. These findings demonstrate the importance of suppressing mitotic defects in Cyclin E1-overexpressing cells through RAD52.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitotic DNA synthesis (MiDAS) is an unusual form of DNA replication that occurs during mitosis. Initially, MiDAS was characterized as a process associated with intrinsically unstable loci known as common fragile sites that occurs after cells experience DNA replication stress (RS). However, it is now believed to be a more widespread \"salvage\" mechanism that is called upon to complete the duplication of any under-replicated genomic region. Emerging data suggest that MiDAS is a DNA repair process potentially involving two or more pathways working in parallel or sequentially. In this review, we introduce the causes of RS, regions of the human genome known to be especially vulnerable to RS, and the strategies used to complete DNA replication outside of S phase. Additionally, because MiDAS is a prominent feature of aneuploid cancer cells, we will discuss how targeting MiDAS might potentially lead to improvements in cancer therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Topoisomerase inhibitor camptothecin (CPT) induces fork stalling and is highly toxic to proliferating cells. However, how cells respond to CPT-induced fork stalling has not been fully characterized. Here, we report that Cockayne syndrome group B (CSB) protein inhibits PRIMPOL-dependent fork repriming in response to a low dose of CPT. At a high concentration of CPT, CSB is required to promote the restart of DNA replication through MUS81-RAD52-POLD3-dependent break-induced replication (BIR). In the absence of CSB, resumption of DNA synthesis at a high concentration of CPT can occur through POLQ-LIG3-, LIG4-, or PRIMPOL-dependent pathways, which are inhibited, respectively, by RAD51, BRCA1, and BRCA2 proteins. POLQ and LIG3 are core components of alternative end joining (Alt-EJ), whereas LIG4 is a core component of nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ). These results suggest that CSB regulates fork restart pathway choice following high-dosage CPT-induced fork stalling, promoting BIR but inhibiting Alt-EJ, NHEJ, and fork repriming. We find that loss of CSB and BRCA2 is a toxic combination to genomic stability and cell survival at a high concentration of CPT, which is likely due to accumulation of ssDNA gaps, underscoring an important role of CSB in regulating the therapy response in cancers lacking functional BRCA2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatic hybrids between distant species offer a remarkable model to study genomic recombination events after mitochondrial fusion. Recently, we described highly chimeric mitogenomes in two somatic hybrids between the Solanaceae Nicotiana tabacum and Hyoscyamus niger resulting from interparental homologous recombination. To better examine the recombination map in somatic hybrid mitochondria, we developed a more sensitive bioinformatic strategy to detect recombination activity based on high-throughput sequencing without assembling the hybrid mitogenome. We generated a new intergeneric somatic hybrid between N. tabacum and Physochlaina orientalis, and re-analyzed the somatic hybrids that we previously generated. We inferred 213 homologous recombination events across repeats of 2.1 kb on average. Most of them (~80%) were asymmetrical, consistent with the break-induced replication pathway. Only rare (2.74%) non-homologous events were detected. Interestingly, independent events frequently occurred in the same regions within and across somatic hybrids, suggesting the existence of recombination hotspots in plant mitogenomes. Break-induced replication is the main pathway of interparental recombination in somatic hybrid mitochondria. Findings of this study are relevant to mitogenome editing assays and to mechanistic aspects of DNA integration following mitochondrial DNA horizontal transfer events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short tandem DNA repeats are drivers of genome instability. To identify suppressors of break-induced mutagenesis human cells, unbiased genetic screens were conducted using a lentiviral shRNA library. The recipient cells possessed fragile non-B DNA that could induce DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), integrated at an ectopic chromosomal site adjacent to a thymidine kinase marker gene. Mutagenesis of the thymidine kinase gene rendered cells resistant to the nucleoside analog ganciclovir (GCV). The screen identified genes that have established roles in DNA replication and repair, chromatin modification, responses to ionizing radiation, and genes encoding proteins enriched at replication forks. Novel loci implicated in BIR included olfactory receptors, the G0S2 oncogene/tumor suppressor axis, the EIF3H-METTL3 translational regulator, and the SUDS3 subunit of the Sin3A corepressor. Consistent with a role in suppressing BIR, siRNA knockdown of selected candidates increased the frequency of the GCVr phenotype and increased DNA rearrangements near the ectopic non-B DNA. Inverse PCR and DNA sequence analyses showed that hits identified in the screen increased genome instability. Further analysis quantitated repeat-induced hypermutagenesis at the ectopic site and showed that knockdown of a primary hit, COPS2, induced mutagenic hotspots, remodeled the replication fork, and increased nonallelic chromosome template switches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), a telomerase-independent process maintaining telomeres, is mediated by break-induced replication (BIR). RAD52 promotes ALT by facilitating D-loop formation, but ALT also occurs through a RAD52-independent BIR pathway. Here, we show that the telomere non-coding RNA TERRA forms dynamic telomeric R-loops and contributes to ALT activity in RAD52 knockout cells. TERRA forms R-loops in vitro and at telomeres in a RAD51AP1-dependent manner. The formation of R-loops by TERRA increases G-quadruplexes (G4s) at telomeres. G4 stabilization enhances ALT even when TERRA is depleted, suggesting that G4s act downstream of R-loops to promote BIR. In vitro, the telomeric R-loops assembled by TERRA and RAD51AP1 generate G4s, which persist after R-loop resolution and allow formation of telomeric D-loops without RAD52. Thus, the dynamic telomeric R-loops formed by TERRA and RAD51AP1 enable the RAD52-independent ALT pathway, and G4s orchestrate an R- to D-loop switch at telomeres to stimulate BIR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Break-Induced Replication (BIR) is a homologous recombination (HR) pathway that differentiates itself from all other HR pathways by involving extensive DNA synthesis of up to hundreds of kilobases. This DNA synthesis occurs in G2/M arrested cells by a mechanism distinct from regular DNA replication. BIR initiates by strand invasion of a single end of a DNA double-strand break (DSB) followed by extensive D-loop migration. The main replicative helicase Mcm2-7 is dispensable for BIR, however, Pif1 helicase and its PCNA interaction domain are required. Pif1 helicase was shown to be important for extensive repair-specific DNA synthesis at DSB in budding and fission yeasts, flies, and human cells, implicating conservation of the mechanism. Additionally, Mph1 helicase negatively regulates BIR by unwinding migrating D-loops, and Srs2 promotes BIR by eliminating the toxic joint molecules. Here, we describe the methods that address the following questions in studying BIR: (i) how to distinguish enzymes needed specifically for BIR from enzymes needed for other HR mechanisms that require short patch DNA synthesis, (ii) what are the phenotypes expected for mutants deficient in extensive synthesis during BIR, (iii) how to follow extensive DNA synthesis during BIR? Methods are described using yeast model organism and wild-type cells are compared side-by-side with Pif1 deficient cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When a replication fork encounters a nick in the parental DNA, the replisome dissociates and the replication fork structure is lost. This outcome is referred to as replication fork \"collapse.\" Collapsed forks can be highly cytotoxic and mutagenic if not appropriately repaired by the cell. However, the events that occur during and after replication fork collapse are unclear. Here, we describe an in vitro system to induce site specific, strand specific replication fork collapse using Xenopus egg extracts, which contain the full set of DNA replication and repair enzymes. We also describe simple assays to monitor the stability of DNA nicks and the different structures formed during replication fork collapse. This methodology permits detailed mechanistic analysis of collapsed forks in vitro.





