
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Salinity is a key environmental factor for aquatic organisms for survival, development, distribution, and physiological performance. Salinity fluctuation occurs often in estuary and coastal zones due to weather, tide, and freshwater inflow and thus heavily affects coastal marine aquaculture. The northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria is an important aquaculture species along the Atlantic coast in the US, but information on the effects of salinity stress on physiological, immunological, and molecular responses is still scarce. The goal of this study was to investigate cellular and molecular responses through challenges of long-term hypo- and hyper-salinities in northern quahogs. The objectives were to: 1) measure the survival of market-sized quahogs under a three-month salinity challenge at 15 (hyposalinity), 25 (control), and 35 ppt (hypersalinity); 2) determine cellular changes of hemocytes through analysis of immune functions; 3) determine changes of the total free amino acid concentration in gills, and 4) evaluate the molecular responses in gills using RNAseq technology with qPCR verification. After a three-month salinity challenge, no mortality was observed, and increases in body weight were identified with a significantly higher increase in the hypersalinity group. Northern quahogs equilibrated their hemolymph osmolality with the ambient seawater and were verified to be osmoconformers. Significant differences were observed in total hemocyte concentration, lysosomal presence, ROS production, and phagocytic rate, but no differences were found in cell viability. The total free amino acid concentration within gills was positively correlated to water salinity, indicating amino acids were critical organic osmolytes. The transcriptome of gills using RNAseq revealed differential expression genes (DEG) encoding amino acid transporters (SLC6A3, SLC6A6, SLC6A13, SLC25A38), ion channel proteins (T38B1, GluCl, ATP2C1), and water channel protein (AQP8) in hyposalinity or/and hypersalinity groups, indicating these genes play critical roles in intracellular isosmotic regulation. Overall, the findings in this study provided new insights into osmoregulation in northern quahogs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Western Mediterranean coast is under the influence of anthropogenic pressures, including land use, increasing amounts of dangerous waste and habitat destruction. In 2021, the French RINBIO network ( originally dedicated to assess chemical contamination in the region, focused on biological effects produced by contaminants and the interaction with natural variability in mussels using an active caging strategy. Cell and tissue level biomarkers were applied for 17 sampling sites divided in three sub-regions categorized by different environmental conditions. Results provide critical information for ecosystem health assessment using mussels as sentinel species in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The influence of natural and confounding factors (trophic condition, reproductive cycle, caging strategy), on biological responses to mild chemical contamination, was discussed and discriminated for health status assessment. Results provide valuable data available as reference values for the assessment of biomarkers and histopathological alterations for large-scale active biomonitoring campaigns in the Western Mediterranean Sea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the regional, seasonal, and species abundance and characteristics of microplastics (MPs) in bivalves from Qingdao, China and assessed the dietary exposure of MPs through bivalve consumption. The average abundance was 1.17 ± 1.07 items/individual or 0.17 ± 0.22 items/g wet weight. Fiber was the dominant shape (91.5 %). The average size of MPs was 995.63 ± 796.59 μm. Rayon, PE, and PET contributed mostly to the MPs composition. There were no significant regional or seasonal differences in MPs abundance (p > 0.05), while there were significant species differences (p < 0.05) when describing the abundance by wet weight. The estimated daily intakes of MPs through bivalve consumption by general population, consumer only population, and coastal residents in China were 3.32 × 10-3, 0.08, and 0.16 μg/kg BW, respectively. The exposure assessment method by converting the quantity of MPs into mass may facilitate the risk characterization in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global changes in the coastal ecosystems of oceans and seas, influenced by natural environmental factors and anthropogenic load, have led to a shift in the sexual structure of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, a species cultivated in many countries. This paper is the first to study the effects of steroid hormones on sex inversion and mortality in the M. galloprovincialis. A unidirectional pattern of sex change from females to males was observed. A 100% sex change of females was achieved under the influence of the hormone testosterone during the period of post-spring restructuring of the gonads. No sex change occurred when males and females were exposed to 17β-estradiol. The mortality of mollusks did not exceed 5%.