
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium (Ca2+) is essential for plant growth and cellular homeostasis, with cation exchangers (CAXs) regulating Ca2+ transport into plant vacuoles. In Arabidopsis, multiple CAXs feature a common structural arrangement, comprising an N-terminal autoinhibitory domain followed by two pseudosymmetrical modules. Mutations in CAX1 enhance stress tolerance, notably tolerance to anoxia (a condition marked by oxygen depletion), crucial for flood resilience. Here we engineered a dominant-negative CAX1 variant, named ½N-CAX1, incorporating the autoinhibitory domain and the N-terminal pseudosymmetrical module, which, when expressed in wild-type Arabidopsis plants, phenocopied the anoxia tolerance of cax1. Physiological evaluations, yeast assays, and calcium imaging demonstrated that wild-type plants expressing ½N-CAX1 have phenotypes consistent with inhibition of CAX1, which is likely through direct interaction of ½N-CAX1 with CAX1. Eliminating segments within the N-terminal pseudosymmetrical module, as well as incorporating modules from other plant CAXs and expressing these variants into wild-type plants, failed to produce anoxia tolerance. This underscores the requirement for both the CAX1 autoinhibitory domain and the intact pseudosymmetrical module to produce the dominant-negative phenotype. Our study elucidates the interaction of this ½N-CAX1 variant with CAX1 and its impact on anoxia tolerance, offering insights into further approaches for engineering plant stress tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pacific hagfish (Eptatretus stoutii) are an ancient agnathan vertebrate known to be anoxia tolerant. To study their metabolic organization and the role of the mitochondria in anoxia tolerance we developed a novel protocol to measure mitochondrial function in permeabilized cardiomyocytes and how this is affected by one hour of anoxia followed by reoxygenation. When measured at 10 °C the mitochondria had a respiration rate of 2.1 ± 0.1pmol/s/mg WW during OXPHOS with saturating concentrations of glutamate, malate, and succinate. This is comparatively low compared to other ectothermic species. The functional characteristics of the mitochondria were quantified with mitochondrial control ratios. These demonstrated that proton leak contributed to just under 50% of the oxygen flux, with the remainder going towards ATP phosphorylation. Finally, when the preparations were exposed to an anoxia-reoxygenation protocol there was no difference in respiration compared to that of a heart sample from the same animal maintained under normoxia for the same time. When Complex I alone or Complex I and II were stimulated following one hour of anoxia there was no decline in oxygen flux observed. However, if Complex II was activated alone there was a significant decline in respiration. This decrease was however also observed in the mitochondria maintained in normoxia for one hour. In conclusion, Pacific hagfish cardiac mitochondria demonstrated a low rate of oxygen consumption, a loosely coupled electron transfer system, and a resistance to one hour of anoxia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flooding caused by climate change puts the productivity of sugarcane cultivation at risk. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro flooding stress on sugarcane plantlets. Sugarcane plantlets were grown in test tubes containing Murashige and Skoog semi-solid medium without growth regulators as a control treatment and two stress levels using a double layer with sterile distilled water to simulate hypoxia and anoxia. After 15 d of culture, the number of new shoots, plantlet height, number of leaves, number of roots, root length, stomatal density, percentage of closed stomata and percentage of dry matter were evaluated. In addition, biochemical variables such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), Rubisco, total proteins (TP), proline (Pr), glycine-betaine (GB), phenols, antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation were determined in all treatments. Results showed a higher number of new shoots, leaves and percentage of closed stomata in the flooded plantlets, while plantlet height, number of roots, stomatal density, and dry matter were higher in the control treatment. Regarding, chlorophyll, carotenoid, PEP and Rubisco contents decreased in the flooded treatments, while TP and phenol contents were higher in the partially submerged treatment. Antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation increased in the fully submerged treatment. Pr and GB contents did not show changes in any of the evaluated treatments. Stress induced by excess water in a double layer in vitro is an alternative method to determining physiological and biochemical mechanisms of tolerance to hypoxia and anoxia caused by flooding for breeding programs in sugarcane.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental gradients cause evolutionary and developmental changes in the cellular composition of organisms, but the physiological consequences of these effects are not well understood. Here, we studied experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster that had evolved in one of three selective regimes: constant 16 °C, constant 25 °C, or intergenerational shifts between 16 °C and 25 °C. Genotypes from each population were reared at three developmental temperatures (16 °C, 20.5 °C, and 25 °C). As adults, we measured thorax length and cell sizes in the Malpighian tubules and wing epithelia of flies from each combination of evolutionary and developmental temperatures. We also exposed flies from these treatments to a short period of nearly complete oxygen deprivation to measure hypoxia tolerance. For genotypes from any selective regime, development at a higher temperature resulted in smaller flies with smaller cells, regardless of the tissue. At every developmental temperature, genotypes from the warm selective regime had smaller bodies and smaller wing cells but had larger tubule cells than did genotypes from the cold selective regime. Genotypes from the fluctuating selective regime were similar in size to those from the cold selective regime, but their cells of either tissue were the smallest among the three regimes. Evolutionary and developmental treatments interactively affected a fly\'s sensitivity to short-term paralyzing hypoxia. Genotypes from the cold selective