beneficial insects

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Preserving ecosystem services, such as natural enemies that can provide pest control, can positively impact crops without compromising agricultural yield. Even though controlling pests by natural enemies has been suggested to reduce pests in agriculture, growers continue using conventional pesticides that kill beneficial predators. Here we studied whether the predation of avian and insect-beneficial predators varies in an apple orchard with conventional insecticide use compared to a bordering tree stand without insecticides. We studied the predation rates of mealworm pupae as a proxy to coddling moth pupae at 42 stations in both an apple orchard and a Eucalyptus stand at three distances (0 m, 50 m, and 100 m) from the border. Half of the stations were netted to prevent bird predation but were accessible to insects. The other half were non-netted and accessible to birds. We conducted six trials, each lasting two weeks, during which we recorded the predation of 504 stations with 5040 pupae. To validate which species predated the pupae, we added video cameras that took RGB videos during the day and IR videos at night in 45 stations and found that in net-free stations, birds preyed in 94.1% of stations in the orchard and 81.8% in the Eucalyptus stand. However, ants predated 70% of the pupae in stations with nets in the orchards and 100% in stations in the Eucalyptus strands. In addition, we found a significant rise in predation by birds as the distance into the orchard increased. Conversely, insect predation declined within the orchard but escalated in the adjacent unmanaged area. These findings suggest that the orchard\'s environment negatively affects beneficial insect activity, specifically predatory ants. This study demonstrates that birds can play an essential role in predating insect pests inside the orchard. In addition, we believe that the decreased predation of ants within the orchard was due to intense insecticide use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A critical component of integrated pest management is minimizing disruption of biological control by reducing the use of pesticides with significant non-target effects on natural enemies. Insecticide non-target effects testing for natural enemies has become increasingly common, but research examining the non-target effects of herbicides on natural enemies is scarce, and recommendations regarding herbicide selectivity are non-existent. We used meta-analysis to summarize laboratory bioassays testing non-target effects of herbicides on arthropod natural enemies and identify patterns in taxon susceptibility and active ingredient toxicity. Data were extracted from 78 papers representing 801 total observations. Herbicides increased natural enemy mortality and decreased longevity, reproduction, and predation. Mesostigmatan mites and hemipterans were the most sensitive to herbicides, and spiders, neuropterans, and hymenopterans were the least sensitive. Mortality was higher in juvenile predators versus parasitoids but did not differ between adults; parasitoid juveniles are likely better protected within the host. In terms of acute mortality, metribuzin, glufosinate, and oxyfluorfen were the most harmful herbicides. Only nicosulfuron, rimsulfuron, pendimethalin, phenmedipham, atrazine, and urea did not increase natural enemy mortality. The large effect size of glufosinate is particularly concerning, as it is the most likely replacement herbicide for glyphosate in many crops. Many active ingredients remain under-studied. Our analysis indicates that herbicides have a strong potential to disrupt biological control in cropping systems.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advancements in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology and bioinformatics tools have revealed a vast array of viral diversity in insects, particularly RNA viruses. However, our current understanding of insect RNA viruses has primarily focused on hematophagous insects due to their medical importance, while research on the viromes of agriculturally relevant insects remains limited. This comprehensive review aims to address the gap by providing an overview of the diversity of RNA viruses in agricultural pests and beneficial insects within the agricultural ecosystem. Based on the NCBI Virus Database, over eight hundred RNA viruses belonging to 39 viral families have been reported in more than three hundred agricultural insect species. These viruses are predominantly found in the insect orders of Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera. These findings have significantly enriched our understanding of RNA viral diversity in agricultural insects. While further virome investigations are necessary to expand our knowledge to more insect species, it is crucial to explore the biological roles of these identified RNA viruses within insects in future studies. This review also highlights the limitations and challenges for the effective virus discovery through NGS and their potential solutions, which might facilitate for the development of innovative bioinformatic tools in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pollinators are declining globally, potentially reducing both human food supply and plant diversity. To support pollinator populations, planting of nectar-rich plants with different flowering seasons is encouraged while promoting wind-pollinated plants, including grasses, is rarely