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sessile intertidal organisms live in a harsh environment with challenging environmental conditions and increasing anthropogenic pressure such as microplastic (MP) pollution. This study focused on effects of environmentally relevant MP concentrations on the metabolism of intertidal Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, and its potential MP-induced vulnerability to warming during midday low tide. Oysters experienced a simulated semidiurnal tidal cycle based on their natural habitat, and were exposed to a mixture of polystyrene microbeads (4, 7.5 and 10 µm) at two environmentally relevant concentrations (0.025 µg L-1 and 25 µg L-1) for 16 days, with tissue samplings after 3 and 12 days to address dose-dependent effects over time. On the last day of exposure, the remaining oysters were additionally exposed to low tide warming (3 °C h-1) to investigate possible MP-induced susceptibility to aerial warming. Metabolites of digestive gland and gill tissues were analysed by using untargeted 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) based metabolomics. For the digestive gland metabolite profiles were comparable to each other independent of MP concentration, exposure time, or warming. In contrast, gill metabolites were significantly affected by high MP exposure and warming irrespective of MP, initiating the same cellular stress response to counteract induced oxidative stress. The activated cascade of antioxidant defence mechanisms required energy on top of the general energy turnover to keep up homeostasis, which in turn may lead to subtle, and likely sub-lethal, effects within intertidal oyster populations. Present results underline the importance of examining the effects of environmentally relevant MP concentrations not only alone but in combination with other environmental stressors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquaculture of bivalve shellfish and algae offers significant ecological benefits, yet the complex interactions between these organisms can substantially impact local carbon dynamics. This study investigated the effects of co-culturing four intertidal bivalve species Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum), Chinese clams (Cyclina sinensis), and hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) with microalgae (Isochrysis galbana) on specific water quality parameters, including total particulate matter (TPM), total organic matter (TOM), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved carbon dioxide (dCO2), dissolved oxygen (DO), and ammonium (NH4+) concentrations. The bivalves were divided into smaller and larger groups and cultured under two conditions: with algae (WP) and without (NP), along with matched controls. Total particulate matter (TPM), total organic matter (TOM), dissolved oxygen (DO), ammonium nitrogen (NH4+), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), and CO2 (dCO2) were measured before and after 3-h cultivation. Results revealed species-specific impacts on water chemistry. C. gigas, C. sinensis and R. philippinarum showed the strongest reduction in DIC and dCO2 in WP groups, indicating synergistic bioremediation with algae. M. mercenaria notably reduced TPM, highlighting its particle carbon sequestration potential. DO concentrations decreased in most WP or NP groups, reflecting respiration of the cultured bivalves or microalgae. NH4+ levels also declined for most species, indicating nitrogen assimilation by these creatures. Overall, the bivalve size significantly impacted carbon and nitrogen processing capacities. These findings reveal species-specific capabilities in regulating water carbon dynamics. Further research should explore integrating these bivalves in carbon-negative aquaculture systems to mitigate environmental impacts. This study provides valuable insights underlying local carbon dynamics in shallow marine ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs) are ubiquitous pollutant causing severe threat to the biotic and abiotic components of the coastal ecosystem. Accumulation of MPs in the commercially important bivalves Viz. Perna viridis (green mussel) and Meretrix casta (clam) collected from four different locations of Beypore estuary, Southern India was studied. The study focused on the accumulation, characteristics, diversity indices, and human health risk assessment of MPs in the bivalves of Beypore estuary. A total of 120 bivalve samples were examined for the MPs contamination. Whole tissue digestion method using 10% KOH was employed to retrieve the MP content. The results indicate that the average abundance of MPs in Perna viridis is 2.38 ± 1.56 MPs/individual and 0.15 ± 0.09 MP/g/wet weight whereas, for Meretrix casta it is 1.35 ± 1.02 MPs/individual and 0.3 ± 0.27 MP/g/wet weight. Spearman\'s correlation reveals that there is no significant correlation observed between the abundance of MPs in the bivalves with their morphomertric parameters. The characteristics of MPs in the bivalves are dominated by translucent colored particles (88.95%) in the form of films (45.13%) and fibers (33.6%) having a size ranged between 300 and 1000 μm (51.13%) and composed of polyethylene (54.5%) and polypropylene (20%) polymers. The microplastic index in Meretrix casta ranged between 0.02 and 0.07 whereas for Perna viridis it ranged between 0.08 and 0.10 indicating minimal to moderate MPs contamination. The microplastics diversity integrated index ranged between 0.67 and 0.69 for Meretrix casta whereas, for Perna viridis the value ranged between 0.34 and 0.60 suggests moderate diversity of MPs derived from multiple sources. Based on polymer hazard index, the potential health risk was assessed with a hazard level ranged between II and IV suggesting significant health risk. Systematic monitoring of MPs at river basin scale along with stringent plastic waste management is required to minimize plastic pollution load into the river system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In bivalves, the rate at which organisms grow is a major functional trait underlying many aspects of their commercial production. Growth is a highly polygenic trait, which is typically regulated by many genes with small to moderate effects. Due to its complexity, growth variability in such shellfish remains poorly understood. In this study, we aimed to investigate differential gene expression among spat of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera with distinct growth phenotypes.
