bilateral vestibular hypofunction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maintaining balance comes naturally to healthy people. In subjects with vestibulopathy, even when compensated, and especially if it is bilateral, maintaining balance requires cognitive effort. Pupillometry is an established method of quantifying cognitive effort. Background/Objectives: We hypothesized that pupillometry would be able to capture the increased effort required to maintain posture in subjects with bilateral vestibulopathy in increasingly difficult conditions. Additionally, we hypothesized that the cognitive workload during balance tasks, indexed by pupil size, would decrease with the activation of the BionicVEST cochleo-vestibular implants. Methods: Subjects with a cochleo-vestibular implant as of March 2023 were recruited, excluding those with ophthalmological issues that precluded pupillometry. Pupillometry was performed using a validated modified videonystagmography system. Computed dynamic posturography and a Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Integration on Balance were performed while the pupil was recorded. Tests were first performed after 24 h of deactivating the vestibular component of the implant. Thereafter, it was reactivated, and after 1 h of rest, the tests were repeated. The pupil recording was processed using custom software and the mean relative pupil diameter (MRPD) was calculated. Results: There was an average of 10.7% to 24.2% reduction in MRPD when the vestibular implant was active, with a greater effect seen in tasks of moderate difficulty, and lesser effect when the task was easy or of great difficulty. Conclusions: Despite technical challenges, pupillometry appears to be a promising method of quantifying the cognitive effort required for maintaining posture in subjects with bilateral vestibulopathy before and after vestibular implantation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This study compares the balance control and cognitive responses of subjects with bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP) to those of astronauts immediately after they return from long-duration spaceflight on board the International Space Station.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-eight astronauts and thirty subjects with BVP performed five tests using the same procedures: sit-to-stand, walk-and-turn, tandem walk, duration judgment, and reaction time.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared to the astronauts\' preflight responses, the BVP subjects\' responses were impaired in all five tests. However, the BVP subjects\' performance during the walk-and-turn and the tandem walk tests were comparable to the astronauts\' performance on the day they returned from space. Moreover, the BVP subjects\' time perception and reaction time were comparable to those of the astronauts during spaceflight. The BVP subjects performed the sit-to-stand test at a level that fell between the astronauts\' performance on the day of landing and 1 day later.
    UNASSIGNED: These results indicate that the alterations in dynamic balance control, time perception, and reaction time that astronauts experience after spaceflight are likely driven by central vestibular adaptations. Vestibular and somatosensory training in orbit and vestibular rehabilitation after spaceflight could be effective countermeasures for mitigating these post-flight performance decrements.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation on balance, dynamic visual acuity, and quality of life in patients with bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH). 20 patients diagnosed by videonystagmography were included in the study. Balance tests, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), testing of Dynamic Visual Acuity (DVA), Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), Computer-modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction in Balance (m-CTSIB), and Limits of Stability Test were applied before and 3 and 6 months after the treatment. Physiotherapy sessions were given at two-week intervals. According to the development of the patients, they were asked to perform a home exercise program with 10 repetitions 3 times a day. After 6 months of vestibular rehabilitation, improvements in balance and quality of life parameters were observed in the patients. VAS, DVA, DHI, all static balance parameters except Romberg, Semi-tandem eyes open were significant (p < 0.005). In computerized M-CTSIB, while no significant results were obtained on the hard surface with the eyes open (p = 0.126), statistically significant improvement was observed on the hard surface with the eyes closed and on a foam surface with eyes open and close. LOS results showed significant improvement in velocity, reaching the endpoint, and maximal deviation in all directions except the right posterior. While significant results were found in the right, posterior, left anterior, and left posterior directions in the reaction time section, there was no statistical significance in any of the direct control sections (p < 0.005). Trial registration number: NCT05231109, Date of registration:27/01/2022 (Retrospectively registered).