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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The electroretinogram is a clinical test commonly used in the diagnosis of retinal disorders with the peak time and amplitude of the a- and b-waves used as the main indicators of retinal function. However, subtle changes that affect the shape of the electroretinogram waveform may occur in the early stages of disease or in conditions that have a neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative origin. In such cases, we introduce a statistical approach to mathematically model the shape of the electroretinogram waveform that may aid clinicians and researchers using the electroretinogram or other biological signal recordings to identify morphological features in the waveforms that may not be captured by the time or time-frequency domains of the waveforms. We present a statistical graphics-based analysis of the ascending limb of the b-wave (AL-b) of the electroretinogram in children with and without a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with a narrative explanation of the statistical approach to illustrate how different features of the waveform based on location and scale derived from raw and registered time series can reveal subtle differences between the groups.
    RESULTS: Analysis of the raw time trajectories confirmed findings of previous studies with a reduced and delayed b-wave amplitude in ASD. However, when the individual time trajectories were registered then group differences were visible in the mean amplitude at registered time ~ 0.6 suggesting a novel method to differentiate groups using registration of the ERG waveform.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The electroretinogram (ERG) measures the electrical activity of retinal neurons and glial cells in response to a light stimulus. Amongst other techniques, clinicians utilize the ERG to diagnose various eye diseases, including inherited conditions such as cone-rod dystrophy, rod-cone dystrophy, retinitis pigmentosa and Usher syndrome, and to assess overall retinal health. An ERG measures the scotopic and photopic systems separately and mainly consists of an a-wave and a b-wave. The other major components of the dark-adapted ERG response include the oscillatory potentials, c-wave, and d-wave. The dark-adapted a-wave is the initial corneal negative wave that arises from the outer segments of the rod and cone photoreceptors hyperpolarizing in response to a light stimulus. This is followed by the slower, positive, and prolonged b-wave, whose origins remain elusive. Despite a large body of work, there remains controversy around the mechanisms involved in the generation of the b-wave. Several hypotheses attribute the origins of the b-wave to bipolar or Müller glial cells or a dual contribution from both cell types. This review will discuss the current hypothesis for the cellular origins of the dark-adapted ERG, with a focus on the b-wave.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visual electrophysiology may be used to assess visual potential in infants with congenital corneal opacities (CCO). It is essential to recognize confounding effects from these opacities on the flash electroretinogram (ERG).
    ERGs were recorded in awake children employing skin electrodes placed at the lower eyelid crease, both referred to a midfrontal electrode (Fz). A hand-held stimulator was used to present a mixed rod-cone and a dim white stimulus. Recordings were carried out before and after penetrating keratoplasty (PK), when performed.
    Five infants under the age of 12 months with visually significant CCO were evaluated. In all cases, initial ERGs employing the mixed rod-cone stimulus showed well-defined a-wave with reduced amplitude b-wave. Reduction of stimulus intensity resulted in an increase in the b-wave and normalization of the b:a ratio from 1.1 (range 0.7 to 1.3) to 2.8 (range 1.5 to 4.3). In three cases who underwent PK, the postoperative ERGs recorded with a mixed rod-cone stimulus were normal in waveform shape with a mean b:a ratio of 2.0 (range 1.7 to 3.0).
