
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) can differentiate into all cell types of the embryonic germ layers. ESCs can also generate totipotent 2C-like cells and trophectodermal cells. However, these latter transitions occur at low frequency due to epigenetic barriers, the nature of which is not fully understood. Here, we show that treating mouse ESCs with sodium butyrate (NaB) increases the population of 2C-like cells and enables direct reprogramming of ESCs into trophoblast stem cells (TSCs) without a transition through a 2C-like state. Mechanistically, NaB inhibits histone deacetylase activities in the LSD1-HDAC1/2 corepressor complex. This increases acetylation levels in the regulatory regions of both 2C- and TSC-specific genes, promoting their expression. In addition, NaB-treated cells acquire the capacity to generate blastocyst-like structures that can develop beyond the implantation stage in vitro and form deciduae in vivo. These results identify how epigenetics restrict the totipotent and trophectoderm fate in mouse ESCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro-generated blastocyst-like structures are of great importance since they recapitulate specific features or processes of early embryogenesis, thus avoiding ethical concerns as well as increasing scalability and accessibility compared to the use of natural embryos. Here, we combine cell reprogramming and mechanical stimuli to create 3D spherical aggregates that are phenotypically similar to those of natural embryos. Specifically, dermal fibroblasts are reprogrammed, exploiting the miR-200 family property to induce a high plasticity state in somatic cells. Subsequently, miR-200-reprogrammed cells are either driven towards the trophectoderm (TR) lineage using an ad hoc induction protocol or encapsulated into polytetrafluoroethylene micro-bioreactors to maintain and promote pluripotency, generating inner cell mass (ICM)-like spheroids. The obtained TR-like cells and ICM-like spheroids are then co-cultured in the same micro-bioreactor and, subsequently, transferred to microwells to encourage blastoid formation. Notably, the above protocol was applied to fibroblasts obtained from young as well as aged donors, with results that highlighted miR-200\'s ability to successfully reprogram young and aged cells with comparable blastoid rates, regardless of the donor\'s cell age. Overall, the approach here described represents a novel strategy for the creation of artificial blastoids to be used in the field of assisted reproduction technologies for the study of peri- and early post-implantation mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monochorionic twinning of human embryos increases the risk of complications during pregnancy. The rarity of such twinning events, combined with ethical constraints in human embryo research, makes investigating the mechanisms behind twinning practically infeasible. As a result, there is a significant knowledge gap regarding the origins and early phenotypic presentation of monochorionic twin embryos. In this study, a microthermoformed-based microwell screening platform is used to identify conditions that efficiently induce monochorionic twins in human stem cell-based blastocyst models, termed \"twin blastoids\". These twin blastoids contain a cystic GATA3+ trophectoderm-like epithelium encasing two distinct inner cell masses (ICMs). Morphological and morphokinetic analyses reveal that twinning occurs during the cavitation phase via splitting of the OCT4+ pluripotent core. Notably, each ICM in twin blastoids contains its own NR2F2+ polar trophectoderm-like region, ready for implantation. This is functionally tested in a microfluidic chip-based implantation assay with epithelial endometrium cells. Under defined flow regimes, twin blastoids show increased adhesion capacity compared to singleton blastoids, suggestive of increased implantation potential. In conclusion, the development of technology enabling large-scale formation of twin blastoids, coupled with high-sensitivity readout capabilities, presents an unprecedented opportunity for systematically exploring monochorionic twin formation and its impact on embryonic development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Advanced maternal age is associated with reduced implantation and pregnancy rates, yet the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood, and research models are limited.
    OBJECTIVE: Here, we aim to elucidate the impacts of senescence on implantation ability by employing blastoids to construct a novel research model.
    METHODS: We used a novel three-dimensional system with totipotent blastomere-like cells (TBLCs) to construct TBL-blastoids and established senescence-related embryo models derived from oxidative stress-induced TBLCs.
