anion conductance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies in human colonic cell lines and murine intestine suggest the presence of a Ca2+-activated anion channel, presumably TMEM16a. Is there a potential for fluid secretion in patients with severe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations by activating this alternative pathway? Two-dimensional nondifferentiated colonoid-myofibroblast cocultures resembling transit amplifying/progenitor (TA/PE) cells, as well as differentiated monolayer (DM) cultures resembling near-surface cells, were established from both healthy controls (HLs) and patients with severe functional defects in the CFTR gene (PwCF). F508del mutant and CFTR knockout (null) mice ileal and colonic mucosa was also studied. HL TA/PE monolayers displayed a robust short-circuit current response (ΔIeq) to UTP (100 µM), forskolin (Fsk, 10 µM) and carbachol (CCH, 100 µM), while ΔIeq was much smaller in differentiated monolayers. The selective TMEM16a inhibitor Ani9 (up to 30 µM) did not alter the response to luminal UTP, significantly decreased Fsk-induced ΔIeq, and significantly increased CCH-induced ΔIeq in HL TA/PE colonoid monolayers. The PwCF TA/PE and the PwCF differentiated monolayers displayed negligible agonist-induced ΔIeq, without a significant effect of Ani9. When TMEM16a was localized in intracellular structures, a staining in the apical membrane was not detected. TMEM16a is highly expressed in human colonoid monolayers resembling transit amplifying cells of the colonic cryptal neck zone, from both HL and PwCF. While it may play a role in modulating agonist-induced CFTR-mediated anion currents, it is not localized in the apical membrane, and it has no function as an apical anion channel in cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy human colonic epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our recent electrophysiological analysis of mouse retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells revealed that in the presence of 10 mM external thiocyanate (SCN-), voltage steps generated large transient currents whose time-dependent decay most likely results from the accumulation or depletion of SCN- intracellularly. In the present study, we investigated the effects of more physiologically relevant concentrations of this biologically active anion. In whole cell recordings of C57BL/6J mouse RPE cells, we found that, over the range of 50 to 500 µM SCN-, the amplitude of transient currents evoked by voltage steps was proportional to the extracellular SCN- concentration. Transient currents were also produced in RPE cells when the membrane potential was held constant and the external SCN- concentration was rapidly increased by pressure-ejecting 500 µM SCN- from a second pipette. Other results indicate that the time dependence of currents produced by both approaches results from a change in driving force due to intracellular SCN- accumulation or depletion. Finally, by applying fluorescence imaging and voltage-clamping techniques to BALB/c mouse RPE cells loaded with the anion-sensitive dye MQAE, we demonstrated that in the presence of 200 or 500 µM extracellular SCN-, depolarizing voltage steps increased the cytoplasmic SCN- concentration to an elevated steady state within several seconds. Collectively, these results indicate that, in the presence of physiological concentrations of SCN- outside the RPE, the conductance and permeability of the RPE cell membranes for SCN- are sufficiently large that SCN- rapidly approaches electrochemical equilibrium within the cytoplasm when the membrane voltage or external SCN- concentration is perturbed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The basolateral membrane anion conductance of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a key component of the transepithelial Cl- transport pathway. Although multiple Cl- channels have been found to be expressed in the RPE, the components of the resting Cl- conductance have not been identified. In this study, we used the patch-clamp method to characterize the ion selectivity of the anion conductance in isolated mouse RPE cells and in excised patches of RPE basolateral and apical membranes. Relative permeabilities ( PA/ PCl) calculated from reversal potentials measured in intact cells under bi-ionic conditions were as follows: SCN- >> ClO4- > [Formula: see text] > I- > Br- > Cl- >> gluconate. Relative conductances ( GA/ GCl) followed a similar trend of SCN- >> ClO4- > [Formula: see text] > I- > Br- ≈Cl- >> gluconate. Whole cell currents were highly time-dependent in 10 mM external SCN-, reflecting collapse of the electrochemical potential gradient due to SCN- accumulation or depletion intracellularly. When the membrane potential was held at -120 mV to minimize SCN- accumulation in cells exposed to 10 mM SCN-, the instantaneous current reversed at -90 mV, revealing that PSCN/ PCl is approximately 500. Macroscopic current recordings from outside-out patches demonstrated that both the basolateral and apical membranes exhibit SCN- conductances, with the basolateral membrane having a larger SCN- current density and higher relative permeability for SCN-. Our results suggest that the RPE basolateral and apical membranes contain previously unappreciated anion channels or electrogenic transporters that may mediate the transmembrane fluxes of SCN- and Cl-.