
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina (Pt) is one of the most impactful diseases causing substantial losses in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crops. In adult plants resistant to Pt, a horizontal adult plant resistance (APR) is observed: APR protects the plant against multiple pathogen races and is distinguished by durable persistence under production conditions. The Lr46/Yr29 locus was mapped to chromosome 1B of common wheat genome, but the identity of the underlying gene has not been demonstrated although several candidate genes have been proposed. This study aimed to analyze the expression of nine candidate genes located at the Lr46/Yr29 locus and their four complementary miRNAs (tae-miR5384-3p, tae-miR9780, tae-miR9775, and tae-miR164), in response to Pt infection. The plant materials tested included five reference cultivars in which the molecular marker csLV46G22 associated with the Lr46/Yr29-based Pt resistance was identified, as well as one susceptible control cultivar. Biotic stress was induced in adult plants by inoculation with fungal spores under controlled conditions. Plant material was sampled before and at 6, 12, 24, 48 hours post inoculation (hpi). Differences in expression of candidate genes at the Lr46/Yr29 locus were analyzed by qRT-PCR and showed that the expression of the genes varied at the analyzed time points. The highest expression of Lr46/Yr29 candidate genes (Lr46-Glu1, Lr46-Glu2, Lr46-Glu3, Lr46-RLK1, Lr46-RLK2, Lr46-RLK3, Lr46-RLK4, Lr46-Snex, and Lr46-WRKY) occurred at 12 and 24 hpi and such expression profiles were obtained only for one candidate gene among the nine genes analyzed (Lr46-Glu2), indicating that it may be a contributing factor in the resistance response to Pt infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel species of earthstar from China, Geastrum sanglinense is described. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS), large subunit nuclear ribosomal RNA (nrLSU), and subunit 6 of ATP synthase (atp6) regions showed that the species belongs to subsect. Epigaea in sect. Myceliostroma. The sequences of the new taxon formed a sister group to G. yanshanense and G. rubellum. This species was mainly characterized by scattered or clustered basidiomata (1.9-2.2 cm in width × 2.3-2.5 cm in height), small to medium-sized saccate exoperidium (1.9-4.3 cm diam. when expanded), smooth endoperidial bodies (1.2-2.7 cm diam.), and globose to subglobose basidiospores (3.7-4.1 μm diam.), surface with short columnar warts. The species can also be distinguished by ITS, nrLSU, and atp6 sequences. The new species was described in detail and can provide a reference for the investigation of macrofungi resources in Shanxi Province, China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The MD-2-related lipid-recognition (ML/Md-2) domain is a lipid/sterol-binding domain that are involved in sterol transfer and innate immunity in eukaryotes. Here we report a genome-wide survey of this family, identifying 84 genes in 30 fungi including plant pathogens. All the studied species were found to have varied ML numbers, and expansion of the family was observed in Rhizophagus irregularis (RI) with 33 genes. The molecular docking studies of these proteins with cholesterol derivatives indicate lipid-binding functional conservation across the animal and fungi kingdom. The phylogenetic studies among eukaryotic ML proteins showed that Puccinia ML members are more closely associated with animal (insect) npc2 proteins than other fungal ML members. One of the candidates from leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina, Pt5643 was PCR amplified and further characterized using various studies such as qRT-PCR, subcellular localization studies, yeast functional complementation, signal peptide validation, and expression studies. The Pt5643 exhibits the highest expression on the 5th day post-infection (dpi). The confocal microscopy of Pt5643 in onion epidermal cells and N. benthamiana shows its location in the cytoplasm and nucleus. The functional complementation studies of Pt5643 in npc2 mutant yeast showed its functional similarity to the eukaryotic/yeast npc2 gene. Furthermore, the overexpression of Pt5643 also suppressed the BAX, NEP1, and H₂O₂-induced program cell death in Nicotiana species and yeast. Altogether the present study reports the novel function of ML domain proteins in plant fungal pathogens and their possible role as effector molecules in host defense manipulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: Stem rust resistance was mainly based on a few, already known resistance genes; for yellow rust resistance there was a combination of designated genes and minor QTLs. Yellow rust (YR) caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst) and stem rust (SR) caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt) are among the most damaging wheat diseases. Although, yellow rust has occurred regularly in Europe since the advent of the Warrior race in 2011, damaging stem rust epidemics are still unusual. We analyzed the resistance of seven segregating populations at the adult growth stage with the parents being selected for YR and SR resistances across three to six environments (location-year combinations) following inoculation with defined Pst and Pgt races. In total, 600 progenies were phenotyped and 563 were genotyped with a 25k SNP array. For SR resistance, three major resistance genes (Sr24, Sr31, Sr38/Yr17) were detected in different combinations. Additional QTLs provided much smaller effects except for a gene on chromosome 4B that explained much of the genetic variance. For YR resistance, ten loci with highly varying percentages of explained genetic variance (pG, 6-99%) were mapped. Our results imply that introgression of new SR resistances will be necessary for breeding future rust resistant cultivars, whereas YR resistance can be achieved by genomic selection of many of the detected QTLs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bats (Chiroptera), the second largest group of mammals, are known for their unique immune system and their ability to act as vectors for various zoonoses. Bats also act as important carriers of fungi, which include plant, animal, and human pathogens. Their roosting areas, foraging behaviors, and even migration routes make bats ideal vectors for fungi. We isolated 75 culturable fungal species from bats in Yunnan Province, China, with 36 species representing known pathogens of plants, animals, and humans, while 39 species are non-pathogenic fungi. Among these species, 77% (58 species) belonged to Ascomycota, 9% (seven species) belonged to Basidiomycota, and 13% (10 species) belonged to Mucoromycota. Even though several taxonomic studies on fungi associated with bats have been published, studies exploring the role of bats as fungal vectors are lacking. This study discusses the fungi host-specific traits and pathogenicity and the impact and ecological significance of bats as fungal vectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wheat leaf rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina (Pt), severely affects the grain quality and quantity of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Hairpin small(s)RNAs, like micro(mi)RNAs and their variants [including isomiRNAs (isomiRs) and microRNA-like RNAs (milRNAs)], along with their corresponding target genes, bestow leaf rust disease resistance, development and progression from both interacting species. However, the regulatory networks remain inadequately understood. Thirteen differentially expressed novel miRNAs, including two isomiRs and three milRNAs were discerned from induced reads of wheat sRNA libraries, and a further 5,393 and 1,275 candidate target genes were predicted in wheat and Pt, respectively. Functional annotation divulged that wheat-originated miRNAs/isomiRs were involved in resistance, while Pt-derived milRNAs imparted pathogenesis. The identified milRNAs- Tae-Pt-milR5, Tae-Pt-milR12, and Tae-Pt-milR14b and their cleavage sites on Pt target gene MEP5 were confirmed through degradome library screening, suggesting cross-kingdom translocation of Pt virulent genes in wheat host. Co-expression analysis of miRNAs/isomiRs-target genes provided insights into combating leaf rust disease, while co-expression analysis of milRNAs-target gene pairs reflected the extent of pathogenicity exerted by Pt with varied expression levels at the analyzed time points. The analysis pinpointed leaf rust-responsive candidate hairpin sRNAs- Tae-miR8, Tae-Pt-miR12, Tae-Pt-miR14a, and Tae-Pt-miR14b in wheat and Tae-Pt-milR12 in Pt. This study provides new insights into the hairpin sRNAs involved in the resistance and pathogenesis of wheat and Pt, respectively. Furthermore, crucial hairpin sRNAs and their promising targets for future biotechnological interventions to augment stress resilience have been identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is globally recognized as a significant health concern, with diabetic foot (DF) identified as a severe long-term complication that can lead to tissue death or amputation. The discovery of the impact of mycobiota, a diverse group of multicellular eukaryotes in the gut microbiome, on the onset of endocrine disorders holds great significance. Therefore, this research aimed to examine variations in fungal mycobiome and identify potential biomarkers for T2DM and T2DM-DF. Fecal and blood samples were collected from 33 individuals with T2DM, 32 individuals with T2DM-DF, and 32 healthy individuals without any health conditions (HC). Blood samples were used for laboratory parameters analysis, while total DNA was extracted from fecal samples and sequenced using Illumina 18s rRNA. Bioinformatics tools were employed to analyze fungal abundance and diversity, revealing differentially expressed fungal species and signature fungi that distinguished between T2DM, T2DM-DF, and HC groups. Firstly, significant alterations in some laboratory parameters were observed among the three groups, which also differed between T2DM and T2DM-DF. The diversity of gut fungi in T2DM and T2DM-DF significantly differed from that of the HC group; however, more pronounced changes were observed in T2DM-DF. Additionally, two significantly altered phyla, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, were identified with higher Ascomycota abundance but lower Basidiomycota abundance in both the T2DM and T2DM-DF compared to the HC group. Furthermore, the top 15 fungi showing significant changes at the species level included a notable decrease in Rhodotorula_mucilaginosa abundance in patients with T2DM compared to HC and a substantial increase in unclassified_g_Candida abundance specifically seen only among patients with T2DM-DF, but not among those diagnosed with T2DM or HC. Thirdly, KEGG was employed to analyze enzyme expression across the three groups, revealing a more pronounced