bp, base pair

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The world is still suffering from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and the number of infected people is still growing in many countries in 2022. Although great strides have been made to produce effective vaccines, efforts in this field should be accelerated, particularly due to the emergence of new variants. Using inactivated viruses is a conventional method of vaccine production. High levels of ionizing radiation can effectively inactivate viruses. Recently, studies on SARS-CoV-2 irradiation using low-LET radiations (e.g., gamma rays) have been performed. However, there are insufficient studies on the impact of charged particles on the inactivation of this virus. In this study, a realistic structure of SARS-CoV-2 is simulated by using Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit, and the effect of electrons, protons, alphas, C-12, and Fe-56 ions on the inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 is investigated. The simulation results indicated that densely ionizing (high-LET) particles have the advantage of minimum number of damaged spike proteins per single RNA break. The RNA breaks induced by hydroxyl radicals produced in the surrounding water medium were significant only for electron beam radiation. Hence, indirect RNA breaks induced by densely ionizing particles is negligible. From a simulation standpoint, alpha particles (with energies up to 30 MeV) as well as C-12 ions (with energies up to 80 MeV/n), and Fe-56 ions (with any energy) can be introduced as particles of choice for effective SARS-CoV-2 inactivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottboll) is a tropical halophytic starch-producing, economically important crop palm mainly located in Southeast Asian countries. Recently, a genome survey was conducted on this palm using the Illumina sequencing platform, with a very low (21.5%) BUSCO genome completeness score, and most of them (∼78%) are either fragmented or missing. Thus, in this study, the sago palm genome completeness was further improved with the utilization of the Nanopore sequencing platform that produced longer reads. A hybrid genome assembly was conducted, and the outcome was a much complete sago palm genome with BUSCO completeness achieved at as high as 97.9%, with only ∼2% of them either fragmented or missing. The estimated genome size of the sago palm is 509,812,790 bp in this study. A sum of 33,242 protein-coding genes was revealed from the sago palm genome and around 96.39% of them had been functionally annotated. An investigation on the carbohydrate metabolism KEGG pathways also unearthed that starch synthesis was one of the major sago palm activities. The genome data obtained from this work is indispensable for future molecular evolutionary and genome-wide association studies on the economically important sago palm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basan syndrome is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis characterized by congenital adermatoglyphia, transient congenital facial milia, neonatal acral bullae, and absent or reduced sweating. Basan syndrome is rare and has been reported in only 10 kindreds worldwide. It is caused by variants in the skin-specific isoform of SMARCAD1, which starts with an alternative exon 1. All reported variants, except for one large deletion, are point mutations within the donor splice site of the alternative exon 1. In this paper, we report two families with Basan syndrome and describe two SMARCAD1 variants. In one family, we have identified a complex structural variant (a deletion and a nontandem inverted duplication) using whole-genome optical mapping and whole-genome sequencing. Although this variant results in the removal of the first nine exons of SMARCAD1 and exon 1 of the skin-specific isoform, it manifested in the typical Basan phenotype. This suggests that unlike the skin-specific isoform, a single copy of full-length SMARCAD1 is sufficient for its respective function. In the second family, whole-exome sequencing revealed a deletion of 12 base pairs spanning the exon‒intron junction of the alternative exon 1 of the skin-specific SMARCAD1 isoform. In conclusion, we report two additional families with Basan syndrome and describe two SMARCAD1 pathogenic variants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a pandemic disease that is highly preventable as shown by secondary prevention. Primary prevention is preferred knowing that 50% of the population can expect a cardiac event in their lifetime. Risk stratification for primary prevention using the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology predicted 10-year risk based on conventional risk factors for CAD is less than optimal. Conventional risk factors such as hypertension, cholesterol, and age are age-dependent and not present until the sixth or seventh decade of life. The genetic risk score (GRS), which is estimated from the recently discovered genetic variants predisposed to CAD, offers a potential solution to this dilemma. The GRS, which is derived from genotyping the population with a microarray containing these genetic risk variants, has indicated that genetic risk stratification based on the GRS is superior to that of conventional risk factors in detecting those at high risk and who would benefit most from statin therapy. Studies performed in >1 million individuals confirmed genetic risk stratification is superior and primarily independent of conventional risk factors. Prospective clinical trials based on risk stratification for CAD using the GRS have shown lifestyle changes, physical activity, and statin therapy are associated with 40% to 50% reduction in cardiac events in the high genetic risk group (20%). Genetic risk stratification has the advantage of being innate to an individual\'s DNA, and because DNA does not change in a lifetime, it is independent of age. Genetic risk stratification is inexpensive and can be performed worldwide, providing risk analysis at any age and thus has the potential to revolutionize primary prevention.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The band 9p21.3 contains an established genomic risk zone for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Since the initial 2007 Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium study (WTCCC), the increased CVD risk associated with 9p21.3 has been confirmed by multiple studies in different continents. However, many years later there was still no confirmed report of a corresponding association of 9p21.3 with hypertension, a major CV risk factor, nor with blood pressure (BP).
    BACKGROUND: In this contribution, we review the bipartite haplotype structure of the 9p21.3 risk locus: one block is devoid of protein-coding genes but contains the lead CVD risk SNPs, while the other block contains the first exon and regulatory DNA of the gene for the cell cycle inhibitor p15. We consider how findings from molecular biology offer possibilities of an involvement of p15 in hypertension etiology, with expression of the p15 gene modulated by genetic variation from within the 9p21.3 risk locus.
