bionic robot

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rowing motion with paired propellers is an essential actuation mechanism for swimming robots. Previous work in this field has typically employed flexible propellers to generate a net thrust or torque by using changes in the compliance values of flexible structures under the influence of a fluid. The low stiffness values of the flexible structures restrict the upper limit of the oscillation frequency and amplitude, resulting in slow swimming speeds. Furthermore, complex coupling between the fluid and the propeller reduce the accuracy of flexible propeller simulations. A design of a flexible passive joint paddle was proposed in this study, and a dynamics model and simulation of the paddle were experimentally verified. In order to optimize the straight swimming speed, a data-driven model was proposed to improve the simulation accuracy. The effects of the joint number and controller parameters on the robot\'s straight swimming speed were comprehensively investigated. The multi-joint paddle exhibited significantly improved thrust over the single-joint paddle in a symmetric driving mode. The data-driven model reduced the total error of the simulated data of the propulsive force in the range of control parameters to 0.51%. Swimming speed increased by 3.3 times compared to baseline. These findings demonstrate the utility of the proposed dynamics and data-driven models in the multi-objective design of swimming robots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we focus on the design and analysis of a bionic gliding robotic dolphin. Inspired by natural dolphins, a novel bionic gliding robotic dolphin is developed. Different from the existing ones, the gliding robotic dolphin developed in this work is specially introduced with a yaw joint to connect its three oscillating joints to improve maneuverability in both dolphin-like swimming and gliding motion. Consequently, the gliding robotic dolphin can realize several flexible motion patterns under the coordination of its flippers, yaw joint, oscillating joints, and buoyancy-driven modular. Thereafter, relying on the Newton-Euler method, a hybrid-driven dynamic model is constructed to further analyze the propulsive performance in both dolphin-like swimming and gliding motions. Finally, various simulations and experiments, including forward swimming, gliding, and turning in both dolphin-like swimming and gliding modes, are carried out to validate the effectiveness of the developed gliding robotic dolphin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nature-similar muscle is one of the ultimate goals of advanced artificial muscle materials. Currently, a variety of chemical and natural materials have been gradually developed for the preparation of artificial muscles. However, due to the scarcity, biological exclusion, and poor flexibility of the abovementioned materials, it is still a challenging process to maximize the imitation of behaviors shown by real muscles and commercial development. Here, this article presents multidimensional wool yarn artificial muscles, and the wet response behavior of fibers is induced in yarn muscles successfully by virtue of weakening the water-repellent effect of wool scales. Wool artificial muscles are cost-effective and widely available and have good biocompatibility. In addition, wool fiber assemblies are structurally stable, soft, and flexible to be processed into artificial muscles with torsional, contractile, and even multilayered structures, enabling various wet-driven behaviors. On the basis of the theoretical model and numerical simulation, we explained and verified the working mechanism employed in wool artificial yarn muscles. Finally, the yarn muscle was integrated into a wool muscle group through the textile technology, followed by the application to robot bionic arms, displaying the great potential of wool artificial yarn muscles in bionic drivers and the intelligent textile industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In complex and unpredictable environments or in situations of human-robot interaction, a soft and flexible robot performs more safely and is more impact resistant compared to a traditional rigid robot. To enable robots to have bionic features (flexibility, compliance and variable stiffness) similar to human joints, structures involving suspended tubercle tensegrity are researched. The suspended tubercle gives the joint compliance and flexibility by isolating two moving parts. The variable stiffness capacity is achieved by changing the internal stress of tensegrity through the simultaneous contraction or relaxation of the driving tendons. A wrist-inspired tensegrity-based bionic joint is proposed as a case study. It has variable stiffness and two rotations with a total of three degrees of freedom. Through theoretical derivation and simulation calculation in the NASA Tensegrity RobotToolkit (NTRT) simulator, the range of motion, stiffness adjustable capacity, and their interaction are studied. A prototype is built and tested under a motion capture system. The experimental result agrees well with the theoretical simulation. Our experiments show that the suspended tubercle-type tensegrity is flexible, the stiffness is adjustable and easy to control, and it has great potential for bionic joints.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Underwater target acquisition and identification performed by manipulators having broad application prospects and value in the field of marine development. Conventional manipulators are too heavy to be used for small target objects and unsuitable for shallow sea working. In this paper, a bio-inspired Father-Son Underwater Robot System (FURS) is designed for underwater target object image acquisition and identification. Our spherical underwater robot (SUR), as the father underwater robot of the FURS, has the ability of strong dynamic balance and good maneuverability, can realize approach the target area quickly, and then cruise and surround the target object. A coiling mechanism was installed on SUR for the recycling and release of the son underwater robot. A Salamandra-inspired son underwater robot is used as the manipulator of the FURS, which is connected to the spherical underwater robot by a tether. The son underwater robot has multiple degrees of freedom and realizes both swimming and walking movement modes. The son underwater robot can move to underwater target objects. The vision system is installed to enable the FURS to acquire the image information of the target object with the aid of the camera, and also to identify the target object. Finally, verification experiments are conducted in an indoor water tank and outdoor swimming pool conditions to verify the effectiveness of the proposed in this paper.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial muscles have unique advantages for driving bionic robots because their driving mode is similar to biological muscles. However, there is still a big gap between the existing artificial muscle and biological muscle in performance. The twisted artificial muscles (TAMs) from nylon 6,6 provides a low-cost, high integration, low hysteresis driving method. But as a soft actuator, the control of the TAM is so complex that the advantage of excellent embeddedness has not been brought into play. This work presents a self-sensing control method for the TAM by monitoring the real-time resistance of the heating wire which realizes the accurate controlling of the TAM temperature. The simultaneous control of 18 TAMs is realized by using the self-sensing control method. By using a new step walking method based on the principle of insect bionics, a bionic soft hexapod robot with both multi-motion and load capacity is realized. Besides, due to the excellent environmental adaptability of the TAM, the bionic robot can realize amphibious motion both on land and underwater conditions, and the corresponding maximum load capacities are 300 g and 1 kg, respectively. This work not only provides a reliable self-sensing control method of the TAMs but also promotes the development of bionic soft robots.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The application of minimally invasive interventional breast surgery is becoming more and more widespread. The accurate puncture of breast cancer needs to solve the problems of tissue deformation and target displacement.
    METHODS: In this study, we analysed the process of leech blood absorption and developed a robotic needle insertion method based on bionic technology to improve the accuracy of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Among them, the design purpose of the sucker manipulator is to adjust and fix the breast tissue. We use uncalibrated visual servo to control soft tissue deformation.
    RESULTS: We compare the puncture effect of bionic needle puncture robot and common needle puncture on breast prosthesis and in vitro tissue. Experimental data shows that, compared with ordinary needle insertion, the robotic needle insertion method based on bionic technology greatly reduces the targeting error.
    CONCLUSIONS: This method is expected to provide a safe and effective alternative to traditional puncture for breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.





