anoxygenic photosynthesis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The first phototrophic member of the bacterial phylum Gemmatimonadota, Gemmatimonas phototrophica AP64T, received all its photosynthesis genes via distant horizontal gene transfer from a purple bacterium. Here, we investigated how these acquired genes, which are tightly controlled by oxygen and light in the ancestor, are integrated into the regulatory system of its new host. G. phototrophica grew well under aerobic and semiaerobic conditions, with almost no difference in gene expression. Under aerobic conditions, the growth of G. phototrophica was optimal at 80 µmol photon m-2 s-1, while higher light intensities had an inhibitory effect. The transcriptome showed only a minimal response to the dark-light shift at optimal light intensity, while the exposure to a higher light intensity (200 µmol photon m-2 s-1) induced already stronger but still transient changes in gene expression. Interestingly, a singlet oxygen defense was not activated under any conditions tested. Our results indicate that G. phototrophica possesses neither the oxygen-dependent repression of photosynthesis genes known from purple bacteria nor the light-dependent repression described in aerobic anoxygenic phototrophs. Instead, G. phototrophica has evolved as a low-light species preferring reduced oxygen concentrations. Under these conditions, the bacterium can safely employ its photoheterotrophic metabolism without the need for complex regulatory mechanisms.
    OBJECTIVE: Horizontal gene transfer is one of the main mechanisms by which bacteria acquire new genes. However, it represents only the first step as the transferred genes have also to be functionally and regulatory integrated into the recipient\'s cellular machinery. Gemmatimonas phototrophica, a member of bacterial phylum Gemmatimonadota, acquired its photosynthesis genes via distant horizontal gene transfer from a purple bacterium. Thus, it represents a unique natural experiment, in which the entire package of photosynthesis genes was transplanted into a distant host. We show that G. phototrophica lacks the regulation of photosynthesis gene expressions in response to oxygen concentration and light intensity that are common in purple bacteria. This restricts its growth to low-light habitats with reduced oxygen. Understanding the regulation of horizontally transferred genes is important not only for microbial evolution but also for synthetic biology and the engineering of novel organisms, as these rely on the successful integration of foreign genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacteriota, the sole prokaryotes capable of oxygenic photosynthesis (OxyP), occupy a unique and pivotal role in Earth\'s history. While the notion that OxyP may have originated from Cyanobacteriota is widely accepted, its early evolution remains elusive. Here, by using both metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, we explore 36 metagenome-assembled genomes from hot spring ecosystems, belonging to two deep-branching cyanobacterial orders: Thermostichales and Gloeomargaritales. Functional investigation reveals that Thermostichales encode the crucial thylakoid membrane biogenesis protein, vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1). Based on the phylogenetic results, we infer that the evolution of the thylakoid membrane predates the divergence of Thermostichales from other cyanobacterial groups and that Thermostichales may be the most ancient lineage known to date to have inherited this feature from their common ancestor. Apart from OxyP, both lineages are potentially capable of sulfide-driven AnoxyP by linking sulfide oxidation to the photosynthetic electron transport chain. Unexpectedly, this AnoxyP capacity appears to be an acquired feature, as the key gene sqr was horizontally transferred from later-evolved cyanobacterial lineages. The presence of two D1 protein variants in Thermostichales suggests the functional flexibility of photosystems, ensuring their survival in fluctuating redox environments. Furthermore, all MAGs feature streamlined phycobilisomes with a preference for capturing longer-wavelength light, implying a unique evolutionary trajectory. Collectively, these results reveal the photosynthetic flexibility in these early-diverging cyanobacterial lineages, shedding new light on the early evolution of Cyanobacteriota and their photosynthetic processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) are capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis via oxidizing reduced sulfur compounds and are considered key drivers of the sulfur cycle in a range of anoxic environments. In this study, we show that Allochromatium vinosum (a PSB species) is capable of autotrophic growth using pyrite as the electron and sulfur source. Comparative growth profile, substrate characterization, and transcriptomic sequencing data provided valuable insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying the bacterial utilization of pyrite and autotrophic growth. Specifically, the pyrite-supported cell cultures (\"py\"\') demonstrated robust but much slower growth rates and distinct patterns from their sodium sulfide-amended positive controls. Up to ~200-fold upregulation of genes encoding various c- and b-type cytochromes was observed in \"py,\" pointing to the high relevance of these molecules in scavenging and relaying electrons from pyrite to cytoplasmic metabolisms. Conversely, extensive downregulation of genes related to LH and RC complex components indicates that the electron source may have direct control over the bacterial cells\' photosynthetic activity. In terms of sulfur metabolism, genes encoding periplasmic or membrane-bound proteins (e.g., FccAB and SoxYZ) were largely upregulated, whereas those encoding cytoplasmic proteins (e.g., Dsr and Apr groups) are extensively suppressed. Other notable differentially expressed genes are related to flagella/fimbriae/pilin(+), metal efflux(+), ferrienterochelin(-), and [NiFe] hydrogenases(+). Characterization of the biologically reacted pyrite indicates the presence of polymeric sulfur. These results have, for the first time, put the interplay of PSB and transition metal sulfide chemistry under the spotlight, with the potential to advance multiple fields, including metal and sulfur biogeochemistry, bacterial extracellular electron transfer, and artificial photosynthesis.
