base substitution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleotide substitutions have played an important role in molecular evolution, and understanding their dynamics would contribute to genetic studies. Related research with defined DNA sequences lasted for decades until whole-genome sequencing arose. UV radiation (UVR) can generate base changes and other genetic variations in a short period of time, so it would be more meaningful to explore mutations caused by UVR from a genomic perspective. The monokaryon enoki strain WT583 was selected as the experimental material in this study because it can spontaneously produce large amounts of oidia on PDA plates, and the monokaryons originating from oidia have the same genotype as their mother monokaryon. After exposure to UV radiation, 100 randomly selected mutants, with WT583 as the reference genome, were sent for genome sequencing. BWA, samtools, and GATK software were employed for SNP calling, and the R package CMplot was used to visualize the distribution of the SNPs on the contigs of the reference genome. Furthermore, a k-mer-based method was used to detect DNA fragment deletion. Moreover, the non-synonymous genes were functionally annotated. A total of 3707 single-base substitutions and 228 tandem mutations were analyzed. The immediate adjacent bases showed different effects on the mutation frequencies of adenine and cytosine. For adenine, the overall effects of the immediate 5\'-side and 3\'-side bases were T > A > C > G and A > T > G > C, respectively; for cytosine, the overall effects of the immediate 5\'-side and 3\'-side bases were T > C > A > G and C > T > A > G, respectively. Regarding tandem mutations, the mutation frequencies of double-transition, double-transversion, 3\'-side transition, and 5\'-side transition were 131, 8, 72, and 17, respectively. Transitions at the 3\'-side with a high mutation frequency shared a common feature, where they held transversions at the 5\'-side of A→T or T→A without covalent bond changes, suggesting that the sequence context of tandem motifs might be related to their mutation frequency. In total, 3707 mutation sites were non-randomly distributed on the contigs of the reference genome. In addition, pyrimidines at the 3\'-side of adenine promoted its transversion frequency, and UVR generated DNA fragment deletions over 200 bp with a low frequency in the enoki genome. The functional annotation of the genes with non-synonymous mutation indicated that UVR could produce abundant mutations in a short period of time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Germline and somatic mutations cause various diseases, including cancer. Clinical applications of genome editing are keenly anticipated, since it can cure genetic diseases. Recently, we reported that a 5\'-tailed duplex (TD), consisting of an approximately 80-base editor strand oligodeoxyribonucleotide and a 35-base assistant strand oligodeoxyribonucleotide, could edit a target gene on plasmid DNA and correct a single-base substitution mutation without an artificial nuclease in human cells. In this study, we assessed the ability of the TD to correct base substitution mutations located consecutively or separately, and deletion and insertion mutations. A TD with an 80-base editor strand was co-introduced into human U2OS cells with plasmid DNA bearing either a wild-type or mutated copepod green fluorescent protein (copGFP) gene. Among the mutations, three-base consecutive substitutions were efficiently repaired. The correction efficiencies of deletion mutations were similar to those of substitution mutations, and two to three times higher than those of insertion mutations. Up to three-base substitution, deletion, and insertion mutations were excellent targets for correction by TDs. These results suggested that the TDs are useful for editing disease-causing genes with small mutations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: The ABO blood group system has important clinical significance in the safety of blood transfusion and organ transplantation. Numerous ABO variations, especially variations in the splice sites, have been identified to be associated with some ABO subtypes. Methods: Here, we performed the c.767T>C substitution of the ABO gene in human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) by the adenosine base editor (ABE) system and described its characteristics at the genome level in detail. Results: The hiPS cell line with c.767T>C substitution maintained a normal karyotype (46, XX), expressed pluripotency markers, and showed the capability to spontaneously differentiate into all three germ layers in vivo. The genome-wide analysis demonstrated that the c.767T>C substitution in the ABO gene did not cause any detected negative effect in hiPSCs at the genome level. The splicing transcript analysis revealed that splicing variants were observed in the hiPSCs with ABO c.767T>C substitutions. Conclusion: All these results indicated that some splicing variants occurred in hiPSCs with c.767 T>C substitution of ABO gene, which probably had a significant effect on the formation of the rare ABO*Ael05/B101 subtype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Owing to the advances in genome editing technologies, research on human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have recently undergone breakthroughs that enable precise alteration of desired nucleotide bases in hPSCs for