
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We develop a conceptual framework for geo-evolutionary feedbacks which describes the mutual interplay between landscape change and the evolution of traits of organisms residing on the landscape, with an emphasis on contemporary timeframes. Geo-evolutionary feedbacks can be realized via the direct evolution of geomorphic engineering traits or can be mediated by the evolution of trait variation that affects the population size and distribution of the specific geomorphic engineering organisms involved. Organisms that modify their local environments provide the basis for patch-scale geo-evolutionary feedbacks, whereas spatial self-organization provides a mechanism for geo-evolutionary feedbacks at the landscape scale. Understanding these likely prevalent geo-evolutionary feedbacks, that occur at timescales similar to anthropogenic climate change, will be essential to better predict landscape adaptive capacity and change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heuweltjies are earthen mounds found throughout the Succulent Karoo of South Africa and are inhabited by the termite Microhodotermes viator. Many have assumed that heuweltjies are constructed by the occupying termites. Consequently, heuweltjies have been used as an example of several important concepts in ecology and evolution: the extended phenotype, ecosystem engineering and niche construction. However, recent findings demonstrate that M. viator does not directly construct heuweltjies. Rather, termite colonies enrich the soil around their nests with plant nutrients, which promotes development of widely separated patches of denser vegetation. Eventual formation of heuweltjies represents a response of the physical environment to the windbreak effect of the denser vegetation patches (localized reduction of wind velocity and resultant deposition and accumulation of airborne sediment). Other structures constructed by the termites are justifiably regarded as extended phenotypes. Identification and investigation of a complex cascade of processes are required to more precisely assess the manner in which this termite species functions as an ecosystem engineer or niche constructor, thereby significantly influencing the availability of resources within local ecosystems. Environmental alterations that are either directly or indirectly generated by social animals that construct large, communal nests represent ecological processes that contribute significantly to local biodiversity. This article is part of the theme issue \'The evolutionary ecology of nests: a cross-taxon approach\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms play a role in the construction or modulation of various types of landforms. They are especially notable for forming microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS). Such microbial structures have been considered to be among the most likely biosignatures that might be encountered on the martian surface. Twenty-nine algorithms have been tested with images taken during a laboratory experiment for testing their performance in discriminating mat cracks (MISS) from abiotic mud cracks. Among the algorithms, neural network types produced excellent predictions with similar precision of 0.99. Following that step, a convolutional neural network (CNN) approach has been tested to see whether it can conclusively detect MISS in images of rocks and sediment surfaces taken at different natural sites where present and ancient (fossil) microbial mat cracks and abiotic desiccation cracks were observed. The CNN approach showed excellent prediction of biotic and abiotic structures from the images (global precision, sensitivity, and specificity, respectively, 0.99, 0.99, and 0.97). The key areas of interest of the machine matched well with human expertise for distinguishing biotic and abiotic forms (in their geomorphological meaning). The images indicated clear differences between the abiotic and biotic situations expressed at three embedded scales: texture (size, shape, and arrangement of the grains constituting the surface of one form), form (outer shape of one form), and pattern of form arrangement (arrangement of the forms over a few square meters). The most discriminative components for biogenicity were the border of the mat cracks with their tortuous enlarged and blistered morphology more or less curved upward, sometimes with thin laminations. To apply this innovative biogeomorphological approach to the images obtained by rovers on Mars, the main physical and biological sources of variation in abiotic and biotic outcomes must now be further considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractBy virtue of their niche construction traits, plants play a significant role in shaping landscapes. The resultant outcome could change the selective environment, which then influences the evolution of these same plants. To date, almost all biogeomorphic models have assumed that niche construction traits are invariant in time. Conversely, niche construction studies often assume that independent abiotic changes either are nonexistent or are simply linear. Here, I consider the concomitant evolution of plant niche construction traits during complex landscape development. I construct a geo-evolutionary model that couples a population genetic module with a landscape development module. Allowing plants to evolve always results in landforms different from those that appear when evolution is not included. The topographic difference between cases with and without evolution ranges from a small difference in steady-state elevation (topography) to pronounced differences in landforms. Furthermore, evolution of niche construction traits could introduce alternative stable states and hysteresis, modifying the responses of landscapes to environmental stress. Allowing the landscape to develop while evolution occurs alters evolutionary trajectories for niche construction traits. The system can even develop into states that suppress natural selection. Model results support the need to integrate niche construction theory and biogeomorphology to better understand both.