autonomous vehicle

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, a robust control method is introduced for autonomous vehicle control in different scenarios. Dual controllers have been used in this method to ensure high performance and low errors during the vehicle\'s trip. The new control system is called Model Predictive and Stanley based controller (MPS), which is an integration of a model predictive controller and a Stanley controller. Each of these two controllers has its drawbacks and weaknesses. The proposed method tries to overcome these points and come up with a high-performance control system. This hybrid way of combining two of the famous controllers has the benefit of using the best part of each one and trying to enhance the other part. The MPS is tested for both path-following and vehicle control in different scenarios and on both straight and curved roads. This controller has shown high performance and flexibility to deal with different scenarios of autonomous driving. The results are compared to previous types of controllers, and the proposed system outperformed these types.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autonomous vehicles are rapidly advancing and have the potential to revolutionize transportation in the future. This paper primarily focuses on vehicle motion trajectory planning algorithms, examining the methods for estimating collision risks based on sensed environmental information and approaches for achieving user-aligned trajectory planning results. It investigates the different categories of planning algorithms within the scope of local trajectory planning applications for autonomous driving, discussing and differentiating their properties in detail through a review of the recent studies. The risk estimation methods are classified and introduced based on their descriptions of the sensed collision risks in traffic environments and their integration with trajectory planning algorithms. Additionally, various user experience-oriented methods, which utilize human data to enhance the trajectory planning performance and generate human-like trajectories, are explored. The paper provides comparative analyses of these algorithms and methods from different perspectives, revealing the interconnections between these topics. The current challenges and future prospects of the trajectory planning tasks in autonomous vehicles are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vehicles equipped with automated driving capabilities have shown potential to improve safety and operations. Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated driving systems (ADS) have been widely developed to support vehicular automation. Although the studies on the injury severity outcomes that involve automated vehicles are ongoing, there is limited research investigating the difference between injury severity outcomes for the ADAS and ADS equipped vehicles. To ensure a comprehensive analysis, a multi-source dataset that includes 1,001 ADAS crashes (SAE Level 2 vehicles) and 548 ADS crashes (SAE Level 4 vehicles) is used. Two random parameters multinomial logit models with heterogeneity in the means of random parameters are considered to gain a better understanding of the variables impacting the crash injury severity outcomes for the ADAS (SAE Level 2) and ADS (SAE Level 4) vehicles. It was found that while 67 percent of crashes involving the ADAS equipped vehicles in the dataset took place on a highway, 94 percent of crashes involving ADS took place in more urban settings. The model estimation results also reveal that the weather indicator, driver type indicator, differences in the system sophistication that are captured by both manufacture year and high/low mileage as well as rear and front contact indicators all play a role in the crash injury severity outcomes. The results offer an exploratory assessment of safety performance of the ADAS and ADS equipped vehicles using the real-world data and can be used by the manufacturers and other stakeholders to dictate the direction of their deployment and usage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the continuous development of new sensor features and tracking algorithms for object tracking, researchers have opportunities to experiment using different combinations. However, there is no standard or agreed method for selecting an appropriate architecture for autonomous vehicle (AV) crash reconstruction using multi-sensor-based sensor fusion. This study proposes a novel simulation method for tracking performance evaluation (SMTPE) to solve this problem. The SMTPE helps select the best tracking architecture for AV crash reconstruction. This study reveals that a radar-camera-based centralized tracking architecture of multi-sensor fusion performed the best among three different architectures tested with varying sensor setups, sampling rates, and vehicle crash scenarios. We provide a brief guideline for the best practices in selecting appropriate sensor fusion and tracking architecture arrangements, which can be helpful for future vehicle crash reconstruction and other AV improvement research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For the RRT* algorithm, there are problems such as greater randomness, longer time consumption, more redundant nodes, and inability to perform local obstacle avoidance when encountering unknown obstacles in the path planning