binding site

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The HIV-1 protease is critical for the process of viral maturation and as such, it is one of the most well characterized proteins in the Protein Data Bank. There is some evidence to suggest that the HIV-1 protease is capable of accommodating small molecule fragments at several locations on its surface outside of the active site. However, some pockets on the surface of proteins remain unformed in the apo structure and are termed \"cryptic sites.\" To date, no cryptic sites have been identified in the structure of HIV-1 protease. Here, we characterize a novel cryptic cantilever pocket on the surface of the HIV-1 protease through mixed-solvent molecular dynamics simulations using several probes. Interestingly, we noted that several homologous retroviral proteases exhibit evolutionarily conserved dynamics in the cantilever region and possess a conserved pocket in the cantilever region. Immobilization of the cantilever region of the HIV-1 protease via disulfide cross-linking resulted in curling-in of the flap tips and the propensity for the protease to adopt a semi-open flap conformation. Structure-based analysis and fragment-based screening of the cryptic cantilever pocket suggested that the pocket may be capable of accommodating ligand structures. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations of a top scoring fragment bound to the cryptic pocket illustrated altered flap dynamics of the fragment-bound enzyme. Together, these results suggest that the mobility of the cantilever region plays a key role in the global dynamics of retroviral proteases. Therefore, the cryptic cantilever pocket of the HIV-1 protease may represent an interesting target for future in vitro studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myocyte enhancer factor 2A (MEF2A) is a transcription factor that plays a critical role in cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. In contrast to the wide characterization of its regulation mechanism in mammalian skeletal muscle, its role in chickens is limited. Especially, its wide target genes remain to be identified. Therefore, we utilized Cleavage Under Targets and Tagmentation (CUT&Tag) technology to reveal the genome-wide binding profile of MEF2A in chicken primary myoblasts thus gaining insights into its potential role in muscle development. Our results revealed that MEF2A binding sites were primarily distributed in intergenic and intronic regions. Within the promoter region, although only 8.87% of MEF2A binding sites were found, these binding sites were concentrated around the transcription start site (TSS). Following peak annotation, a total of 1903 genes were identified as potential targets of MEF2A. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis further revealed that MEF2A target genes may be involved in the regulation of embryonic development in multiple organ systems, including muscle development, gland development, and visual system development. Moreover, a comparison of the MEF2A target genes identified in chicken primary myoblasts with those in mouse C2C12 cells revealed 388 target genes are conserved across species, 1515 target genes are chicken specific. Among these conserved genes, ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 5 (ASB5), transmembrane protein 182 (TMEM182), myomesin 2 (MYOM2), leucyl and cystinyl aminopeptidase (LNPEP), actinin alpha 2 (ACTN2), sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1 (SORBS1), ankyrin 3 (ANK3), sarcoglycan delta (SGCD), and ORAI calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1 (ORAI1) exhibited consistent expression patterns with MEF2A during embryonic muscle development. Finally, TMEM182, as an important negative regulator of muscle development, has been validated to be regulated by MEF2A by dual-luciferase and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assays. In summary, our study for the first time provides a wide landscape of MEF2A target genes in chicken primary myoblasts, which supports the active role of MEF2A in chicken muscle development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amino acids are a highly effective and environmentally friendly adsorbent for SO2. However, there has been no comprehensive study of the binding modes between amino acids and SO2 at the molecular level. In this paper, the binding modes of three amino acids (Asp, Lys, and Val) with SO2 are studied comprehensively and in detail using quantum chemical calculations. The results indicate that each amino acid has multiple binding modes: 22 for Asp, 49 for Lys, and 10 for Val. Both the amino and carboxyl groups in amino acids, as well as those in side chains, can serve as binding sites for chalcogen bonds. The binding energies range from - 6.42 to - 1.06 kcal/mol for Asp, - 12.43 to - 1.63 kcal/mol for Lys, and - 7.42 to - 0.60 kcal/mol for Val. Chalcogen and hydrogen bonds play a crucial role in the stronger binding modes. The chalcogen bond is the strongest when interacting with an amino group, with an adiabatic force constant of 0.475 mDyn/Å. Energy decomposition analysis indicates that the interaction is primarily electrostatic attraction, with the orbital and dispersive interactions dependent on the binding mode.
