bacterial chemotaxis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The experimental challenges posed by integral membrane proteins hinder molecular understanding of transmembrane signaling mechanisms. Here, we exploited protein crosslinking assays in living cells to follow conformational and dynamic stimulus signals in Tsr, the Escherichia coli serine chemoreceptor. Tsr mediates serine chemotaxis by integrating transmembrane serine-binding inputs with adaptational modifications of a methylation helix bundle to regulate a signaling kinase at the cytoplasmic tip of the receptor molecule. We created a series of cysteine replacements at Tsr residues adjacent to hydrophobic packing faces of the bundle helices and crosslinked them with a cell-permeable, bifunctional thiol-reagent. We identified an extensively crosslinked dynamic junction midway through the methylation helix bundle that seemed uniquely poised to respond to serine signals. We explored its role in mediating signaling shifts between different packing arrangements of the bundle helices by measuring crosslinking in receptor molecules with apposed pairs of cysteine reporters in each subunit and assessing their signaling behaviors with an in vivo kinase assay. In the absence of serine, the bundle helices evinced compact kinase-ON packing arrangements; in the presence of serine, the dynamic junction destabilized adjacent bundle segments and shifted the bundle to an expanded, less stable kinase-OFF helix-packing arrangement. An AlphaFold 3 model of kinase-active Tsr showed a prominent bulge and kink at the dynamic junction that might antagonize stable structure at the receptor tip. Serine stimuli probably inhibit kinase activity by shifting the bundle to a less stably-packed conformation that relaxes structural strain at the receptor tip, thereby freezing kinase activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In uncertain environments, phenotypic diversity can be advantageous for survival. However, as the environmental uncertainty decreases, the relative advantage of having diverse phenotypes decreases. Here, we show how populations of E. coli integrate multiple chemical signals to adjust sensory diversity in response to changes in the prevalence of each ligand in the environment. Measuring kinase activity in single cells, we quantified the sensitivity distribution to various chemoattractants in different mixtures of background stimuli. We found that when ligands bind uncompetitively, the population tunes sensory diversity to each signal independently, decreasing diversity when the signal\'s ambient concentration increases. However, among competitive ligands, the population can only decrease sensory diversity one ligand at a time. Mathematical modeling suggests that sensory diversity tuning benefits E. coli populations by modulating how many cells are committed to tracking each signal proportionally as their prevalence changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemotactic bacteria not only navigate chemical gradients, but also shape their environments by consuming and secreting attractants. Investigating how these processes influence the dynamics of bacterial populations has been challenging because of a lack of experimental methods for measuring spatial profiles of chemoattractants in real time. Here, we use a fluorescent sensor for aspartate to directly measure bacterially generated chemoattractant gradients during collective migration. Our measurements show that the standard Patlak-Keller-Segel model for collective chemotactic bacterial migration breaks down at high cell densities. To address this, we propose modifications to the model that consider the impact of cell density on bacterial chemotaxis and attractant consumption. With these changes, the model explains our experimental data across all cell densities, offering insight into chemotactic dynamics. Our findings highlight the significance of considering cell density effects on bacterial behavior, and the potential for fluorescent metabolite sensors to shed light on the complex emergent dynamics of bacterial communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Escherichia coli chemotaxis signaling pathway has served as a model system for the adaptive sensing of environmental signals by large protein complexes. The chemoreceptors control the kinase activity of CheA in response to the extracellular ligand concentration and adapt across a wide concentration range by undergoing methylation and demethylation. Methylation shifts the kinase response curve by orders of magnitude in ligand concentration while incurring a much smaller change in the ligand binding curve. Here, we show that the disproportionate shift in binding and kinase response is inconsistent with equilibrium allosteric models. To resolve this inconsistency, we present a nonequilibrium allosteric model that explicitly includes the dissipative reaction cycles driven by adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis. The model successfully explains all existing joint measurements of ligand binding, receptor conformation, and kinase activity for both aspartate and serine