recommended. However, many bees and other pollinators collect pollen from grasses which is used as a protein source. In addition to pollen, Hymenoptera may also collect honeydew from plants infested with aphids. In this study, insects consuming or collecting pollen from sweet sorghum, Sorghum bicolor, were recorded while pan traps and yellow sticky card surveys were placed in grain sorghum fields and in areas with Johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense to assess the Hymenoptera response to honeydew excreted by the sorghum aphid (SA), Melanaphis sorghi. Five genera of insects, including bees, hoverflies, and earwigs, were observed feeding on pollen in sweet sorghum, with differences observed by date, but not plant height or panicle length. Nearly 2000 Hymenoptera belonging to 29 families were collected from grain sorghum with 84% associated with aphid infestations. About 4 times as many Hymenoptera were collected in SA infested sorghum with significantly more ants, halictid bees, scelionid, sphecid, encyrtid, mymarid, diapriid and braconid wasps were found in infested sorghum plots. In Johnsongrass plots, 20 times more Hymenoptera were collected from infested plots. Together, the data suggest that sorghum is serving as a pollen food source for hoverflies, earwigs, and bees and sorghum susceptible to SA could provide energy from honeydew. Future research should examine whether planting strips of susceptible sorghum at crop field edges would benefit Hymenoptera and pollinators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental impacts of conventional agriculture have generated interest in sustainable agriculture. Biological pest control is a fundamental tool, and ants are key players providing ecological services, as well as some disservices. We have used a meta-analytical approach to investigate the contribution of ants to biological control, considering their effects on pest and natural enemy abundance, plant damage and crop yield. We also evaluated whether the effects of ants are modulated by traits of ants, pests and other natural enemies, as well as by field size, crop system and experiment duration. Overall (considering all meta-analyses), from 52 studies on 17 different crops, we found that ants decrease the abundance of non-honeydew-producing pests, decrease plant damage and increase crop yield (services). In addition, ants decrease the abundance of natural enemies, mainly the generalist ones, and increase honeydew-producing pest abundance (disservices). We show that the pest control and plant protection provided by ants are boosted in shaded crops compared to monocultures. Furthermore, ants increase crop yield in shaded crops, and this effect increases with time. Finally, we bring new insights such as the importance of shaded crops to ant services, providing a good tool for farmers and stakeholders considering sustainable farming practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    International trade in live insects involves the shipping of many different species, for various purposes, with a variety of handling requirements regulated by numerous authorities with varying objectives. The diversity of factors at play has both created and been subject to a complex regulatory landscape. A review of global production, shipping and use experiences from a range of perspectives has shown gaps and inconsistencies in international guidance and national implementation. Private carriers add another layer of uncertainty that is disproportionate to risks, resulting in variable practices and charges. Many benefits can come from international trade in insects, including pollinator services, control of pests and of disease vectors, and enhanced international scientific research and innovation. These benefits will be better achieved through a more evidence-based and efficient approach to regulating trade. This change in approach will in turn require an improved and widely accepted risk-management landscape for insect trade.
    Le commerce international d\'insectes vivants s\'appuie sur les expéditions de nombreuses espèces différentes à diverses fins, assorties de multiples exigences relatives à la manutention régies par des autorités différentes poursuivant des objectifs distincts. La diversité des facteurs en jeu a rendu nécessaire la création d\'un paysage normatif complexe, avec les contraintes qui lui sont associées. L\'examen à l\'échelle mondiale de la production, du transport et des expériences dans ce domaine depuis diverses perspectives a révélé un certain nombre de lacunes et d\'incohérences au niveau des directives internationales et de leurs applications concrètes dans les pays. Les transporteurs privés ajoutent une dimension d\'incertitude supplémentaire qui est disproportionnée par rapport aux risques, ce qui entraîne une forte variabilité des pratiques et des charges. Les échanges internationaux d\'insectes génèrent nombre d\'activités bénéfiques, parmi lesquelles les services de pollinisation, la lutte contre les ravageurs et les vecteurs de maladie, et l\'accroissement de la recherche scientifique internationale et de l\'innovation. Les objectifs attendus seront mieux atteints en adoptant une approche de la réglementation des échanges qui s\'appuie davantage sur des éléments factuels et sur les gains d\'efficacité. Ce changement méthodologique nécessitera à son tour la mise en place d\'un cadre amélioré et plus largement accepté de la gestion des risques dans le domaine du commerce des insectes.
