angular momentum

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous research has suggested that spatiotemporal step parameters differ between settings; however, it remains unclear how different settings influence walking balance control.
    OBJECTIVE: How do settings and sex influence walking balance control during walking at different speeds for young adults?
    METHODS: Forty-two adults (21 male (23 ± 4 years), 21 female (24 ± 5 years)) completed overground walking trials in four settings: laboratory (10 m), hallway, indoor open, and outdoor pathway (all 20 m) at three self-selected speeds (slow, preferred, fast) following verbal instructions. Participants wore 17 inertial sensors (Xsens Awinda, Movella, Henderson, NV) to capture total body kinematics. The number of included strides was matched across all conditions, with six strides included in each condition for all participants. Medial-lateral and anterior-posterior total body angular momentum range over each stride was calculated (HML range and HAP range). Setting × speed × sex mixed factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures on setting and speed were used for statistical analysis (α =.05).
    RESULTS: Significant setting × speed interactions (p <.001) were present for both outcomes. HML range was greater in the laboratory and hallway compared to the indoor open and outdoor pathway settings for slow walking speed only. HAP range was lower in the outdoor pathway compared to all indoor settings at slow and preferred walking speeds. Differences in HAP range between settings was more pronounced at the slow speed condition. Across setting and speed conditions, HML range was greater for males compared to females.
    CONCLUSIONS: Young adults may alter their balance control strategy depending on the setting (laboratory, indoor open and outdoor pathway), particularly at slow speeds. Researchers and clinicians are cautioned not to assume walking in laboratory settings reflects walking in all settings nor that males and females can be examined as a single group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adaptive control of walking is often studied on a split-belt treadmill, where people gradually reduce their step length asymmetries (SLAs) by modulating foot placement and timing. Although it is proposed that this adaptation may be driven in part by a desire to reduce instability, it is unknown if changes in asymmetry impact people\'s ability to maintain balance in response to destabilizing perturbations. Here, we used intermittent perturbations to determine if changes in SLA affect reactive balance control as measured by whole-body angular momentum (WBAM) in the sagittal and frontal planes. Sixteen neurotypical older adults (70.0 ± 5.3 years old; 6 males) walked on a treadmill at a 2:1 belt speed ratio with real-time visual feedback of their achieved and target step lengths. We used mixed-effects models to determine if there were associations between SLA or foot placement and WBAM during the applied perturbations. Walking with more positive SLAs was associated with small reductions in forward WBAM (p < 0.001 for fast and slow belts) but increased lateral WBAM (p = 0.045 for fast belt; p = 0.003 for slow belt) during perturbations. When participants walked with more positive SLAs, they shortened their foot placement on the slow belt, and this shortening was associated with moderate reductions in forward WBAM (p < 0.001) and small increases in lateral WBAM (p = 0.008) during slow-belt perturbations. Our findings suggest that spatiotemporal changes that occur during split-belt treadmill walking may improve sagittal-plane stability by reducing people\'s susceptibility to losses of balance, but this may come at the expense of frontal-plane stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chirality is inherent to a broad range of systems, including solid-state and wave physics. The precession (chiral motion) of the magnetic moments in magnetic materials, forming spin waves, has various properties and many applications in magnetism and spintronics. We show that an optical analogue of spin waves can be generated in arrays of plasmonic nanohelices. Such optical waves arise from the interaction between twisted helix eigenmodes carrying spin and orbital angular momenta. We demonstrate that these optical spin waves are reflected at the interface between successive domains of enantiomeric nanohelices, forming a heterochiral lattice regardless of the wave propagation direction within the lattice. Optical spin waves may be applied in techniques involving photon spin, ranging from data processing and storage to quantum optics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In classical electrodynamics, light-matter interactions are modelled using Maxwell equations. The solution of Maxwell equations, which is typically given by means of the electric and magnetic field, is vectorial in nature. Yet it is well known that light-matter interactions can be approximately described in a scalar (polarization independent) way for many optical applications. While the accuracy of the scalar approximation can be theoretically computed, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been determined experimentally. Here, we introduce Vortex Circular Dichroism ( VCD), an optical measurement that has the required features to assess the vectoriality of diffraction.