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engineer organisms not only adapt to pre-existing environmental conditions but also co-construct their physical environment. By doing so, they can subsequently change selection pressures for themselves and other species, as well as change community and ecosystem structures and functions. Focusing on one representative example, i.e., fossorial mammals, we show that geomorphological Earth system components are crucial for understanding and quantifying links between evolutionary and ecosystem dynamics and that feedbacks between geomorphology and engineer organisms constitute a major driver of geomorphological organization on the Earth\'s surface. We propose a biogeomorphological eco-evolutionary feedback synthesis from the gene to the landscape where eco-evolutionary feedbacks are mediated by the geomorphological dimensions of a niche that are affected by engineer organisms, such as fossorial mammals. Our concept encompasses (i) the initial responses of fossorial mammals to environmental constraints that enhance the evolution of their morphological and biomechanical traits for digging in the soil; (ii) specific adaptations of engineer fossorial mammals (morphological, biomechanical, physiological and behavioural feedback traits for living in burrows) to their constructed geomorphological environment; and (iii) ecological and evolutionary feedbacks diffusing at the community and ecological levels. Such a new perspective in geomorphology may lead to a better conceptualization and analysis of Earth surface processes and landforms as parts of complex adaptive systems in which Darwinian selection processes at lower landscape levels lead to self-organization of higher-level landforms and landscapes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foredunes in arid zones have been little studied, being significantly different than tropical and temperate foredunes. In the case of the foredune of the arid Canary Islands\' dune systems, Traganum moquinii is the predominant plant species, forms nebkhas and nebkhas fields, and acts as a structuring element in the dune field. In this work, the eco-anthropogenic evolution of the foredune surface, and the morphology and distribution of Traganum moquinii species in the Maspalomas dunefield (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) are analysed, to understand the role that this plant species plays on the foredune\'s geomorphology and on the biogeomorphological processes altered by human actions. Eight variables were measured in 10 plots at five different times, from the 1960\'s to the present, through historical aerial photographs and orthophotos, integrated in a GIS. Significant decadal changes in the number and distribution/morphology of Traganum moquinii plants and also in the morphology of the foredune are observed, although not in a spatially homogeneous manner, as three different foredune behaviors are observed. The number of nebkhas/number of T. moquinii plants, has decreased between 1961 and 2012. The largest changes occurred in the north and south of the study area, and the lowest numbers of nebkhas occur where tourist activities and services are intense. In addition, the distance between Traganum moquinii individuals and variables measured in the foredune front (e.g. the diameter of the individuals) have significant relationships. Also, the greater the distance between plant individuals in the foredune front, the greater is the distance of T. moquinii individual plants in the rest of the plot. The alongshore variations in foredune development are due to natural processes (e.g. natural decline or growth of plants), and human impacts (e.g. carpark and kiosk construction, heavy tourist use). This research could be useful for the management of foredunes in arid regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biogeomorphological processes and structures (BPS) can affect plant growth and community structure and promote landscape complexity in ecosystems. However, there is a lack of understanding of how BPS facilitates seedling establishment and distribution of annual plants and promotes the success of coastal restoration. We studied the relationships between seedling establishment of a native annual plant species (Suaeda salsa) and BPS resulting from crabs and plants in a middle elevation salt marsh with moderate tides (where inhabited generally high density of plants and crabs) in the Yellow River Delta of China. While there were many crabs but fewer plants in lower elevation areas with more frequent and stronger tides; and in higher elevation areas with weaker tides there were both fewer crabs and plants. Investigations and field manipulation experiments of microtopography, crabs and plants were conducted to determine if and how these BPS influenced seedling establishment and distribution under tidal influence in the middle elevation salt marshes. Results demonstrated that biogeomorphological structures, mainly concave hollows generated by crab burrowing and concave hollows around plant roots and stems under tidal influence, were associated with the trapping of seeds and influenced the establishment and distribution of seedlings. Additionally, upon senescence, maternal plants with unreleased seeds lodged on the ground and influenced seed retention and seedling establishment. The artificial concave hollows that were created experimentally also trapped many seeds and facilitated seedling establishment. Experimental plantings and creation of artificial hollow microtopography attracted crabs that created burrows, resulting in a positive