    RESULTS: We present original results from a Colombian study revealing moderate but persistent association signals for BP and hypertension within the classic 9p21.3 CVD risk locus. These SNPs are mostly confined to a \'hypertension island\' that spans less than 60 kb and coincides with the p15 haplotype block. We find confirmation in data originating from much larger, recent European BP studies, albeit with opposite effect directions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although more work will be needed to elucidate possible mechanisms, previous findings and new data prompt reconsidering the question of how variation in 9p21.3 might influence hypertension components of cardiovascular risk.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    miR-18a is a member of primary transcript called miR-17-92a (C13orf25 or MIR17HG) which also contains five other miRNAs: miR-17, miR-19a, miR-20a, miR-19b and miR-92a. This cluster as a whole shows specific characteristics, where miR-18a seems to be unique. In contrast to the other members, the expression of miR-18a is additionally controlled and probably functions as its own internal controller of the cluster. miR-18a regulates many genes involved in proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, response to different kinds of stress, autophagy and differentiation. The disturbances of miR-18a expression are observed in cancer as well as in different diseases or pathological states. The miR-17-92a cluster is commonly described as oncogenic and it is known as \'oncomiR-1\', but this statement is a simplification because miR-18a can act both as an oncogene and a suppressor. In this review we summarize the current knowledge about miR-18a focusing on its regulation, role in cancer biology and utility as a potential biomarker.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advances in optical mapping have allowed the construction of improved genome assemblies with greater contiguity. Optical mapping also enables genome comparison and identification of large-scale structural variations. Association of these large-scale genomic features with biological functions is an important goal in plant and animal breeding and in medical research. Optical mapping has also been used in microbiology and still plays an important role in strain typing and epidemiological studies. Here, we review the development of optical mapping in recent decades to illustrate its importance in genomic research. We detail its applications and algorithms to show its specific advantages. Finally, we discuss the challenges required to facilitate the optimization of optical mapping and improve its future development and application.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomes represent the starting point of genetic studies. Since the discovery of DNA structure, scientists have devoted great efforts to determine their sequence in an exact way. In this review we provide a comprehensive historical background of the improvements in DNA sequencing technologies that have accompanied the major milestones in genome sequencing and assembly, ranging from early sequencing methods to Next-Generation Sequencing platforms. We then focus on the advantages and challenges of the current technologies and approaches, collectively known as Third Generation Sequencing. As these technical advancements have been accompanied by progress in analytical methods, we also review the bioinformatic tools currently employed in de novo genome assembly, as well as some applications of Third Generation Sequencing technologies and high-quality reference genomes.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recombinant flounder growth hormone was overproduced in E. coli by using codon optimized synthetic gene and optimized expression conditions for high level production. The gene was cloned into PET-28a expression vector and transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3). Induction at lower temperature, lower IPTG concentrations and richer growth media during expression resulted in increased expression level. The protein expression profile was analyzed by SDS-PAGE, the authenticity was confirmed by western blotting and the concentration was determined by Bradford assay. In addition, several attempts were made to produce soluble product and all resulted in insoluble product. The overexpressed protein was efficiently purified from inclusion bodies by moderate speed centrifugation after cell lysis. Among the solubilization buffers examined, buffer with 1% N-lauroylsarcosine in the presence of reducing agent DTT at alkaline pH resulted in efficient solubilization and recovery. The denaturant was removed by filtration and dialysis. The amount of the growth hormone recovered was significantly higher than previous reports that expressed native growth hormone genes in E. coli. The methodology adapted in this study, can be used to produce flounder growth hormone at large scale level so that it can be used in aquaculture. This approach may also apply to other proteins if high level expression and efficient purification is sought in E. coli.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sustainable improvement and conservation of any genetic resource depend on the assessment of its intra- and inter-population genetic variation. In order to estimate genetic variation in both wild and hatchery populations of Macrobrachium rosenbergii, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was performed. Analyses of 51 polymorphic loci amplified from genomic DNA by three decamer random primers revealed different degrees of genetic variation in two wild (Bhairab and Rupsha rivers) and hatchery-derived gher (Gher-1 and Gher-2) populations. The proportion of polymorphic loci was found to be higher in wild populations (0.90 and 0.65 for the Bhairab and Rupsha populations, respectively) than the hatchery-derived gher populations (0.29 and 0.16 for Gher-1 and Gher-2, respectively). Likewise, the river populations contained higher levels of gene diversity (0.221 and 0.179 for Bhairab and Rupsha populations, respectively) than the gher populations (0.114 and 0.045 for Gher-1 and Gher-2, respectively). These results suggest reduction of genetic variation and heterozygosity in the hatchery-derived gher populations. Inter-population similarity indices and pairwise genetic distance values showed that variation between the wild or between the gher populations were lower than those between the wild and hatchery populations. On average, 14 loci exhibited significant deviation from homogeneity in wild vs hatchery population pairs, whereas 2 and 3 loci showed heterogeneity in Gher-1 vs Gher-2 and Bhairab vs Rupsha population pairs, respectively. A genetic distance-based UPGMA dendrogram segregated river populations from the gher populations. Our study, therefore, revealed substantial levels of genetic variation between wild and hatchery populations of M. rosenbergii.






