anterior cingulate cortex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Delineation of changes in neural function associated with novel and established treatments for social anxiety disorder (SAD) can advance treatment development. We examined such changes following selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and attention bias modification (ABM) variant - gaze-contingent music reward therapy (GC-MRT), a first-line and an emerging treatments for SAD.
    METHODS: Eighty-one patients with SAD were allocated to 12-week treatments of either SSRI or GC-MRT, or waitlist (ns = 22, 29, and 30, respectively). Baseline and post-treatment functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were collected during a social-threat processing task, in which attention was directed toward and away from threat/neutral faces.
    RESULTS: Patients who received GC-MRT or SSRI showed greater clinical improvement relative to patients in waitlist. Compared to waitlist patients, treated patients showed greater activation increase in the right inferior frontal gyrus and anterior cingulate cortex when instructed to attend toward social threats and away from neutral stimuli. An additional anterior cingulate cortex cluster differentiated between the two active groups. Activation in this region increased in ABM and decreased in SSRI. In the ABM group, symptom change was positively correlated with neural activation change in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
    CONCLUSIONS: Brain function measures show both shared and treatment-specific changes following ABM and SSRI treatments for SAD, highlighting the multiple pathways through which the two treatments might work. Treatment-specific neural responses suggest that patients with SAD who do not fully benefit from SSRI or ABM may potentially benefit from the alternative treatment, or from a combination of the two.
    BACKGROUND:, Identifier: NCT03346239.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Psychedelic drugs that activate the 5HT2A receptor have long been the target of extensive clinical research, particularly in models of psychiatric illness. The aim of this literature review was to investigate the therapeutic effects of 5HT2A receptor activation in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the respective mechanisms that underlie them. Based on the available research, I suggest that 5HT2A receptors in the ACC exert profound changes in excitatory neurotransmission and brain network connectivity in a way that reduces anxious preoccupation and obsessional thoughts, as well as promoting cognitive flexibility and long-lasting mood improvements in anhedonia. This is possibly due to a complex interplay with glutamate and gamma-butyric acid neurotransmission, particularly 5HT2A activation enhances α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor signalling, thus altering the ratio of AMPA to N-methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) activity in the ACC, which can dismantle previously established neuronal connections and aid the formation of new ones, an effect that may be beneficial for fear extinction and reversal learning. Psychedelics potentially change intra- and internetwork connectivity, strengthening connectivity from the dorsal ACC / Salience Network to the Default Mode Network (DMN) and Central Executive Network (CEN), which correlates with improvements in attentional shifting and anti-anhedonic effects. Additionally, they may decrease inhibitory influence of the DMN over the CEN which may reduce overevaluation of internal states and ameliorate cognitive deficits. Activation of ACC 5HT2A receptors also has important downstream effects on subcortical areas, including reducing amygdala reactivity to threatening stimuli and enhancing mesolimbic dopamine, respectively improving anxiety and the experience of natural rewards.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Pregnancy-induced analgesia develops in late pregnancy, but its mechanisms are unclear. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) plays a key role in the pathogenesis of neuropathic pain. The authors hypothesized that pregnancy-induced analgesia ameliorates neuropathic pain by suppressing activation of microglia and the expression of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, and by upregulating opioid receptors in the ACC in late-pregnant mice.
    METHODS: Neuropathic pain was induced in non-pregnant (NP) or pregnant (P) C57BL/6JJmsSlc female mice by partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL). The nociceptive response was evaluated by mechanical allodynia and activation of microglia in the ACC was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. The expressions of phosphorylated AMPA receptors and opioid receptors in the ACC were evaluated by immunoblotting.