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxidative stress signaling is essential for plant adaptation to hostile environments. Previous studies revealed the essentiality of hydroxyl radicals (HO•)-induced activation of massive K⁺ efflux and a smaller Ca2+ influx as an important component of plant adaptation to a broad range of abiotic stresses. Such activation would modify membrane potential making it more negative. Contrary to these expectations, here, we provide experimental evidence that HO• induces a strong depolarization, from -130 to -70 mV, which could only be explained by a substantial HO•-induced efflux of intracellular anions. Application of Gd3+ and NPPB, non-specific blockers of cation and anion conductance, respectively, reduced HO•-induced ion fluxes instantaneously, implying a direct block of the dual conductance. The selectivity of an early instantaneous HO•-induced whole cell current fluctuated from more anionic to more cationic and vice versa, developing a higher cation selectivity at later times. The parallel electroneutral efflux of K⁺ and anions should underlie a substantial leak of the cellular electrolyte, which may affect the cell\'s turgor and metabolic status. The physiological implications of these findings are discussed in the context of cell fate determination, and ROS and cytosolic K⁺ signaling.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutamate is the major excitatory transmitter in the vertebrate brain. After its release from presynaptic nerve terminals, it is rapidly taken up by high-affinity sodium-dependent plasma membrane transporters. While both neurons and glial cells express these excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs), the majority of glutamate uptake is accomplished by astrocytes, which convert synaptically-released glutamate to glutamine or feed it into their own metabolism. Glutamate uptake by astrocytes not only shapes synaptic transmission by regulating the availability of glutamate to postsynaptic neuronal receptors, but also protects neurons from hyper-excitability and subsequent excitotoxic damage. In the present review, we provide an overview of the molecular and cellular characteristics of sodium-dependent glutamate transporters and their associated anion permeation pathways, with a focus on astrocytic glutamate transport. We summarize their functional properties and roles within tripartite synapses under physiological and pathophysiological conditions, exemplifying the intricate interactions and interrelationships between neurons and glial cells in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transporters and ion channels are conventionally categorised into distinct classes of membrane proteins. However, some membrane proteins have a split personality and can function as both transporters and ion channels. The excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) in particular, function as both glutamate transporters and chloride (Cl(-)) channels. The EAATs couple the transport of glutamate to the co-transport of three Na(+) ions and one H(+) ion into the cell, and the counter-transport of one K(+) ion out of the cell. The EAAT Cl(-) channel is activated by the binding of glutamate and Na(+), but is thermodynamically uncoupled from glutamate transport and involves molecular determinants distinct from those responsible for glutamate transport. Several crystal structures of an EAAT archaeal homologue, GltPh, at different stages of the transport cycle, alongside numerous functional studies and molecular dynamics simulations, have provided extensive insights into the mechanism of substrate transport via these transporters. However, the molecular determinants involved in Cl(-) permeation, and the mechanism by which this channel is activated are not entirely understood. Here we will discuss what is currently known about the molecular determinants involved in EAAT-mediated Cl(-) permeation and the mechanisms that underlie their split personality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proton pumps produce electrical potential differences and differences in pH across the plasma membrane of cells which drive secondary ion transport through sym- and antiporters. We used the patch-clamp technique to characterize an H(+)-pump in the xylem parenchyma of barley roots. This cell type is of special interest with respect to xylem loading. Since it has been an ongoing debate whether xylem loading is a passive or an active process, the functional characterization of the H(+)-pump is of major interest in the context of previous work on ion channels through which passive salt efflux into the xylem vessels could occur. Cell-type specific features like its Ca(2+) dependence were determined, that are important to interpret its physiological role and eventually to model xylem loading. We conclude that the electrogenic pump in the xylem parenchyma does not participate directly in the transfer of KCl and KNO(3) to the xylem but, in combination with short-circuiting conductances, plays a crucial role in controlling xylem unloading and loading through modulation of the voltage difference across the plasma membrane. Here, our recent results on the H(+) pump are put in a larger context and open questions are highlighted.






