
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Deletion or mutation of members of the spectrin gene family contributes to many neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders. While each spectrinopathy may generate distinct neuropathology, the study of βΙ spectrin\'s role (Sptb) in the brain has been hampered by the hematologic consequences of its loss.
    UNASSIGNED: Jaundiced mice (ja/ja) that lack βΙ spectrin suffer a rapidly fatal hemolytic anemia. We have used exchange transfusion of newborn ja/ja mice to blunt their hemolytic pathology, enabling an examination of βΙ spectrin deficiency in the mature mouse brain by ultrastructural and biochemical analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: βΙ spectrin is widely utilized throughout the brain as the βΙΣ2 isoform; it appears by postnatal day 8, and concentrates in the CA1,3 region of the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, cerebellar granule layer, cortical layer 2, medial habenula, and ventral thalamus. It is present in a subset of dendrites and absent in white matter. Without βΙ spectrin there is a 20% reduction in postsynaptic density size in the granule layer of the cerebellum, a selective loss of ankyrinR in cerebellar granule neurons, and a reduction in the level of the postsynaptic adhesion molecule NCAM. While we find no substitution of another spectrin for βΙ at dendrites or synapses, there is curiously enhanced βΙV spectrin expression in the ja/ja brain.
    UNASSIGNED: βΙΣ2 spectrin appears to be essential for refining postsynaptic structures through interactions with ankyrinR and NCAM. We speculate that it may play additional roles yet to be discovered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transmembrane channel-like (TMC) proteins are expressed throughout the animal kingdom and are thought to encode components of ion channels. Mammals express eight TMCs (mTMC1-8), two of which (mTMC1 and mTMC2) are subunits of mechanotransduction channels. C. elegans expresses two TMCs (TMC-1 and TMC-2), which mediate mechanosensation, egg laying, and alkaline sensing. The mechanisms by which nematode TMCs contribute to such diverse physiological processes and their functional relationship to mammalian mTMCs is unclear. Here, we show that association with accessory proteins tunes nematode TMC-1 to divergent sensory functions. In addition, distinct TMC-1 domains enable touch and alkaline sensing. Strikingly, these domains are segregated in mammals between mTMC1 and mTMC3. Consistent with these findings, mammalian mTMC1 can mediate mechanosensation in nematodes, while mTMC3 can mediate alkaline sensation. We conclude that sequence diversification and association with accessory proteins has led to the emergence of TMC protein complexes with diverse properties and physiological functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dysfunction in sodium channels and their ankyrin scaffolding partners have both been implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In particular, the genes SCN2A, which encodes the sodium channel NaV1.2, and ANK2, which encodes ankyrin-B, have strong ASD association. Recent studies indicate that ASD-associated haploinsufficiency in Scn2a impairs dendritic excitability and synaptic function in neocortical pyramidal cells, but how NaV1.2 is anchored within dendritic regions is unknown. Here, we show that ankyrin-B is essential for scaffolding NaV1.2 to the dendritic membrane of mouse neocortical neurons and that haploinsufficiency of Ank2 phenocopies intrinsic dendritic excitability and synaptic deficits observed in Scn2a+/- conditions. These results establish a direct, convergent link between two major ASD risk genes and reinforce an emerging framework suggesting that neocortical pyramidal cell dendritic dysfunction can contribute to neurodevelopmental disorder pathophysiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postnatal regulation of dendritic spine formation and refinement in cortical pyramidal neurons is critical for excitatory/inhibitory balance in neocortical networks. Recent studies have identified a selective spine pruning mechanism in the mouse prefrontal cortex mediated by class 3 Semaphorins and the L1 cell adhesion molecules, neuron-glia related cell adhesion molecule, Close Homolog of L1, and L1. L1 cell adhesion molecules bind Ankyrin B, an actin-spectrin adaptor encoded by Ankyrin2, a high-confidence gene for autism spectrum disorder. In a new inducible mouse model (Nex1Cre-ERT2: Ank2flox: RCE), Ankyrin2 deletion in early postnatal pyramidal neurons increased spine density on apical dendrites in prefrontal cortex layer 2/3 of homozygous and heterozygous Ankyrin2-deficient mice. In contrast, Ankyrin2 deletion in adulthood had no effect on spine density. Sema3F-induced spine pruning was impaired in cortical neuron cultures from Ankyrin B-null mice and was rescued by re-expression of the 220 kDa Ankyrin B isoform but not 440 kDa Ankyrin B. Ankyrin B bound to neuron-glia related CAM at a cytoplasmic domain motif (FIGQY1231), and mutation to FIGQH inhibited binding, impairing Sema3F-induced spine pruning in neuronal cultures. Identification of a novel function for Ankyrin B in dendritic spine regulation provides