
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyse the effect of nutrient management on the growth, physiology, energy utilization, production and quality of black gram, a field trial on black gram was conducted at eastern Indian Gangetic alluvium during the autumn of 2020 and 2021. Treatments were two soil applications of cobalt (Co) and foliar spray of potassium (K) and boron (B) in five combinations. All treatments were arranged in a split-plot design and repeated three times. Two soil applications of cobalt (Co) were assigned in the main plots and foliar spray of potassium (K) and boron (B) in five combinations were assigned in sub-plots. Applications of Co in soil and foliar K+B facilitated significantly higher (p≤0.05) values for aerial dry matter (ADM), leaf area index (LAI), nodules per plant, total chlorophyll, net photosynthetic rate and nitrate reductase content in both 2020 and 2021, with a greater realization of photosynthetically active radiation interception, and use efficiency (IPAR and PARUE respectively), seed yield, seed nutrients and protein contents. Differences in LAI exhibited positive and linear correlation with IPAR explaining more than 60% variations in different growth stages. The innovative combination of soil Co (beneficial nutrient) application at 4 kg ha-1 combined with foliar 1.25% K (macronutrient) + 0.2% B (micronutrient) spray is a potential agronomic management schedule for the farmers to sustain optimum production of autumn black gram through substantial upgradation of growth, physiology, energy utilization, production and quality in Indian subtropics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crystal structures of 16 boron subphthalocyanines (BsubPcs) with structurally diverse axial groups were analyzed and compared to elucidate the impact of the axial group on the intermolecular π-π interactions, axial-group interactions, axial bond length and BsubPc bowl depth. π-π interactions between the isoindole units of adjacent BsubPc molecules most often involve concave-concave packing, whereas axial-group interactions with adjacent BsubPc molecules tend to favour the convex side of the BsubPc bowl. Furthermore, axial groups that contain O and/or F atoms tend to have significant hydrogen-bonding interactions, while axial groups containing arene site(s) can participate in π-π interactions with the BsubPc bowl, both of which can strongly influence the crystal packing. Bulky axial groups did tend to disrupt the π-π interactions and/or axial-group interactions, preventing some of the close packing that is seen in BsubPcs with less bulky axial groups. The atomic radius of the heteroatom bonded to boron directly influences the axial bond length, whereas the axial group has minimal impact on the BsubPc bowl depth. Finally, the crystal growth method did not generally appear to have a significant impact on the solid-state arrangement, with the exception of water occasionally being incorporated into crystal structures when hygroscopic solvents were used. These insights can help with the design and fine-tuning of the solid-state structures of BsubPcs as they continue to be developed as functional materials in organic electronics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Systemic arterial hypertension is a serious chronic health problem caused by multiple factors. It is a major risk factor for Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs), including heart failure, coronary heart disease, and myocardial infarction. Hypertension can be effectively treated with inhibitors of the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE), such as captopril, enalapril, and lisinopril. However, these drugs are associated with significant adverse reactions (e.g., persistent coughing, skin rashes, and angioedema).
    OBJECTIVE: Considering the recent insights obtained by our group into the antihypertensive effect of boroxazolidones, the aim of the current contribution was to design and synthesize a series of these compounds derived from α-amino acids and evaluate them (in silico and in vitro) as inhibitors of ACE and acetylcholinesterase (AChE).
    METHODS: The best candidates were examined for their in vivo antihypertensive activity to regulate high blood pressure in male spontaneously hypertensive rats. Although boron-containing compounds were once thought to be toxic in any medical context, they have increasingly been used as antibiotics, antiseptics, and antineoplastic agents. BXZHis, BXZ-Lys, BXZ-Orn, BXZ-Phe, and BXZ-Pro were selected in silico as promising ACE and AChE inhibitors. After synthesis, these molecules were tested in vitro as ACE and AChE inhibitors, finding that most were effective at micromolar concentrations. The two best candidates, BXZ-Lys and BXZ-His, were evaluated in vivo with spontaneously hypertensive rats.
    RESULTS: BXZ-Lys significantly decreased systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure, being more potent than a common ACE inhibitor, captopril.