    RESULTS: Morphological and transcriptomic analyses revealed that TBL-blastoids exhibited characteristic blastocyst morphology, cell lineages, and a higher consistency in developmental rate. TBL-blastoids demonstrated the ability to develop into postimplantation structures in vitro and successfully implanted into mouse uteri, inducing decidualization and forming embryonic tissues. Importantly, senescence impaired the implantation potential of TBL-blastoids, effectively mimicking the impaired implantation ability and reduced pregnancy rates associated with advanced age. Furthermore, analysis of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in human homologous deciduae revealed enrichment in multiple fertility-related diseases and other complications of pregnancy. The genes implicated in these diseases and the common DEGs identified in the lineage-like cells of the two types of TBL-blastoids and deciduae may represent potential targets for addressing impaired implantation potential.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results unveiled that TBL blastoids are an improved model for investigating implantation and early postimplantation, offering valuable insights into pregnancy-related disorders in women with advanced age and potential targets for therapeutic interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While studied extensively in model systems, human gastrulation remains obscure. The scarcity of fetal biological material as well as ethical considerations limit our understanding of this process. In vitro attachment of natural blastocysts shed light on aspects of the second week of human development in the absence of the morphological manifestation of gastrulation. Stem cell-derived blastocyst models, blastoids, provide the opportunity to reconstitute pre- to post-implantation development in vitro. Here we show that upon in vitro attachment, human blastoids self-organize a BRA+ population and undergo gastrulation. Single-cell RNA sequencing of these models replicates the transcriptomic signature of the human gastrula. Analysis of developmental timing reveals that in both blastoid models and natural human embryos, the onset of gastrulation as defined by molecular markers, can be traced to timescales equivalent to 12 days post fertilization. In all, natural human embryos and blastoid models self-organize primitive streak and mesoderm derivatives upon in vitro attachment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A human embryo\'s legal definition and its entitlement to protection vary greatly worldwide. Recently, human pluripotent stem cells have been used to form in vitro models of early embryos that have challenged legal definitions and raised questions regarding their usage. In this light, we propose a refined legal definition of an embryo, suggest \"tipping points\" for when human embryo models could eventually be afforded similar protection to that of embryos, and then revisit basic ethical principles that might help to draft a roadmap for the gradual, justified usage of embryo models in a manner that aims to maximize benefits to society.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) revolutionized our understanding of the molecular processes of early development and provided us with the means to capture biological heterogeneity and assess the cellular composition in early embryos. Comparative analysis of the transcriptional landscapes of embryos with single-cell resolution allows us to better understand and improve stem-cell-based embryo models. However, proper comparison between different single-cell datasets acquired by different laboratories and through different technologies is imperative for adequate analysis and findings. In this chapter, we focus on the analysis of human blastoids, which model the blastocyst, and their integrative analysis with human embryo datasets and a 2D in vitro early development model system dataset, which models epiblast, extraembryonic mesoderm, and trophoblast cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human pluripotent stem cells provide an inexhaustible model to study human embryogenesis in vitro. Recent studies have provided diverse models to generate human blastoids by self-organization of different pluripotent stem cells or somatic reprogramming intermediates. However, whether blastoids can be generated from other cell types or whether they can recapitulate postimplantation development in vitro is unknown. Here, we develop a strategy to generate human blastoids from heterogeneous intermediates with epiblast, trophectoderm, and primitive endoderm signatures of the primed-to-naïve conversion process, which resemble natural blastocysts in morphological architecture, composition of cell lineages, transcriptome, and lineage differentiation potential. In addition, these blastoids reflect many features of human peri-implantation and pregastrulation development when further cultured in an in vitro 3D culture system. In summary, our study provides an alternative strategy to generate human blastoids and offers insights into human early embryogenesis by modeling peri- and postimplantation development in vitro.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the mechanisms of blastocyst formation and implantation is critical for improving farm animal reproduction but is hampered by a limited supply of embryos. Here, we developed an efficient method to generate bovine blastocyst-like structures (termed blastoids) via assembling bovine trophoblast stem cells and expanded potential stem cells. Bovine blastoids resemble blastocysts in morphology, cell composition, single-cell transcriptomes, in vitro growth, and the ability to elicit maternal recognition of pregnancy following transfer to recipient cows. Bovine blastoids represent an accessible in vitro model for studying embryogenesis and improving reproductive efficiency in livestock species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the past few decades, many attempts have been made to capture different states of pluripotency in vitro. Naive and primed pluripotent stem cells, corresponding to the pluripotency states of pre- and post-implantation epiblasts, respectively, have been well characterized in mice and can be interconverted in vitro. Here, we summarize the recently reported strategies to generate human naive pluripotent stem cells in vitro. We discuss their applications in studies of regulatory mechanisms involved in early developmental processes, including identification of molecular features, X chromosome inactivation modeling, transposable elements regulation, metabolic characteristics, and cell fate regulation, as well as potential for extraembryonic differentiation and blastoid construction for embryogenesis modeling. We further discuss the naive pluripotency-related research, including 8C-like cell establishment and disease modeling. We also highlight limitations of current naive pluripotency studies, such as imperfect culture conditions and inadequate responsiveness to differentiation signals.