    UNASSIGNED: VCD is measured as the differential transmission (or absorption) of left and right circularly polarized vortex beams. We test the VCD measurement with two different systems: i) an experimental set of single circular nano-apertures drilled in a gold film with diameters ranging from 150 to 1950 nm; and ii) a theoretical set of golden spheres with the same diameters as the nano-apertures.
    UNASSIGNED: We observe that in both systems, VCD > 0 for smaller diameters, VCD ≲ 0 for intermediate values and VCD ≈ 0 for larger values of the diameter. Furthermore, the simulations show that a diffraction process characterized by a VCD ≈ 0 ( VCD ≠ 0) is polarization-independent (polarization-dependent). As a result, we relate VCD ≠ 0 to a vectorial diffraction, and VCD ≈ 0 to a scalar one.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, our results show compelling evidence that it is possible to experimentally assess the scalar/vectorial regime of a diffraction process, and that the VCD technique possesses the required features to measure the vectoriality of diffraction processes involving plasmonic cylindrically symmetric structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Balance studies usually focus on quantities describing the global body motion. Assessing such quantities using classical marker-based approach can be tedious and modify the participant\'s behaviour. The recent development of markerless motion capture methods could bypass the issues related to the use of markers. This work compared dynamic balance related quantities obtained with markers and videos. Sixteen young healthy participants performed four different motor tasks: walking at self-selected speed, balance loss, walking on a narrow beam and countermovement jumps. Their movements were recorded simultaneously by marker-based and markerless motion capture systems. Videos were processed using a commercial markerless pose estimation software, Theia3D. The centre of mass position (CoM) was computed, and the associated extrapolated centre of mass position (XCoM) and whole-body angular momentum (WBAM) were derived. Bland-Altman analysis was performed and root mean square difference (RMSD) and coefficient of correlation were computed to compare the results obtained with marker-based and markerless methods. Bias remained of the magnitude of a few mm for CoM and XCoM positions, and RMSD of CoM and XCoM was around 1 cm. RMSD of the WBAM was less than 10 % of the total amplitude in any direction, and bias was less than 1 %. Results suggest that outcomes of balance studies will be similar whether marker-based or markerless motion capture system are used. Nevertheless, one should be careful when assessing dynamic movements such as jumping, as they displayed the biggest differences (both bias and RMSD), although it is unclear whether these differences are due to errors in markerless or marker-based motion capture system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complex numbers were created by introducing the imaginary unit i to represent the square root of -1, allowing solutions to equations that involved square roots of negative numbers. Complex numbers were further extended to quaternionic numbers by introducing additional imaginary units, namely \"j\" and \"k\". Quaternions are non-commutative and involve four components, with each component being a real number or a multiple of an imaginary unit. Usually complex numbers are used to represent wave functions in quantum mechanics. Solutions using quaternions to square well, spin and angular momentum, Dirac equations have been obtained by many researchers. In this article, we have made use of quaternions to study the generalization of adding angular momenta, the digital signal processing of a quaternionic function and circular potential of a particle in real Hilbert space and have obtained quaternionic solutions in terms of Bessel functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The excitation of acoustic waves by a unidirectional transducer, integrated in a piezoelectric cylindrical tube or disk, can lead to a time-independent torque. This phenomenon, demonstrated earlier in experiments and analyzed with coupling-of mode theory, is explained in detail, starting on the level of lattice dynamics of a piezoelectric crystal. Expressions are derived for the stationary torque in the form of integrals over the volume or surface of the piezoelectric, involving the electric potential and displacement field associated with the acoustic waves generated by the transducer. Simulations have been carried out with the help of the finite element method for a tube made of PZT for two cases: A pre-defined potential on the surface of the tube and metal electrodes buried in the piezoelectric. The displacement field and electric potential of the high-frequency acoustic waves (between 200 and 300 kHz) were computed and used in the evaluation of the integrals. The attenuation due to various loss channels of the acoustic waves in the system has been analyzed in detail, as this