asgard archaea

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In all domains of life, the ribosome-translocon complex inserts nascent transmembrane proteins into, and processes and transports signal peptide-containing proteins across, membranes. Eukaryotic translocons are anchored in the endoplasmic reticulum, while the prokaryotic complexes reside in cell membranes. Phylogenetic analyses indicate inheritance of eukaryotic Sec61/OST/TRAP translocon subunits from an Asgard archaea ancestor. However, the mechanism for translocon migration from a peripheral membrane to an internal cellular compartment (the proto-endoplasmic reticulum) during eukaryogenesis is unknown. Here we show compatibility between the eukaryotic ribosome-translocon complex and Asgard signal peptides and transmembrane proteins. We find that Asgard translocon proteins from Candidatus Prometheoarchaeum syntrophicum strain MK-D1, a Lokiarchaeon confirmed to contain no internal cellular membranes, are targeted to the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum on ectopic expression. Furthermore, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of MK-D1 OST1 (ribophorin I) can interact with eukaryotic ribosomes. Our data indicate that the location of existing ribosome-translocon complexes, at the protein level, determines the future placement of yet to be translated translocon subunits. This principle predicts that during eukaryogenesis, under positive selection pressure, the relocation of a few translocon complexes to the proto-endoplasmic reticulum will have contributed to propagating the new translocon location, leading to their loss from the cell membrane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Archaeal cells are typically enveloped by glycosylated S-layer proteins. Archaeal protein glycosylation provides valuable insights not only into their adaptation to their niches but also into their evolutionary trajectory. Notably, thermophilic Thermoproteota modify proteins with N-glycans that include two GlcNAc units at the reducing end, resembling the \"core structure\" preserved across eukaryotes. Recently, Asgard archaea, now classified as members of the phylum Promethearchaeota, have offered unprecedented opportunities for understanding the role of archaea in eukaryogenesis. Despite the presence of genes indicative of protein N-glycosylation in this archaeal group, these have not been experimentally investigated. Here we performed a glycoproteome analysis of the firstly isolated Asgard archaeon Promethearchaeum syntrophicum. Over 700 different proteins were identified through high-resolution LC-MS/MS analysis, however, there was no evidence of either the presence or glycosylation of putative S-layer proteins. Instead, N-glycosylation in this archaeon was primarily observed in an extracellular solute-binding protein, possibly related to chemoreception or transmembrane transport of oligopeptides. The glycan modification occurred on an asparagine residue located within the conserved N-X-S/T sequon, consistent with the pattern found in other archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes. Unexpectedly, three structurally different N-glycans lacking the conventional core structure were identified in this archaeon, presenting unique compositions that included atypical sugars. Notably, one of these sugars was likely HexNAc modified with a threonine residue, similar to modifications previously observed in mesophilic methanogens within the Methanobacteriati. Our findings advance our understanding of Asgard archaea physiology and evolutionary dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport (ESCRT) play key roles in protein sorting between membrane-bounded compartments of eukaryotic cells. Homologs of many ESCRT components are identifiable in various groups of archaea, especially in Asgardarchaeota, the archaeal phylum that is currently considered to include the closest relatives of eukaryotes, but not in bacteria. We performed a comprehensive search for ESCRT protein homologs in archaea and reconstructed ESCRT evolution using the phylogenetic tree of Vps4 ATPase (ESCRT IV) as a scaffold, using sensitive protein sequence analysis and comparison of structural models to identify previously unknown ESCRT proteins. Several distinct groups of ESCRT systems in archaea outside of Asgard were identified, including proteins structurally similar to ESCRT-I and ESCRT-II, and several other domains involved in protein sorting in eukaryotes, suggesting an early origin of these components. Additionally, distant homologs of CdvA proteins were identified in Thermoproteales which are likely components of the uncharacterized cell division system in these archaea. We propose an evolutionary scenario for the origin of eukaryotic and Asgard ESCRT complexes from ancestral building blocks, namely, the Vps4 ATPase, ESCRT-III components, wH (winged helix-turn-helix fold) and possibly also coiled-coil, and Vps28-like domains. The Last Archaeal Common Ancestor likely encompassed a complex ESCRT system that was involved in protein sorting. Subsequent evolution involved either simplification, as in the TACK superphylum, where ESCRT was co-opted for cell division, or complexification as in Asgardarchaeota. In Asgardarchaeota, the connection between ESCRT and the ubiquitin system that was previously considered a eukaryotic signature was already established.