anorexia nervosa (an)

神经性厌食症 (AN)
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: End-of-life (EOL) care is the part of palliative care intended for persons nearing death. In anorexia nervosa (AN), providing EOL care instead of coercing life-sustaining measures is controversial. The existing literature has not been synthesized yet. To clearly delineate differing views and identify open questions as well as areas of possible consensus, we conducted the first-ever synthesis of the existing literature.
    METHODS: We searched EMBASE, PubMed, PsycInfo, and Web of Science for scientific publications on forgoing coerced life-sustaining measures and/or providing EOL care for persons with AN who refuse life-sustaining measures, typically artificial nutrition. Palliative care outside of the EOL context and medical assistance in dying were not reviewed. As very little quantitative studies were identified, we qualitatively analyzed conceptual questions, ethical reasoning, legal aspects, stakeholder attitudes, practical aspects, stakeholder needs, and outcome.
    RESULTS: We identified 117 eligible publications from 1984 to 2023, mainly case reports (n=26 different cases) and ethical analyses. Conceptualizations of key terms such as terminality, futility, and decision-making capacity (DMC) in AN varied widely and were often value-laden and circular. Ethical reasoning centered on weighing the preservation of life versus quality of life in the context of uncertainty about DMC and likelihood of clinical remission. Studies on stakeholder attitudes reflected this challenge. In some cases, courts ruled against coerced life-sustaining measures and/or in favor of EOL care for persons with AN. While eligibility criteria were contested, recommendations for deliberating about and providing EOL care were consistent. We identified only one study on stakeholder needs and none on outcome. Case reports described quality of life under EOL care as good and death as the most frequent outcome but engagement in voluntary treatment and (partial) clinical remission in some.
    CONCLUSIONS: The debate around EOL care in AN needs consented, coherent terminology whose value base is reduced to a minimum and made transparent. While more empirical research into decision-making in AN and predictors of outcome might help reduce uncertainty, fundamental normative questions need to be addressed, for example regarding the ethico-legal significance of treatment refusals, the weighing of quantity versus quality of life and the appropriateness of diagnosis-based ethico-legal exceptionalism such as hard paternalism. More research is needed on outcome of and stakeholder needs in EOL care for persons with AN.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is often accompanied by numerous medical complications and mental disorders. There are few specialized AN facilities in Japan, resulting in the unmet medical needs of patients with AN. A 37-year-old Japanese woman was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a disturbance of consciousness. Her body mass index was 10.2 kg/m2. She developed the following serious medical concomitants associated with extremely severe AN: hypothermia, shock liver, refractory hypoglycemia, acute gastric mucosal bleeding, gelatinous marrow transformation, catheter-related bloodstream infection and infective endocarditis due to β-lactamase-negative Staphylococcus aureus, aspiration pneumonia, intracranial hemorrhage, candidemia, and osmotic demyelination syndrome in the pons, which led to a fatal condition that quickly worsened after we started treatment. The patient was able to overcome several serious concomitants and be discharged from the hospital after multidisciplinary treatment team care. AN is associated with increased rates of all-cause mortality. It is important to take an interdisciplinary approach with emergency physicians, intensivists, hematologists, gastroenterologists, psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, a nutrition support team with a nationally registered nutritionist and hospitalists, and hospitalization as required based on appropriate medical evaluation with good patient and family rapport. Furthermore, social and educational efforts aimed at preventing the development of AN are necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anorexia nervosa (AN) has a multifaceted and complex pathology, yet major gaps remain in our understanding of factors involved in AN pathology. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play a regulatory role in translating genes into proteins and help understand and treat diseases. An extensive literature review on miRNAs with AN and comorbidities has uncovered a significant lack in miRNA research. To demonstrate the importance of understanding miRNA deregulation, we surveyed the literature on depression and obesity providing examples of relevant miRNAs. For AN, no miRNA sequencing or array studies have been found, unlike other psychiatric disorders. For depression and obesity, screenings and mechanistic studies were conducted, leading to clinical studies to improve understanding of their regulatory influences. MiRNAs are promising targets for studying AN due to their role as signaling molecules, involvement in psychiatric-metabolic axes, and potential as biomarkers. These characteristics offer valuable insights into the disease\'s etiology and potential new treatment options. The first miRNA-based treatment for rare metabolic disorders has been approved by the FDA and it is expected that these advancements will increase in the next decade. MiRNA research in AN is essential to examine its role in the development, manifestation, and progression of the disease. PUBLIC SIGNIFICANCE: The current understanding of the development and treatment of AN is insufficient. miRNAs are short regulatory sequences that influence the translation of genes into proteins. They are the subject of research in various diseases, including both metabolic and psychiatric disorders. Studying miRNAs in AN may elucidate their causal and regulatory role, uncover potential biomarkers, and allow for future targeted treatments.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diet-induced thermogenesis, influenced primarily by protein intake, generates energy from food. Herein, we present the case of anorexia nervosa in a 30-year-old woman, who developed intermittent fever while transitioning from continuous to intermittent tube feeding, with an increase in protein intake. Extensive investigations ruled out infection- or drug-related causes, indicating that intermittent fever resulted from diet-induced thermogenesis due to high protein administration. Recognizing the potential for diet-induced thermogenesis in cases of fever during tube feeding is crucial to avoid unnecessary antibiotic use and prevent the discontinuation of essential medications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Chronic starvation and its associated metabolic derangements are known to have dangerous cardiovascular implications in the long term, but less is known about the cardiovascular consequences of acute starvation, such as in the context of a hunger strike. This case describes a patient who presented with signs and symptoms of acute coronary syndrome which began two weeks into a hunger strike and was ultimately found to have stress cardiomyopathy with complete resolution on subsequent imaging.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Exploration of client identity negotiations during treatment for Anorexia Nervosa (AN) is a relatively new area of research. Research suggests that difficulties with identity negotiations may present as a barrier to treatment. This study sought to explore individuals\' identity negotiations during therapy sessions using Compulsive Exercise Activity Therapy (LEAP) combined with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa (CBT-AN). Analysis focused on moments in therapy where individuals\' identities were dominated or defined by AN and where alternative identities could be generated.
