bottlenose dolphins

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because climate change and the biodiversity crisis are driven by human actions, determining psychological mechanisms underpinning support for environmental action is an urgent priority. Here, we experimentally tested for mechanisms promoting conservation-related motivation and behavior toward a flagship species, wild Tamanend\'s bottlenose dolphins. Following evidence that empathy increases prosocial motivations and behavior, and that the ability to identify individual humans promotes empathy, we tested whether this relationship applied to the ability to identify individual dolphins. Participants identified dolphins from their dorsal fins at above chance levels, and better individuation correlated with higher empathy for dolphins and higher willingness to pledge environmental behaviors. Pairing a narrative with an image of an injured dolphin leads to higher donations relative to a narrative alone. Our novel finding that the ability to individually identify dolphins relates to empathy and conservation-related behavior suggests pathways for strengthening environmental attitudes and behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We diagnosed fatal Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae sepsis in 3 stranded bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) during summer 2022, in San Diego, California, USA. The previously undetected disease in this relatively small, regional population of dolphins most likely indicates an environmental or biological change in the coastal ocean or organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The social intelligence hypothesis holds that complex social relationships are the major selective force underlying the evolution of large brain size and intelligence. Complex social relationships are exemplified by coalitions and alliances that are mediated by affiliative behavior, resulting in differentiated but shifting relationships. Male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Australia, form three alliance levels or \'orders\', primarily among non-relatives. Strategic alliance formation has been documented within both first- and second-order alliances and between second-order alliances (\'third-order alliances\'), revealing that the formation of strategic inter-group alliances is not limited to humans. Here we conducted a fine-scale study on 22 adult males over a 6-year period to determine if third-order alliance relationships are differentiated, and mediated by affiliative interactions. We found third-order alliance relationships were strongly differentiated, with key individuals playing a disproportionate role in maintaining alliances. Nonetheless, affiliative interactions occurred broadly between third-order allies, indicating males maintain bonds with third-order allies of varying strength. We also documented a shift in relationships and formation of a new third-order alliance. These findings further our understanding of dolphin alliance dynamics and provide evidence that strategic alliance formation is found in all three alliance levels, a phenomenon with no peer among non-human animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social tolerance is an essential feature of social life that can determine the good functioning of a group of animals. Play behaviors, like social play and playing with objects, are frequently associated with positive emotional and welfare states. As a result, zoos use various strategies to promote both social tolerance and play with objects. Providing animals with cognitive environmental enrichment can be an effective tool to achieve these goals. Here we tested whether cognitive environmental enrichment can promote social tolerance and play with objects in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). To this end, we provided a group of five dolphins with two types of cognitive enrichment: one for individual use and one for cooperative use, both based on the rope-pulling task paradigm. Then we evaluated whether social tolerance and play with objects had increased after we provided dolphins with the two enrichments. Our results go in this direction, showing that after we provided dolphins with the enrichments, their intolerance behaviors decreased, both during feeding sessions and play sessions, while their play with objects increased. As a result, the two enrichments we used could be useful for improving dolphins\' housing conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Area-restricted search (ARS) behaviour is commonly used to characterize spatio-temporal variation in foraging activity of predators, but evidence of the drivers underlying this behaviour in marine systems is sparse. Advances in underwater sound recording techniques and automated processing of acoustic data now provide opportunities to investigate these questions where species use different vocalizations when encountering prey. Here, we used passive acoustics to investigate drivers of ARS behaviour in a population of dolphins and determined if residency in key foraging areas increased following encounters with prey. Analyses were based on two independent proxies of foraging: echolocation buzzes (widely used as foraging proxies) and bray calls (vocalizations linked to salmon predation attempts). Echolocation buzzes were extracted from echolocation data loggers and bray calls from broadband recordings by a convolutional neural network. We found a strong positive relationship between the duration of encounters and the frequency of both foraging proxies, supporting the theory that bottlenose dolphins engage in ARS behaviour in response to higher prey encounter rates. This study provides empirical evidence for one driver of ARS behaviour and demonstrates the potential for applying passive acoustic monitoring in combination with deep learning-based techniques to investigate the behaviour of vocal animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How do bottlenose dolphins visually perceive the space around them? In particular, what cues do they use as a frame of reference for left-right perception? To address this question, we examined the dolphin\'s responses to various manipulations of the spatial relationship between the dolphin and the trainer by using gestural signs for actions given by the trainer, which have different meanings in the left and right hands. When the dolphins were tested with their backs to the trainer (Experiment 1) or in an inverted position underwater (Experiments 2 and 3), correct responses from the trainer\'s perspective were maintained for signs related to movement direction instructions. In contrast, reversed responses were frequently observed for signs that required different sounds for the left and right hands. When the movement direction instructions were presented with symmetrical graphic signs such as \" × \" and \"●\", accuracy decreased in the inverted posture (Experiment 3). Furthermore, when the signs for sounds were presented from either the left or right side of the dolphin\'s body, performance was better when the side of the sign movement coincided with the body side on which it was presented than when it was mismatched (Experiment 4). In