antagonistic pleiotropy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Many loci segregate alleles classified as \"genetic diseases\" due to their deleterious effects on health. However, some disease alleles have been reported to show beneficial effects under certain conditions or in certain populations. The beneficial effects of these antagonistically pleiotropic alleles may explain their continued prevalence, but the degree to which antagonistic pleiotropy is common or rare is unresolved. We surveyed the medical literature to identify examples of antagonistic pleiotropy to help determine whether antagonistic pleiotropy appears to be rare or common.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified ten examples of loci with polymorphisms for which the presence of antagonistic pleiotropy is well supported by detailed genetic or epidemiological information in humans. One additional locus was identified for which the supporting evidence comes from animal studies. These examples complement over 20 others reported in other reviews.
    UNASSIGNED: The existence of more than 30 identified antagonistically pleiotropic human disease alleles suggests that this phenomenon may be widespread. This poses important implications for both our understanding of human evolutionary genetics and our approaches to clinical treatment and disease prevention, especially therapies based on genetic modification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genetic architecture of multiple sclerosis is complicated. Additionally, the disease incidence varies per population or per geographical region. A recent study gives convincing explanations about the north-south incidence gradient of multiple sclerosis in Europe, by analyzing ancient and modern human genomes. Interestingly, the evidence shows that multiple sclerosis associated immunogenetic variants underwent positive selection in Asian and European populations. Lifestyle and pathogen infections probably shaped the overall multiple sclerosis risk. These results complete the findings of previous studies that showed that a high percentage of the autoimmunity associated genetic variants are under selection pressure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patterns of individual variation in lifespan and senescence depend on the associations between parental survival and reproductive rates. We studied the associations between parity and survival among 579,271 Estonians born between 1905 and 1945 and in a cohort with a completed lifespan born in 1905-1927. For this cohort, selection for increased lifespan operated on both sexes, but it was stronger in men than in women. However, the median lifespan increased between the subsequent cohorts in women but stagnated in men. Selection for longer lifespan was caused by the below-average lifespan of individuals with no or single offspring. Despite a general positive selection for lifespan, survival costs of reproduction were also detected among a relatively small proportion of individuals with high parities, as mothers of two and fathers of two and three children had the highest median lifespans. Fathers of more than six children had better survival than fathers of few children in their reproductive age, but this association reversed after age 70. The reversal of this association between survival and parity at old age indicates that relative mortality risks between those with lower versus higher parities change across ages, as predicted by the antagonistic pleiotropy theory of aging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Embryonic lethal mutations are arguably the earliest and most severe manifestation of inbreeding depression, but their impact on wild populations is not well understood. Here, we combined genomic, fitness, and life-history data from 5,925 wild Soay sheep sampled over nearly three decades to explore the impact of embryonic lethal mutations and their evolutionary dynamics. We searched for haplotypes that in their homozygous state are unusually rare in the offspring of known carrier parents and found three putatively semi-lethal haplotypes with 27%-46% fewer homozygous offspring than expected. Two of these haplotypes are decreasing in frequency, and gene-dropping simulations through the pedigree suggest that this is partially due to purifying selection. In contrast, the frequency of the third semi-lethal haplotype remains relatively stable over time. We show that the haplotype could be maintained by balancing selection because it is also associated with increased postnatal survival and body weight and because its cumulative frequency change is lower than in most drift-only simulations. Our study highlights embryonic mutations as a largely neglected contributor to inbreeding depression and provides a rare example of how harmful genetic variation can be maintained through balancing selection in a wild mammal population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beneficial reversals of dominance reduce the costs of genetic trade-offs and can enable selection to maintain genetic variation for fitness. Beneficial dominance reversals are characterized by the beneficial allele for a given context (e.g. habitat, developmental stage, trait or sex) being dominant in that context but recessive where deleterious. This context dependence at least partially mitigates the fitness consequence of heterozygotes carrying one non-beneficial allele for their context and can result in balancing selection that maintains alternative alleles. Dominance reversals are theoretically plausible and are supported by mounting empirical evidence. Here, we highlight the importance of beneficial dominance reversals as a mechanism for the mitigation of genetic conflict and review the theory and empirical evidence for them. We identify some areas in need of further research and development and outline three methods that could facilitate the identification of antagonistic genetic variation (dominance ordination, allele-specific expression and allele-specific ATAC-Seq (assay for transposase-accessible chromatin with sequencing)). There is ample scope for the development of new empirical methods as well as reanalysis of existing data through the lens of dominance reversals. A greater focus on this topic will expand our understanding of the mechanisms that resolve genetic conflict and whether they maintain genetic variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying the genetic basis of local adaptation and fitness trade-offs across environments is a central goal of evolutionary biology. Cold acclimation is an adaptive plastic response for surviving seasonal freezing, and costs of acclimation may be a general mechanism for fitness trade-offs across environments in temperate zone species. Starting with locally adapted ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana from Italy and Sweden, we examined the fitness consequences of a naturally occurring functional polymorphism in CBF2. This gene encodes a transcription factor that is a major regulator of cold-acclimated freezing tolerance and resides within a locus responsible for a genetic trade-off for long-term mean fitness. We estimated the consequences of alternate genotypes of CBF2 on 5-y mean fitness and fitness components at the native field sites by comparing near-isogenic lines with alternate genotypes of CBF2 to