receptors. Our results suggest that the receptor complex acts as an enzyme: Receptor methylation modulates the ON-state kinetics of the kinase (e.g., phosphorylation rate), while ligand binding controls the equilibrium balance between kinase ON/OFF states. Furthermore, sufficient energy dissipation is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the sensitivity range and amplitude of the kinase response. We demonstrate that the nonequilibrium allosteric model is broadly applicable to other sensor-kinase systems by successfully fitting previously unexplained data from the DosP bacterial oxygen-sensing system. Overall, this work provides a nonequilibrium physics perspective on cooperative sensing by large protein complexes and opens up research directions for understanding their microscopic mechanisms through simultaneous measurements and modeling of ligand binding and downstream responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factors (VFs) found in animal manure pose significant risks to human health. However, the effects of graphene sodium selenite (GSSe), a novel chemical nano-Selenium, and biological nano-Selenium (BNSSe), a new bioaugmentation nano-Se, on bacterial Se metabolism, chemotaxis, ARGs, and VFs in animal manure remain unknown. In this study, we investigated the effects of GSSe and BNSSe on ARGs and VFs expression in broiler manure using high-throughput sequencing. Results showed that BNSSe reduced Se pressure during anaerobic fermentation by inhibiting bacterial selenocompound metabolism pathways, thereby lowering manure Selenium pollution. Additionally, the expression levels of ARGs and VFs were lower in the BNSSe group compared to the Sodium Selenite and GSSe groups, as BNSSe inhibited bacterial chemotaxis pathways. Co-occurrence network analysis identified ARGs and VFs within the following phyla Bacteroidetes (genera Butyricimonas, Odoribacter, Paraprevotella, and Rikenella), Firmicutes (genera Lactobacillus, Candidatus_Borkfalkia, Merdimonas, Oscillibacter, Intestinimonas, and Megamonas), and Proteobacteria (genera Desulfovibrio). The expression and abundance of ARGs and VFs genes were found to be associated with ARGs-VFs coexistence. Moreover, BNSSe disruption of bacterial selenocompound metabolism and chemotaxis pathways resulted in less frequent transfer of ARGs and VFs. These findings indicate that BNSSe can reduce ARGs and VFs expression in animal manure by suppressing bacterial selenocompound metabolism and chemotaxis pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial complex II is traditionally studied for its participation in two key respiratory processes: the electron transport chain and the Krebs cycle. There is now a rich body of literature explaining how complex II contributes to respiration. However, more recent research shows that not all of the pathologies associated with altered complex II activity clearly correlate with this respiratory role. Complex II activity has now been shown to be necessary for a range of biological processes peripherally related to respiration, including metabolic control, inflammation, and cell fate. Integration of findings from multiple types of studies suggests that complex II both participates in respiration and controls multiple succinate-dependent signal transduction pathways. Thus, the emerging view is that the true biological function of complex II is well beyond respiration. This review uses a semichronological approach to highlight major paradigm shifts that occurred over time. Special emphasis is given to the more recently identified functions of complex II and its subunits because these findings have infused new directions into an established field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal manure contains many antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and virulence factors (VFs), posing significant health threats to humans. However, the effects of graphene nano zinc oxide (GZnONP), a zinc bioaugmentation substitute, on bacterial chemotaxis, ARGs, and VFs in animal manure remain scanty. Herein, the effect of GZnONP on the in vivo anaerobic expression of ARGs and VFs in cattle manure was assessed using high-throughput sequencing. Results showed that GZnONP inhibited bacterial chemotaxis by reducing the zinc pressure under anaerobic fermentation, altering the microbial community structure. The expression of ARGs was significantly lower in GZnONP than in zinc oxide and nano zinc oxide (ZnONP) groups. The expression of VFs was lower in the GZnONP than in the zinc oxide and ZnONP groups by 9.85 % and 13.46 %, respectively. Co-occurrence network analysis revealed that ARGs and VFs were expressed by the Spirochaetes phylum, Paraprevotella genus, and Treponema genus et al. The ARGs-VFs coexistence was related to the expression/abundance of ARGs and VFs genes. GZnONP reduces the abundance of certain bacterial species by disrupting chemotaxis, minimizing the transfer of ARGs and VFs. These findings suggest that GZnONP, a bacterial chemotaxis suppressor, effectively reduces the expression and release of ARGs and VFs in animal manure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To