antral contractility

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Absent \"organic\" disease, dyspeptic symptoms may arise from abnormal gastric sensation, accommodation, motility or emptying (GE). Extensive gastric sensorimotor evaluation is rarely undertaken because testing is prolonged, invasive, poorly tolerated or unavailable.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether gastric antral motor function, evaluated with scintigraphy, predicts GE. To explore whether motor testing with symptom recording predicts day-to-day symptoms in patients with dyspepsia.
    METHODS: GE was determined using a scintigraphic solid-meal protocol (296 kcal, 35% fat). Antral motility was estimated from 10 min of scintigraphic time-activity curves acquired 40 min after meal consumption. An antral motility index (MI) was derived from contraction amplitude and frequency. Intra-gastric distribution of the meal on scintograms at 1 h (IGD1) was determined. Meal-induced symptoms were evaluated by questionnaire. Patients completed the Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index Daily Diary (GCSI-DD) for 14 days.
    RESULTS: Twelve healthy participants and 23 prospectively recruited patients completed the study. Nine patients had delayed, and 2 had rapid, GE. In univariate analysis MI explained 42% of GE half-time. In multivariate analysis MI and GE half-time explained 25% of the variance in meal-induced symptoms. While scintigraphic evaluation of gastric motor function with symptom recording explained 80% of the variance in the GCSI-DD, meal-induced symptoms were the only significant predictor. However, among patients with delayed GE, MI, GE half-time, IGD1, and meal-induced symptoms all significantly predicted GCSI-DD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Antral motility predicts GE. In exploratory analyses, only meal-induced symptoms predicted daily symptoms among patients with dyspepsia. However, motor function also predicted symptoms in patients with delayed GE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dynamic antral contraction scintigraphy (DACS) has been used to evaluate for gastric dysmotility by measuring antral contraction frequency and ejection fraction (EF). Fourier phase image analysis has the potential to assess gastric antral contractions for dyssynchrony as has been used for analyzing nuclear cardiology ventriculography (multigated acquisition studies) for cardiac dyssynchrony. The aims of this study were to determine whether Fourier phase analysis helps to characterize antral motility physiology, whether Fourier phase analysis correlates with conventional gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES), and which DACS parameters may aid in diagnosing gastric dysmotility, particularly delayed gastric emptying (GE). Methods: DACS and GES of healthy volunteers (n = 22) were compared with patients (n = 99) with symptoms of gastroparesis. New DACS Fourier phase analysis software was developed. Results: GE was delayed (n = 53) or normal (n = 46) in patients. There was a linear correlation between the time for the stomach to empty 50% of the meal and the percentage total proximal and distal in-phase antral pixels at 30 min (r = 0.37, P = 0.0001) and 60 min (r = 0.26, P = 0.007). In healthy volunteers, the mean proximal-to-distal ratio of in-phase antral pixels increased from 1.67 (30 min) to 2.65 (120 min) (P = 0.035), and EF increased from 23% (30 min) to 32% (120 min) (P = 0.022). Multivariable regressions of percentage total proximal and distal in-phase antral pixels (30 min) and EF (60 min) were the best predictors of abnormal GE (adjusted odds ratio, 3.30 [95% CI, 1.21-9.00] and 2.97 [95% CI, 1.08-8.21], respectively). Conclusion: This study used Fourier phase analysis to analyze DACS in healthy volunteers and patients with symptoms of gastroparesis. In addition to establishing reference values, new physiologic information on antral motility was obtained. In healthy volunteers, there was an increasing proximal-to-distal ratio of in-phase antral pixels and antral EF over time after meal ingestion. The percentage total proximal and distal in-phase antral pixels at both 30 and 60 min correlated well with GE values for the time for the stomach to empty 50% of the meal. For symptomatic patients, the percentage total proximal and distal in-phase antral pixels at 30 min and the EF at 60 min after meal ingestion correlated with delayed GE on conventional GES. Thus, Fourier phase analysis of DACS appears to have potential to further aid in diagnosing gastric dysmotility in GES.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The normal range of the frequency of antral contractions, similar to other gastric motility parameters, are different depending on the population and the test meal. We, therefore, conducted the analysis to establish the normal ranges for the frequency of antral contractions derived from dynamic antral scintigraphy (DAS) following an Asian-styled solid meal in Thai healthy volunteers.