their genetic background ecotypes. The effects of CBF2 were validated at the nucleotide level using gene-edited lines in the native genetic backgrounds grown in simulated parental environments. The foreign CBF2 genotype in the local genetic background reduced long-term mean fitness in Sweden by more than 10%, primarily via effects on survival. In Italy, fitness was reduced by more than 20%, primarily via effects on fecundity. At both sites, the effects were temporally variable and much stronger in some years. The gene-edited lines confirmed that CBF2 encodes the causal variant underlying this genetic trade-off. Additionally, we demonstrated a substantial fitness cost of cold acclimation, which has broad implications for potential maladaptive responses to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Seemingly unrelated traits often share the same underlying molecular mechanisms, potentially generating a pleiotropic relationship whereby selection shaping one trait can simultaneously compromise another. While such functional trade-offs are expected to influence evolutionary outcomes, their actual relevance in nature is masked by obscure links between genotype, phenotype, and fitness. Here, we describe functional trade-offs that likely govern a key adaptation and coevolutionary dynamics in a predator-prey system. Several garter snake (Thamnophis spp.) populations have evolved resistance to tetrodotoxin (TTX), a potent chemical defense in their prey, toxic newts (Taricha spp.). Snakes achieve TTX resistance through mutations occurring at toxin-binding sites in the pore of snake skeletal muscle voltage-gated sodium channels (NaV1.4). We hypothesized that these mutations impair basic NaV functions, producing molecular trade-offs that should ultimately scale up to compromised organismal performance. We investigate biophysical costs in two snake species with unique and independently evolved mutations that confer TTX resistance. We show electrophysiological evidence that skeletal muscle sodium channels encoded by toxin-resistant alleles are functionally compromised. Furthermore, skeletal muscles from snakes with resistance genotypes exhibit reduced mechanical performance. Lastly, modeling the molecular stability of these sodium channel variants partially explains the electrophysiological and muscle impairments. Ultimately, adaptive genetic changes favoring toxin resistance appear to negatively impact sodium channel function, skeletal muscle strength, and organismal performance. These functional trade-offs at the cellular and organ levels appear to underpin locomotor deficits observed in resistant snakes and may explain variation in the population-level success of toxin-resistant alleles across the landscape, ultimately shaping the trajectory of snake-newt coevolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The creeping vole Microtus oregoni exhibits remarkably transformed sex chromosome biology, with complete chromosome drive/drag, X-Y fusions, sex reversed X complements, biased X inactivation, and X chromosome degradation. Beginning with a selfish X chromosome, I propose a series of adaptations leading to this system, each compensating for deleterious consequences of the preceding adaptation: (1) YY embryonic inviability favored evolution of a selfish feminizing X chromosome; (2) the consequent Y chromosome transmission disadvantage favored X-Y fusion (\"XP \"); (3) Xist-based silencing of Y-derived XP genes favored a second X-Y fusion (\"XM \"); (4) X chromosome dosage-related costs in XP XM males favored the evolution of XM loss during spermatogenesis; (5) X chromosomal dosage-related costs in XM 0 females favored the evolution of XM drive during oogenesis; and (6) degradation of the non-recombining XP favored the evolution of biased X chromosome inactivation. I discuss recurrent rodent sex chromosome transformation, and selfish genes as a constructive force in evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Compared to replicative lifespan, epigenetic regulation of chronological lifespan (CLS) is less well understood in yeast. Here, by screening all the viable mutants of histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC), we demonstrate that Gcn5, functioning in the HAT module of the SAGA/SLIK complex, exhibits an epistatic relationship with the HDAC Hda1 to control the expression of starvation-induced stress response and respiratory cell growth. Surprisingly, the gcn5Δ mutants lose their colony-forming potential early in the stationary phase but display a longer maximum CLS than their WT counterparts, suggesting the contradictory roles of Gcn5 in lifespan regulation. Integrative analyses of the transcriptome, metabolome and ChIP assays reveal that Gcn5 is necessary for the activation of two regulons upon glucose starvation: the Msn2/4-/Gis1-dependent stress response and the Cat8-/Adr1-mediated metabolic reprogramming, to enable pro-longevity characteristics, including redox homeostasis, stress resistance and maximal storage of carbohydrates. The activation of Cat8-/Adr1-dependent regulon also promotes the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) bypass, leading to acetyl-CoA synthesis, global and targeted H3K9 acetylation. Global H3K9 acetylation levels mediated by Gcn5 and Hda1 during the transition into stationary phase are positively correlated with senescent cell populations accumulated in the aged cell cultures. These data suggest that Gcn5 lies in the centre of a feed-forward loop between histone acetylation and starvation-induced gene expression, enabling stress resistance and homeostasis but also promoting chronological ageing concomitantly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Juvenile undernutrition has lasting effects on adult metabolism of the affected individuals, but it is unclear how adult physiology is shaped over evolutionary time by natural selection driven by juvenile undernutrition. We combined RNAseq, targeted metabolomics, and genomics to study the consequences of evolution under juvenile undernutrition for metabolism of reproductively active adult females of Drosophila melanogaster. Compared to Control populations maintained on standard diet, Selected populations maintained for over 230 generations on a nutrient-poor larval diet evolved major changes in adult gene expression and metabolite abundance, in particular affecting amino acid and purine metabolism. The evolved differences in adult gene expression and metabolite abundance between Selected and Control populations were positively correlated with the corresponding differences previously reported for Selected versus Control larvae. This implies that genetic variants affect both stages similarly. Even when well fed, the metabolic profile of Selected flies resembled that of flies subject to starvation. Finally, Selected flies had lower reproductive output than Controls even when both were raised under the conditions under which the Selected populations evolved. These results imply that evolutionary adaptation to juvenile undernutrition has large pleiotropic consequences for adult metabolism, and that they are costly rather than adaptive for adult fitness. Thus, juvenile and adult metabolism do not appear to evolve independently from each other even in a holometabolous species where the two life stages are separated by a complete metamorphosis.