    RESULTS: We selected two groups of P. margaritifera spat belonging to the same F2 cohort based on their growth performance at 5.5 months old. Transcriptome profile analysis identified a total of 394 differentially expressed genes between these Fast-growing (F) and Slow-growing (S) phenotypes. According to functional enrichment analysis, S oysters overexpressed genes associated with stress-pathways and regulation of innate immune responses. In contrast, F oysters up-regulated genes associated with cytoskeleton activity, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. Analysis of genome polymorphism identified 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly associated with the growth phenotypes. SNP effect categorization revealed one SNP identified for high effect and annotated for a stop codon gained mutation. Interestingly, this SNP is located within a gene annotated for scavenger receptor class F member 1 (SRF1), which is known to modulate apoptosis. Our analyses also revealed that all F oysters showed up-regulation for this gene and were homozygous for the stop-codon mutation. Conversely, S oysters had a heterozygous genotype and a reduced expression of this gene.
    CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, our findings suggest that differences in growth among the same oyster cohort may be explained by contrasted metabolic allocation between regulatory pathways for growth and the immune system. This study provides a valuable contribution towards our understanding of the molecular components associated with growth performance in the pearl oyster P. margaritifera and bivalves in general.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reconstructing the tree of life and understanding the relationships of taxa are core questions in evolutionary and systematic biology. The main advances in this field in the last decades were derived from molecular phylogenetics; however, for most species, molecular data are not available. Here, we explore the applicability of two deep learning methods - supervised classification approaches and unsupervised similarity learning - to infer organism relationships from specimen images. As a basis, we assembled an image dataset covering 4144 bivalve species belonging to 74 families across all orders and subclasses of the extant Bivalvia, with molecular phylogenetic data being available for all families and a complete taxonomic hierarchy for all species. The suitability of this dataset for deep learning experiments was evidenced by an ablation study resulting in almost 80% accuracy for identifications on the species level. Three sets of experiments were performed using our dataset. First, we included taxonomic hierarchy and genetic distances in a supervised learning approach to obtain predictions on several taxonomic levels simultaneously. Here, we stimulated the model to consider features shared between closely related taxa to be more critical for their classification than features shared with distantly related taxa, imprinting phylogenetic and taxonomic affinities into the architecture and training procedure. Second, we used transfer learning and similarity learning approaches for zero-shot experiments to identify the higher-level taxonomic affinities of test species that the models had not been trained on. The models assigned the unknown species to their respective genera with approximately 48% and 67% accuracy. Lastly, we used unsupervised similarity learning to infer the relatedness of the images without prior knowledge of their taxonomic or phylogenetic affinities. The results clearly showed similarities between visual appearance and genetic relationships at the higher taxonomic levels. The correlation was 0.6 for the most species-rich subclass (Imparidentia), ranging from 0.5 to 0.7 for the orders with the most images. Overall, the correlation between visual similarity and genetic distances at the family level was 0.78. However, fine-grained reconstructions based on these observed correlations, such as sister-taxa relationships, require further work. Overall, our results broaden the applicability of automated taxon identification systems and provide a new avenue for estimating phylogenetic relationships from specimen images.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Compared to the large amount of data on wild samples, only a few studies reported microplastic occurrence in store-bought bivalves in which the production chain can be the main contamination route. Microplastic occurrence was herein investigated in 100 samples of store-bought clams sold as fresh or processed (vacuum-frozen or in brine) in Italy. A 10 % KOH was used for soft tissue digestion and FT-IR spectroscopy for polymer identification. A total of 135 potential microplastics ranging in size between 20 μm and 5000 μm were enumerated estimating an annual dietary intake via clam consumption of 59.472 microplastics/person. No significant difference in the average abundance between the two commercial conditions was observed, while a prevalence of smaller particles was detected in processed samples suggesting a detrimental effect of cooking during production. Polyethylene (PE), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and polystyrene (PS) were identified posing an overall low risk (class II). Microplastic occurrence in store-bought seafood requires additional and specific attention and future studies should investigate microplastic contribution linked to the production chain.