    Selective reduction of the scotopic bright flash ERG b-wave is typically caused by retinal dysfunction that is post-phototransduction or inner retinal. In infants with CCO, scotopic ERGs to bright flashes can show a reduced b:a ratio that improves or normalizes either after PK or stimulus intensity reduction. The study highlights that media opacity can contribute to the generation of an ERG with reduced b-wave in the absence of inner retinal dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electroretinogram (ERG) captures the electrical responses of photoreceptors, the summation of action potentials from all neurons in the retina elicited by illumination. ERG testing is an incredibly useful tool in obtaining more specific information regarding a retinal dystrophy. Specifically, ERGs are typically used to test photoreceptors and inner retinal function in humans and animals, to diagnose retinal dystrophies, and to monitor disease progression. In this chapter, we will introduce the components of ERGs and the standard ERG protocols for clinical examination. We will also introduce the various specialized ERG tests, which can help to differentiate retinitis pigmentosa (RP) from other retinal disorders. Lastly, we will elaborate on how to use ERGs to predict visual prognosis in RP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The electroretinogram (ERG) allows the investigation of retinal signaling pathways and has increasingly been applied in individuals with mental disorders in search for potential biomarkers of neurodevelopmental disorders. Preceding ERG examinations in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) showed inconsistent results, which might be due to the small number of participants, heterogeneity of the ASD population, differences in age ranges, and stimulation methods. The aim of this study was to investigate functional retinal responses in adults with ASD by means of the light-adapted (photopic) ERG. Light-adapted ERG measurements were obtained with the RETeval® system applying three different stimulation protocols. In the final analysis, the ERG parameters a-wave, b-wave, the photopic negative response (PhNR), the photopic hill parameters as well as additional amplitude ratios were compared between 32 adults with high-functioning ASD and 31 non-autistic controls. Both groups were matched with regard to sex and age. No significant functional retinal differences in amplitude or peak time of the a- or b-wave, PhNR, the photopic hill parameters or the ERG-amplitude ratios could be detected in individuals with ASD compared to non-autistic participants. The absence of electrophysiological functional retinal alterations in ASD, suggests that changes in visual perception, such as increased attention to detail or visual hypersensitivity in ASD, are not due to impairments at early levels of retinal signal processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The full-field ERG is useful for index rod- or cone-mediated retinal function in rodent models of retinal degeneration. However, the relationship between the ERG response amplitudes and visually guided behavior, such as flicker detection, is not well understood. A comparison of ERG to behavioral responses in a light-damage model of retinal degeneration allows us to better understand the functional implications of electrophysiological changes. Flicker-ERG and behavioral responses to flicker were used to determine critical flicker frequency (CFF) under scotopic and photopic conditions before and up to 90 d after a 10-day period of low-intensity light damage. Dark- and light-adapted ERG flash responses were significantly reduced after light damage. The a-wave was permanently reduced, while the b-wave amplitude recovered over three weeks after light damage. There was a small, but significant dip in scotopic ERG CFF. Photopic behavioral CFF was slightly lower following light damage. The recovery of the b-wave amplitude and flicker sensitivity demonstrates the plasticity of retinal circuits following photopic injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor (NMDAR) in the outer retina is unclear despite expression of the NMDAR-complex and its subunits in the outer retina. The flash-electroretinogram (fERG) offers a non-invasive measurement of the retinal field potentials of the outer retina that can serve to clarify NMDAR contribution to early retinal processing. The role of the NMDAR in retinal function was assessed using a genetic mouse model for NMDAR hypofunction (SR-/-), where the absence of the enzyme serine racemase (SR) results in an 85% reduction of retinal D-serine. NMDAR hypo- and hyperfunction in the retina results in alterations in the components of the fERG. The fERG was examined after application of exogenous D-serine to the eye in order to determine whether pre- and post-topical delivery of D-serine would alter the fERG in SR-/- mice and their littermate WT controls. Amplitude and implicit time of the low-frequency components, the a- and b-wave, were conducted. Reduced NMDAR function resulted in a statistically significantly delayed a-wave and reduced b-wave in SR-/- animals. The effect of NMDAR deprivation was more prominent in male SR-/- mice. A hyperfunction of the NMDAR, through exogenous topical delivery of 5 mM D-serine, in WT mice caused a significantly delayed a-wave implicit time and