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selenocysteine (Sec) is encoded by the UGA codon that normally functions as a stop signal and is specifically incorporated into selenoproteins via a unique recoding mechanism. The translational recoding of UGA as Sec is directed by an unusual RNA structure, the SECIS element. Although archaea and eukaryotes adopt similar Sec encoding machinery, the SECIS elements have no similarities to each other with regard to sequence and structure. We analyzed >400 Asgard archaeal genomes to examine the occurrence of both Sec encoding system and selenoproteins in this archaeal superphylum, the closest prokaryotic relatives of eukaryotes. A comprehensive map of Sec utilization trait has been generated, providing the most detailed understanding of the use of this nonstandard amino acid in Asgard archaea so far. By characterizing the selenoproteomes of all organisms, several selenoprotein-rich phyla and species were identified. Most Asgard archaeal selenoprotein genes possess eukaryotic SECIS-like structures with varying degrees of diversity. Moreover, euryarchaeal SECIS elements might originate from Asgard archaeal SECIS elements via lateral gene transfer, indicating a complex and dynamic scenario of the evolution of SECIS element within archaea. Finally, a roadmap for the transition of eukaryotic SECIS elements from archaea was proposed, and selenophosphate synthetase may serve as a potential intermediate for the generation of ancestral eukaryotic SECIS element. Our results offer new insights into a deeper understanding of the evolution of Sec insertion machinery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Isoprenoids and their derivatives, essential for all cellular life on Earth, are particularly crucial in archaeal membrane lipids, suggesting that their biosynthesis pathways have ancient origins and play pivotal roles in the evolution of early life. Despite all eukaryotes, archaea, and a few bacterial lineages being known to exclusively use the mevalonate (MVA) pathway to synthesize isoprenoids, the origin and evolutionary trajectory of the MVA pathway remain controversial. Here, we conducted a thorough comparison and phylogenetic analysis of key enzymes across the four types of MVA pathway, with the particular inclusion of metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) from uncultivated archaea. Our findings support an archaeal origin of the MVA pathway, likely postdating the divergence of Bacteria and Archaea from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA), thus implying the LUCA\'s enzymatic inability for isoprenoid biosynthesis. Notably, the Asgard archaea are implicated in playing central roles in the evolution of the MVA pathway, serving not only as putative ancestors of the eukaryote- and Thermoplasma-type routes, but also as crucial mediators in the gene transfer to eukaryotes, possibly during eukaryogenesis. Overall, this study advances our understanding of the origin and evolutionary history of the MVA pathway, providing unique insights into the lipid divide and the evolution of early life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) play key roles in protein sorting between membrane-bounded compartments of eukaryotic cells. Homologs of many ESCRT components are identifiable in various groups of archaea, especially in Asgardarchaeota, the archaeal phylum that is currently considered to include the closest relatives of eukaryotes, but not in bacteria. We performed a comprehensive search for ESCRT protein homologs in archaea and reconstructed ESCRT evolution using the phylogenetic tree of Vps4 ATPase (ESCRT IV) as a scaffold and using sensitive protein sequence analysis and comparison of structural models to identify previously unknown ESCRT proteins. Several distinct groups of ESCRT systems in archaea outside of Asgard were identified, including proteins structurally similar to ESCRT-I and ESCRT-II, and several other domains involved in protein sorting in eukaryotes, suggesting an early origin of these components. Additionally, distant homologs of CdvA proteins were identified in Thermoproteales which are likely components of the uncharacterized cell division system in these archaea. We propose an evolutionary scenario for the origin of eukaryotic and Asgard ESCRT complexes from ancestral building blocks, namely, the Vps4 ATPase, ESCRT-III components, wH (winged helix-turn-helix fold) and possibly also coiled-coil, and Vps28-like domains. The last archaeal common ancestor likely encompassed a complex ESCRT system that was involved in protein sorting. Subsequent evolution involved either simplification, as in the TACK superphylum, where ESCRT was co-opted for cell division, or complexification as in Asgardarchaeota. In Asgardarchaeota, the connection between ESCRT and the ubiquitin system that was previously considered a eukaryotic signature was already established.IMPORTANCEAll eukaryotic cells possess complex intracellular membrane organization. Endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) play a central role in membrane remodeling which is essential for cellular functionality in eukaryotes. Recently, it has been shown that Asgard archaea, the archaeal phylum that includes the closest known relatives of eukaryotes, encode homologs of many components of the ESCRT systems. We employed protein sequence and structure comparisons to reconstruct the evolution of ESCRT systems in archaea and identified several previously unknown homologs of ESCRT subunits, some of which can be predicted to participate in cell division. The results of this reconstruction indicate that the last archaeal common ancestor already encoded a complex ESCRT system that was involved in protein sorting. In Asgard archaea, ESCRT systems evolved toward greater complexity, and in particular, the connection between ESCRT and the ubiquitin system that was previously considered a eukaryotic signature was established.