
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tumor markers should be measured regularly and accurately to prevent, diagnose, and monitor cancers efficiently. We aimed to characterize the pre-analytical factors effecting on the analytical performance of point-of-care test (POCT) platform IchromaTM II (Boditech Med Inc., Gangwon-do, Korea) for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and prostate specific antigen (PSA) and evaluate their consequences in clinical practice. Based on comprehensive evaluation for the analytical performance of IchromaTM II including precision, linearity, and method comparison performed according to CLSI guidelines, pre-analytical factors of sample types and conditions were extensively analyzed. A total of five sample types [serum, plasma (PL) and whole blood (WB) from EDTA tube, PL and WB from sodium heparin tube] from 40 patients were used for comparing among specimen types. Additionally, stability was assessed up to 21 h at room temperature, refrigerated for 8 days, and frozen for 16 weeks by using 4 levels of pooled patient samples which were measured in triplicate. Precision, linearity and correlation with central laboratory analyzers observed in all three tumor markers were within acceptable criteria. However, variable degrees of percent deviations were observed according to sample type and storage conditions. Only EDTA PL samples presented clinically acceptable percentage biases for all three tumor markers when stored at room temperature or refrigerated condition. Positive bias of CEA and PSA in storage duration until 16 weeks were observed when stored in frozen condition. While IchromaTM II showed an adequate analytical performance as a POCT platform with simple operating procedures for the measurement of tumor markers, clinical laboratories should be aware of stability issues when different types of blood specimens are practically utilized.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change has contributed to increased frequency and intensity of wildfire. Studying its acute effects is limited due to unpredictable nature of wildfire occurrence, which necessitates readily deployable techniques to collect biospecimens. To identify biomarkers of wildfire\'s acute effects, we conducted this exploratory study in eight healthy campers (four men and four women) who self-collected nasal fluid, urine, saliva, and skin wipes at different time points before, during, and after 4-hour exposure to wood smoke in a camping event. Concentrations of black carbon in the air and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in participants\' silicone wristbands were significantly elevated during the exposure session. Among 30 arachidonic acid metabolites measured, lipoxygenase metabolites were more abundant in nasal fluid and saliva, whereas cyclooxygenase and non-enzymatic metabolites were more abundant in urine. We observed drastic increases, at 8 hours following the exposure, in urinary levels of PGE2 (398%) and 15-keto-PGF2α (191%) (FDR<10%), with greater increases in men (FDR < 0.01%) than in women. No significant changes were observed for other metabolites in urine or the other biospecimens. Our results suggest urinary PGE2 and 15-keto-PGF2α as promising biomarkers reflecting pathophysiologic (likely sex-dependent) changes induced by short-term exposure to wildfire.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Black women are underrepresented in clinical research and clinical trials. Knowledge gaps lead to biased clinical practice and care. There is a small but growing body of literature on Black women\'s perceptions about participation when biospecimen donation is sought by researchers. This is the first known study to investigate willingness to participate in clinical research involving biospecimen donation among Black women of reproductive age in the United States.
    METHODS: This cross-sectional study recruited 496 Black women (ages 18-49) from a research crowdsourcing platform. Participants completed a 46-item online survey which asked about their willingness to provide blood samples for clinical health research and reasons for their willingness or for any unwillingness. Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis method were used to analyze the data.
    RESULTS: Less than half (44%) of participants reported willingness to provide blood samples for clinical research. The most common concerns of those expressing unwillingness to provide samples were \"fear of blood sample being misused\" and \"distrust with the health researchers handling the samples.\" We identified six qualitative themes from the analysis of participants\' open-ended responses. The most important factors include a desire for integrity and transparency in research, institutional racism contributing to mistrust, and adequate compensation and clearly defined benefits to participation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The recruitment and engagement of Black women in clinical biospecimen research should involve transparent, trustworthy, and anti-racist practices and informed respect for Black women\'s autonomy. There is a need to address Black women\'s concerns about exploitative profits and mistrust of academic and medical institutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Veterinary biobanks store samples for future use and distribute samples to academic researchers and industry entities; however, informed consent provided by owners for pets contributing to biobanks can be complicated by limited understanding of goals, purpose, and logistics of biobanking.
    UNASSIGNED: This survey-based study aimed to gather feedback from pet owners on how they viewed allowing their pet to contribute to a veterinary biobank, with the goal of identifying opportunities to improve education, awareness of veterinary biobanking initiatives, and the consent processes. An electronic survey was distributed to a listserv of 2,119 pet owners and responses were received from 118 respondents (5.6%).
    UNASSIGNED: Most respondents (67%) were not familiar with the concept of veterinary biobanking prior to having responded to the survey. Most (89%) were willing to allow their healthy pet to contribute samples to a veterinary biobanking program. Ninety-five percent would allow their sick pet to contribute. Most were neutral about financial incentives as a motivator to participate, although 40% indicated that if their pet\'s condition resulted in a decision to humanely euthanize, they would be more likely to contribute to the biobank if the veterinary biobanking program covered the cost of euthanasia. Common concerns included security/confidentiality (36%), that results would not be shared with them (33%) or that samples would be used for other purposes beyond those advertised (22%).
    UNASSIGNED: These results suggest veterinary biobanking initiatives are well received by owners and most are willing to allow their pets to participate. Respondent concerns represent opportunities for veterinary biobanks to improve messaging and dissemination of results from work they support.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sepsis is a common and deadly syndrome, accounting for more than 11 million deaths annually. To mature a deeper understanding of the host and pathogen mechanisms contributing to poor outcomes in sepsis, and thereby possibly inform new therapeutic targets, sophisticated, and expensive biorepositories are typically required. We propose that remnant biospecimens are an alternative for mechanistic sepsis research, although the viability and scientific value of such remnants are unknown.