    OBJECTIVE: Microbial utilization of solid-phase substrates constitutes a critical area of focus in environmental microbiology, offering valuable insights into microbial metabolic processes and adaptability. Recent advancements in this field have profoundly deepened our knowledge of microbial physiology pertinent to these scenarios and spurred innovations in biosynthesis and energy production. Furthermore, research into interactions between microbes and solid-phase substrates has directly linked microbial activities to the surrounding mineralogical environments, thereby enhancing our understanding of the relevant biogeochemical cycles. Our study represents a significant step forward in this field by demonstrating, for the first time, the autotrophic growth of purple sulfur bacteria using insoluble pyrite (FeS2) as both the electron and sulfur source. The presented comparative growth profiles, substrate characterizations, and transcriptomic sequencing data shed light on the relationships between electron donor types, photosynthetic reaction center activities, and potential extracellular electron transfer in these organisms capable of anoxygenic photosynthesis. Furthermore, the findings of our study may provide new insights into early-Earth biogeochemical evolutions, offering valuable constraints for understanding the environmental conditions and microbial processes that shaped our planet\'s history.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    We present here the research contributions of Jan Amesz (1934-2001) on deciphering the details of the early physico-chemical steps in oxygenic photosynthesis in plants, algae and cyanobacteria, as well as in anoxygenic photosynthesis in purple, green, and heliobacteria. His research included light absorption and the mechanism of excitation energy transfer, primary photochemistry, and electron transfer steps until the reduction of pyridine nucleotides. Among his many discoveries, we emphasize his 1961 proof, with L. N. M. Duysens, of the \"series scheme\" of oxygenic photosynthesis, through antagonistic effects of Light I and II on the redox state of cytochrome f. Further, we highlight the following research on oxygenic photosynthesis: the experimental direct proof that plastoquinone and plastocyanin function at their respective places in the Z-scheme. In addition, Amesz\'s major contributions were in unraveling the mechanism of excitation energy transfer and electron transport steps in anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria (purple, green and heliobacteria). Before we present his research, focusing on his key discoveries, we provide a glimpse of his personal life. We end this Tribute with reminiscences from three of his former doctoral students (Sigi Neerken; Hjalmar Pernentier, and Frank Kleinherenbrink) and from several scientists (Suleyman Allakhverdiev; Robert Blankenship; Richard Cogdell) including two of the authors (G. Garab and A. Stirbet) of this Tribute.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single cell protein (SCP) has emerged as an alternative protein source, potentially based on the recovery of carbon and nutrients from waste-derived resources as part of the circular economy. From those resources, gaseous substrates have the advantage of an easy sterilization, allowing the production of pathogen-free SCP. Sterile gaseous substrates allow producing pathogen-free SCP. This study evaluated the use of an enriched phototrophic purple bacteria (PPB) consortium for SCP production using H2 and CO2 as electron and C sources. The influence of pH (6.0-8.5), temperature (15-50 °C) and light intensity (0-50 W·m-2) on the growth kinetics and biomass yields was investigated using batch tests. Optimal conditions were found at pH 7, 25 °C and light intensities over 30 W·m-2. High biomass and protein yields were achieved (~ 1 g CODbiomass·g CODH2consumed-1 and 3.9-4.4 g protein·g H2-1) regardless of the environmental conditions, being amongst the highest values reported from gaseous streams. These high yields were obtained thanks to the use of light as a sole energy source by the PPB consortium, allowing a total utilization of H2 for growth. Hydrogen uptake rates varied considerably, with values up to 61 ± 5 mg COD·d-1 for the overall H2 consumption rates and 2.00 ± 0.14 g COD·g COD-1·d-1 for the maximum specific uptake rates under optimal growth conditions. The latter value was estimated using a mechanistic model able to represent PPB growth on H2. The biomass exhibited high protein contents (>50 % w/w) and adequate amino acid profiles, showing its suitability as SCP for feed. PPB were the dominant bacteria during the experiments (relative abundance over 80 % in most tests), with a stable population dominated by