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SUMMARYIn this hypothesis article, we explore the origin of the eukaryotic nucleus. In doing so, we first look afresh at the nature of this defining feature of the eukaryotic cell and its core functions-emphasizing the utility of seeing the eukaryotic nucleoplasm and cytoplasm as distinct regions of a common compartment. We then discuss recent progress in understanding the evolution of the eukaryotic cell from archaeal and bacterial ancestors, focusing on phylogenetic and experimental data which have revealed that many eukaryotic machines with nuclear activities have archaeal counterparts. In addition, we review the literature describing the cell biology of representatives of the TACK and Asgardarchaeaota - the closest known living archaeal relatives of eukaryotes. Finally, bringing these strands together, we propose a model for the archaeal origin of the nucleus that explains much of the current data, including predictions that can be used to put the model to the test.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With 3D genome mapping maturing over the past decade, studies exposed the differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome organization. This raises the question of how the complex eukaryotic genome organization originated. Here, I explore potential pathways to answering this question, guided by our changing understanding of the origins of eukaryotes.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Eukaryogenesis represented a major evolutionary transition that led to the emergence of complex cells from simpler ancestors. For several decades, the most accepted scenario involved the evolution of an independent lineage of proto-eukaryotes endowed with an endomembrane system, including a nuclear compartment, a developed cytoskeleton and phagocytosis, which engulfed the alphaproteobacterial ancestor of mitochondria. However, the recent discovery by metagenomic and cultural approaches of Asgard archaea, which harbour many genes in common with eukaryotes and are their closest relatives in phylogenomic trees, rather supports scenarios based on the symbiosis of one Asgard-like archaeon and one or more bacteria at the origin of the eukaryotic cell. Here, we review the recent discoveries that led to this conceptual shift, briefly evoking current models of eukaryogenesis and the challenges ahead to discriminate between them and to establish a detailed, plausible scenario that accounts for the evolution of eukaryotic traits from those of their prokaryotic ancestors.
    L’eucaryogenèse représente une transition évolutive majeure qui a conduit à l’émergence de cellules complexes à partir d’ancêtres plus simples. Pendant plusieurs décennies, le scénario le plus accepté impliquait l’évolution d’une lignée indépendante de proto-eucaryotes dotée d’un système endomembranaire, comprenant un compartiment nucléaire, un cytosquelette développé et la phagocytose, qui aurait permis d’incorporer l’ancêtre alphaprotéobactérien des mitochondries. Cependant, la découverte récente par des approches métagénomiques et culturales des archées Asgard, qui partagent de nombreux gènes avec les eucaryotes et sont leurs plus proches parents dans des arbres phylogénomiques, soutient plutôt les scénarios basés sur la symbiose d’une archée de type Asgard et d’une ou plusieurs bactéries à l’origine de la cellule eucaryote. Nous passons ici en revue les découvertes récentes qui ont conduit à ce changement conceptuel, en évoquant brièvement les modèles actuels d’eucaryogenèse, et les défis pour discriminer entre ces derniers et établir un scénario plausible détaillé qui rende compte de l’évolution des traits eucaryotes à partir de ceux de leurs ancêtres procaryotes.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The release of AlphaFold2 (AF2), a deep-learning-aided, open-source protein structure prediction program, from DeepMind, opened a new era of molecular biology. The astonishing improvement in the accuracy of the structure predictions provides the opportunity to characterize protein systems from uncultured Asgard archaea, key organisms in evolutionary biology. Despite the accumulation in metagenomics-derived Asgard archaea eukaryotic-like protein sequences, limited structural and biochemical information have restricted the insight in their potential functions. In this review, we focus on profilin, an actin-dynamics regulating protein, which in eukaryotes, modulates actin polymerization through (1) direct actin interaction, (2) polyproline binding, and (3) phospholipid binding. We assess AF2-predicted profilin structures in their potential abilities to participate in these activities. We demonstrate that AF2 is a powerful new tool for understanding the emergence of biological functional traits in evolution.





