bcl-Associated Death Protein

bcl 相关死亡蛋白
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostate cancer is characterized by a high degree of intratumoral heterogeneity. However, little is known about the spatial distribution of cancer cells with respect to specific functional characteristics and the formation of spatial niches. Here, we used digital spatial profiling (DSP) to investigate differences in protein expression in the tumor center versus the tumor periphery. Thirty-seven regions of interest were analyzed for the expression of 47 proteins, which included components of the PI3K-AKT, MAPK, and cell death signaling pathways as well as immune cell markers. A total of 1739 data points were collected from five patients. DSP identified the BCL-2 associated agonist of cell death (BAD) protein as the most significantly upregulated protein in the tumor center. BAD upregulation was confirmed by conventional immunohistochemistry, which furthermore showed a phosphorylation of BAD at serine 112 indicating its inactivation. Knockdown of BAD in prostate cancer cells in vitro led to decreased cell viability and colony growth. Clinically, high BAD expression was associated with a shorter time to biochemical recurrence in 158 mostly high-risk prostate cancer patients. Collectively, our results suggest that the tumor center is a topological niche with high BAD expression that may drive prostate cancer progression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein-protein interaction studies using proximity labeling techniques, such as biotin ligase-based BioID, have become integral in understanding cellular processes. Most studies utilize conventional 2D cell culture systems, potentially missing important differences in protein behavior found in 3D tissues. In this study, we investigated the protein-protein interactions of a protein, Bcl-2 Agonist of cell death (BAD), and compared conventional 2D culture conditions to a 3D system, wherein cells were embedded within a 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) mimic. Using BAD fused to the engineered biotin ligase miniTurbo (BirA*), we identified both overlapping and distinct BAD interactomes under 2D and 3D conditions. The known BAD binding proteins 14-3-3 isoforms and Bcl-XL interacted with BAD in both 2D and 3D. Of the 131 BAD-interactors identified, 56% were specific to 2D, 14% were specific to 3D, and 30% were common to both conditions. Interaction network analysis demonstrated differential associations between 2D and 3D interactomes, emphasizing the impact of the culture conditions on protein interactions. The 2D-3D overlap interactome encapsulated the apoptotic program, which is a well-known role of BAD. The 3D unique pathways were enriched in ECM signaling, suggestive of hitherto unknown functions for BAD. Thus, exploring protein-protein interactions in 3D provides novel clues into cell behavior. This exciting approach has the potential to bridge the knowledge gap between tractable 2D cell culture and organoid-like 3D systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ischemic stroke causes a lack of oxygen and glucose supply to brain, eventually leads to severe neurological disorders. Retinoic acid is a major metabolic product of vitamin A and has various biological effects. The PI3K-Akt signaling pathway is an important survival pathway in brain. Phosphorylated Akt is important in regulating survival and apoptosis. We examined whether retinoic acid has neuroprotective effects in stroke model by regulating Akt and its downstream protein, Bad. Moreover, we investigated the relationship between retinoic acid and Bcl-2 family protein interactions. Animals were intraperitoneally administered vehicle or retinoic acid (5 mg/kg) for four days before surgery and ischemic stroke was induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) surgery. Neurobehavioral tests were performed 24 h after MCAO and cerebral cortical tissues were collected. Cresyl violet staining and TUNEL histochemistry were performed, Western blot and immunoprecipitation analysis were performed to elucidate the expression of various proteins. Retinoic acid reduced neurological deficits and histopathological changes, decreased the number of TUNEL-positive cells, and alleviated reduction of phospho-PDK1, phospho-Akt, and phospho-Bad expression caused by MCAO damage. Immunoprecipitation analysis showed that MCAO damage reduced the interaction between phospho-Bad and 14-3-3, which was attenuated by retinoic acid. Furthermore, retinoic acid mitigated the increase in Bcl-2/Bad and Bcl-xL/Bad binding levels and the reduction in Bcl-2/Bax and Bcl-xL/Bax binding levels caused by MCAO damage. Retinoic acid alleviated MCAO-induced increase of caspase-3 and cleaved caspase-3 expression. We demonstrate that retinoic acid prevented apoptosis against cerebral ischemia through phosphorylation of Akt and Bad, maintenance of phospho-Bad and 14-3-3 binding, and regulation of Bcl-2 family protein interactions. .