    UNASSIGNED: We retrospectively analyzed the data from the study on normal gastric emptying values. The dynamic scintigraphic images had been obtained in a 45 degree left anterior oblique view during the first 32 minutes following the ingestion of a 267-kcal steamed rice, a technetium-99m-labeled microwaved egg and 100 mL of water. A polynomial normalization model was used to analyze and to calculate the frequency of antral contractions. The data analysis was repeated by the same operator 1 month apart to assess reproducibility.
    UNASSIGNED: Data of 18 volunteers (10 males and 8 females) were eligible for analysis. The mean±SD of the frequencies of the antral contractions were 3.06±1.08 cycles/min on the first and 3.04±1.10 cycles/min on the second analysis. Comparison of the two analyses revealed a moderate agreement (ICC=0.632, 95% CI 0.329-0.818) without significant difference (p-value=0.942). No significant effect of gender, menstruation status, smoking or age was demonstrated in this study.
    UNASSIGNED: DAS is a non-invasive technique that can measure the frequency of antral contractions. The technique is reproducible and consistent. Future study may be required to assess the effect of gender, menstruation status, smoking and age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our aim was to investigate the feasibility of measuring antral contractions and duodenal bolus propagation (DBP) during dynamic antral contraction scintigraphy (DACS) as an assessment of antro-pyloro-duodenal coordination (APDC). Gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES) with DACS was performed with Tc-99m sulfur colloid (SC) using increasing doses of 74 MBq (2 mCi) for 10 subjects, 185 MBq (5 mCi) for 11, and 370 MBq (10 mCi) for 11. DACS was performed for 10 min after static images at 0, 30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min in anterior and right anterior oblique (RAO) projections. Best projection and lowest dose of Tc-99m SC were assessed visually. DBP were quantified utilizing duodenal activity peaks from a region of interest in the first portion of the duodenum. DBP was better visualized in the RAO projection than anterior projection and using 185 MBq (5 mCi) and 370 MBq (10 mCi) compared with 74 MBq (2 mCi). DBP showed infrequent and irregular bolus transfers from the antrum to the duodenum. Antral activity peaks at 60 min averaged 2.91 ± 0.66 per minute and duodenum bolus peaks 0.36 ± 0.18 per minute (ratio 0.36/2.91 = 0.12). DBP activity peaks can be measured during GES with DACS but requires a 185-MBq (5 mCi) dose of Tc-99m SC radiolabeled test meal for adequate DBP signal detection and is better imaged in RAO than anterior projection. DBPs over the first 60 min postmeal ingestion are infrequent with only 12% of the antral contractions propagating into the duodenum. This methodology appears promising to assess APDC.NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study shows that duodenal bolus propagations after meal ingestion can be measured during gastric emptying scintigraphy using dynamic scintigraphy. Duodenal bolus propagation over the first 60 min postmeal ingestion are infrequent with only 12% of the antral contractions propagating into the duodenum. This methodology appears promising to assess antropyloroduodenal coordination in patients with unexplained symptoms of upper gastrointestinal dysmotility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES) as now commonly performed measures only total gastric emptying. Intragastric meal distribution (IMD) immediately after meal ingestion (t = 0 min) (IMD0) can assess fundic accommodation, and dynamic antral contraction scintigraphy (DACS) can assess antral motility. Our goals were to incorporate IMD and DACS into GES, compare IMD0 using gastric division into anatomic proximal and distal halves versus more physiologic separation of the antrum from the proximal stomach using DACS, and establish reference values. Methods: Healthy subjects (n = 20) underwent GES using a solid-liquid meal. DACS (1 frame/3 s) was performed for 20 min after each static imaging time. IMD0 was measured using both semiautomated software to divide the gastric long axis into anatomic halves and Fourier analysis to identify antral pixels with phasic contractions. Results: Using halving of the stomach, IMD0 averaged 0.75 ± 0.15 (SD). Using phasic contractions to define the antrum, mean IMD0 was 0.85 ± 0.14 (P = 0.004). Sustained antral contractions started at a mean of 11.24 ± 12.98 min after meal ingestion and originated in the gastric midbody with a starting location at 40.5% ± 10.8% from the distal to the proximal stomach along its long axis. Antral frequency and ejection fraction peaked 30 min after meal ingestion at 3.30 ± 0.71 contractions per minute and an ejection fraction of 30.3% ± 13.69%, when mean antral filling peaked at 36.7% ± 14%. Maximum antral contraction speed was 3.54 ± 0.90 mm/s at 60 min after meal ingestion. Gastric retention was 39.8% ± 12.8% at 2 h and 5.8% ± 6.0% at 4 h. Conclusion: Addition of DACS to GES permits physiologic characterization of both fundic accommodation and antral contractility to supplement routine GES.