    CONCLUSIONS: Future research is required to elucidate the mechanism of action of this antihypertensive effect.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urease is a metalloenzyme that contains two Ni(II) ions in its active site and catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. The development of effective urease inhibitors is crucial not only for mitigating nitrogen losses in agriculture but also for offering an alternative treatment against infections caused by resistant pathogens that utilize urease as a virulence factor. This study focuses on synthesizing and investigating the urease inhibition potential of Biginelli Adducts bearing a boric acid group. An unsubstituted or hydroxy-substituted boronic group in the Biginelli adducts structure enhances the urease inhibitory activity. Biophysical and kinetics studies revealed that the best Biginelli adduct (4e; IC50 = 132 ± 12 µmol/L) is a mixed inhibitor with higher affinity to the urease active site over an allosteric one. Docking studies confirm the interactions of 4e with residues essential for urease activity and demonstrate its potential to coordinate with the nickel atoms through the oxygen atoms of carbonyl or boronic acid groups. Overall, the Biginelli adduct 4e shows great potential as an additive for developing enhanced efficiency fertilizers and/or for medical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    π-Electronic molecules with a BN-heterocyclic and carbon-based aromatic hybrid ring system (h-CBN) are interesting in that they potentially exhibit synergistic properties arising from the two different π-systems. Here we report the synthesis and properties of a h-CBN-type molecule (1) having a bicyclic B4N4-heteropentalene core fused with extended aromatic rings. This molecule exhibits excellent chemical stability despite the absence of bulky substituents for kinetic protection, which in turn provides effective stacking of the π-system upon crystallization. Depending on the crystallization solvent, 1 forms two polymorphs, i.e., the α- and β-phases. While both phases have one-dimensional columnar structures, the π-stacking geometries associated with the transfer integrals of the frontier orbitals are different, resulting in a twofold difference in the electrical conducting properties. We also found that upon thermal vacuum deposition, 1 gives an amorphous film, which serves as a host material for a red phosphorescent OLED device (maximum external quantum efficiency: 15.5 and 13.3% at 0.1 and 2.5 mA, respectively).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the impact of the surface electric field on the quantification accuracy of boron (B) implanted silicon (Si) using atom probe tomography (APT). The Si Charge-State Ratio (CSR(Si) = Si2+/Si+) was used as an indirect measure of the average apex electric field during analysis. For a range of electric fields, the accuracy of the total implanted dose and the depth profile shape determined by APT was evaluated against the National Institute of Standards and Technology Standard Reference Material 2137. The radial (non-)uniformity of the detected B was also examined. At a higher surface electric field (i.e., a greater CSR(Si)), the determined B dose converges on the certified dose. Additionally, the depth profile shape tends towards that derived by secondary ion mass spectrometry. This improvement coincides with a more uniform radial B distribution, evidenced by desorption maps. In contrast, for lower surface electric fields (i.e., a lower CSR(Si)), the B dose is significantly underestimated, and the depth profile is artificially stretched. The desorption maps also indicate a highly inhomogeneous B emission localized around the center of the detector, which is believed to be an artifact of B surface migration on the tip of the sample. For the purposes of routine investigations of semiconductor devices using APT, these results illustrate the potential origin of quantification artifacts and their severity at different operating conditions, thus providing pathways towards best practices for accurate and repeatable measurements.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Boron-enhanced proton therapy has recently appeared as a promising approach to increase the efficiency of proton therapy on tumor cells, and this modality can further be improved by the use of boron nanoparticles (B NPs) as local sensitizers to achieve enhanced and targeted therapeutic outcomes. However, the mechanisms of tumor cell elimination under boron-enhanced proton therapy still require clarification. Here, we explore possible molecular mechanisms responsible for the enhancement of therapeutic outcomes under boron NP-enhanced proton therapy. Spherical B NPs with a mode size of 25 nm were prepared by methods of pulsed laser ablation in water, followed by their coating by polyethylene glycol to improve their colloidal stability in buffers. Then, we assessed the efficiency of B NPs as sensitizers of cancer cell killing under