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macroautophagy/autophagy and apoptosis are pivotal interconnected host cell responses to viral infection, including picornaviruses. Here, the VP3 proteins of picornaviruses were determined to trigger autophagy, with the autophagic flux being triggered by the TP53-BAD-BAX axis. Using foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) as a model system, we unraveled a novel mechanism of how picornavirus hijacks autophagy to bolster viral replication and enhance pathogenesis. FMDV infection induced both autophagy and apoptosis in vivo and in vitro. FMDV VP3 protein facilitated the phosphorylation and translocation of TP53 from the nucleus into the mitochondria, resulting in BAD-mediated apoptosis and BECN1-mediated autophagy. The amino acid Gly129 in VP3 is essential for its interaction with TP53, and crucial for induction of autophagy and apoptosis. VP3-induced autophagy and apoptosis are both essential for FMDV replication, while, autophagy plays a more important role in VP3-mediated pathogenesis. Mutation of Gly129 to Ala129 in VP3 abrogated the autophagic regulatory function of VP3, which significantly decreased the viral replication and pathogenesis of FMDV. This suggested that VP3-induced autophagy benefits viral replication and pathogenesis. Importantly, this Gly is conserved and showed a common function in various picornaviruses. This study provides insight for developing broad-spectrum antivirals and genetic engineering attenuated vaccines against picornaviruses.Abbreviations: 3-MA, 3-methyladenine; ATG, autophagy related; BAD, BCL2 associated agonist of cell death; BAK1, BCL2 antagonist/killer 1; BAX, BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator; BBC3/PUMA, BCL2 binding component 3; BCL2, BCL2 apoptosis regulator; BID, BH3 interacting domain death agonist; BIP-V5, BAX inhibitor peptide V5; CFLAR/FLIP, CASP8 and FADD like apoptosis regulator; CPE, cytopathic effects; CQ, chloroquine; CV, coxsackievirus; DAPK, death associated protein kinase; DRAM, DNA damage regulated autophagy modulator; EV71, enterovirus 71; FMDV, foot-and-mouth disease virus; HAV, hepatitis A virus; KD, knockdown; MAP1LC3/LC3, microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3; MOI, multiplicity of infection; MTOR, mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase; PML, promyelocytic leukemia; PV, poliovirus; SVA, Seneca Valley virus; TCID50, 50% tissue culture infectious doses; TOR, target of rapamycin. TP53/p53, tumor protein p53; WCL, whole-cell lysate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BH3 mimetics, including the BCL2/BCLXL/BCLw inhibitor navitoclax and MCL1 inhibitors S64315 and tapotoclax, have undergone clinical testing for a variety of neoplasms. Because of toxicities, including thrombocytopenia after BCLXL inhibition as well as hematopoietic, hepatic and possible cardiac toxicities after MCL1 inhibition, there is substantial interest in finding agents that can safely sensitize neoplastic cells to these BH3 mimetics. Building on the observation that BH3 mimetic monotherapy induces AMP kinase (AMPK) activation in multiple acute leukemia cell lines, we report that the AMPK inhibitors (AMPKis) dorsomorphin and BAY-3827 sensitize these cells to navitoclax or MCL1 inhibitors. Cell fractionation and phosphoproteomic analyses suggest that sensitization by dorsomorphin involves dephosphorylation of the proapoptotic BCL2 family member BAD at Ser75 and Ser99, leading BAD to translocate to mitochondria and inhibit BCLXL. Consistent with these results, BAD knockout or mutation to BAD S75E/S99E abolishes the sensitizing effects of dorsomorphin. Conversely, dorsomorphin synergizes with navitoclax or the MCL1 inhibitor S63845 to induce cell death in primary acute leukemia samples ex vivo and increases the antitumor effects of navitoclax or S63845 in several xenograft models in vivo with little or no increase in toxicity in normal tissues. These results suggest that AMPK inhibition can sensitize acute leukemia to multiple BH3 mimetics, potentially allowing administration of lower doses while inducing similar antineoplastic effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA-binding proteins (RBP) regulate several aspects of co- and post-transcriptional gene expression in cancer cells. CSTF2 is involved in the expression of many cellular mRNAs and involved in the 3\'-end cleavage and polyadenylation of pre-mRNAs to terminate transcription. However, the role of CSTF2 in human glioblastoma (GBM) and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In the present study, CSTF2 was found to be upregulated in GBM, and its high expression predicted poor prognosis. Knockdown CSTF2 induced GBM cell apoptosis both in vitro and in vivo. Specific mechanism studies showed that CSTF2 unstabilized the mRNA of the BAD protein by shortening its 3\' UTR. Additionally, an increase in the expression level of CSTF2 decreased the expression level of BAD. In conclusion, CSTF2 binds to the mRNA of the BAD protein to shorten its 3\'UTR, which negatively affects the BAD mediated apoptosis and promotes GBM cell survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Stroke is caused by disruption of blood supply and results in permanent disabilities as well as death. Chlorogenic acid is a phenolic compound found in various fruits and coffee and exerts antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic effects.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether chlorogenic acid regulates the PI3K-Akt-Bad signaling pathway in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)-induced damage.
