brain network model

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures, affecting over 65 million people worldwide. Treatment typically commences with the use of anti-seizure medications, including both mono- and poly-therapy. Should these fail, more invasive therapies such as surgery, electrical stimulation and focal drug delivery are often considered in an attempt to render the person seizure free. Although a significant portion ultimately benefit from these treatment options, treatment responses often fluctuate over time. The physiological mechanisms underlying these temporal variations are poorly understood, making prognosis a significant challenge when treating epilepsy. Here we use a dynamic network model of seizure transition to understand how seizure propensity may vary over time as a consequence of changes in excitability. Through computer simulations, we explore the relationship between the impact of treatment on dynamic network properties and their vulnerability over time that permit a return to states of high seizure propensity. For small networks we show vulnerability can be fully characterised by the size of the first transitive component (FTC). For larger networks, we find measures of network efficiency, incoherence and heterogeneity (degree variance) correlate with robustness of networks to increasing excitability. These results provide a set of potential prognostic markers for therapeutic interventions in epilepsy. Such markers could be used to support the development of personalized treatment strategies, ultimately contributing to understanding of long-term seizure freedom.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Integration of information across heterogeneous sources creates added scientific value. Interoperability of data, tools and models is, however, difficult to accomplish across spatial and temporal scales. Here we introduce the toolbox Parallel Co-Simulation, which enables the interoperation of simulators operating at different scales. We provide a software science co-design pattern and illustrate its functioning along a neuroscience example, in which individual regions of interest are simulated on the cellular level allowing us to study detailed mechanisms, while the remaining network is efficiently simulated on the population level. A workflow is illustrated for the use case of The Virtual Brain and NEST, in which the CA1 region of the cellular-level hippocampus of the mouse is embedded into a full brain network involving micro and macro electrode recordings. This new tool allows integrating knowledge across scales in the same simulation framework and validating them against multiscale experiments, thereby largely widening the explanatory power of computational models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aphasia is a speech-language impairment commonly caused by damage to the left hemisphere. The neural mechanisms that underpin different types of aphasia and their symptoms are still not fully understood. This study aims to identify differences in resting-state functional connectivity between anomic and Broca\'s aphasia measured through resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI).
    METHODS: We used the network-based statistic (NBS) method, as well as voxel- and connectome-based lesion symptom mapping (V-, CLSM), to identify distinct neural correlates of the anomic and Broca\'s groups. To control for lesion effect, we included lesion volume as a covariate in both the NBS method and LSM.
    RESULTS: NBS identified a subnetwork located in the dorsal language stream bilaterally, including supramarginal gyrus, primary sensory, motor, and auditory cortices, and insula. The connections in the subnetwork were weaker in the Broca\'s group than the anomic group. The properties of the subnetwork were examined through complex network measures, which indicated that regions in right inferior frontal sulcus, right paracentral lobule, and bilateral superior temporal gyrus exhibit intensive interaction. Left superior temporal gyrus, right postcentral gyrus, and left supramarginal gyrus play an important role in information flow and overall communication efficiency. Disruption of this network underlies the constellation of symptoms associated with Broca\'s aphasia. Whole-brain CLSM did not detect any significant connections, suggesting an advantage of NBS when thousands of connections are considered. However, CLSM identified connections that differentiated Broca\'s from anomic aphasia when analysis was restricted to a hypothesized network of interest.
    CONCLUSIONS: We identified novel signatures of resting-state brain network differences between groups of individuals with anomic and Broca\'s aphasia. We identified a subnetwork of connections that statistically differentiated the resting-state brain networks of the two groups, in comparison with standard CLSM results that yielded isolated connections. Network-level analyses are useful tools for the investigation of the neural correlates of language deficits post-stroke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Brain Network Models (BNMs) are mathematical models that simulate the activity of the entire brain. These models use neural mass models to represent local activity in different brain regions that interact with each other via a global structural network. Researchers have been interested in using these models to explain measured brain activity, particularly resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI). BNMs have shown to produce similar properties as measured data computed over longer periods of time such as average functional connectivity (FC), but it is unclear how well simulated trajectories compare to empirical trajectories on a timepoint-by-timepoint basis. During task fMRI, the relevant processes pertaining to task occur over the time frame of the hemodynamic response function, and thus it is important to understand how BNMs capture these dynamics over these short periods.