the creation of isogenic disease models or for autologous ex vivo cell therapy. As pathogenic variants largely consist of point mutations, precise substitution of mutated bases in hPSCs allows researchers study disease mechanisms with \"disease-in-a-dish\" and provide functionally repaired cells to patients for cell therapy. To this end, in addition to utilizing the conventional homologous directed repair system in the knock-in strategy based on endonuclease activity of Cas9 (i.e., \'scissors\' like gene editing), diverse toolkits for editing the desirable bases (i.e., \'pencils\' like gene editing) that avoid the accidental insertion and deletion (indel) mutations as well as large harmful deletions have been developed. In this review, we summarize the recent progress in genome editing methodologies and employment of hPSCs for future translational applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dietary exposure to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a recognized risk factor for developing hepatocellular carcinoma. The mutational signature of AFB1 is characterized by high-frequency base substitutions, predominantly G>T transversions, in a limited subset of trinucleotide sequences. The 8,9-dihydro-8-(2,6-diamino-4-oxo-3,4-dihydropyrimid-5-yl-formamido)-9-hydroxyaflatoxin B1 (AFB1-FapyGua) has been implicated as the primary DNA lesion responsible for AFB1-induced mutations. This study evaluated the mutagenic potential of AFB1-FapyGua in four sequence contexts, including hot- and cold-spot sequences as apparent in the mutational signature. Vectors containing site-specific AFB1-FapyGua lesions were replicated in primate cells and the products of replication were isolated and sequenced. Consistent with the role of AFB1-FapyGua in AFB1-induced mutagenesis, AFB1-FapyGua was highly mutagenic in all four sequence contexts, causing G>T transversions and other base substitutions at frequencies of ~80%-90%. These data suggest that the unique mutational signature of AFB1 is not explained by sequence-dependent fidelity of replication past AFB1-FapyGua lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Highly virulent Klebsiella pneumoniae often causes invasive infections with high morbidity and mortality rates, posing an immense clinical challenge. Rapid and accurate detection of pathogenic bacteria is of great significance for treatment and preventive control. Conventional detection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is limited by a dependence on laboratory equipment and professional staff. Recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) combined with a lateral flow strip (LFS) can rapidly amplify and visualize target genes in a short period of time. The aim of this study was to develop an RPA-LFS technique for detection of the K. pneumoniae virulence gene rmpA2. Primers were designed against conserved sequences specific to the virulence gene, and primer probe design was optimized by introducing base substitution to obtain a specific and sensitive primer-probe combination for clinical detection. We tested 65 actual samples collected from clinics to evaluate the performance of the newly established RPA-LFS system in comparison with conventional PCR methods and qPCR methods. The RPA-LFS assay was performed at for 25 min a constant temperature of 37°C, and results could be observed without instrumentation. The system could specifically identify highly virulent K. pneumoniae carrying the virulence gene rmpA2 with a minimum detection limit of 10-1 ng/μL and 10 copies/μL. For the 65 clinical samples tested, The RPA-LFS assay results were in complete agreement with the qPCR results and PCR results. The RPA-LFS assay provides a rapid, accurate, and simple method for identification of highly virulent K. pneumoniae carrying rmpA2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transversion and transition mutations have variable effects on the stability of RNA secondary structure considering that the former destabilizes the double helix geometry to a greater extent by introducing purine:purine (R:R) or pyrimidine:pyrimidine (Y:Y) base pairs. Therefore, transversion frequency is likely to be lower than that of transition in the secondary structure regions of RNA genes. Here, we performed an analysis of transition and transversion frequencies in tRNA genes defined well with secondary structure and compared with the intergenic regions in five bacterial species namely Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae using a large genome sequence data set. In general, the transversion frequency was observed to be lower than that of transition in both tRNA genes and intergenic regions. The transition to transversion ratio was observed to be greater in tRNA genes than that in the intergenic regions in all the five bacteria that we studied. Interestingly, the intraspecies base substitution analysis in tRNA genes revealed that non-compensatory substitutions were more frequent than compensatory substitutions in the stem region. Further, transition to transversion ratio in the loop region was observed to be significantly lesser than that among the non-compensatory substitutions in the stem region. This indicated that the transversion is more deleterious than transition in the stem regions. In addition, substitutions from amino bases (A/C) to keto bases (G/T) were also observed to be more than the reverse substitutions in the stem