    METHODS: Chlorogenic acid (30 mg/kg) or vehicle was administered peritoneally to adult male rats 2 h after MCAO surgery, and animals were sacrificed 24 h after MCAO surgery. Neurobehavioral tests were performed, and brain tissues were isolated. The cerebral cortex was collected for Western blot and immunoprecipitation analyses.
    RESULTS: MCAO damage caused severe neurobehavioral disorders and chlorogenic acid improved the neurological disorders. Chlorogenic acid alleviated the MCAO-induced histopathological changes and decreased the number of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling-positive cells. Furthermore, MCAO-induced damage reduced the expression of phospho-PDK1, phospho-Akt, and phospho-Bad, which was alleviated with administration of chlorogenic acid. The interaction between phospho-Bad and 14-3-3 levels was reduced in MCAO animals, which was attenuated by chlorogenic acid treatment. In addition, chlorogenic acid alleviated the increase of cytochrome c and caspase-3 expression caused by MCAO damage.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study showed that chlorogenic acid activates phospho-Akt and phospho-Bad and promotes the interaction between phospho-Bad and 14-3-3 during MCAO damage. In conclusion, chlorogenic acid exerts neuroprotective effects by activating the Akt-Bad signaling pathway and maintaining the interaction between phospho-Bad and 14-3-3 in ischemic stroke model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: To investigate the effect of arsenic and its main metabolites on the apoptosis of human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 and the expression of pro-apoptotic genes Bad and Bik. Methods: In October 2020, A549 cells were recovered and cultured, and the cell viability was detected by the cell counting reagent CCK-8 to determine the concentration and time of sodium arsenite exposure to A549. The study was divided into NaAsO(2) exposure groups and metobol: le expoure groups: the metabolite comparison groups were subdivided into the control group, the monomethylarsinic acid exposure group (60 μmol/L) , and the dimethylarsinic acid exposure group (60 μmol/L) ; sodium arsenite dose groups were subdivided into 4 groups: control group (0) , 20, 40, 60 μmol/L sodium arsenite NaAsO(2). Hoechst 33342/propidium iodide double staining (Ho/PI) was used to observe cell apoptosis and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) was used to detect the expression levels of Bad and Bik mRNA in cells after exposure. Western blotting was used to detect the protein expressions of Bad, P-Bad-S112, Bik, cleaved Bik and downstream proteins poly ADP-ribose polymerase PARP1 and cytochrome C (Cyt-C) , using spectrophotometry to detect the activity changes of caspase 3, 6, 8, 9. Results: Compared with the control group, the proportion of apoptotic cells in the 20, 40, and 60 μmol/L NaAsO(2) dose groups increased significantly (P<0.01) , and the expression levels of Bad, Bik mRNA, the protein expression levels of Bad, P-Bad-S112, Bik, cleaved Bik, PARP1, Cyt-C were increased (all P<0.05) , and the activities of Caspase 3, 6, 8, and 9 were significantly increased with significantly differences (P<0.05) . Compared with the control group, the expression level of Bad mRNA in the DMA exposure group (1.439±0.173) was increased with a significant difference (P=0.024) , but there was no significant difference in the expression level of Bik mRNA (P=0.788) . There was no significant differences in the expression levels of Bad and Bik mRNA in the poison groups (P=0.085, 0.063) . Compared with the control group, the gray values of proteins Bad, Bik, PARP1 and Cyt-C exposed to MMA were 0.696±0.023, 0.707±0.014, 0.907±0.031, 1.032±0.016, and there was no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.469, 0.669, 0.859, 0.771) ; the gray values of proteins Bad, Bik, PARP1 and Cyt-C exposed to DMA were 0.698±0.030, 0.705±0.022, 0.908±0.015, 1.029±0.010, and there was no difference between the two groups (P=0.479, 0.636, 0.803, 0.984) . Conclusion: Sodium arsenite induces the overexpression of Bad and Bik proteins, initiates the negative feedback regulation of phosphorylated Bad and the degradation of Bik, activates the downstream proteins PARP1, Cyt-C and Caspase pathways, and mediates the apoptosis of A549 cells.
