autonomous robots

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nowadays, the use of advanced sensors, such as terrestrial, mobile 3D scanners and photogrammetric imaging, has become the prevalent practice for 3D Reality Modeling (RM) and the digitization of large-scale monuments of Cultural Heritage (CH). In practice, this process is heavily related to the expertise of the surveying team handling the laborious planning and time-consuming execution of the 3D scanning process tailored to each site\'s specific requirements and constraints. To minimize human intervention, this paper proposes a novel methodology for autonomous 3D Reality Modeling of CH monuments by employing autonomous robotic agents equipped with the appropriate sensors. These autonomous robotic agents are able to carry out the 3D RM process in a systematic, repeatable, and accurate approach. The outcomes of this automated process may also find applications in digital twin platforms, facilitating secure monitoring and the management of cultural heritage sites and spaces, in both indoor and outdoor environments. The main purpose of this paper is the initial release of an Industry 4.0-based methodology for reality modeling and the survey of cultural spaces in the scientific community, which will be evaluated in real-life scenarios in future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    群机器人通常是探索恶劣环境和搜索和救援操作的首选。本研究探讨了影响自主机器人群运动策略的因素及其对野外群分布的影响,采用基于仿真的分析。 本研究由两部分组成:最初,机器人作为被动实体经历自由落体,其次是一个 阶段,他们采用预定义的移动策略从他们的下降位置。本研究旨在研究初始位置和相关参数如何影响运动特性和最终群体分布。为了实现这一目标,四个参数-半径,高度,质量,并确定了 恢复系数,每个都分配了三个不同的值。这项研究观察到 这些参数对机器人运动的影响,考虑随机行走等运动策略, LevyWalk,马尔可夫过程,和布朗运动。结果表明,增加的参数值 引起的位置值的变化的自由落体在第一部分,这是第二部分的初始位置,以不同的方式影响运动策略。关于机器人的径向和角度扩展,对结果进行了 分析。径向扩散测量群元素从其初始位置扩散的距离,而角度扩展表示机器人根据极角分布的均匀性。该研究全面调查了自主机器人群的运动策略如何受到参数的影响,以及这些效应如何在结果中体现。这些发现预计将提高 自主机器人群在探索任务中的有效利用。 关键词:SwarmRobotics,自主机器人,随机漫步,LevyWalk,布朗运动,马尔可夫 过程。
    Swarm robots are frequently preferred for the exploration of harsh environments and search and rescue operations. This study explores the factors that influence the movement strategies of autonomous robot swarms and their impact on swarm distribution in the field, employing simulation-based analysis. The research consists of two parts: initially, robots undergo free-fall as passive entities, followed by a phase where they employ predefined movement strategies from their fall positions. The study aims to investigate how the initial position and related parameters affect movement characteristics and the ultimate swarm distribution. To achieve this objective, four parameters-radius, height, mass, and the Coefficient of Restitution-were identified, each assigned three different values. The study observes the effects of these parameters on robot motion, considering motion strategies such as Random Walk, Levy Walk, Markov Process, and Brownian Motion. Results indicate that increasing parameter values induce changes in the position values of the free-falling swarm in the first part, which is the initial position for the second part, influencing movement strategies in diverse ways. The outcomes are analyzed concerning the radial and angular spread of the robots. Radial spread measures how far swarm elements spread from their initial positions, while angular spread indicates how homogeneously the robots are distributed according to the polar angle. The study comprehensively investigates how the movement strategies of autonomous robot swarms are impacted by parameters and how these effects manifest in the results. The findings are anticipated to enhance the effective utilization of autonomous robot swarms in exploration missions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As autonomous technology emerges, new variations in old questions arise. When autonomous technologies cause harm, who is to blame? The current studies compare reactions toward harms caused by human-controlled vehicles (HCVs) or human soldiers (HSs) to identical harms by autonomous vehicles (AVs) or autonomous robot soldiers. Drivers of HCVs, or HSs, were blamed more than mere users of AVs or HSs who outsourced their duties to ARSs. However, as human drivers/soldiers became less involved in (or were unaware of the preprogramming that led to) the harm, blame was redirected toward other entities (i.e., manufacturers and the tech company\'s executives), showing the opposite pattern as human drivers/soldiers. Results were robust to how blame was measured (i.e., degrees of blame versus apportionment of total blame). Overall, this research furthers the blame literature, raising questions about why, how (much), and to whom blame is assigned when multiple agents are potentially culpable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 2015, there has been an increase in articles on anomaly detection in robotic systems, reflecting its growing importance in improving the robustness and reliability of the increasingly utilized