    RESULTS: The Remnant Biospecimen Investigation in Sepsis study is a prospective cohort study of 225 adults (age ≥ 18 yr) presenting to the emergency department with community sepsis, defined as sepsis-3 criteria within 6 hours of arrival. The primary objective was to determine the scientific value of a remnant biospecimen repository in sepsis linked to clinical phenotyping in the electronic health record. We will study candidate multiomic readouts of sepsis biology, governed by a conceptual model, and determine the precision, accuracy, integrity, and comparability of proteins, small molecules, lipids, and pathogen sequencing in remnant biospecimens compared with paired biospecimens obtained according to research protocols. Paired biospecimens will include plasma from sodium-heparin, EDTA, sodium fluoride, and citrate tubes.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study has received approval from the University of Pittsburgh Human Research Protection Office (Study 21120013). Recruitment began on October 25, 2022, with planned release of primary results anticipated in 2024. Results will be made available to the public, the funders, critical care societies, laboratory medicine scientists, and other researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Availability of relevant biological samples supports both basic science research and patient-centered clinical studies. Establishing a biorepository faces challenges at multiple levels. These tasks include defining mission definition and scope; selection of subjects and sample types; recruitment strategies; timing of collection in the patient\'s journey; sample logistics and processing; determining what clinical data to collect; ensuring sample integrity on transport, processing, and storage; defining governance structures and oversight responsibilities; clarifying sample provenance and ownership; establishing procedures for sample and data access; selecting testing to be performed routinely versus upon request, and management of results; data security; funding sources; and regulatory compliance. Establishing and maintaining a biorepository therefore requires careful planning, diligent and sustained execution, technical and financial resources, stakeholder support, and flexible and resilient management to respond to changing environments and needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Development of novel biomarkers for diagnosis of disease and assessment of treatment efficacy utilizes a wide range of biospecimens for discovery research. The fitness of biospecimens for the purpose of biomarker development depends on the clinical characteristics of the donor and on a number of critical and potentially uncontrolled pre-analytical variables. Pre-analytical factors influence the reliability of the biomarkers to be analyzed and can seriously impact analytic outcomes. Sample quality stratification assays and tools can be utilized by biorepositories to minimize bias resulting from samples\' inconsistent quality. In this study, we evaluated the quality of biobanked specimens by comparing analytical outcomes at 1, 5, and 10 years after collection. Our results demonstrate that currently available assays and tools can be used by biobank laboratories to support objective biospecimen qualification. We have established a workflow to monitor the quality of different types of biospecimens and, in this study, present the results of a qualification exercise applied to fluid samples and their derivatives in the context of urological diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying neuro-urological disorders is crucial for the development of targeted therapeutic interventions. Through the establishment of comprehensive biobanks, researchers can collect and store various biological specimens, including urine, blood, tissue, and DNA samples, to study these mechanisms. In the context of neuro-urology, biobanking facilitates the identification of genetic variations, epigenetic modifications, and gene expression patterns associated with neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. These conditions often present as symptoms of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer\'s disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson\'s disease, spinal cord injury, and many others. Biobanking of tissue specimens from such patients is essential to understand why these diseases cause the respective symptoms and what can be done to alleviate them. The utilization of high-throughput technologies, such as next-generation sequencing and gene expression profiling, enables researchers to explore the molecular landscape of these conditions in an unprecedented manner. The development of specific and reliable biomarkers resulting from these efforts may help in early detection, accurate diagnosis, and effective monitoring of neuro-urological conditions, leading to improved patient care and management. Furthermore, these biomarkers could potentially facilitate the monitoring of novel therapies currently under investigation in neuro-urological clinical trials. This comprehensive review explores the synergistic integration of neuro-urology and biobanking, with particular emphasis on the translation of biobanking approaches in molecular research in neuro-urology. We discuss the advantages of biobanking in neuro-urological studies, the types of specimens collected and their applications in translational research. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of standardization and quality assurance when collecting samples and discuss challenges that may compromise sample quality and impose limitations on their subsequent utilization. Finally, we give recommendations for sampling in multicenter studies, examine sustainability issues associated with biobanking, and provide future directions for this dynamic field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: A biobank is an organization that gathers, refines, preserves and provides access to biospecimens along with relevant clinical data that can be used in applied or clinical research. Biobanking is a critical component of the scientific foundation for personalized medicine; this implies the accessibility of high-quality human biospecimens, such as blood, tissue, and other body fluids, along with the patient clinical data that goes with them.
    UNASSIGNED: This paper summarizes the function of biobanks in oncology and the requirements for biobank development in translational and clinical research.
    UNASSIGNED: Biobanks raise numerous ethical issues that government agencies address by enacting particular laws. To develop personalized medicine, biobanks are crucial, given that the availability of an extensive collection of patient samples with thoroughly annotated clinical and pathological data is an essential necessity. Also, data related to biobanking raises complex ethical, legal, and social issues, particularly concerning the protection of donor privacy and the appropriate use of collected samples. International standards have been developed to address these issues to ensure biobanking practices\' quality, safety, and integrity.
    UNASSIGNED: Biobanking is vital in advancing biomedical research, supporting clinical applications, and enhancing our understanding of human health and disease. Using real-world data and biobanking can accelerate medical research, support personalized medicine initiatives, and improve patient care.





