beta cell replacement

β 细胞替代
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Successful diabetes reversal using pancreatic islet transplantation by various groups illustrates the significant achievements made in cell-based diabetes therapy. While clinically, intraportal islet delivery is almost exclusively used, it is not without obstacles, including instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction (IBMIR), relative hypoxia, and loss of function over time, therefore hindering long-term success. Here we demonstrate the perihepatic surface of non-human primates (NHPs) as a potential islet delivery site maximizing favorable characteristics, including proximity to a dense vascular network for adequate oxygenation while avoiding IBMIR exposure, maintenance of portal insulin delivery, and relative ease of accessibility through minimally invasive surgery or percutaneous means. In addition, we demonstrate a targeted mapping technique of the perihepatic surface, allowing for the testing of multiple experimental conditions, including a semi-synthetic hydrogel as a possible three-dimensional framework to improve islet viability.
    UNASSIGNED: Perihepatic allo-islet cell transplants were performed in immunosuppressed cynomolgus macaques using a targeted mapping technique to test multiple conditions for biocompatibility. Transplant conditions included islets or carriers (including hydrogel, autologous plasma, and media) alone or in various combinations. Necropsy was performed at day 30, and histopathology was performed to assess biocompatibility, immune response, and islet viability. Subsequently, single-injection perihepatic allo-islet transplant was performed in immunosuppressed diabetic cynomolgus macaques. Metabolic assessments were measured frequently (i.e., blood glucose, insulin, C-peptide) until final graft retrieval for histopathology.
    UNASSIGNED: Targeted mapping biocompatibility studies demonstrated mild inflammatory changes with islet-plasma constructs; however, significant inflammatory cell infiltration and fibrosis were seen surrounding sites with the hydrogel carrier affecting islet viability. In diabetic NHPs, perihepatic islet transplant using an autologous plasma carrier demonstrated prolonged function up to 6 months with improvements in blood glucose, exogenous insulin requirements, and HbA1c. Histopathology of these islets was associated with mild peri-islet mononuclear cell infiltration without evidence of rejection.
    UNASSIGNED: The perihepatic surface serves as a viable site for islet cell transplantation demonstrating sustained islet function through 6 months. The targeted mapping approach allows for the testing of multiple conditions simultaneously to evaluate immune response to biomaterials at this site. Compared to traditional intraportal injection, the perihepatic site is a minimally invasive approach that allows the possibility for graft recovery and avoids IBMIR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) presents a persistent medical challenge, demanding innovative strategies for sustained glycemic control and enhanced patient well-being. Beta cells are specialized cells in the pancreas that produce insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. When beta cells are damaged or destroyed, insulin production decreases, which leads to T1D. Allo Beta Cell Transplantation has emerged as a promising therapeutic avenue, with the goal of reinstating glucose regulation and insulin production in T1D patients. However, the path to success in this approach is fraught with complex immunological hurdles that demand rigorous exploration and resolution for enduring therapeutic efficacy. This exploration focuses on the distinct immunological characteristics inherent to Allo Beta Cell Transplantation. An understanding of these unique challenges is pivotal for the development of effective therapeutic interventions. The critical role of glucose regulation and insulin in immune activation is emphasized, with an emphasis on the intricate interplay between beta cells and immune cells. The transplantation site, particularly the liver, is examined in depth, highlighting its relevance in the context of complex immunological issues. Scrutiny extends to recipient and donor matching, including the utilization of multiple islet donors, while also considering the potential risk of autoimmune recurrence. Moreover, unanswered questions and persistent gaps in knowledge within the field are identified. These include the absence of robust evidence supporting immunosuppression treatments, the need for reliable methods to assess rejection and treatment protocols, the lack of validated biomarkers for monitoring beta cell loss, and the imperative need for improved beta cell imaging techniques. In addition, attention is drawn to emerging directions and transformative strategies in the field. This encompasses alternative immunosuppressive regimens and calcineurin-free immunoprotocols, as well as a reevaluation of induction therapy and recipient preconditioning methods. Innovative approaches targeting autoimmune recurrence, such as CAR Tregs and TCR Tregs, are explored, along with the potential of stem stealth cells, tissue engineering, and encapsulation to overcome the risk of graft rejection. In summary, this review provides a comprehensive overview of the inherent immunological obstacles associated with Allo Beta Cell Transplantation. It offers valuable insights into emerging strategies and directions that hold great promise for advancing the field and ultimately improving outcomes for individuals living with diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a critical need for therapeutic approaches that combine renewable sources of replacement beta cells with localized immunomodulation to counter recurrence of autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, there are few examples of animal models to study such approaches that incorporate spontaneous autoimmunity directed against human beta cells rather than allogenic rejection. Here, we address this critical limitation by demonstrating rejection and survival of transplanted human stem cell-derived beta-like cells clusters (sBCs) in a fully immune competent mouse model with matching human HLA class I and spontaneous diabetes development. We engineered localized immune tolerance toward transplanted sBCs via inducible cell surface overexpression of PD-L1 (iP-sBCs) with and without deletion of all HLA class I surface molecules via beta-2 microglobulin knockout (iP-BKO sBCs). NOD.HLA-A2.1 mice, which lack classical murine MHC I and instead express human HLA-A*02:01, underwent transplantation of 1,000 human HLA-A*02:01 sBCs under the kidney capsule and were separated into HLA-A2 positive iP-sBC and HLA-class I negative iP-BKO sBC groups, each with +/- doxycycline (DOX) induced PD-L1 expression. IVIS imaging showed significantly improved graft survival in mice transplanted with PD-L1 expressing iP-sBC at day 3 post transplantation compared to controls. However, luciferase signal dropped below in vivo detection limits by day 14 