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: To evaluate the different peripheral, neurological, genetic, and systemic etiologies of bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP) and the value of vHIT in the diagnostic process. Materials and methods: A retrospective case review was performed on 176 patients diagnosed with BVP in a tertiary referral center, between 2010 and 2020. Inclusion criteria comprised imbalance and/or oscillopsia during locomotion and horizontal angular VOR gain on both sides <0.8. We classified patients into different groups according to (1) their fulfillment of the Barany guideline for bilateral vestibulopathy (2) the definite etiology of BVP and (3) the four clinical subtypes distributed in our population (recurrent vertigo with BVP, rapidly progressive BVP, slowly progressive BVP, and slowly progressive BVP with ataxia). Medical history of vertigo, hypoacusis or migraine, and family background of imbalance and/or oscillopsia were assessed. Horizontal, posterior, and superior semicircular canal angular VOR gain was registered along with saccadic parameters such as velocity, and dispersion of the saccades\' latency values. Results: Barany\'s Society diagnostic criteria for BVP was accomplished in 89 patients. Among our patients, 13.6% had migraines in their medical history and the idiopathic group accounted for 50% of the population. All four clinical subtypes were found in our population, slowly progressive bilateral vestibulopathy without vertigo was the most frequent one. A percentage of our population could not be categorized into any of the former subtypes, many of these patients were diagnosed with BVP after suffering a single vertigo episode. Lower vHIT gains were found in those patients with Barany\'s criteria for BVP and oscillopsia was significantly more prevalent in this group. Conclusions: Bilateral vestibulopathy manifests with very different patterns representing a very heterogeneous condition. The distribution of the clinical subtypes and Barany\'s criteria are a useful clinical tool to differentiate groups of patients. The vHIT can serve as an initial tool for identifying patients with BVP. The finding of bilateral vestibular involvement in a clinically suspected unilateral vestibulopathy should be considered in some patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH) is a rare disorder of the peripheral part of the balance organ, which may cause chronic vertigo and oscillopsia accompanying body movements. The chronic and severe nature of the symptoms and difficulties in maintaining balance and performing precise movements may cause the patient\'s withdrawal from professional activity. A frequently long period from the onset of the symptoms to the diagnosis of BVH, which should be based on the objective examination of the peripheral part of the vestibular organ, drastically reduces the chances of improving the patient\'s precise movement motility and significantly deteriorates the quality of life. Due to the fact that this disease most often affects professionally active patients in the sixth decade of their life, it can become the cause of a loss of the source of income. The publication presents a case report and examination methods of a patient with BVH caused by the administration of gentamicin in the course of phlegmon of the thumb. The case analysis was performed on the basis of a literature review on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with BVH. Med Pr. 2021;72(2):185-92.
    Obustronna arefleksja, inaczej wypadnięcie funkcji błędników, to rzadkie schorzenie części obwodowej narządu równowagi, którego głównym objawami są uporczywe, chroniczne zawroty głowy oraz towarzysząca ruchom ciała oscylopsja. Przewlekły, uciążliwy charakter objawów i trudności z utrzymaniem równowagi oraz wykonywaniem precyzyjnych ruchów mogą stać się przyczyną rezygnacji chorego z aktywności zawodowej. Nierzadko długi okres od wystąpienia objawów choroby do diagnozy, która powinna bazować na badaniach obiektywnych części obwodowej narządu równowagi, drastycznie zmniejsza szanse na poprawę motoryki chorych oraz znacząco pogarsza komfort ich życia. Choroba najczęściej pojawia się u aktywnych zawodowo pacjentów w 6 dekadzie życia i może być przyczyną utraty źródła dochodów. W publikacji przedstawiono opis przypadku i metodykę badań wykonanych u pacjenta z obustronną arefleksją błędników, do której doszło na skutek podania gentamycyny w przebiegu ropowicy kciuka. Analizy przypadku dokonano na podstawie przeglądu literatury na temat diagnostyki i leczenia obustronnej arefleksji błędników. Med. Pr. 2021;72(2):185–192.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To optimize the current diagnostic and treatment procedures for patients with bilateral vestibulopathy (BV), this study aimed to determine the complete spectrum of symptoms associated with BV.
    METHODS: A prospective mixed-method study design was used. Qualitative data were collected by performing semi-structured interviews about symptoms, context, and behavior. The interviews were recorded and transcribed until no new information was obtained. Transcriptions were analyzed in consensus by two independent researchers. In comparison to the qualitative results, quantitative data were collected using the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and a health-related quality of life questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L).