process of autonomous vehicles. And the artificial potential field method (APF) applied to autonomous vehicles is prone to problems such as local optimality, unreachable targets, and inapplicability to global scenarios. A fusion algorithm combining the improved RRT* algorithm and the improved artificial potential field method is proposed. First of all, for the RRT* algorithm, the concept of the artificial potential field and probability sampling optimization strategy are introduced, and the adaptive step size is designed according to the road curvature. The path post-processing of the planned global path is carried out to reduce the redundant nodes of the generated path, enhance the purpose of sampling, solve the problem where oscillation may occur when expanding near the target point, reduce the randomness of RRT* node sampling, and improve the efficiency of path generation. Secondly, for the artificial potential field method, by designing obstacle avoidance constraints, adding a road boundary repulsion potential field, and optimizing the repulsion function and safety ellipse, the problem of unreachable targets can be solved, unnecessary steering in the path can be reduced, and the safety of the planned path can be improved. In the face of U-shaped obstacles, virtual gravity points are generated to solve the local minimum problem and improve the passing performance of the obstacles. Finally, the fusion algorithm, which combines the improved RRT* algorithm and the improved artificial potential field method, is designed. The former first plans the global path, extracts the path node as the temporary target point of the latter, guides the vehicle to drive, and avoids local obstacles through the improved artificial potential field method when encountered with unknown obstacles, and then smooths the path planned by the fusion algorithm, making the path satisfy the vehicle kinematic constraints. The simulation results in the different road scenes show that the method proposed in this paper can quickly plan a smooth path that is more stable, more accurate, and suitable for vehicle driving.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Highly automated driving is expected to reduce the accident risk occurrence by human errors, but it can also increase driver distraction. Previous evidence shows that auditory signals can help drivers take over in critical situations. However, it is still uncertain whether the potential benefit of verbal auditory signals could be generalized to driving situations where drivers are visually and auditorily distracted.
    METHODS: Our first objective was to compare the effectiveness of complementary audio messages (audio + visual condition) and visual only (visual condition) variable message signs (VMS) messages. The second objective was to explore the potential use of oral messages with traffic information to help highly-automated vehicle drivers identify critical situations. Eye-tracking data were also registered. Twenty-four volunteers participated in a driving simulator study, completing two tasks: (a) a TV series task, where they had to pay attention to an episode of a TV series while traveling along the route; and (b) a VMS task, where they had to recover the manual control of the car if the VMS message was a \'critical message.\'
    RESULTS: General results showed that, when the audio was available, the participants: (a) had a higher ability to discriminate the VMS messages, (b) were less conservative, (c) responded earlier, and (d) their pattern of fixations was more efficient. A complementary analysis showed that the counterbalance order was a moderating factor for the discrimination ability and the response distance measures. This evidence suggests a potential learning effect, not cancelled by counterbalancing the order of the conditions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The processing of traffic messages may improve when provided as oral and visual messages.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results would be of special interest for engineers designing highly automated cars, considering that the design of automated systems must ensure that the driver\'s attention is sufficient to take over control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Object detection is one of the core technologies for autonomous driving. Current road object detection mainly relies on visible light, which is prone to missed detections and false alarms in rainy, night-time, and foggy scenes. Multispectral object detection based on the fusion of RGB and infrared images can effectively address the challenges of complex and changing road scenes, improving the detection performance of current algorithms in complex scenarios. However, previous multispectral detection algorithms suffer from issues such as poor fusion of dual-mode information, poor detection performance for multi-scale objects, and inadequate utilization of semantic information. To address these challenges and enhance the detection performance in complex road scenes, this paper proposes a novel multispectral object detection algorithm called MRD-YOLO. In MRD-YOLO, we utilize interaction-based feature extraction to effectively fuse information and introduce the BIC-Fusion module with attention guidance to fuse different modal information. We also incorporate the SAConv module to improve the model\'s detection performance for multi-scale objects and utilize the AIFI structure to enhance the utilization of semantic information. Finally, we conduct experiments on two major public datasets, FLIR_Aligned and M3FD. The experimental results demonstrate that compared to other algorithms, the proposed algorithm achieves superior detection performance in complex road scenes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the emergence of autonomous functions in road vehicles, there has been increased use of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems comprising various sensors to perform automated tasks. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is one of the most important types of optical sensor, detecting the positions of obstacles by representing them as clusters of points in three-dimensional space. LiDAR performance degrades significantly when a vehicle is driving in the rain as raindrops adhere to the outer surface of the sensor assembly. Performance degradation behaviors include missing points and reduced reflectivity of the points. It was found that the extent of degradation is highly dependent on the interface material properties. This subsequently affects the shapes of the adherent droplets, causing different perturbations to the optical rays. A fundamental investigation is performed on the protective polycarbonate cover of a LiDAR assembly coated with four classes of material-hydrophilic, almost-hydrophobic, hydrophobic, and superhydrophobic. Water droplets are controllably dispensed onto the cover to quantify the signal alteration due to the different droplets of various sizes and shapes. To further understand the effects of droplet motion on LiDAR signals, sliding droplet conditions are simulated using numerical analysis. The results are validated with physical optical tests, using a 905 nm laser source and receiver to mimic the LiDAR detection mechanism. Comprehensive explanations of LiDAR performance degradation in rain are presented from both material and optical perspectives. These can aid component selection and the development of signal-enhancing strategies for the integration of LiDARs into vehicle designs to minimize the impact of rain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Level-3 autonomous driving, drivers are required to take over in an emergency upon receiving a request from an autonomous vehicle (AV). However, before the deadline for the takeover request expires, drivers are not considered fully responsible for the accident, which may make them hesitant to assume control and take on full liability before the time runs out. Therefore, to prevent problems caused by late takeover, it is important to know which factors influence a driver\'s willingness to take over in an emergency. To address this issue, we recruited 250 participants each for both video-based and text-based surveys to investigate the takeover decision in a dilemmatic situation that can endanger the driver, with the AV either sacrificing a group of pedestrians or the driver if the participants do not intervene. The results showed that 88.2% of respondents chose to take over when the AV intended to sacrifice the driver, while only 59.4% wanted to take over when the pedestrians would be sacrificed. Additionally, when the AV\'s chosen path matched the participant\'s intention, 77.4% chose to take over when the car intended to sacrifice the driver compared with only 34.3% when the pedestrians would be sacrificed. Furthermore, other factors such as sex, driving experience, and driving preferences partially influenced takeover decisions; however, they had a smaller effect than the situational context. Overall, our findings show that regardless of the driving intention of an AV, informing drivers that their safety is at risk can enhance their willingness to take over control of an AV in critical situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The operational efficacy of lane departure warning systems (LDWS) in autonomous vehicles is critically influenced by the retro-reflectivity of road markings, which varies with environmental wear and weather conditions. This study investigated how changes in road marking retro-reflectivity, due to factors such as weather and physical wear, impact the performance of LDWS. The study was conducted at the Yeoncheon SOC Demonstration Research Center, where various weather scenarios, including rainfall and transitions between day and night lighting, were simulated. We applied controlled wear to white, yellow, and blue road markings and measured their retro-reflectivity at multiple stages of degradation. Our methods included rigorous testing of the LDWS\'s recognition rates under these diverse environmental conditions. Our results showed that higher retro-reflectivity levels significantly improve the detection capability of LDWS, particularly in adverse weather conditions. Additionally, the study led to the development of a simulation framework for analyzing the cost-effectiveness of road marking maintenance strategies. This framework aims to align maintenance costs with the safety requirements of autonomous vehicles. The findings highlight the need for revising current road marking guidelines to accommodate the advanced sensor-based needs of autonomous driving systems. By enhancing retro-reflectivity standards, the study suggests a path towards optimizing road safety in the age of autonomous vehicles.