Rhodobacter sp. and Rhodopseudomonas sp. This study demonstrates the potential of enriched PPB cultures for H2 bioconversion into SCP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-destructive methods for the assessment of photosynthetic parameters of plants are widely applied to evaluate rapidly the photosynthetic performance, plant health, and shifts in plant productivity induced by environmental and cultivation conditions. Most of these methods are based on measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics, particularly on pulse modulation (PAM) fluorometry. In this paper, fluorescence methods are critically discussed in regard to some their possibilities and limitations inherent to vascular plants and microalgae. Attention is paid to the potential errors related to the underestimation of thylakoidal cyclic electron transport and anoxygenic photosynthesis. PAM-methods are also observed considering the color-addressed measurements. Photoacoustic methods are discussed as an alternative and supplement to fluorometry. Novel Fourier modifications of PAM-fluorometry and photoacoustics are noted as tools allowing simultaneous application of a dual or multi frequency measuring light for one sample.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purple phototrophic bacteria use a \'photosystem\' consisting of light harvesting complex 1 (LH1) surrounding the reaction centre (RC) that absorbs far-red-near-infrared light and converts it to chemical energy. Blastochloris species, which harvest light >1000 nm, use bacteriochlorophyll b rather than the more common bacteriochlorophyll a as their major photopigment, and assemble LH1 with an additional polypeptide subunit, LH1γ, encoded by multiple genes. To assign a role to γ, we deleted the four encoding genes in the model Blastochloris viridis. Interestingly, growth under halogen bulbs routinely used for cultivation yielded cells displaying an absorption maximum of 825 nm, similar to that of the RC only, but growth under white light yielded cells with an absorption maximum at 972 nm. HPLC analysis of pigment composition and sucrose gradient fractionation demonstrate that the white light-grown mutant assembles RC-LH1, albeit with an absorption maximum blue-shifted by 46 nm. Wavelengths between 900-1000 nm transmit poorly through the atmosphere due to absorption by water, so our results provide an evolutionary rationale for incorporation of γ; this polypeptide red-shifts absorption of RC-LH1 to a spectral range in which photons are of lower energy but are more abundant. Finally, we transformed the mutant with plasmids encoding natural LH1γ variants and demonstrate that the polypeptide found in the wild type complex red-shifts absorption back to 1018 nm, but incorporation of a distantly related variant results in only a moderate shift. This result suggests that tuning the absorption of RC-LH1 is possible and may permit photosynthesis past its current low-energy limit.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photoheterotrophic bacteria harvest light energy using either proton-pumping rhodopsins or bacteriochlorophyll (BChl)-based photosystems. The bacterium Sphingomonas glacialis AAP5 isolated from the alpine lake Gossenköllesee contains genes for both systems. Here, we show that BChl is expressed between 4°C and 22°C in the dark, whereas xanthorhodopsin is expressed only at temperatures below 16°C and in the presence of light. Thus, cells grown at low temperatures under a natural light-dark cycle contain both BChl-based photosystems and xanthorhodopsins with a nostoxanthin antenna. Flash photolysis measurements proved that both systems are photochemically active. The captured light energy is used for ATP synthesis and stimulates growth. Thus, S. glacialis AAP5 represents a chlorophototrophic and a retinalophototrophic organism. Our analyses suggest that simple xanthorhodopsin may be preferred by the cells under higher light and low temperatures, whereas larger BChl-based photosystems may perform better at lower light intensities. This indicates that the use of two systems for light harvesting may represent an evolutionary adaptation to the specific environmental conditions found in alpine lakes and other analogous ecosystems, allowing bacteria to alternate their light-harvesting machinery in response to large seasonal changes of irradiance and temperature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microorganisms that carry out Fe(II) oxidation play a major role in biogeochemical cycling of iron in environments with low oxygen. Fe(II) oxidation has been largely studied in the context of autotrophy. Here, we show that the anoxygenic phototroph, Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA010, carries out Fe(II) oxidation