alteration in gut fungal function within T2DM-DF compared to T2DM. Subsequently, to accurately identify signature fungi in each group, a random forest was utilized to rank the top 15 significant fungi. Notably, 11 fungi were identified as potential biomarkers for distinguishing T2DM or T2DM-DF from HC, while eight fungi could discriminate between T2DM and T2DM-DF. Furthermore, receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis demonstrated enhanced accuracy of predicted outcomes. These findings suggest that changes in fungal mycobiome are closely associated with the progression and complications of T2DM and DF, offering promising prospects for diagnosis and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although there is evidence to suggest that the endophytic fungus Serendipita indica plays a crucial role in enhancing plant tolerance against biotic/abiotic stressors, less is known about the impacts of this symbiosis association on root mucilage chemical composition and its physical functions. The mucilage of inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings of four wheat cultivars (i.e., Roshan, Ghods, Kavir and Pishtaz) were extracted using an aeroponic method. Total solute concentration (TCm), carbon content (Cmucilage), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, fatty acids, surface tension (σm), and viscosity (ηm) of mucilage were measured. Ghods and Kavir had the highest and lowest root colonization percents, respectively. Saturated fatty acids, including palmitic and stearic acids, were dominant over unsaturated fatty acids in wheat root mucilage. However, their compositions were significantly different among wheat cultivars. S. indica colonization, especially for Ghods, increased the TCm, Cmucilage, and palmitic acid. Moreover, root mucilage of S. indica-inoculated Ghods had lower σm and greater ηm. An increased amount of powerful surfactants like palmitic acid in the mucilage of S. indica inoculated treatments led to lower σm and greater ηm. Such studies provide further support for the idea that plant-released mucilage plays a major role in modifying the physical environment of the rhizosphere. This knowledge toward truly understanding the rhizosphere can be potentially used for improving the rhizosphere soil quality and increasing crop growth and yield.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stipitate Thelephorales are basidiomycetous, mostly hydnoid, ectomycorrhizal fungi. Some species have declined considerably, and some are threat-listed as vulnerable or endangered. These ecological concerns require a well-resolved taxonomy to understand diversity in this group of fungi and facilitate conservation. However, phylogenetic studies have mostly neglected Southern Hemisphere representatives. This study examines the fleshy species of stipitate Thelephorales from native forests in Australia and New Zealand, using morphological analyses and phylogenetic analyses of nuc rDNA internal transcribed spacer region ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS barcode) and D1-D2 domains at the 5\' end of nuc 28S rDNA (28S) sequences amplified from DNA isolated from fungarium collections and environmental DNA (eDNA) sequences from the Australian Microbiome initiative. Five new species, Sarcodon austrofibulatus, Hydnellum gatesiae, H. nothofagacearum, H. pseudoioeides, and H. variisporum, are described, Sarcodon carbonarius is transferred to Neosarcodon, and a key is provided for the six named species in the region. Boletopsis and Neosarcodon are reported from Australia for the first time based on detections from eDNA in soil samples taken from native forests. The Australasian species of Hydnellum occupy a highly derived position with the phylogeny of the genus, the members of which are otherwise all from the Northern Hemisphere, suggestive of a long-distance dispersal origin for the Australasian species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limited exploration in fungal mitochondrial genetics has uncovered diverse inheritance modes. The mitochondrial genomes are inherited uniparentally in the majority of sexual eukaryotes, our discovery of persistent mitochondrial heterogeneity within the natural population of the basidiomycete fungus Thelephora ganbajun represents a significant advance in understanding mitochondrial inheritance and evolution in eukaryotes. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis by sequencing and assembling the complete mitogenomes of 40 samples exhibiting diverse cox1 heterogeneity patterns from various geographical origins. Additionally, we identified heterogeneous variants in the nad5 gene, which, similar to cox1, displayed variability across multiple copies. Notably, our study reveals a distinct prevalence of introns and homing endonucleases in these heterogeneous genes. Furthermore, we detected potential instances of horizontal gene transfer involving homing endonucleases. Population genomic analyses underscore regional variations in mitochondrial genome composition among natural samples exhibiting heterogeneity. Thus, polymorphisms in heterogeneous genes, introns, and homing endonucleases significantly influence mitochondrial structure, structural variation, and evolutionary dynamics in this species. This study contributes valuable insights into mitochondrial genome architecture, population dynamics, and the evolutionary implications of mitochondrial heterogeneity in sexual eukaryotes.