    UNASSIGNED: To test the nature of BNMs\' short-term trajectories, we used a deep learning technique called Neural ODE to simulate short trajectories from estimated initial conditions based on observed fMRI measurements. To compare to previous methods, we solved for the parameterization of a specific BNM, the Firing Rate Model, using these short-term trajectories as a metric.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results show an agreement between parameterization of using previous long-term metrics with the novel short term metrics exists if also considering other factors such as the sensitivity in accuracy with relative to changes in structural connectivity, and the presence of noise.
    UNASSIGNED: Therefore, we conclude that there is evidence that by using Neural ODE, BNMs can be simulated in a meaningful way when comparing against measured data trajectories, although future studies are necessary to establish how BNM activity relate to behavioral variables or to faster neural processes during this time period.






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    文章类型: Preprint
    Aphasia is a speech-language impairment commonly caused by damage to the left hemisphere. Due to the complexity of speech-language processing, the neural mechanisms that underpin various symptoms between different types of aphasia are still not fully understood. We used the network-based statistic method to identify distinct subnetwork(s) of connections differentiating the resting-state functional networks of the anomic and Broca groups. We identified one such subnetwork that mainly involved the brain regions in the premotor, primary motor, primary auditory, and primary sensory cortices in both hemispheres. The majority of connections in the subnetwork were weaker in the Broca group than the anomic group. The network properties of the subnetwork were examined through complex network measures, which indicated that the regions in the superior temporal gyrus and auditory cortex bilaterally exhibit intensive interaction, and primary motor, premotor and primary sensory cortices in the left hemisphere play an important role in information flow and overall communication efficiency. These findings underlied articulatory difficulties and reduced repetition performance in Broca aphasia, which are rarely observed in anomic aphasia. This research provides novel findings into the resting-state brain network differences between groups of individuals with anomic and Broca aphasia. We identified a subnetwork of, rather than isolated, connections that statistically differentiate the resting-state brain networks of the two groups, in comparison with standard lesion symptom mapping results that yield isolated connections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural connectivity of the brain at different ages is analyzed using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. The largest decrease of streamlines is found in frontal regions and for long inter-hemispheric links. The average length of the tracts also decreases, but the clustering is unaffected. From functional MRI we identify age-related changes of dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) and spatial covariation features of functional connectivity (FC) links captured by metaconnectivity. They indicate more stable dFC, but wider range and variance of MC, whereas static features of FC did not show any significant differences with age. We implement individual connectivity in whole-brain models and test several hypotheses for the mechanisms of operation among underlying neural system. We demonstrate that age-related functional fingerprints are only supported if the model accounts for: (i) compensation of the individual brains for the overall loss of structural connectivity and (ii) decrease of propagation velocity due to the loss of myelination. We also show that with these 2 conditions, it is sufficient to decompose the time-delays as bimodal distribution that only distinguishes between intra- and inter-hemispheric delays, and that the same working point also captures the static FC the best, and produces the largest variability at slow time-scales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Planning surgery for patients with medically refractory epilepsy often requires recording seizures using intracranial EEG. Quantitative measures derived from interictal intracranial EEG yield potentially appealing biomarkers to guide these surgical procedures; however, their utility is limited by the sparsity of electrode implantation as well as the normal confounds of spatiotemporally varying neural activity and connectivity. We propose that comparing intracranial EEG recordings to a normative atlas of intracranial EEG activity and connectivity can reliably map abnormal regions, identify targets for invasive treatment and increase our understanding of human epilepsy. Merging data from the Penn Epilepsy Center and a public database from the Montreal Neurological Institute, we aggregated interictal intracranial EEG retrospectively across 166 subjects comprising >5000 channels. For each channel, we calculated the normalized spectral power and coherence in each canonical frequency band. We constructed an intracranial EEG atlas by mapping the distribution of each feature across the brain and tested the atlas against data from novel patients by generating a z-score for each channel. We demonstrate that for seizure onset zones within the mesial temporal lobe, measures of connectivity abnormality provide greater distinguishing value than univariate measures of abnormal neural activity. We also find that patients with a longer diagnosis