regime were less sensitive to hypoxia after developing at a higher temperature. Genotypes from the other selective regimes were more sensitive to hypoxia after developing at a higher temperature. Our results show that thermal conditions can trigger evolutionary and developmental shifts in cell size, coupled with changes in body size and hypoxia tolerance. These patterns suggest links between the cellular composition of the body, levels of hypoxia within cells, and the energetic cost of tissue maintenance. However, the patterns can be only partially explained by existing theories about the role of cell size in tissue oxygenation and metabolic performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and throughout the world. While there are different techniques for reducing or preventing the impact of heart disease, nitric oxide (NO) is administered as nitroglycerin for reversing angina or chest pain. Unfortunately, due to its gaseous and short-lived half-life, NO can be difficult to study or even administer. Therefore, controlled delivery of NO is desirable for therapeutic use. In the current study, the goal was to fabricate NO-releasing microspheres (MSs) using a donor molecule, S-Nitroso-N-Acetyl penicillamine, (SNAP), and encapsulating it in poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) using a single-emulsion technique that can provide sustained delivery of NO to cells over time without posing any toxicity risks. Optimization of the fabrication process was performed by varying the duration of homogenization (5, 10, and 20 min) and its effect on entrapment efficiency and size. The optimized SNAP-MS had an entrapment efficiency of ˃50%. Furthermore, we developed a modified method for NO detection by using NO microsensors to detect the NO release from SNAP-MSs in real time, showing sustained release behavior. The fabricated SNAP-MSs were tested for biocompatibility with HUVECs (human umbilical vein endothelial cells), which were found to be biocompatible. Lastly, we tested the effect of controlled NO delivery to human induced pluripotent stem-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) via SNAP-MSs, which showed a significant improvement in the electrophysiological parameters and alleviated anoxic stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In oxygen (O2)-controlled cell culture, an indispensable tool in biological research, it is presumed that the incubator setpoint equals the O2 tension experienced by cells (i.e., pericellular O2). However, it is discovered that physioxic (5% O2) and hypoxic (1% O2) setpoints regularly induce anoxic (0% O2) pericellular tensions in both adherent and suspension cell cultures. Electron transport chain inhibition ablates this effect, indicating that cellular O2 consumption is the driving factor. RNA-seq analysis revealed that primary human hepatocytes cultured in physioxia experience ischemia-reperfusion injury due to cellular O2 consumption. A reaction-diffusion model is developed to predict pericellular O2 tension a priori, demonstrating that the effect of cellular O2 consumption has the greatest impact in smaller volume culture vessels. By controlling pericellular O2 tension in cell culture, it is found that hypoxia vs. anoxia induce distinct breast cancer transcriptomic and translational responses, including modulation of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway and metabolic reprogramming. Collectively, these findings indicate that breast cancer cells respond non-monotonically to low O2, suggesting that anoxic cell culture is not suitable for modeling hypoxia. Furthermore, it is shown that controlling atmospheric O2 tension in cell culture incubators is insufficient to regulate O2 in cell culture, thus introducing the concept of pericellular O2-controlled cell culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crucian carp (Carassius carassius), a freshwater fish, can survive chronic anoxia for several months at low temperatures. Consequently, anoxia-related physiological and biochemical adaptations in this species have been studied for more than half a century. Still, despite for the well-known role of protein phosphorylation in regulating cellular processes, no studies have comprehensively characterized the phosphoproteome in crucian carp. In this study, we report the global phosphoproteome in crucian carp brain and liver during anoxia and reoxygenation. By applying a bottom-up proteomic approach on enriched phosphopeptides we found that the brain phosphoproteome shows surprisingly few changes during anoxia-reoxygenation exposure with only 109 out of 4200 phosphopeptides being differentially changed compared to normoxic controls. By contrast, in the liver 395 out of 1287 phosphopeptides changed. Although most changes occurred in the liver phosphoproteome, the pattern of changes indicated metabolic depression and decreased translation in both brain and liver. We also found changes in phosphoproteins involved in apoptotic regulation and reactive oxygen species handling in both tissues. In the brain, some of the most changed phosphopeptides belonged to proteins involved in central nervous system development and neuronal activity at the synaptic cleft. Changed phosphoproteins specific for liver tissue were related to glucose metabolism, such as glycolytic flux and glycogenolysis. In conclusion, protein phosphorylation in response to anoxia and reoxygenation showed both common and tissue-specific changes related to the functional differences between brain and liver.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Oxygen concentration is a key characteristic of the fruit storage environment determining shelf life and fruit quality. The aim of the work was to identify cell wall components that are related to the response to low oxygen conditions in fruit and to determine the effects of such conditions on the ripening process. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruits at different stages of the ripening process were stored in an anoxic and hypoxic environment, at 0% and 5% oxygen concentrations, respectively. We used comprehensive and comparative methods: from microscopic immunolabelling and estimation of enzymatic activities to detailed molecular approaches. Changes in the composition of extensin, arabinogalactan proteins, rhamnogalacturonan-I, low methyl-esterified homogalacturonan, and high methyl-esterified homogalacturonan were analysed.