insight into cortical circuit development, as well as potential molecular deficiencies in autism spectrum disorder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rare genetic variants in ANK2, which encodes ankyrin-B, are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs); however, their pathogenesis is poorly understood. We find that mice with prenatal deletion in cortical excitatory neurons and oligodendrocytes (Ank2-/-:Emx1-Cre), but not with adolescent deletion in forebrain excitatory neurons (Ank2-/-:CaMKIIα-Cre), display severe spontaneous seizures, increased mortality, hyperactivity, and social deficits. Calcium imaging of cortical slices from Ank2-/-:Emx1-Cre mice shows increased neuronal calcium event amplitude and frequency, along with network hyperexcitability and hypersynchrony. Quantitative proteomic analysis of cortical synaptic membranes reveals upregulation of dendritic spine plasticity-regulatory proteins and downregulation of intermediate filaments. Characterization of the ankyrin-B interactome identifies interactors associated with autism and epilepsy risk factors and synaptic proteins. The AMPA receptor antagonist, perampanel, restores cortical neuronal activity and partially rescues survival in Ank2-/-:Emx1-Cre mice. Our findings suggest that synaptic proteome alterations resulting from Ank2 deletion impair neuronal activity and synchrony, leading to NDDs-related behavioral impairments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    γ-Band oscillations (GBOs) are generated by fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs) and are critical for cognitive functions. Abnormalities in GBOs are frequently observed in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and are strongly correlated with cognitive impairment. However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Studying GBOs in ex vivo preparations is challenging because of high energy demands and the need for continuous oxygen delivery to the tissue. As a result, GBOs are typically studied in brain tissue from very young animals or in experimental setups that maximize oxygen supply but compromise spatial resolution. Thus, there is a limited understanding of how GBOs interact within and between different brain structures and in brain tissue from mature animals. To address these limitations, we have developed a novel approach for studying GBOs in ex vivo hippocampal slices from mature animals, using 60-channel, perforated microelectrode arrays (pMEAs). pMEAs enhance oxygen delivery and increase spatial resolution in electrophysiological recordings, enabling comprehensive analyses of GBO synchronization within discrete brain structures. We found that transecting the Schaffer collaterals, a neural pathway within the hippocampus, impairs GBO coherence between CA1 and CA3 subfields. Furthermore, we validated our approach by studying GBO coherence in an Ank3 mutant mouse model exhibiting inhibitory synaptic dysfunction. We discovered that GBO coherence remains intact in the CA3 subfield of these mutant mice but is impaired within and between the CA1 subfield. Overall, our approach offers significant potential to characterize GBOs in ex vivo brain sections of animal models, enhancing our understanding of network dysfunction in psychiatric disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vertically transmitted (VT) microbial symbionts play a vital role in the evolution of their insect hosts. A longstanding question in symbiont research is what genes help promote long-term stability of vertically transmitted lifestyles. Symbiont success in insect hosts is due in part to expression of beneficial or manipulative phenotypes that favor symbiont persistence in host populations. In Spiroplasma, these phenotypes have been linked to toxin and virulence domains among a few related strains. However, these domains also appear frequently in phylogenetically distant Spiroplasma, and little is known about their distribution across the Spiroplasma genus. In this study, we present the complete genome sequence of the Spiroplasma symbiont of Drosophila atripex, a non-manipulating member of the Ixodetis clade of Spiroplasma, for which genomic data are still limited. We perform a genus-wide comparative analysis of toxin domains implicated in defensive and reproductive phenotypes. From 12 VT and 31 non-VT Spiroplasma genomes, ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs), OTU-like cysteine proteases (OTUs), ankyrins, and ETX/MTX2 domains show high propensity for VT Spiroplasma compared to non-VT Spiroplasma. Specifically, OTU and ankyrin domains can be found only in VT-Spiroplasma, and RIP domains are found in all VT Spiroplasma and three non-VT Spiroplasma. These domains are frequently associated with Spiroplasma plasmids, suggesting a possible mechanism for dispersal and maintenance among heritable strains. Searching insect genome assemblies available on public databases uncovered uncharacterized Spiroplasma genomes from which we identified several spaid-like genes encoding RIP, OTU, and ankyrin domains, suggesting functional interactions among those domain types. Our results suggest a conserved core of symbiont domains play an important role in the evolution and persistence of VT Spiroplasma in insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel function for the L1 cell adhesion molecule, which binds the actin adaptor protein Ankyrin was identified in constraining dendritic spine density on pyramidal neurons in the mouse neocortex. In an L1-null mouse mutant increased spine density was observed on apical but not basal dendrites of pyramidal neurons in diverse cortical areas (prefrontal cortex layer 2/3, motor cortex layer 5, visual cortex layer 4. The Ankyrin binding motif (FIGQY) in the L1 cytoplasmic domain was critical for spine regulation, as demonstrated by increased spine density and altered spine morphology in the prefrontal cortex of a mouse knock-in mutant (L1YH) harboring a tyrosine (Y) to histidine (H) mutation in the FIGQY motif, which disrupted L1-Ankyrin association. This mutation is a known variant in the human L1 syndrome of intellectual disability. L1 was localized by immunofluorescence staining to spine heads and dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons. L1 coimmunoprecipitated with Ankyrin B (220 kDa isoform) from lysates of wild type but not L1YH forebrain. This study provides insight into the molecular mechanism of spine regulation and underscores the potential for this adhesion molecule to regulate cognitive and other L1-related functions that are abnormal in the L1 syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emerging and ongoing outbreak of human monkeypox (hMPX) in 2022 is a serious global threat. An understanding of the evolution of the monkeypox virus (MPXV) at the single-gene level may provide clues for exploring the unique aspects of the current outbreak: rapidly expanding and sustained human-to-human transmission. For the current investigation, alleles of 156 MPXV coding genes (which account for >95% of the genomic sequence) have been gathered from roughly 1,500 isolates, including those responsible for the previous outbreaks. Using a range of molecular evolution approaches, we demonstrated that intra-species homologous recombination has a negligible effect on MPXV evolution. Despite the fact that the majority of the MPXV genes (64.10%) were subjected to negative selection at the whole gene level, 10 MPXV coding genes (MPXVgp004, 010, 012, 014, 044, 098, 138, 178, 188, and 191) were found to have a total of 15 codons or amino acid sites that are known to evolve under positive Darwinian selection. Except for MPXVgp138, almost all of these genes encode proteins that interact with the host. Of these, five ankyrin proteins (MPXVgp004, 010, 012, 178, and 188) and one Bcl-2-like protein (MPXVgp014) are involved in poxviruses\' host range determination. We discovered that the majority (80%) of positive amino acid substitutions emerged several decades ago, indicating that these sites have been under constant selection pressure and that more adaptable alleles have been circulating in the natural reservoir. This finding was also supported by the minimum spanning networks of the gene alleles. The three positive amino acid substitutions (T/A426V in MPXVgp010, A423D in MPXVgp012, and S105L in MPXVgp191) appeared in 2019 or 2022, indicating that they would be crucial for the virus\' eventual adaptation to humans. Protein modeling suggests that positive amino acid substitutions may affect protein functions in a variety of ways. Further study should focus on revealing the biological effects of positive amino acid substitutions in the genes for viral adaptation to humans, virulence, transmission, and so on. Our study advances knowledge of MPXV\'s adaptive mechanism and provides insights for exploring factors that are responsible for the unique aspects of the current outbreak.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS) is a common cause of hemolytic anemia varying from mild to severe hemolysis due to defects in red cell membrane protein genes, namely ANK1, SPTB, SPTA1, SLC4A1, and EPB42. These genes are considerably very large spaning 40-50 exons making gene-by-gene analysis costly and laborious by conventional methods. In this study, we explored 26 HS patients harboring 21 ANK1 variants identified by next-generation sequencing (NGS), characteristics and spectrum of the detected ANK1variants were analyzed in this study. Clinically, all the HS patients showed moderate to severe transfusion-dependent hemolytic anemia, some requiring splenectomy. We identified 13 novel and 8 reported variants, mainly 9 frameshifts, 2 missense, 6 nonsense, and 4 splice site ANK1 variants, using NGS technology. Frameshifts were remarkably the most common variant type seen in Indian HS patients with ANK1 gene defects. We have also explored expression levels of red cell membrane ankyrin protein by flow cytometry in 14 HS patients with ANK1 gene defects and a significant reduction in ankyrin protein expression has been found. This report mainly illustrates the molecular and phenotypic heterogeneity of ANK1 variants causing HS in Indian patients. Ankyrin-1 mutations are a significant cause of loss of function in dominant HS in the Indian population. Comprehensive genetic and phenotypic evaluation assists in implementing the knowledge of genetic patterns and spectrum of ANK1 gene variants, providing molecular support for HS diagnosis.