    目的: 探讨砷及其主要代谢产物对人肺腺癌细胞系A549细胞凋亡及促凋亡基因Bad和Bik表达的影响。 方法: 于2020年10月,复苏培养A549细胞,利用细胞计数试剂CCK-8检测细胞活力,确定亚砷酸钠(NaAsO(2))染毒A549细胞的浓度和时间。研究分为NaAsO(2)染毒组和代谢产物染毒组:NaAsO(2)染毒组染毒剂量为0(对照组)、20、40、60 μmol/L;代谢产物染毒组包括60 μmol/L一甲基胂酸(MMA)染毒组、60 μmol/L二甲基胂酸(DMA)染毒组。采用Hoechst33342/碘化丙啶双染法(Ho/PI)观察细胞凋亡情况,采用实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应法(qRT-PCR)检测染毒后细胞Bad和Bik mRNA表达水平,采用蛋白免疫印迹法(Western blotting)检测Bad蛋白、磷酸化Bad(P-Bad-S112)蛋白、Bik蛋白、裂解Bik蛋白及下游蛋白多聚腺苷二磷酸核糖聚合酶(PARP1)和细胞色素C(Cyt-C)的相对表达情况,采用分光光度法检测半胱氨酸天冬氨酸特异性蛋白酶(Caspase)3、6、8、9的活性变化。 结果: 与对照组比较,20、40、60 μmol/L NaAsO(2)染毒组凋亡细胞占比明显增加,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。与对照组比较,2.0、4.0、6.0 μmol/LNaASO(2)染毒组Bad mRNA表达水平、Bik mRNA表达水平升高,Bad蛋白、磷酸化Bad蛋白、Bik蛋白、裂解Bik蛋白、PARP1蛋白、Cyt-C蛋白相对表达量均升高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),Caspase 3、6、8、9活性明显上调,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与对照组比较,DMA染毒组Bad mRNA表达水平为1.439±0.173,差异有统计学意义(P=0.024),Bik mRNA表达水平差异无统计学意义(P=0.788);MMA染毒组Bad和Bik mRNA表达水平差异无统计学意义(P=0.085、0.063)。与对照组比较,MMA染毒组Bad、Bik、PARP1、Cyt-C蛋白相对表达量(0.696±0.023、0.707±0.014、0.907±0.031、1.032±0.016)差异无统计学意义(P=0.469、0.669、0.859、0.771);DMA染毒组Bad、Bik、PARP1、Cyt-C蛋白相对表达量(0.698±0.030、0.705±0.022、0.908±0.015、1.029±0.010)差异均无统计学意义(P=0.479、0.636、0.803、0.984)。 结论: NaAsO(2)可通过引起Bad和Bik蛋白过表达,启动磷酸化Bad的负反馈调节以及Bik的降解,激活下游蛋白PARP1、Cyt-C和Caspase途径,介导A549细胞凋亡。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Platyhelminthes can perhaps rightly be described as a phylum of the good, the bad, and the ugly: remarkable free-living worms that colonize land, river, and sea, which are often rife with color and can display extraordinary regenerative ability; parasitic worms like schistosomes that cause devastating disease and suffering; and monstrous tapeworms that are the stuff of nightmares. In this chapter, we will explore how our research expanded beyond free-living planarians to their gruesome parasitic cousins. We start with Schistosoma mansoni, which is not a new model; however, approaching these parasites from a developmental perspective required a reinvention that may hold generalizable lessons to basic biologists interested in pivoting to disease models. We then turn to our (re)establishment of the rat tapeworm Hymenolepis diminuta, a once-favorite model that had been largely forgotten by the molecular biology revolution. Here we tell our stories in three, first-person narratives in order to convey personal views of our experiences. Welcome to the dark side.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The novel anti-neoplastic glycopeptide T11TS retards glioma both in in-vitro clinical samples and in-vivo models. This study investigates the correlation between altering the glioma microenvironment with glioma arrest and death. Flow cytometry, immunoblotting, ELISA, and co-immunoprecipitation were employed to investigate glioma cell arrest and death. Results include a decline in phosphorylation of Akt and attenuation of p21 phosphorylation (Thr145,Ser146) and disassociation of p-Akt-Mdm2 and p-Akt-BAD facilitating death by Akt>BAD. T11TS influence phosphorylation patterns in two focal axes Akt>p21 and Akt>Mdm2>p53. The current article provides crucial insight in deciphering the mechanism of T11TS induced glioma cell arrest and death.