region. Substitution from amino bases to keto bases are likely to facilitate the stable G:U pairing unlike the reverse substitution that facilitates the unstable A:C pairing in the stem region of tRNA. This work provides additional support that the secondary structure of tRNA molecule is what drives the different substitutions in its gene sequence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short-/middle-term and simple prediction studies for carcinogenesis are needed for the safety assessment of chemical substances. To establish a novel genotoxicity assay with an in vivo mimicking system, we prepared murine colonic/pulmonary organoids from gpt delta mice according to the general procedure using collagenase/dispase and cultured them in a 3D environment. When the organoids were exposed to foodborne carcinogens-2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo(4,5-b)pyridine (PhIP) and acrylamide (AA)-in the presence of metabolic activation systems, mutation frequencies (MFs) occurring in the gpt gene dose-dependently increased. Moreover, the mutation spectrum analysis indicated predominant G:C to T:A transversion with PhIP, and A:T to C:G and A:T to T:A transversion with AA. These data correspond to those of a previous study describing in vivo mutagenicity in gpt delta mice. However, organoids derived from the liver, a non-target tissue of PhIP-carcinogenesis, also demonstrated genotoxicity with a potency comparable to colonic organoids. Organoids and PhIP were directly incubated in the presence of metabolic activation systems; therefore, there was a lack of organ specificity, as observed in vivo. Additionally, PhIP-DNA adduct levels were comparable in hepatic and colonic organoids after PhIP exposure. Taken together, the organoids prepared in the present study may be helpful to predict chemical carcinogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA mismatch repair (MMR), an evolutionarily conserved repair pathway shared by prokaryotic and eukaryotic species alike, influences molecular evolution by detecting and correcting mismatches, thereby protecting genetic fidelity, reducing the mutational load, and preventing lethality. Herein we conduct the first genome-wide evaluation of the alterations to the mutation rate and spectrum under impaired activity of the MutSα homolog, msh-2, in Caenorhabditis elegans male-female fog-2(lf) lines. We performed mutation accumulation (MA) under RNAi-induced knockdown of msh-2 for up to 50 generations, followed by next-generation sequencing of 19 MA lines and the ancestral control. msh-2 impairment in the male-female background substantially increased the frequency of nuclear base substitutions (∼23×) and small indels (∼328×) relative to wildtype hermaphrodites. However, we observed no increase in the mutation rates of mtDNA, and copy-number changes of single-copy genes. There was a marked increase in copy-number variation of rDNA genes under MMR impairment. In C. elegans, msh-2 repairs transitions more efficiently than transversions and increases the AT mutational bias relative to wildtype. The local sequence context, including sequence complexity, G + C-content, and flanking bases influenced the mutation rate. The X chromosome exhibited lower substitution and higher indel rates than autosomes, which can either result from sex-specific mutation rates or a nonrandom distribution of mutable sites between chromosomes. Provided the observed difference in mutational pattern is mostly due to MMR impairment, our results indicate that the specificity of MMR varies between taxa, and is more efficient in detecting and repairing small indels in eukaryotes relative to prokaryotes.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The rate and spectrum of spontaneous mutations are critical parameters in basic and applied biology because they dictate the pace and character of genetic variation introduced into populations, which is a prerequisite for evolution. We use a mutation-accumulation approach to estimate mutation parameters from whole-genome sequence data from multiple genotypes from multiple populations of Daphnia magna, an ecological and evolutionary model system. We report extremely high base substitution mutation rates (µ-n,bs = 8.96 × 10-9/bp/generation [95% CI: 6.66-11.97 × 10-9/bp/generation] in the nuclear genome and µ-m,bs = 8.7 × 10-7/bp/generation [95% CI: 4.40-15.12 × 10-7/bp/generation] in the mtDNA), the highest of any eukaryote examined using this approach. Levels of intraspecific variation based on the range of estimates from the nine genotypes collected from three populations (Finland, Germany, and Israel) span 1 and 3 orders of magnitude, respectively, resulting in up to a ∼300-fold difference in rates among genomic partitions within the same lineage. In contrast, mutation spectra exhibit very consistent patterns across genotypes and populations, suggesting the mechanisms underlying the mutational process may be similar, even when the rates at which they occur differ. We discuss the implications of high levels of intraspecific variation in rates, the importance of estimating gene conversion rates using a mutation-accumulation approach, and the interacting factors influencing the evolution of mutation parameters. Our findings deepen our knowledge about mutation and provide both challenges to and support for current theories aimed at explaining the evolution of the mutation rate, as a trait, across taxa.