    METHODS: Amino acids and complexes of amino acids with SO2 were used to do semi-empirical MD using Molclus combined with xtb at the GFN2 level. Optimization and frequency calculations of the structures were conducted using density-functional theory (DFT) B3LYP/6-311G* (with DFT-D3 correction). Single-point energy calculations were performed for all structures using DLPNO-CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ with tightPNO. Further analysis of the structures was conducted using ESP, AIM, IGMH, and sob-EDA to gain a deeper understanding of the interactions between amino acids and SO2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    了解药物与蛋白质之间相互作用的能量学在药代动力学和药效学研究中至关重要。结合亲和力(K)有助于研究药物如何紧密或松散地与蛋白质结合。绑定,位移,药物庆大霉素(GM)的构象变化和稳定性研究,5-氟尿嘧啶(5FU),土霉素(OTC)和罗列特环素(RTC)与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)已在存在其他药物的情况下通过荧光进行,紫外可见光谱,分子对接,圆二色性技术和热变性方法。位点标记研究和对接方法已经证实5FU和GM能够结合位点1,OTC和RTC能够结合位点II的BSA。对于二元系统,它们与BSA的结合亲和力的顺序为GM<5FU Understanding of energetics of interactions between drug and protein is essential in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics study. The binding affinity (K) helps in investigating how tightly or loosely drug is bound to protein. The binding, displacement, conformational change and stability study of drugs- gentamicin (GM), 5-fluorouracil (5FU), oxytetracycline (OTC) and rolitetracycline (RTC) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been carried out in presence of each other drug by fluorescence, UV-visible spectroscopy, molecular docking, circular dichroism techniques and thermal denaturation method. The site marker study and docking methods have confirmed that 5FU and GM are able to bind at site 1 and OTC and RTC at site II of BSA. The order of their binding affinities with BSA for the binary system were as GM <5FU < OTC < RTC with the order of 102 < 103 < 105 < 105-6 M-1. The displacement study has shown that higher affinity drug decreases the equilibrium constant of another drug already in bound state with BSA if both these drugs are having the same binding site. Therefore 5FU, GM (binding site 1) drugs were not able to displace OTC and RTC (binding site 2) and vice-versa as they are binding at two different sites. The binding constant values were found to be decreasing with increasing temperature for all the systems involved which suggests static or mixed type of quenching, however can only confirmed with the help of TCSPC technique. The ΔG0 (binding energy) obtained from docking method were in accordance with the ITC method. From molecular docking we have determined the amino acid residues involved in binding process for binary and ternary systems by considering first rank minimum binding energy confirmation. From CD it has been observed that RTC causes most conformational change in secondary and tertiary structure of BSA due to the presence of pyrrole ring. OTC-RTC with higher affinity showed highest melting temperature Tm values while low affinity drugs in (5FU-GM) combination showed lowest Tm value. 5FU showed large endothermic denaturation enthalpy ΔHd0 due to the presence of highly electronegative fluorine atom in the pyridine analogue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Identifying drug-binding targets and their corresponding sites is crucial for drug discovery and mechanism studies. Limited proteolysis-coupled mass spectrometry (LiP-MS) is a sophisticated method used for the detection of compound and protein interactions. However, in some cases, LiP-MS cannot identify the target proteins due to the small structure changes or the lack of enrichment of low-abundant protein. To overcome this drawback, we developed a thermostability-assisted limited proteolysis-coupled mass spectrometry (TALiP-MS) approach for efficient drug target discovery.
    RESULTS: We proved that the novel strategy, TALiP-MS, could efficiently identify target proteins of various ligands, including cyclosporin A (a calcineurin inhibitor), geldanamycin (an HSP90 inhibitor), and staurosporine (a kinase inhibitor), with accurately recognizing drug-binding domains. The TALiP protocol increased the number of target peptides detected in LiP-MS experiments by 2- to 8-fold. Meanwhile, the TALiP-MS approach can not only identify both ligand-binding stability and destabilization proteins but also shows high complementarity with the thermal proteome profiling (TPP) and machine learning-based limited proteolysis (LiP-Quant) methods. The developed TALiP-MS approach was applied to identify the target proteins of celastrol (CEL), a natural product known for its strong antioxidant and anti-cancer angiogenesis effect. Among them, four proteins, MTHFD1, UBA1, ACLY, and SND1 were further validated for their strong affinity to CEL by using cellular thermal shift assay. Additionally, the destabilized proteins induced by CEL such as TAGLN2 and CFL1 were also validated.
    CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these findings underscore the efficacy of the TALiP-MS method for identifying drug targets, elucidating binding sites, and even detecting drug-induced conformational changes in target proteins in complex proteomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As one innate immune pattern recognition receptor, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) recently has been considered as a critical player in glucolipid metabolism. Blueberries contain high level of anthocyanins, especially malvidin-3-glucoside (Mv-3-glc), which contribute the anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, and hypolipidemic effects. It is speculated that Mv-3-glc is able to possess these functions by binding to TLR4. Here, the noncovalent interactions of Mv-3-glc and TLR4 was explored through multi-techniques including fluorescence and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectroscopy, as well as molecular docking. The results demonstrated that Mv-3-glc was able to quench TLR4 intrinsic fluorescence effectively. A stable complex was formed spontaneously and the reaction was exothermic. The degree of binding of Mv-3-glc to TLR4 showed a strong dependence on the chemical concentration, temperature, and pH values. The negative signs for enthalpy (ΔH = -69.1 ± 10.8 kJ/mol) and entropy (ΔS = -105.0 ± 12.3 J/mol/K) from the interaction of the Mv-3-glc and TLR4 shows that the major driving forces are the hydrogen bonding and van der Waals\' force, which is consistent with the molecular docking results. In addition, molecular docking predicted that the active center with specific amino acid residues, Phe126, Ser127, Leu54, Ile153, and Tyr131 was responsible for the site of Mv-3-glc binding to TLR4/myeloid differentiation protein-2 (MD-2). These findings confirmed that Mv-3-glc could bind to TLR4, which would be beneficial to understand the target therapeutic effects of blueberry anthocyanins on TLR4 in regulating glucolipid metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurotransmitter ligands electrically excite neurons by activating ionotropic glutamate receptor (iGluR) ion channels. Knowledge of the iGluR amino acid residues that dominate ligand-induced activation would enable the prediction of function from sequence. We therefore explored the molecular determinants of activity in rat N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type iGluRs (NMDA receptors), complex heteromeric iGluRs comprising two glycine-binding GluN1 and two glutamate-binding GluN2 subunits, using amino acid sequence analysis, mutagenesis, and electrophysiology. We find that a broadly conserved aspartate residue controls both ligand potency and channel activity, to the extent that certain substitutions at this position bypass the need for ligand binding in GluN1 subunits, generating NMDA receptors activated solely by glutamate. Furthermore, we identify a homomeric iGluR from the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens that has utilized native mutations of this crucial residue to evolve into a leak channel that is inhibited by neurotransmitter binding, pointing to a dominant role of this residue throughout the iGluR superfamily.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of ethanol on the physicochemical, structural and in vitro digestive properties of Tartary buckwheat starch-quercetin/rutin complexes (e-TBSQ and e-TBSR) were investigated. Ethanol restricted the gelatinization of Tartary buckwheat starch (TBS), which resulted an increase in ∆H, G\' and G\" as well as a decrease in apparent viscosity of e-TBSQ and e-TBSR. The particle size, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction results showed that ethanol influenced the morphological structure of TBS granules and the starch crystalline structure in e-TBSQ and e-TBSR changed from B-type to V-type when the ethanol concentration was 25%. Saturation transfer difference-nuclear magnetic resonance results revealed that ethanol weakened the binding ability of quercetin/rutin to TBS in e-TBSQ and e-TBSR, leading to a change in the binding site on the quercetin structural unit. The residual ungelatinized TBS granules in e-TBSQ and e-TBSR induced a high slowly digestible starch content, and thus displayed a \"resistant-to-digestion\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Revealing the interaction mechanisms between anticancer drugs and target DNA molecules at the single-molecule level is a hot research topic in the interdisciplinary fields of biophysical chemistry and pharmaceutical engineering. When fluorescence imaging technology is employed to carry out this kind of research, a knotty problem due to fluorescent dye molecules and drug molecules acting on a DNA molecule simultaneously is encountered. In this paper, based on self-made novel solid active substrates NpAA/(ZnO-ZnCl2)/AuNPs, we use a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy method, inverted fluorescence microscope technology, and a molecular docking method to investigate the action of the fluorescent dye YOYO-1 and the drug DOX on calf thymus DNA (ctDNA) molecules and the influencing effects and competitive relationships of YOYO-1 on the binding properties of the ctDNA-DOX complex. The interaction sites and modes of action between the YOYO-1 and the ctDNA-DOX complex are systematically examined, and the DOX with the ctDNA-YOYO-1 are compared, and the impact of YOYO-1 on the stability of the ctDNA-DOX complex and the competitive mechanism between DOX and YOYO-1 acting with DNA molecules are elucidated. This study has helpful experimental guidance and a theoretical foundation to expound the mechanism of interaction between drugs and biomolecules at the single-molecule level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drug discovery often begins with a new target. Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are crucial to multitudinous cellular processes and offer a promising avenue for drug-target discovery. PPIs are characterized by multi-level complexity: at the protein level, interaction networks can be used to identify potential targets, whereas at the residue level, the details of the interactions of individual PPIs can be used to examine a target\'s druggability. Much great progress has been made in target discovery through multi-level PPI-related computational approaches, but these resources have not been fully discussed. Here, we systematically survey bioinformatics tools for identifying and assessing potential drug targets, examining their characteristics, limitations and applications. This work will aid the integration of the broader protein-to-network context with the analysis of detailed binding mechanisms to support the discovery of drug targets.