    RESULTS: Eighteen interviews were transcribed. Reported symptoms were divided into fourteen physical symptoms, four cognitive symptoms, and six emotions. Symptoms increased in many situations, such as darkness (100%), uneven ground (61%), cycling (94%) or driving a car (56%). These symptoms associated with BV often resulted in behavioral changes: activities were performed more slowly, with greater attention, or were avoided. The DHI showed a mean score of severe handicap (54.67). The HADS questionnaire showed on average normal results (anxiety = 7.67, depression = 6.22). The EQ-5D-5L demonstrated a mean index value of 0.680, which is lower compared to the Dutch age-adjusted reference 0.839 (60-70 years).
    CONCLUSIONS: BV frequently leads to physical, cognitive, and emotional complaints, which often results in a diminished quality of life. Importantly, this wide range of symptoms is currently underrated in literature and should be taken into consideration during the development of candidacy criteria and/or outcome measures for therapeutic interventions such as the vestibular implant.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This opinion statement proposes a set of candidacy criteria for vestibular implantation of adult patients with bilateral vestibulopathy (BVP) in a research setting. The criteria include disabling chronic symptoms like postural imbalance, unsteadiness of gait and/or head movement-induced oscillopsia, combined with objective signs of reduced or absent vestibular function in both ears. These signs include abnormal test results recorded during head impulses (video head impulse test or scleral coil technique), bithermal caloric testing and rotatory chair testing (sinusoidal stimulation of 0.1 Hz). Vestibular implant (VI) implantation criteria are not the same as diagnostic criteria for bilateral vestibulopathy. The major difference between VI-implantation criteria and the approved diagnostic criteria for BVP are that all included vestibular tests of semicircular canal function (head impulse test, caloric test, and rotatory chair test) need to show significant impairments of vestibular function in the implantation criteria. For this, a two-step paradigm was developed. First, at least one of the vestibular tests needs to fulfill stringent criteria, close to those for BVP. If this is applicable, then the other vestibular tests have to fulfill a second set of criteria which are less stringent than the original criteria for BVP. If the VI-implantation is intended to excite the utricle and/or saccule (otolith stimulation), responses to cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials must be absent in addition to the above mentioned abnormalities of semicircular canal function. Finally, requirements for safe and potentially effective stimulation should be met, including implanting patients with BVP of peripheral origin only, and assessing possible medical and psychiatric contraindications.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A novel training method known as incremental VOR adaptation (IVA) can improve the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) gain for both active and passive head rotation by coupling active head rotations with a laser-projected target that moves in the opposite direction of the head at a fraction of the head velocity. A 51-year-old male with bilateral vestibular hypofunction participated in a research protocol using a portable IVA device for 645 days. Passive VOR gains improved 179% to 600%; standing posture and gait also improved. Motor learning within the vestibular system using the IVA method is possible after severe vestibular pathology. Laryngoscope, 129:2568-2573, 2019.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The minimal number of studies have documented the impact of Vestibular rehabilitation (VR) on the recovery rate of patients with Chronic Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction (CUVH) and Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction (BVH).
    OBJECTIVE: The goal of the study was to show and compare the impact of vestibular rehabilitation (VR) in patients with CUVH and BVH.
    METHODS: We analysed the data of 30 patients with CUVH and 20 with BVH treated with VR. The patients with CUVH during their eight-week treatment were controlled every two weeks, while the patients with BVH were controlled every three months during their one-year treatment; they filled in the DHI and ABC questionnaires every time.
    RESULTS: In both groups of patients, there was significantly less disablement between the initial and final DHI scores (from 59-20 in CUVH and 74-41 in BVH group). There was a significant increase in the balance confidence between the initial and final ABC Scale in both groups of patients (from 49.5-90% in CUVH and 42-73% in BVH group).
    CONCLUSIONS: Well-planned and individually adjusted system of vestibular exercises leads to a significant decrease in clinical symptoms and improvement of functioning and confidence in activities in both the CUVH and the BVH patients.