autonomous robots. This review paper investigates the literature on the detection of anomalies in Autonomous Robotic Missions (ARMs). It reveals different perspectives on anomaly and juxtaposition to fault detection. To reach a consensus, we infer a unified understanding of anomalies that encapsulate their various characteristics observed in ARMs and propose a classification of anomalies in terms of spatial, temporal, and spatiotemporal elements based on their fundamental features. Further, the paper discusses the implications of the proposed unified understanding and classification in ARMs and provides future directions. We envisage a study surrounding the specific use of the term anomaly, and methods for their detection could contribute to and accelerate the research and development of a universal anomaly detection system for ARMs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Preventive control is a critical feature in autonomous technology to ensure safe system operations. One application where safety is most important is robot-assisted needle interventions. During incisions into a tissue, adverse events such as mechanical buckling of the needle shaft and tissue displacements can occur on encounter with stiff membranes causing potential damage to the organ. Methods: To prevent these events before they occur, we propose a new control subroutine that autonomously chooses a) a reactive mechanism to stop the insertion procedure when a needle buckling or a severe tissue displacement event is predicted and b) an adaptive mechanism to continue the insertion procedure through needle steering control when a mild tissue displacement is detected. The subroutine is developed using a model-free control technique due to the nonlinearities of the unknown needle-tissue dynamics. First, an improved version of the model-free adaptive control (IMFAC) is developed by computing a fast time-varying partial pseudo derivative analytically from the dynamic linearization equation to enhance output convergence and robustness against external disturbances. Results and Discussion: Comparing IMFAC and MFAC algorithms on simulated nonlinear systems in MATLAB, IMFAC shows 20% faster output convergence against arbitrary disturbances. Next, IMFAC is integrated with event prediction algorithms from prior work to prevent adverse events during needle insertions in real time. Needle insertions in gelatin tissues with known environments show successful prevention of needle buckling and tissue displacement events. Needle insertions in biological tissues with unknown environments are performed using live fluoroscopic imaging as ground truth to verify timely prevention of adverse events. Finally, statistical ANOVA analysis on all insertion data shows the robustness of the prevention algorithm to various needles and tissue environments. Overall, the success rate of preventing adverse events in needle insertions through adaptive and reactive control was 95%, which is important toward achieving safety in robotic needle interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multi-robot cooperative control has been extensively studied using model-based distributed control methods. However, such control methods rely on sensing and perception modules in a sequential pipeline design, and the separation of perception and controls may cause processing latencies and compounding errors that affect control performance. End-to-end learning overcomes this limitation by implementing direct learning from onboard sensing data, with control commands output to the robots. Challenges exist in end-to-end learning for multi-robot cooperative control, and previous results are not scalable. We propose in this article a novel decentralized cooperative control method for multi-robot formations using deep neural networks, in which inter-robot communication is modeled by a graph neural network (GNN). Our method takes LiDAR sensor data as input, and the control policy is learned from demonstrations that are provided by an expert controller for decentralized formation control. Although it is trained with a fixed number of robots, the learned control policy is scalable. Evaluation in a robot simulator demonstrates the triangular formation behavior of multi-robot teams of different sizes under the learned control policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The term \"world model\" (WM) has surfaced several times in robotics, for instance, in the context of mobile manipulation, navigation and mapping, and deep reinforcement learning. Despite its frequent use, the term does not appear to have a concise definition that is consistently used across domains and research fields. In this review article, we bootstrap a terminology for WMs, describe important design dimensions found in robotic WMs, and use them to analyze the literature on WMs in robotics, which spans four decades. Throughout, we motivate the need for WMs by using principles from software engineering, including \"Design for use,\" \"Do not repeat yourself,\" and \"Low coupling, high cohesion.