reduced b-wave amplitude. These changes were not observed in female WT mice. There were temporal delays in the a-wave and amplitude and a decrease in the b-wave amplitude and implicit time in both hypo- and NMDAR hyperfunctional male mice. These results suggest that NMDAR and D-serine are involved in the retinal field potentials of the outer retina that interact based on the animal\'s sex. This implicates the involvement of gonadal hormones and D-serine in retinal functional integrity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in GPR179 lead to autosomal recessive complete congenital stationary night blindness (cCSNB). This condition represents a signal transmission defect from the photoreceptors to the ON-bipolar cells. To confirm the phenotype, better understand the pathogenic mechanism in vivo, and provide a model for therapeutic approaches, a Gpr179 knock-out mouse model was genetically and functionally characterized. We confirmed that the insertion of a neo/lac Z cassette in intron 1 of Gpr179 disrupts the same gene. Spectral domain optical coherence tomography reveals no obvious retinal structure abnormalities. Gpr179 knock-out mice exhibit a so-called no-b-wave (nob) phenotype with severely reduced b-wave amplitudes in the electroretinogram. Optomotor tests reveal decreased optomotor responses under scotopic conditions. Consistent with the genetic disruption of Gpr179, GPR179 is absent at the dendritic tips of ON-bipolar cells. While proteins of the same signal transmission cascade (GRM6, LRIT3, and TRPM1) are correctly localized, other proteins (RGS7, RGS11, and GNB5) known to regulate GRM6 are absent at the dendritic tips of ON-bipolar cells. These results add a new model of cCSNB, which is important to better understand the role of GPR179, its implication in patients with cCSNB, and its use for the development of therapies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyze ERG responses from two dog models of retinitis pigmentosa, one due to a PDE6A mutation and the other a CNGB1 mutation, both to assess the effect of these mutations on retinal function and the ability of gene augmentation therapy to restore normal function.
    Scotopic and photopic ERGs from young affected and normal control dogs and affected dogs following AAV-mediated gene augmentation therapy were analyzed. Parameters reflecting rod and cone function were collected by modeling the descending slope of the a-wave to measure receptor response and sensitivity. Rod-driven responses were further assessed by Naka-Rushton fitting of the first limb of the scotopic b-wave luminance-response plot.
    PDE6A-/- dogs showed a dramatic decrease in rod-driven responses with very reduced rod maximal responses and sensitivity. There was a minor reduction in the amplitude of maximal cone responses. In contrast, CNGB1-/- dogs had some residual rod responses with reduced amplitude and sensitivity and normal cone responses. Following gene augmentation therapy, rod parameters were substantially improved in both models with restoration of sensitivity parameters log S and log K and a large increase in log Rmax in keeping with rescue of normal rod phototransduction in the treated retinal regions.
    Modeling of rod and cone a-waves and the luminance-response function of the scotopic b-wave characterized the loss of rod photoreceptor function in two dog models of retinitis pigmentosa and showed the effectiveness of gene augmentation therapy in restoring normal functional parameters.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mdx52 mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is lacking exon 52 of the DMD gene that is located in a hotspot mutation region causing cognitive deficits and retinal anomalies in DMD patients. This deletion leads to the loss of the dystrophin proteins, Dp427, Dp260 and Dp140, while Dp71 is preserved. The flash electroretinogram (ERG) in mdx52 mice was previously characterized by delayed dark-adapted b-waves. A detailed description of functional ERG changes and visual performances in mdx52 mice is, however, lacking. Here an extensive full-field ERG repertoire was applied in mdx52 mice and WT littermates to analyze retinal physiology in scotopic, mesopic and photopic conditions in response to flash, sawtooth and/or sinusoidal stimuli. Behavioral contrast sensitivity was assessed using quantitative optomotor response (OMR) to sinusoidally modulated luminance gratings at 100% or 50% contrast. The mdx52 mice exhibited reduced amplitudes and delayed implicit times in dark-adapted ERG flash responses, particularly in their b-wave and oscillatory potentials, and diminished amplitudes of light-adapted flash ERGs. ERG responses to sawtooth stimuli were also diminished and delayed for both mesopic and photopic conditions in mdx52 mice and the first harmonic amplitudes to photopic sine-wave stimuli were smaller at all temporal frequencies. OMR indices were comparable between genotypes at 100% contrast but significantly reduced in mdx52 mice at 50% contrast. The complex ERG alterations and disturbed contrast vision in mdx52 mice include features observed in DMD patients and suggest altered photoreceptor-to-bipolar cell transmission possibly affecting contrast sensitivity. The mdx52 mouse is a relevant model to appraise the roles of retinal dystrophins and for preclinical studies related to DMD.