during photoheterotrophic growth with an oxidized carbon source, malate, leading to an increase in cell yield and allowing more carbon to be directed to cell biomass. We probed the regulatory basis for this by transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq) and found that the expression levels of the known pioABC Fe(II) oxidation genes in R. palustris depended on the redox-sensing two-component system, RegSR, and the oxidation state of the carbon source provided to cells. This provides the first mechanistic demonstration of mixotrophic growth involving reducing power generated from both Fe(II) oxidation and carbon assimilation. IMPORTANCE The simultaneous use of carbon and reduced metals such as Fe(II) by bacteria is thought to be widespread in aquatic environments, and a mechanistic description of this process could improve our understanding of biogeochemical cycles. Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria like Rhodopseudomonas palustris typically use light for energy and organic compounds as both a carbon and an electron source. They can also use CO2 for carbon by carbon dioxide fixation when electron-rich compounds like H2, thiosulfate, and Fe(II) are provided as electron donors. Here, we show that Fe(II) oxidation can be used in another context to promote higher growth yields of R. palustris when the oxidized carbon compound malate is provided. We further established the regulatory mechanism underpinning this observation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alkaline hot springs in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) provide a framework to study the relationship between photoautotrophs and temperature. Previous work has focused on studying how cyanobacteria (oxygenic phototrophs) vary with temperature, sulfide, and pH, but many questions remain regarding the ecophysiology of anoxygenic photosynthesis due to the taxonomic and metabolic diversity of these taxa. To this end, we examined the distribution of genes involved in phototrophy, carbon fixation, and nitrogen fixation in eight alkaline (pH 7.3-9.4) hot spring sites near the upper temperature limit of photosynthesis (71ºC) in YNP using metagenome sequencing. Based on genes encoding key reaction center proteins, geographic isolation plays a larger role than temperature in selecting for distinct phototrophic Chloroflexi, while genes typically associated with autotrophy in anoxygenic phototrophs, did not have distinct distributions with temperature. Additionally, we recovered Calvin cycle gene variants associated with Chloroflexi, an alternative carbon fixation pathway in anoxygenic photoautotrophs. Lastly, we recovered several abundant nitrogen fixation gene sequences associated with Roseiflexus, providing further evidence that genes involved in nitrogen fixation in Chloroflexi are more common than previously assumed. Together, our results add to the body of work on the distribution and functional potential of phototrophic bacteria in Yellowstone National Park hot springs and support the hypothesis that a combination of abiotic and biotic factors impact the distribution of phototrophic bacteria in hot springs. Future studies of isolates and metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) from these data and others will further our understanding of the ecology and evolution of hot spring anoxygenic phototrophs. IMPORTANCE Photosynthetic bacteria in hot springs are of great importance to both microbial evolution and ecology. While a large body of work has focused on oxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria in Mushroom and Octopus Springs in Yellowstone National Park, many questions remain regarding the metabolic potential and ecology of hot spring anoxygenic phototrophs. Anoxygenic phototrophs are metabolically and taxonomically diverse, and further investigations into their physiology will lead to a deeper understanding of microbial evolution and ecology of these taxa. Here, we have quantified the distribution of key genes involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolism in both oxygenic and anoxygenic phototrophs. Our results suggest that temperature >68ºC selects for distinct groups of cyanobacteria and that carbon fixation pathways associated with these taxa are likely subject to the same selective pressure. Additionally, our data suggest that phototrophic Chloroflexi genes and carbon fixation genes are largely influenced by local conditions as evidenced by our gene variant analysis. Lastly, we recovered several genes associated with potentially novel phototrophic Chloroflexi. Together, our results add to the body of work on hot springs in Yellowstone National Park and set the stage for future work on metagenome assembled genomes.