    METHODS: 40 in-session transcripts from sessions at early, mid and end points of the CBT-AN (with LEAP) treatment were qualitatively analysed for nine of the 78 participants in the original randomised control trial. Through a constructivist framework, thematic analysis was used to identify surface and latent meanings and discursive material participants used to negotiate their identities in the context of therapy sessions.
    RESULTS: Analysis of in-therapy transcripts generated two themes pertaining to identity negotiations: (1) troubled identities and (2) rebuilding identities and lives outside of AN. Early therapy sessions explored fragmented and AN dominated identities, including how AN was troubling to participants\' sense of self, contributed to conflicted identities, positioned them outside of normality, and was associated with isolated and othering identities. Within therapy sessions, participants engaged in a recursive process of shifting relationships with AN and themselves and building identities and lives outside of the AN identity. This included generating hopes for recovery and the future more frequently in mid- to late- therapy sessions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Identity negotiations evident in the therapeutic conversations aligned with the key components of the CBT-AN intervention, including addressing (1) the characterisation of oneself as \'an anorexic\' and (2) the diversification of roles and activities to broaden and enhance self-concepts. Future developments of therapeutic interventions for AN would benefit from greater consideration of ways to assist individuals to more comprehensively address problematic identities, including uncovering identities hidden by the AN identity and generating preferred identities.
    BACKGROUND: Ethics approval was obtained at the time of the initial study and for this embedded research by the HREC at the Western Sydney University (HR777332).
    Current psychological therapies for Anorexia Nervosa (AN) have recently identified that the sense of AN as part of a person’s identity, or who they understand themselves to be, may pose barriers for treatment. In this study, therapy session transcripts from previous research using Compulsive Exercise Activity Therapy (LEAP) combined with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for AN (CBT-AN) were thematically analysed to explore participants’ experiences of identity shifts in-session. Particular attention was paid to moments in therapy where individuals’ identities were heavily influenced by AN and moments where alternative and preferred identities were generated. Outcomes from this study suggested that the process of participants negotiating their identities outside of AN was a gradual and repeated one throughout treatment, which involved building hopes for recovery and a future less dominated by AN. Findings from this research support the need for future treatments to broaden their scope to more comprehensively explore changes in identity during intervention, particularly in building new identities outside of the AN identity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Eating disorders and food ingestion (EDs) are serious mental illnesses with a higher prevalence in young adults, with difficult diagnoses that cause serious morbidity and mortality problems. There is not much information about the risk of positive screening for EDs, specifically, anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) and night eating syndrome (NES) in undergraduate medical interns (UMI) and medical residents (MR) in Mexico.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the risk of AN, BN and NES and to determine the risk factors of such conditions such as age, body mass index (BMI) and gender of MR and UMI with AN/BN and NES at four private hospitals in northeastern Mexico.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional, descriptive, non-randomized survey in MR and UMI in four hospitals in Northeastern Mexico was conducted using an electronic questionnaire that included: informed consent signature, SCOFF questionnaire for AN and BN screening, NES questionnaire. Also, a survey on general sociodemographic data of each participant was included. Chi-square test and a logistic regression model were computed for analyses.
    RESULTS: The population included a total of 129 MR and UMI. It was observed that 48.8% were positive for AN or BN and 32.6% were positive for the NES. There was no difference between age, sex, BMI, or medical specialty (if they were MR); however, MR from the first year had a higher risk of AN or BN (OR 23.7, 95% CI 1.181-475.266).
    CONCLUSIONS: There was a higher risk of positive screening for AN or BN and NES in UMI and MR in our population. In the case of MR, those in first year have a higher risk of AN and BN. Timely diagnosis and treatment are mandatory in this population.