    RESULTS: In von Frey reflex tests, NP-PSNL-treated mice showed a lower 50% paw-withdrawal threshold than NP-Naïve mice on experimental day 9. No difference in 50% paw-withdrawal threshold was found among the NP-Naïve, NP-Sham, P-Sham, and P-PSNL-treated mice. The number of microglia in the ACC was significantly increased in NP-PSNL-treated mice compared to NP-Sham mice. Immunoblotting showed significantly increased expression of phosphorylated AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 at Ser831 in NP-PSNL-treated mice compared to NP-Sham mice. Immunoblotting also showed significantly increased δ-opioid receptor in the ACC in P-Sham and P-PSNL-treated mice compared to NP-Sham mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pregnancy-induced analgesia ameliorated neuropathic pain by suppressing activation of microglia and the expression of phosphorylated AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 at Ser831, and by upregulation of the δ-opioid receptor in the ACC in late-pregnant mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The corticostriatal connection plays a crucial role in cognitive, emotional, and motor control. However, the specific roles and synaptic transmissions of corticostriatal connection are less studied, especially the corticostriatal transmission from the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Here, a direct glutamatergic excitatory synaptic transmission in the corticostriatal projection from the ACC is found. Kainate receptors (KAR)-mediated synaptic transmission is increased in this corticostriatal connection both in vitro and in vivo seizure-like activities. GluK1 containing KARs and downstream calcium-stimulated adenylyl cyclase subtype 1 (AC1) are involved in the upregulation of KARs following seizure-like activities. Inhibiting the activities of ACC or its corticostriatal connection significantly attenuated pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced seizure. Additionally, injection of GluK1 receptor antagonist UBP310 or the AC1 inhibitor NB001 both show antiepileptic effects. The studies provide direct evidence that KARs are involved in seizure activity in the corticostriatal connection and the KAR-AC1 signaling pathway is a potential novel antiepileptic strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding why some patients with depression remain resistant to antidepressant medication could be elucidated by investigating their associated neural features. Although research has consistently demonstrated abnormalities in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) - a region that is part of the default mode network (DMN) - in treatment-resistant depression (TRD), a considerable research gap exists in discerning how these neural networks distinguish TRD from treatment-sensitive depression (TSD). We aimed to evaluate the resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) of the ACC with other regions of the DMN to better understand the role of this structure in the pathophysiology of TRD. 35 TRD patients, 35 TSD patients, and 38 healthy controls (HC) underwent a resting-state functional MRI protocol. Seed-based functional connectivity analyses were performed, comparing the three groups for the connectivity between two subregions of the ACC (the subgenual ACC (sgACC) and the rostral ACC (rACC)) and the DMN (p < 0.05 FWE corrected). Furthermore, inter-network connectivity of the DMN with other neural networks was explored by independent component (ICA) analyses (p < 0.01, FDR corrected). The results demonstrated hyperconnectivity between the rACC and the posterior cingulate cortex in TRD relative to TSD and HC (F(2,105) = 5.335, p < 0.05). ICA found DMN connectivity to regions of the visual network (TRDTSD), differentiating the two clinical groups. These results provide confirmatory evidence of DMN hyperconnectivity and preliminary evidence for its interactions with other neural networks as key neural mechanisms underlying treatment non-responsiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Empathy, crucial for social interaction, is impaired across various neuropsychiatric conditions. However, the genetic and neural underpinnings of empathy variability remain elusive. By combining forward genetic mapping with transcriptome analysis, we discover that aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 2 (ARNT2) is a key driver modulating observational fear, a basic form of affective empathy. Disrupted ARNT2 expression in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) reduces affect sharing in mice. Specifically, selective ARNT2 ablation in somatostatin (SST)-expressing interneurons leads to decreased pyramidal cell excitability, increased spontaneous firing, aberrant Ca2+ dynamics, and disrupted theta oscillations in the ACC, resulting in reduced vicarious freezing. We further demonstrate that ARNT2-expressing SST interneurons govern affective state discrimination, uncovering a potential mechanism by which ARNT2 polymorphisms associate with emotion recognition in humans. Our findings advance our understanding of the molecular mechanism controlling empathic capacity and highlight the neural substrates underlying social affective dysfunctions in psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptive behavior relies on efficient cognitive control. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is a key node within the executive prefrontal network. The reciprocal connectivity between the locus ceruleus (LC) and ACC is thought to support behavioral reorganization triggered by the detection of an unexpected change. We transduced LC neurons with either excitatory or inhibitory chemogenetic receptors in adult male rats and trained rats on a spatial task. Subsequently, we altered LC activity and confronted rats with an unexpected change of reward locations. In a new spatial context, rats with decreased noradrenaline (NA) in the ACC entered unbaited maze arms more persistently which was indicative of perseveration. In contrast, the suppression of the global NA transmission reduced perseveration. Neither chemogenetic manipulation nor inactivation of the ACC by muscimol affected the rate of learning, possibly due to partial virus transduction of the LC neurons and/or the compensatory engagement of other prefrontal regions. Importantly, we observed behavioral deficits in rats with LC damage caused by virus injection. The latter finding highlights the importance of careful histological assessment of virus-transduced brain tissue as inadvertent damage of the targeted cell population due to virus neurotoxicity or other factors might cause unwanted side effects. Although the specific role of ACC in the flexibility of spatial behavior has not been convincingly demonstrated, our results support the beneficial role of noradrenergic transmission for an optimal function of the ACC. Overall, our findings suggest the LC exerts the projection-specific modulation of neural circuits mediating the flexibility of spatial behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Whiplash injury (WHI) is characterised by a forced neck flexion/extension, which frequently occurs after motor vehicle collisions. Previous studies characterising differences in brain metabolite concentrations and correlations with neuropathic pain (NP) components with chronic whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) have been demonstrated in affective pain-processing areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). However, the detection of a difference in metabolite concentrations within these cortical areas with chronic WAD pain has been elusive. In this study, single-voxel magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), following the latest MRSinMRS consensus group guidelines, was performed in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and occipital cortex (OCC) to quantify differences in metabolite concentrations in individuals with chronic WAD with or without neuropathic pain (NP) components.