for all groups in this aggressive immune competent diabetes model. Nonetheless, histological examination revealed significant numbers of surviving insulin+/PD-L1+ sBCs cells for DOX-treated mice at day 16 post-transplant despite extensive infiltration with high numbers of CD3+ and CD45+ immune cells. These results show that T cells rapidly infiltrate and attack sBC grafts in this model but that significant numbers of PD-L1 expressing sBCs manage to survive in this harsh immunological environment. This investigation represents one of the first in vivo studies recapitulating key aspects of human autoimmune diabetes to test immune tolerance approaches with renewable sources of beta cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intrahepatic islet transplantation is a promising β-cell replacement strategy for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Instant blood-mediated inflammatory reactions, acute inflammatory storm, and graft revascularization delay limit islet engraftment in the peri-transplant phase, hampering the success rate of the procedure. Growing evidence has demonstrated that islet engraftment efficiency may take advantage of several bioengineering approaches aimed to recreate both vascular and endocrine compartments either ex vivo or in vivo. To this end, endocrine pancreas bioengineering is an emerging field in β-cell replacement, which might provide endocrine cells with all the building blocks (vascularization, ECM composition, or micro/macro-architecture) useful for their successful engraftment and function in vivo. Studies on reshaping either the endocrine cellular composition or the islet microenvironment have been largely performed, focusing on a single building block element, without, however, grasping that their synergistic effect is indispensable for correct endocrine function. Herein, the review focuses on the minimum building blocks that an ideal vascularized endocrine scaffold should have to resemble the endocrine niche architecture, composition, and function to foster functional connections between the vascular and endocrine compartments. Additionally, this review highlights the possibility of designing bioengineered scaffolds integrating alternative endocrine sources to overcome donor organ shortages and the possibility of combining novel immune-preserving strategies for long-term graft function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neonatal porcine islets (NPIs) can restore glucose control in mice, pigs, and non-human primates, representing a potential abundant alternative islet supply for clinical beta cell replacement therapy. However, NPIs are vulnerable to inflammatory insults that could be overcome with genetic modifications. Here, we demonstrate in a series of proof-of-concept experiments the potential of the cytoplasmic ubiquitin-editing protein A20, encoded by the TNFAIP3 gene, as an NPI cytoprotective gene.
    We forced A20 expression in NPI grafts using a recombinant adenovirus 5 (Ad5) vector and looked for impact on TNF-stimulated NF-κB activation and NPI graft function. As adeno-associated vectors (AAV) are clinically preferred vectors but exhibit poor transduction efficacy in NPIs, we next screened a series of AAV serotypes under different transduction protocols for their ability achieve high transduction efficiency and suppress NPI inflammation without impacting NPI maturation.
    Forcing the expression of A20 in NPI with Ad5 vector blocked NF-κB activation by inhibiting IκBα phosphorylation and degradation, and reduced the induction of pro-inflammatory genes Cxcl10 and Icam1. A20-expressing NPIs also exhibited superior functional capacity when transplanted into diabetic immunodeficient recipient mice, evidenced by a more rapid return to euglycemia and improved GTT compared to unmodified NPI grafts. We found AAV2 combined with a 14-day culture period maximized NPI transduction efficiency (>70% transduction rate), and suppressed NF-κB-dependent gene expression without adverse impact upon NPI maturation.
    We report a new protocol that allows for high-efficiency genetic modification of NPIs, which can be utilized to introduce candidate genes without the need for germline engineering. This approach would be suitable for preclinical and clinical testing of beneficial molecules. We also report for the first time that A20 is cytoprotective for NPI, such that A20 gene therapy could aid the clinical development of NPIs for beta cell replacement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The liver is currently the site of choice for clinical islet transplantation, even though many alternative implantation sites have lately been proposed as more ideal for graft survival. The suggested sites, for example intramuscular space, omentum, bone marrow, and spleen, are sometimes difficult to compare due to differences in animal model, islet isolation procedure, and islet quality. In addition, the variation in transplanted islet mass is vast. The aim of this commentary is to review alternative implantation sites tested experimentally as well as in clinical islet transplantation. Although many sites have been investigated, none have convincingly proved better suited for clinical islet transplantation than intraportal injection to the liver, regardless of whether it is autologous or allogeneic transplantation. However, in order to fully evaluate upcoming bioengineering techniques, such as scaffolds containing insulin-producing cells derived from stem cells, the need of an alternative site has arisen to enable cellular monitoring, which currently cannot be achieved within the liver.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) possess important characteristics that could be exploited in therapeutic strategies for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and for certain complications of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). MSCs can inhibit autoimmune, alloimmune and inflammatory processes. Moreover, they can promote the function of endogenous and transplanted pancreatic islets. Furthermore, they can stimulate angiogenesis. MSC functions are largely mediated by their secretome, which includes growth factors, exosomes, and other extracellular vesicles. MSCs have shown a good safety profile in clinical trials. MSC-derived exosomes are emerging as an alternative to the transplantation of live MSCs. MSCs harvested from different anatomical locations (e.g. bone marrow, umbilical cord, placenta, adipose tissue, and pancreas) have shown differences in gene expression profiles and function. Data from clinical trials suggest that umbilical cord-derived MSCs could be superior to bone marrow-derived MSCs for the treatment of T1D. Autologous MSCs from diabetic patients may present abnormal functions. BM-MSCs from T1D patients exhibit gene expression differences that may impact in vivo function. BM-MSCs from T2D patients seem to be significantly impaired due to the T2D diabetic milieu. In this review, we highlight how the harvesting site and donor derivation can affect the efficacy of MSC-based treatments for T1D and T2D.