irradiation with a 160.5 MeV proton beam. Our experiments showed that the combined effect of B NPs and proton irradiation induces an increased level of superoxide anion radical generation, which leads to the depolarization of mitochondria, a drop in their membrane mitochondrial potential, and the development of apoptosis. A comprehensive gene expression analysis (via RT-PCR) confirmed increased overexpression of 52 genes (out of 87 studied) involved in the cell redox status and oxidative stress, compared to 12 genes in the cells irradiated without B NPs. Other possible mechanisms responsible for the B NPs-induced radiosensitizing effect, including one related to the generation of alpha particles, are discussed. The obtained results give a better insight into the processes involved in the boron-induced enhancement of proton therapy and enable one to optimize parameters of proton therapy in order to maximize therapeutic outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elimination of dilute gaseous toluene is one of the critical concerns within the field of indoor air remediation. The typical degradation route on titanium-based catalysts, \"toluene-benzaldehyde-carbon dioxide\", necessitates the oxidation of the methyl group as a prerequisite for photocatalytic toluene oxidation. However, the inherent planar adsorption configuration of toluene molecules, dominated by the benzene rings, leads to significant steric hindrance for the methyl group. This steric hindrance prevents the methyl group from contacting the active species on the catalyst surface, thereby limiting the removal of toluene under indoor conditions. To date, no effective strategy to control the steric hindrance of the methyl group has been identified. Herein, we showed a B-Ti-O interface that exhibits significantly enhanced toluene removal efficiency under indoor conditions. In-depth investigations revealed that, compared to typical Ti-based photocatalysts, the steric hindrance between the methyl group and the catalyst surface decreased from 3.42 to 3.03 Å on the designed interface. This reduction originates from the matching of orbital energy levels between Ti 3dz2 and C 2pz of the benzene ring. The decreased steric hindrance improved the efficiency of toluene being attacked by surface active species, allowing for rapid conversion into benzaldehyde and benzoic acid species for subsequent reactions. Our work provides novel insights into the steric hindrance effect in the elimination of aromatic volatile organic compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Boron has been suggested to enhance the biological effectiveness of proton beams in the Bragg peak region via the p + 11B → 3α nuclear capture reaction. However, a number of groups have observed no such enhancement in vitro or questioned its proposed mechanism recently. To help elucidate this phenomenon, we irradiated DU145 prostate cancer or U-87 MG glioblastoma cells by clinical 190 MeV proton beams in plateau or Bragg peak regions with or without 10B or 11B isotopes added as sodium mercaptododecaborate (BSH). The results demonstrate that 11B but not 10B or other components of the BSH molecule enhance cell killing by proton beams. The enhancement occurs selectively in the Bragg peak region, is present for boron concentrations as low as 40 ppm, and is not due to secondary neutrons. The enhancement is likely initiated by proton-boron capture reactions producing three alpha particles, which are rare events occurring in a few cells only, and their effects are amplified by intercellular communication to a population-level response. The observed up to 2-3-fold reductions in survival levels upon the presence of boron for the studied prostate cancer or glioblastoma cells suggest promising clinical applications for these tumour types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A prompt γ-ray neutron activation analysis system has recently been developed at China advanced research reactor (CARR), the 60 MW research reactor in China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE). The system is set at the cold neutron beam guide with a thermal equivalent neutron flux at the sample position of 1.0 × 109 n·cm-2·s-1 with the power of 30 MW, and it is mainly composed of a neutron beam collimator, a sample chamber, a beam stopper, neutron and γ-ray shieldings and a detection system. The detection system can realize three modes of measurement: single, Compton suppression, and pair modes. The detection efficiency was calibrated up to 11 MeV using a set of radionuclides and the (n, γ) reactions of N and Cl. Boron, one of the most important elements in high-temperature alloy material studies, was analyzed in this work, as the first pilot experiment of the CARR-PGNAA system. The analytical sensitivity of 2000 cps/mg-B was obtained. The results verified the feasibility of the CARR-PGNAA system to measure boron in high-temperature alloys, and laid a foundation for the accurate quantification of boron in the next step.





