atypical cadherins

  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neural repair is highly influenced by reactive astrocytes. Atypical cadherin Celsr2 regulates neuron development and axon regeneration, while its role in glial cells remains unexplored. In this study, we show that Celsr2 is highly expressed in spinal astrocytes of adult mice, and knockout of Celsr2 results in reactive astrocytes with longer protrusions preferentially orientated towards lesion borders in culture scratch assay and injured spinal cord, and elevation of total and active Cdc42 and Rac1 protein in western blots. Inactivation of Celsr2 enhances calcium influx in reactive astrocytes in time-lapse imaging. Morphological phenotypes of cultured Celsr2-/- astrocytes are rescued by Cdc42 or Rac1 inhibitors. Following spinal cord injury (SCI), Celsr2-/- mice exhibit smaller lesion cavity and glial scar, enhanced fiber regeneration, weaker microglial response, and improved functional recovery than control animals. Similar phenotypes are found in mice with conditional knockout of Celsr2 in astrocytes. In Celsr2-/- mice, astrocyte phenotype is changed and neuroinflammation is alleviated after injury. Inhibiting Cdc42/Rac1 activities compromises astrocyte polarization and the improvement of neural repair and functional recovery in Celsr2-/- mice with SCI. In conclusion, Celsr2 regulates morphological polarization and functional phenotype of reactive astrocytes and inactivating Celsr2 is a potential therapeutic strategy for neural repair.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During development, intestinal epithelia undergo dramatic morphogenesis mediated by mesenchymal signaling to form villi, which are required for efficient nutrient absorption and host defense. Although both smooth-muscle-induced physical forces and mesenchymal cell clustering beneath emerging villi are implicated in epithelial folding, the underlying cellular mechanisms are unclear. Hedgehog (Hh) signaling can mediate both processes. We therefore analyzed its direct targetome and revealed GLI2 transcriptional activation of atypical cadherin and planar cell polarity (PCP) genes. By examining Fat4 and Dchs1 knockout mice, we demonstrate their critical roles in villus formation. Analyses of PCP-mutant mice and genetic interaction studies show that the Fat4-Dchs1 axis acts in parallel to the core-Vangl2 PCP axis to control mesenchymal cell clustering. Moreover, live light-sheet fluorescence microscopy and cultured PDGFRα+ cells reveal a requirement for PCP in their oriented cell migration guided by WNT5A. Therefore, mesenchymal PCP induced by Hh signaling drives cell clustering and subsequent epithelial remodeling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadherin-23, a giant atypical cadherin, forms homophilic interactions at the cell-cell junction of epithelial cells and heterophilic interactions with protocadherin-15 at the tip-links of neuroepithelial cells. While the molecular structure of the heterodimer is solved, the homodimer structure is yet to be resolved. The homodimers play an essential role in cell-cell adhesion as the downregulation of cadherin-23 in cancers loosen the intercellular junction resulting in faster-migration of cancer cells and a significant drop in patient survival. In vitro studies have measured a stronger aggregation-propensity of cadherin-23 compared to typical E-cadherin. Here, we deciphered the unique trans-homodimer structure of cadherin-23 in solution, and show that it consists of two electrostatic-based interfaces extended up to two terminal domains. The interface is robust, with a low off-rate of ~8x10-4 s-1 that supports its strong aggregation-propensity. We identified a point-mutation, E78K, that disrupts this binding. Interestingly, a mutation at the interface was reported in skin cancer. Overall, the structural basis of the strong cadherin-23 adhesion may have far-reaching applications in the fields of mechanobiology and cancer.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial patterns of neuronal connectivity are critical for neural circuit function and information processing. For many neuron types, the development of stereotyped dendritic and axonal territories involves reiterative contacts between neurites and successive re-calibration of branch outgrowth and directionality. Here I review emerging roles for members of the atypical cadherins (Fmi/Celsrs) and the clustered Protocadherins (Pcdhs) in neurite patterning. These cell-surface molecules have shared functions: they engage in homophilic recognition and mediate dynamic and contact-dependent interactions to establish reproducible and space-filling arborization patterns. As shown in genetic and molecular studies, the atypical cadherins and clustered Pcdhs serve in multiple contexts and signal diverse actions such as neurite repulsion or selective adhesion. In some cell types, they regulate the non-overlapping arrangement of branches achieved through homotypic interactions, such as in self-avoidance or tiling. In others, they promote dendritic complexity through cell-cell interactions. With critical roles in both the fine-scale arrangement of axonal and dendritic branching and the large-scale organization of axon tracts and neuronal networks, the atypical cadherins and clustered Pcdhs are key regulators of neural circuit assembly and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All animals with large brains must have molecular mechanisms to regulate neuronal process outgrowth and prevent neurite self-entanglement. In vertebrates, two major gene families implicated in these mechanisms are the clustered protocadherins and the atypical cadherins. However, the molecular mechanisms utilized in complex invertebrate brains, such as those of the cephalopods, remain largely unknown. Recently, we identified protocadherins and atypical cadherins in the octopus. The octopus protocadherin expansion shares features with the mammalian clustered protocadherins, including enrichment in neural tissues, clustered head-to-tail orientations in the genome, and a large first exon encoding all cadherin domains. Other octopus cadherins, including a newly-identified cadherin with 77 extracellular cadherin domains, are elevated in the suckers, a striking cephalopod novelty. Future study of these octopus genes may yield insights into the general functions of protocadherins in neural wiring and cadherin-related proteins in complex morphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arrival of multicellularity in evolution facilitated cell-cell signaling in conjunction with adhesion. As the ectodomains of cadherins interact with each other directly in trans (as well as in cis), spanning the plasma membrane and associating with multiple other entities, cadherins enable the transduction of \"outside-in\" or \"inside-out\" signals. We focus this review on signals that originate from the larger family of cadherins that are inwardly directed to the nucleus, and thus have roles in gene control or nuclear structure-function. The nature of cadherin complexes varies considerably depending on the type of cadherin and its context, and we will address some of these variables for classical cadherins versus other family members. Substantial but still fragmentary progress has been made in understanding the signaling mediators used by varied cadherin complexes to coordinate the state of cell-cell adhesion with gene expression. Evidence that cadherin intracellular binding partners also localize to the nucleus is a major point of interest. In some models, catenins show reduced binding to cadherin cytoplasmic tails favoring their engagement in gene control. When bound, cadherins may serve as stoichiometric competitors of nuclear signals. Cadherins also directly or indirectly affect numerous signaling pathways (e.g., Wnt, receptor tyrosine kinase, Hippo, NFκB, and JAK/STAT), enabling cell-cell contacts to touch upon multiple biological outcomes in embryonic development and tissue homeostasis.