    UNASSIGNED: Healthy individuals (n = 29) and participants with chronic WAD (n = 29) were screened with the Douleur Neuropathique 4 Questionnaire (DN4) and divided into groups without (WAD-noNP, n = 15) or with NP components (WAD-NP, n = 14). Metabolites were quantified with LCModel following a single session in a 3 T MRI scanner within the ACC, DLPFC, and OCC.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants with WAD-NP presented moderate pain intensity and interference compared with the WAD-noNP group. Single-voxel MRS analysis demonstrated a higher glutamate concentration in the ACC and lower total choline (tCho) in the DLPFC in the WAD-NP versus WAD-noNP group, with no intergroup metabolite difference detected in the OCC. Best fit and stepwise multiple regression revealed that the normalised ACC glutamate/total creatine (tCr) (p = 0.01), DLPFC n-acetyl-aspartate (NAA)/tCr (p = 0.001), and DLPFC tCho/tCr levels (p = 0.02) predicted NP components in the WAD-NP group (ACC r 2 = 0.26, α = 0.81; DLPFC r 2 = 0.62, α = 0.98). The normalised Glu/tCr concentration was higher in the healthy than the WAD-noNP group within the ACC (p < 0.05), but not in the DLPFC or OCC. Neither sex nor age affected key normalised metabolite concentrations related to WAD-NP components when compared to the WAD-noNP group.
    UNASSIGNED: This study demonstrates that elevated glutamate concentrations within the ACC are related to chronic WAD-NP components, while higher NAA and lower tCho metabolite levels suggest a role for increased neuronal-glial signalling and cell membrane dysfunction in individuals with chronic WAD-NP components.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has been implicated across multiple highly specialized cognitive functions-including task engagement, motivation, error detection, attention allocation, value processing, and action selection. Here, we ask if ACC lesions disrupt task performance and firing in dorsomedial striatum (DMS) during the performance of a reward-guided decision-making task that engages many of these cognitive functions. We found that ACC lesions impacted several facets of task performance-including decreasing the initiation and completion of trials, slowing reaction times, and resulting in suboptimal and inaccurate action selection. Reductions in movement times towards the end of behavioral sessions further suggested attenuations in motivation, which paralleled reductions in directional action selection signals in the DMS that were observed later in recording sessions. Surprisingly, however, beyond altered action signals late in sessions-neural correlates in the DMS were largely unaffected, even though behavior was disrupted at multiple levels. We conclude that ACC lesions result in overall deficits in task engagement that impact multiple facets of task performance during our reward-guided decision-making task, which-beyond impacting motivated action signals-arise from dysregulated attentional signals in the ACC and are mediated via downstream targets other than DMS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marked dysregulation of the human prefrontal cortex (PFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) characterises a variety of anxiety disorders, and its amelioration is a key feature of treatment success. Overall treatment response, however, is highly variable, and about a third of patients are resistant to treatment. In this review we hypothesise that a major contributor to this variation in treatment response are the multiple faces of anxiety induced by distinct forms of frontal cortex dysregulation. Comparison of findings from humans and non-human primates reveals marked similarity in the functional organisation of threat regulation across the frontal lobes. This organisation is discussed in relation to the \'predatory imminence continuum\' model of threat and the differential engagement of executive functions at the core of both emotion generation and regulation strategies.