the final experiment, when one eye was covered with an eyecup, the results showed that, as in the case of body-side presentation, performance was better when the open eye coincided with the side on which the sign movement was presented. These results indicate that dolphins used the egocentric frame for visuospatial cognition. In addition, they showed better performances when the gestural signs were presented to the right eye, suggesting the possibility of a left-hemispheric advantage in the dolphin\'s visuospatial cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental enrichment is an essential component of the management policies used by zoos and aquaria to promote animals\' welfare. However, when enrichments are provided several times, they can cause habituation and lose their enrichment effects. A simple method to avoid it could be making a preventive assessment about the trend of animals\' interest in a stimulus provided several times. Here, we hypothesized that anticipatory behavior could be used to assess the decrease in interest in playing with objects when the activity is repeated. Moreover, we also assumed that this could be done before providing objects to play with. Our results support this hypothesis. Specifically, we found a positive correlation between the time the 7 dolphins tested spent performing anticipatory behavior before the enrichment sessions and the time they spent playing with objects during those sessions. As a result, anticipatory behavior performed before enrichment sessions predicted dolphins\' interest in the session and allowed us to assess whether the sessions had lost their enrichment effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social structuring from assortative associations may affect individual fitness, as well as population-level processes. Gaining a broader understanding of social structure can improve our knowledge of social evolution and inform wildlife conservation. We investigated association patterns and community structure of female Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Shark Bay, Western Australia, assessing the role of kinship, shared culturally transmitted foraging techniques, and habitat similarity based on water depth. Our results indicated that associations are influenced by a combination of uni- and biparental relatedness, cultural behaviour and habitat similarity, as these were positively correlated with a measure of dyadic association. These findings were matched in a community level analysis. Members of the same communities overwhelmingly shared the same habitat and foraging techniques, demonstrating a strong homophilic tendency. Both uni- and biparental relatedness between dyads were higher within than between communities. Our results illustrate that intraspecific variation in sociality in bottlenose dolphins is influenced by a complex combination of genetic, cultural, and environmental aspects.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42991-022-00259-x.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In western South America (WSA) two subspecies of bottlenose dolphin are recognized: Tursiops truncatus gephyreus, predominantly found in estuaries and river mouths, and Tursiops truncatus truncatus, occurring along the continental shelf. Despite a partial spatial overlap, both subspecies are considered to occupy different habitats and ecological niches. In the present study, chemical analyzes as well as biochemical and molecular biomarkers were used to investigate the influence of niche partitioning over metabolic pathways associated with the detoxification of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), antioxidant metabolism, immune activity and lipid metabolism in Tursiops truncatus subspecies living in parapatry. Overall, the profile and levels of bioaccumulated PCBs, pesticides and PBDEs were similar between groups, with a greater variety of pesticides, such as γ-HCHs, heptachlor, oxychlordane and o,p\'DDT, detected in T. truncatus gephyreus. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) results indicated that glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymatic activities were higher in coastal dolphins, as were the mRNA levels of metallothionein 2A (MT2A), interleukin-1α (IL-1α), ceramide synthase 3 (CERS3) and fatty acid elongase (ELOVL4). In parallel, mRNA levels of fatty acid synthase complex 1 (FASN 1) were higher in oceanic dolphins. These findings suggest that, due to their occurrence in coastal habitats, T. truncatus gephyreus is more exposed to environmental pollutants and pathogenic microorganisms. Likewise, niche partitioning may influence lipid biosynthesis, possibly due to differences on feeding habits, reflecting in an enhanced long chain ceramides biosynthesis in T. truncatus gephyreus. Collectively, these data reinforce the need to address habitat specificities in conservation efforts, since distinct groups can be facing different anthropogenic pressures in WSA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bottlenose dolphins are the most common cetacean kept globally in zoos and aquaria (hereafter zoos), and are gregarious animals with a mostly opportunistic, generalist feeding strategy in the wild. In zoos, they have limited to no opportunities to express natural foraging behaviours as they receive their daily food ration of dead fish in a series of training sessions. Enrichment provision has increased in recent years, but items are still predominantly simple and floating in nature, and do not always target the animals\' problem-solving or food-acquisition behaviours. These discrepancies run concurrently with the intense debate about dolphin welfare in zoos and how to improve it. The current study used a within-subject design on 11 bottlenose dolphins at Kolmårdens Djurpark and measured how several welfare indicators differed between two treatments of \"cognitive\" and \"non-cognitive\" food-based enrichment. The treatments were provided on an alternating basis for eight consecutive weeks: during cognitive enrichment weeks, the animals received items which stimulated their problem-solving and foraging behaviours, and during non-cognitive enrichment weeks, they received simple items paired with fish (to eliminate bias due to food value). Data were taken related to several multidisciplinary welfare parameters during enrichment provision and training sessions, and to activity budget behaviours throughout the week. During the cognitive as opposed to non-cognitive enrichment weeks, the dolphins engaged more with the enrichment, were more motivated to participate in training sessions and performed less anticipatory and stereotypic behaviours, suggesting that cognitive enrichment improved several indicators of bottlenose dolphin welfare. Valuable lines of further investigation would be to understand how individual differences and different types of cognitive enrichment impact potential welfare benefits. Our results suggest that enrichment items promoting cognitive foraging behaviours may improve dolphin welfare, and therefore zoos might prioritise giving cognitive enrichment to this species as well as considering the same for other species with similar cognitive skills and foraging ecologies.