    RESULTS: In-depth molecular analyses showed that low oxygen stress affected the cell wall composition, i.e. changes in protein content, a significantly modified in situ distribution of low methyl-esterified homogalacturonan, appearance of callose deposits, disturbed native activities of β-1,3-glucanase, endo-β-1,4-glucanase, and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), and disruptions in molecular parameters of single cell wall components. Taken together, the data obtained indicate that less significant changes were observed in fruit in the breaker stage than in the case of the red ripe stage. The first symptoms of changes were noted after 24 h, but only after 72 h, more crucial deviations were visible. The 5% oxygen concentration slows down the ripening process and 0% oxygen accelerates the changes taking place during ripening.
    CONCLUSIONS: The observed molecular reset occurring in tomato cell walls in hypoxic and anoxic conditions seems to be a result of regulatory and protective mechanisms modulating ripening processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is currently insufficient acknowledgment of the relationship between fish welfare and ultimate fillet quality. The purpose of this study was to assess the impacts of pre-slaughter handling and stocking density as fish welfare markers on fillet quality of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Fish from three stocking densities of 35, 50, and 65 kg·m-3 were reared in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for 12 weeks and received commercial feed. Ultimately, the fish were either stunned with percussion on the head (control group) or subjected to air exposure for 3 min (anoxia group) before stunning and subsequent collection of blood and fillet samples. Western blot analysis revealed the degradation of actin in both groups. Additionally, higher oxidation progress and lower hardness and pH were observed in anoxia compared to the control group. We observed higher hardness at 35 kg·m-3 in anoxia compared to 50 and 65 km-3. The initial hardness values at 35, 50, and 65 km-3 were 1073, 841, and 813 (g) respectively in the anoxia group. Furthermore, the anoxia and control groups had rigor mortis after 6 and 10 h, respectively. Cortisol and glucose levels, and oxidative enzymes activity were higher in anoxia than in the control group. In conclusion, oxidation induced by anoxia likely plays a crucial role as a promoter of the quality deterioration of largemouth bass fillets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neonatal oxygen deficiency in rats may disturb growth and long-term metabolic homeostasis. In order to facilitate metabolic evaluation, the subjects are usually housed individually. However, social isolation associated with individually housed conditions alters animal behavior, which may influence the experimental results. This study investigated the effects of social isolation on neonatal anoxia-induced changes in growth and energy metabolism. Male and female Wistar rats were exposed, on postnatal day 2 (P2), to either 25-min of anoxia or control treatment. From P27 onward, part of the subjects of each group was isolated in standard cages, and the remaining subjects were housed in groups. At P34 or P95, the subjects were fasted for 18 h, refeed for 1 h, and then perfused 30 min later. Glycemia, leptin, insulin, and morphology of the pancreas were evaluated at both ages. For subjects perfused at P95, body weight and food intake were recorded up to P90, and the brain was collected for Fos and NeuN immunohistochemistry. Results showed that male rats exposed to neonatal anoxia and social isolation exhibited increased body weight gain despite the lack of changes in food intake. In addition, social isolation (1) decreased post-fasting weight loss and post-fasting food intake and (2) increased glycemia, insulin, and leptin levels of male and female rats exposed to anoxia and control treatments, both at P35 and P95. Furthermore, although at P35, anoxia increased insulin levels of males, it decreased the area of the β-positive cells in the pancreas of females. At P95, anoxia increased post-prandial weight loss of males, post-fasting food intake, insulin, and leptin, and decreased Fos expression in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of males and females. Hyperphagia was associated with possible resistance to leptin and insulin, suspected by the high circulating levels of these hormones and poor neuronal activation of ARC. This study demonstrated that continuous social isolation from weaning modifies, in a differentiated way, the long-term energy metabolism and growth of male and female Wistar rats exposed to neonatal anoxia or even control treatments. Therefore, social isolation should be considered as a factor that negatively influences experimental results and the outcomes of the neonatal injury. These results should also be taken into account in clinical procedures, since the used model simulates the preterm babies\' conditions and some therapeutic approaches require isolation.