of epilepsy have greater abnormalities in connectivity. By integrating measures of both single-channel activity and inter-regional functional connectivity, we find a better accuracy in predicting the seizure onset zones versus normal brain (area under the curve = 0.77) compared with either group of features alone. We propose that aggregating normative intracranial EEG data across epilepsy centres into a normative atlas provides a rigorous, quantitative method to map epileptic networks and guide invasive therapy. We publicly share our data, infrastructure and methods, and propose an international framework for leveraging big data in surgical planning for refractory epilepsy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain condition that is characterized by hypersensitivity to multimodal sensory stimuli, widespread pain, and fatigue. We have previously proposed explosive synchronization (ES), a phenomenon wherein a small perturbation to a network can lead to an abrupt state transition, as a potential mechanism of the hypersensitive FM brain. Therefore, we hypothesized that converting a brain network from ES to general synchronization (GS) may reduce the hypersensitivity of FM brain. To find an effective brain network modulation to convert ES into GS, we constructed a large-scale brain network model near criticality (i.e., an optimally balanced state between order and disorders), which reflects brain dynamics in conscious wakefulness, and adjusted two parameters: local structural connectivity and signal randomness of target brain regions. The network sensitivity to global stimuli was compared between the brain networks before and after the modulation. We found that only increasing the local connectivity of hubs (nodes with intense connections) changes ES to GS, reducing the sensitivity, whereas other types of modulation such as decreasing local connectivity, increasing and decreasing signal randomness are not effective. This study would help to develop a network mechanism-based brain modulation method to reduce the hypersensitivity in FM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain network models derived from graph theory have the potential to guide functional neurosurgery, and to improve rates of post-operative seizure freedom for patients with epilepsy. A barrier to applying these models clinically is that intracranial EEG electrode implantation strategies vary by centre, region and country, from cortical grid & strip electrodes (Electrocorticography), to purely stereotactic depth electrodes (Stereo EEG), to a mixture of both. To determine whether models derived from one type of study are broadly applicable to others, we investigate the differences in brain networks mapped by electrocorticography and stereo EEG in a cohort of patients who underwent surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy and achieved a favourable outcome. We show that networks derived from electrocorticography and stereo EEG define distinct relationships between resected and spared tissue, which may be driven by sampling bias of temporal depth electrodes in patients with predominantly cortical grids. We propose a method of correcting for the effect of internodal distance that is specific to electrode type and explore how additional methods for spatially correcting for sampling bias affect network models. Ultimately, we find that smaller surgical targets tend to have lower connectivity with respect to the surrounding network, challenging notions that abnormal connectivity in the epileptogenic zone is typically high. Our findings suggest that effectively applying computational models to localize epileptic networks requires accounting for the effects of spatial sampling, particularly when analysing both electrocorticography and stereo EEG recordings in the same cohort, and that future network studies of epilepsy surgery should also account for differences in focality between resection and ablation. We propose that these findings are broadly relevant to intracranial EEG network modelling in epilepsy and an important step in translating them clinically into patient care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synchronization is a collective mechanism by which oscillatory networks achieve their functions. Factors driving synchronization include the network\'s topological and dynamical properties. However, how these factors drive the emergence of synchronization in the presence of potentially disruptive external inputs like stochastic perturbations is not well understood, particularly for real-world systems such as the human brain. Here, we aim to systematically address this problem using a large-scale model of the human brain network (i.e., the human connectome). The results show that the model can produce complex synchronization patterns transitioning between incoherent and coherent states. When nodes in the network are coupled at some critical strength, a counterintuitive phenomenon emerges where the addition of noise increases the synchronization of global and local dynamics, with structural hub nodes benefiting the most. This stochastic synchronization effect is found to be driven by the intrinsic hierarchy of neural timescales of the brain and the heterogeneous complex topology of the connectome. Moreover, the effect coincides with clustering of node phases and node frequencies and strengthening of the functional connectivity of some of the connectome\'s subnetworks. Overall, the work provides broad theoretical insights into the emergence and mechanisms of stochastic synchronization, highlighting its putative contribution in achieving network integration underpinning brain function.