feedback on seedling establishment. We used information obtained from the experimental component of the study to conduct a hollow microtopography manipulation to successfully restore degraded salt marshes. Understanding the associations between seedling establishment and biogeomorphological processes provides important insights for the utilization of natural or human ecosystem engineering to restore coastal vegetation ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rock type used in coastal engineering structures impacts biodiversity, but its effect has been understudied to date. We report here on whether different combinations of rock material and rock mass properties can improve habitat suitability and early phase ecological outcomes on coastal engineering structures. We examine two coastal engineering schemes that used different granites during construction. At site one, Shap granite boulders with a high number of cm-dm2 surface features (e.g. ledges) were deliberately positioned during construction (called passive enhancement), to a) maximise the provision of cm-dm scale intertidal habitat and b) determine which scale of habitat is best for ecological enhancement. At site two, Norwegian granite boulders were installed without passive enhancement, allowing for a direct comparison. Passive positioning of Shap granite boulders led to an increase in limpet (Patella vulgata, Linnaeus, 1758) abundance within two years but few limpets were recorded on the non-enhanced Norwegian granite. Positioning of boulder thus exerts a strong control on the mm and mm-dm scale geomorphic features present, with clear ecological benefits when suitable features are selected for and optimally positioned (i.e. passive enhancement) to maximise habitat features. An EcoRock scoring matrix was developed to aid in the selection of the most ecologically suitable rock materials for coastal engineering worldwide; this can help improve habitat provision on engineered structures in a rapidly warming world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Elucidating the impact of faunal activity on stream channels is an emerging field wherein ecologists, fluvial geomorphologists, and engineers collaborate to research and manage fluvial ecosystems. Here, we focused on the geomorphological effects of animals in mountain streams. This ecosystem merits conservation measures as it furnishes cold-water refugia. We searched literature addressing the impact of various animal taxa on the river/stream bed structure. The citation sources were the Web of Science, Scopus, and ScienceDirect databases covering 1975-early 2020. We examined all animal taxa with documented or potential zoogeomorphological effects upon streams and assigned spatiotemporal scales to their impacts. Interpreting the literature was challenging due to a lack of uniformity in data treatment between species groups and over time. Though human interactions prevail in stream channels, animals also have a substantial effect on a spatial scale and their modifications are more durable. In general, animals markedly influence aquatic habitats. This literature compilation revealed much information about the geomorphological effects of beavers, redd-building fish, and large bottom-dwelling fish. The scale of impact of invertebrates such as crayfish or case-building caddisfly larvae on stony-gravel bottoms has previously been demonstrated. However, previous research has concentrated on only one taxon and has not demonstrated the bioaccumulation effect of multiple taxa. Quantitative data have been presented only for large terrestrial mammals crossing streams. There was comparatively little information on the impact of other terrestrial taxa on stream geomorphology. There were also few or no quantitative data on the impacts of aquatic fauna on mountain stream channels. Much has been reported about the effects of burying invertebrates but relatively little is known about the impacts of burying fish such as lamprey larvae. The present review highlights numerous outstanding information gaps. It is hoped that this review will facilitate ongoing zoogeomorphological research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Extreme environmental events can strongly affect coastal marine ecosystems but are typically unpredictable. Reliable data on benthic community conditions before such events are rarely available, making it difficult to measure their effects. At the end of October 2018, a severe storm hit the Ligurian coast (NW Mediterranean) producing damages to coastal infrastructures. Thanks to recent data collected just before the event on two Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows hit by the storm, it has been possible to assess the impact of the event on one of the most valuable habitats of the Mediterranean Sea. By means of seagrass cover and depth data gathered along four depth transects positioned within the two meadows in areas differently exposed to the storm waves, and by using models (WW3® + SWAN + XBeach 1D) to evaluate wave height and bed shear stress, we showed that meadows experienced erosion and burial phenomena according to exposure. Paradoxically, meadows in good conditions suffered more damage as compared to those already suffering from previous local anthropogenic impacts. Besides the direct effect of waves in terms of plant uprooting, a major loss of P. oceanica was due to sediment burial in the deepest parts of the meadows. Overall, the loss of living P. oceanica cover amounted to about 50%. Considering that previous research showed that the loss of the original surface of P. oceanica meadows in 160 years due to anthropogenic pressures was similarly around 50%, the present study documented that an extreme environmental event can generate in a single day a loss of natural capital equal to that produced gradually by more than a century of human impact.