    El comercio internacional de insectos vivos, que supone el transporte de muchas especies diferentes con fines diversos, se acompaña de requisitos de manipulación que dictan numerosas autoridades con todo tipo de objetivos. La diversidad de los factores que entran en juego ha sido a la vez causa y consecuencia de un complejo panorama reglamentario. Los autores, tras describir un estudio a escala mundial de la experiencia de producción, transporte y utilización de insectos vivos desde diferentes puntos de vista, exponen las carencias e incoherencias observadas en las directrices internacionales y su traslación a escala nacional. Los transportistas privados añaden otro factor de incertidumbre que tiene un peso desproporcionado en relación con el nivel de riesgo y se traduce en procedimientos y precios heterogéneos. El comercio internacional de insectos puede traer consigo muchos beneficios, en particular servicios de polinización, control de plagas y de vectores de enfermedad, y avances de la investigación e innovación científica a escala internacional. Pero obtener esos beneficios será más fácil si se aborda la regulación del comercio de manera más eficaz y científicamente fundamentada, operando un cambio de lógica que exigirá, a su vez, la aplicación al comercio de insectos de un régimen más sofisticado y ampliamente aceptado de gestión de los riesgos.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the information on live insect shipments provided in this thematic issue of the Scientific and Technical Review could not be exhaustive, it clearly represents a broad variety of trade, of substantial value, involving many stakeholders throughout the world. The contributions to this issue demonstrate that most of the trade in insects is carried out safely and efficiently. The concerns related to shipping insects described within this issue fall broadly into four categories: risks to human, animal and environmental health; delays and loss of quality; refusal of carriage; and high and variable costs. Some opportunities for improvements to insect shipping for diverse stakeholders are shown across these four areas of concern, with specific recommendations and a general call for further collaboration among stakeholders.
    À défaut d\'être exhaustives, les informations fournies dans ce numéro thématique de la Revue scientifique et technique consacré aux expéditions d\'insectes vivants recouvrent clairement un très large éventail de ces échanges, qui représentent une valeur importante et auxquels participent de nombreux intervenants dans le monde entier. Les contributions réunies dans ce numéro montrent que l\'essentiel des échanges d\'insectes se déroule sans risques associés et de manière efficiente. Les sujets de préoccupation relatifs aux expéditions d\'insectes mis en avant dans ce numéro relèvent, en général, de l\'une des quatre catégories suivantes : risques pour la santé humaine, animale et environnementale ; retards et perte de qualité ; refus de transport ; coûts élevés et sujets à variations. Les auteurs font état des perspectives d\'amélioration des expéditions d\'insectes qui s\'offrent à plusieurs parties prenantes, pour chacune de ces catégories, et présentent des recommandations spécifiques ainsi qu\'un appel général à renforcer la collaboration pluri-acteurs.
    Aunque la información presentada en este número temático de la Revista científica y técnica sobre el transporte de insectos vivos no puede ser exhaustiva, sí da clara cuenta de diversos tipos de comercio que revisten importancia y convocan a numerosos interlocutores del mundo entero. Los artículos de este número evidencian que el comercio de insectos discurre la mayor parte del tiempo con eficacia y en condiciones seguras. Los problemas ligados al transporte de insectos que se exponen en este número corresponden, en líneas generales, a cuatro clases: riesgos para la salud humana, animal o ambiental; retrasos y pérdida de calidad; denegación de transporte; y costos elevados y variables. En relación con estos cuatro ámbitos problemáticos, aquí se apuntan algunas posibilidades para que distintas partes introduzcan mejoras en el transporte de insectos, se presentan recomendaciones específicas y se hace una exhortación general a una mayor colaboración entre los interlocutores del sector.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With approximately 160,000 identified species of butterflies and moths, Lepidoptera are among the most species-rich and diverse insect orders. Lepidopteran insects have fundamental ecosystem functions as pollinators and valuable food sources for countless animals. Furthermore, Lepidoptera have a significant impact on the economy and global food security because many species in their larval stage are harmful pests of staple food crops. Moreover, domesticated species such as the silkworm Bombyx mori produce silk and silk byproducts that are utilized by the luxury textile, biomedical, and cosmetics sectors. Several Lepidoptera have been fundamental as model organisms for basic biological research, from formal genetics to evolutionary studies. Regarding chronobiology, in the 1970s, Truman\'s seminal transplantation experiments on different lepidopteran species were the first to show that the circadian clock resides in the brain. With the implementation of molecular genetics, subsequent studies identified key differences in core components of the molecular circadian clock of Lepidoptera compared to the dipteran Drosophila melanogaster, the dominant insect species in chronobiological research. More recently, studies on the butterfly Danaus plexippus have been fundamental in characterizing the interplay between the circadian clock and navigation during the seasonal migration of this species. Moreover, the advent of Next Generation Omic technologies has resulted in the production of many publicly available datasets regarding circadian clocks in pest and beneficial Lepidoptera. This review presents an updated overview of the molecular and anatomical organization of the circadian clock in Lepidoptera. We report different behavioral circadian rhythms currently identified, focusing on the importance of the circadian clock in controlling developmental, mating and migration phenotypes. We then describe the ecological importance of circadian clocks detailing the complex interplay between the feeding behavior of these organisms and plants. Finally, we discuss how the characterization of these features could be useful in both pest control, and in optimizing rearing of beneficial Lepidoptera.