swim and navigate, motile bacteria synthesize a complex motility machinery involving flagella, motors, and a sensory system. A myriad of studies has elucidated the molecular processes involved, but less is known about the coordination of motility expression with cellular physiology: In Escherichia coli, motility genes are strongly up-regulated in nutrient-poor conditions compared to nutrient-replete conditions; yet a quantitative link to cellular motility has not been developed. Here, we systematically investigated gene expression, swimming behavior, cell growth, and available proteomics data across a broad spectrum of exponential growth conditions. Our results suggest that cells up-regulate the expression of motility genes at slow growth to compensate for reduction in cell size, such that the number of flagella per cell is maintained across conditions. The observed four or five flagella per cell is the minimum number needed to keep the majority of cells motile. This simple regulatory objective allows E. coli cells to remain motile across a broad range of growth conditions, while keeping the biosynthetic and energetic demands to establish and drive the motility machinery at the minimum needed. Given the strong reduction in flagella synthesis resulting from cell size increases at fast growth, our findings also provide a different physiological perspective on bacterial cell size control: A larger cell size at fast growth is an efficient strategy to increase the allocation of cellular resources to the synthesis of those proteins required for biomass synthesis and growth, while maintaining processes such as motility that are only needed on a per-cell basis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial chemotaxis in unicellular Escherichia coli, the simplest biological creature, enables it to perform effective searching behaviour even with a single sensor, achieved via a sequence of \"tumbling\" and \"swimming\" behaviours guided by gradient information. Recent studies show that suitable random walk strategies may guide the behaviour in the absence of gradient information. This article presents a novel and minimalistic biologically inspired search strategy inspired by bacterial chemotaxis and embodied intelligence concept: a concept stating that intelligent behaviour is a result of the interaction among the \"brain,\" body morphology including the sensory sensitivity tuned by the morphology, and the environment. Specifically, we present bacterial chemotaxis inspired searching behaviour with and without gradient information based on biological fluctuation framework: a mathematical framework that explains how biological creatures utilize noises in their behaviour. Via extensive simulation of a single sensor mobile robot that searches for a moving target, we will demonstrate how the effectiveness of the search depends on the sensory sensitivity and the inherent random walk strategies produced by the brain of the robot, comprising Ballistic, Levy, Brownian, and Stationary search. The result demonstrates the importance of embodied intelligence even in a behaviour inspired by the simplest creature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The chemotaxis machinery of Escherichia coli has served as a model for exploring the molecular signaling mechanisms of transmembrane chemoreceptors known as methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). Yet, fundamental questions about signal transmission through MCP molecules remain unanswered. Our work with the E. coli serine chemoreceptor Tsr has developed in vivo reporters that distinguish kinase-OFF and kinase-ON structures in the cytoplasmic methylation helix (MH) cap, which receives stimulus signals from an adjoining, membrane-proximal histidine kinase, adenylyl cyclases, MCPs, and phosphatases (HAMP) domain. The cytoplasmic helices of the Tsr homodimer interact mainly through packing interactions of hydrophobic residues at a and d heptad positions. We investigated the in vivo crosslinking properties of Tsr molecules bearing cysteine replacements at functionally tolerant g heptad positions in the N-terminal and C-terminal cap helices. Upon treatment of cells with bismaleimidoethane (BMOE), a bifunctional thiol-reagent, Tsr-G273C/Q504C readily formed a doubly crosslinked product in the presence of serine but not in its absence. Moreover, a serine stimulus combined with BMOE treatment during in vivo Förster resonance energy transfer-based kinase assays locked Tsr-G273C/Q504C in kinase-OFF output. An OFF-shifting lesion in MH1 (D269P) promoted the formation of the doubly crosslinked species in the absence of serine, whereas an ON-shifting lesion (G268P) suppressed the formation of the doubly crosslinked species. Tsr-G273C/Q504C also showed output-dependent crosslinking patterns in combination with ON-shifting and OFF-shifting adaptational modifications. Our results are consistent with a helix breathing-axial rotation-bundle repacking signaling mechanism and imply that in vivo crosslinking tools could serve to probe helix-packing transitions and their output consequences in other regions of the receptor molecule.