    Eating disorders and food ingestion such as anorexia (AN) or bulimia (BN) nervosa and night eating syndrome (NES) are a group of mental illnesses that are frequently under diagnosed. Medical residents (MR) and undergraduate medical interns (UMI) are a high-risk population for such disorders due to their young age, stress environments, erratic eating patterns and long working hours. The aim of this study was to determine the risk of AN, BN and NES and to determine the risk factors of such conditions. One hundred twenty-nine UMI and MR were studied and showed that 48.8% were positive for AN or BN and 32.6% were positive for NES. MR in the first year of medical residency had a higher risk. Timely diagnosis and treatment are mandatory in this population.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case report highlights a concerning and complex case of a middle-aged female presenting with severe malabsorption, diarrhea, and subsequent malnutrition. The patient\'s weight dramatically dropped from 85 lbs to 50 lbs over the course of two to four months. The medical history included ongoing pancreatitis, esophageal ulcers, and previous surgeries for a dermoid cyst in the brain and cervical neoplasia. Upon admission to the hospital, the patient received total parenteral nutrition (TPN) on the first day, but this led to delirium due to refeeding syndrome. Refeeding syndrome is a well-known condition that can occur when malnourished individuals receive too much nutrition too quickly, causing metabolic imbalances and potentially serious complications. Subsequently, during the second hospitalization, the patient did not receive TPN but was instead administered 5% dextrose with 20 mEq of potassium chloride (KCl). Unfortunately, her condition worsened, leading to multiorgan failure. During the third hospitalization, TPN was reintroduced under consultation and hospitalist evaluation, and the patient\'s symptoms improved. Overall, this case report outlines a complex case with multiple medical issues, including severe malnutrition, which required careful management and consideration of the patient\'s unique needs. It underscores the importance of cautious nutritional support for severely malnourished individuals to avoid complications such as refeeding syndrome. The case also emphasizes the value of interdisciplinary collaboration and continuous monitoring to achieve successful outcomes in such complex situations.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There is insufficient data on the prevalence and consequences of eating disorders in Type 2 diabetic patients.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the presence of eating disorders (ED) and their association with glycaemic control and metabolic parameters in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study on 145 patients was conducted in the medicine outpatient unit of HAHC Hospital, Jamia Hamdard tertiary care center. The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) was used to screen for ED in adults with T2DM. The Score of less than 20 and more than 30 on EAT-26 questionnaire was defined as control for participants and relevant medical details like duration of treatment, glycaemic control, complications were recorded.
    RESULTS: A total of 145 diabetic individuals participated in this study. Out of these, 17.3% of individuals with T2DM screened positive for ED on EAT-26 scale and had a significant positive correlation in <20 groups and a significant negative correlation in >30 groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study reveals that eating disorders are not very common in our clinical population of T2DM, the prevalence rates of eating disorders are lower in patients with T2DM than those reported from developed western countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New recommendations for the assessment of malnutrition and sarcopenia include body composition, specifically reduced muscle mass. Three-dimensional optical imaging (3DO) is a validated, accessible, and affordable alternative to dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
    Identify strengths and weaknesses of 3DO for identification of malnutrition in participants with low body mass index (BMI) and eating disorders.
    Participants were enrolled in the cross-sectional Shape Up! Adults and Kids studies of body shape, metabolic risk, and functional assessment and had BMI of <20 kg/m2 in adults or <85% of median BMI (mBMI) in children and adolescents. A subset was referred for eating disorders evaluation. Anthropometrics, scans, strength testing, and questionnaires were completed in clinical research centers. Lin\'s Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) assessed agreement between 3DO and DXA; multivariate linear regression analysis examined associations between weight history and body composition.
    Among 95 participants, mean ± SD BMI was 18.3 ± 1.4 kg/m2 in adult women (N = 56), 19.0 ± 0.6 in men (N = 14), and 84.2% ± 4.1% mBMI in children (N = 25). Concordance was excellent for fat-free mass (FFM, CCC = 0.97) and strong for appendicular lean mass (ALM, CCC = 0.86) and fat mass (FM, CCC = 0.87). By DXA, 80% of adults met the low FFM index criterion for malnutrition, and 44% met low ALM for sarcopenia; 52% of children and adolescents were <-2 z-score for FM. 3DO identified 95% of these cases. In the subset, greater weight loss predicted lower FFM, FM, and ALM by both methods; a greater percentage of weight regained predicted a higher percentage of body fat.
    3DO can accurately estimate body composition in participants with low BMI and identify criteria for malnutrition and sarcopenia. In a subset, 3DO detected changes in body composition expected with weight loss and regain secondary to eating disorders. These findings support the utility of 3DO for body composition assessment in patients with low BMI, including those with eating disorders. This trial was registered at as NCT03637855.