\" Concrete design guidelines are proposed for the future development and implementation of WMs. Finally, we highlight similarities and differences between the use of the term \"world model\" in robotic mobile manipulation and deep reinforcement learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flapping Wing Air Vehicles (FWAVs) have proven to be attractive alternatives to fixed wing and rotary air vehicles at low speeds because of their bio-inspired ability to hover and maneuver. However, in the past, they have not been able to reach their full potential due to limitations in wing control and payload capacity, which also has limited endurance. Many previous FWAVs used a single actuator that couples and synchronizes motions of the wings to flap both wings, resulting in only variable rate flapping control at a constant amplitude. Independent wing control is achieved using two servo actuators that enable wing motions for FWAVs by programming positions and velocities to achieve desired wing shapes and associated aerodynamic forces. However, having two actuators integrated into the flying platform significantly increases its weight and makes it more challenging to achieve flight than a single actuator. This article presents a retrospective overview of five different designs from the \"Robo Raven\" family based on our previously published work. The first FWAVs utilize two servo motors to achieve independent wing control. The basic platform is capable of successfully performing dives, flips, and button hook turns, which demonstrates the potential maneuverability afforded by the independently actuated and controlled wings. Subsequent designs in the Robo Raven family were able to use multifunctional wings to harvest solar energy to overcome limitations on endurance, use on-board decision-making capabilities to perform maneuvers autonomously, and use mixed-mode propulsion to increase payload capacity by exploiting the benefits of fixed and flapping wing flight. This article elucidates how each successive version of the Robo Raven platform built upon the findings from previous generations. The Robo Raven family collectively addresses requirements related to control autonomy, energy autonomy, and maneuverability. We conclude this article by identifying new opportunities for research in avian-scale flapping wing aerial vehicles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper addresses the problem of achieving lifelong open-ended learning autonomy in robotics, and how different cognitive architectures provide functionalities that support it. To this end, we analyze a set of well-known cognitive architectures in the literature considering the different components they address and how they implement them. Among the main functionalities that are taken as relevant for lifelong open-ended learning autonomy are the fact that architectures must contemplate learning, and the availability of contextual memory systems, motivations or attention. Additionally, we try to establish which of them were actually applied to real robot scenarios. It transpires that in their current form, none of them are completely ready to address this challenge, but some of them do provide some indications on the paths to follow in some of the aspects they contemplate. It can be gleaned that for lifelong open-ended learning autonomy, motivational systems that allow finding domain-dependent goals from general internal drives, contextual long-term memory systems that all allow for associative learning and retrieval of knowledge, and robust learning systems would be the main components required. Nevertheless, other components, such as attention mechanisms or representation management systems, would greatly facilitate operation in complex domains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has completely changed our lives and how we interact with the world. The pandemic has brought about a pressing need to have effective disinfection practices that can be incorporated into daily life. They are needed to limit the spread of infections through surfaces and air, particularly in public settings. Most of the current methods utilize chemical disinfectants, which can be laborious and time-consuming. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is a proven and powerful means of disinfection. There has been a rising interest in the implementation of UV disinfection robots by various public institutions, such as hospitals, long-term care homes, airports, and shopping malls. The use of UV-based disinfection robots could make the disinfection process faster and more efficient. The objective of this review is to equip readers with the necessary background on UV disinfection and provide relevant discussion on various aspects of UV robots.