plays a crucial role for the efficiency of torque generation. It is conjectured that time-reversal symmetry, present in the absence of attenuation, prohibits the generation of a static torque at least in the linear limit. A qualitative comparison is made between the simulations and earlier experiments. Discrepancies are attributed to lack of knowledge of the relevant material constants of the piezoelectric and to a simplified modeling of the electrode geometry in the cylindrical tube, which was necessary for reasons of numerical accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective control of light is essential for optical science and technology, with numerous applications. However, optical selectivity in the angular momentum of light has been quite limited, remaining constant by increasing the incident light power on previous passive optical devices. Here, we demonstrate a nonlinear boost of optical selectivity in both the spin and orbital angular momentum of light through near-field selective excitation of single-mode nanolasers. Our designed hybrid nanolaser circuits consist of plasmonic metasurfaces and individually placed perovskite nanowires, enabling subwavelength focusing of angular-momentum-distinctive plasmonic fields and further selective excitation of nanolasers in nanowires. The optically selected nanolaser with a nonlinear increase of light emission greatly enhances the baseline optical selectivity offered by the metasurface from about 0.4 up to near unity. Our demonstrated hybrid nanophotonic platform may find important applications in all-optical logic gates and nanowire networks, ultrafast optical switches, nanophotonic detectors, and on-chip optical and quantum information processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After stroke, deficits in paretic single limb stance (SLS) are commonly observed and affect walking performance. During SLS, the hip abductor musculature is critical in providing vertical support and regulating balance. Although disrupted paretic hip abduction torque production has been identified in individuals post-stroke, interpretation of previous results is limited due to the discrepancies in weight-bearing conditions. Using a novel perturbation-based assessment that could induce SLS by removing the support surface underneath one limb, we aim to investigate whether deficits in hip abduction torque production, vertical body support, and balance regulation remain detectable during SLS when controlling for weight-bearing, and whether these measures are associated with gait performance. Our results showed that during the perturbation-induced SLS, individuals post-stroke had lower hip abduction torque, less vertical stiffness, and increased frontal plane angular impulse at the paretic limb compared to the non-paretic limb, while no differences were found between the paretic limb and healthy controls. In addition, vertical stiffness during perturbation-induced SLS was positively correlated with single support duration during gait at the paretic limb and predicted self-selected and fast walking speeds in individuals post-stroke. The findings indicate that reduced paretic hip abduction torque during SLS likely affects vertical support and balance control. Enhancing SLS hip abduction torque production could be an important rehabilitation target to improve walking function for individuals post-stroke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cetaceans are capable of extraordinary locomotor behaviors in both water and air. Whales and dolphins can execute aerial leaps by swimming rapidly to the water surface to achieve an escape velocity. Previous research on spinner dolphins demonstrated the capability of leaping and completing multiple spins around their longitudinal axis with high angular velocities. This prior research suggested the slender body morphology of spinner dolphins together with the shapes and positions of their appendages allowed for rapid spins in the air. To test whether greater moments of inertia reduced spinning performance, videos and biologging data of cetaceans above and below the water surface were obtained. The principal factors affecting the number of aerial spins a cetacean can execute were moment of inertia and use of control surfaces for subsurface corkscrewing. For spinner dolphin, Pacific striped dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, minke whale and humpback whale, each with swim speeds of 6-7 m s-1, our model predicted that the number of aerial spins executable was 7, 2, 2, 0.76 and 1, respectively, which was consistent with observations. These data implied that the rate of subsurface corkscrewing was limited to 14.0, 6.8, 6.2, 2.2 and 0.75 rad s-1 for spinner dolphins, striped dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, minke whales and humpback whales, respectively. In our study, the moment of inertia of the cetaceans spanned a 21,000-fold range. The greater moments of inertia for the last four species produced large torques on control surfaces that limited subsurface corkscrewing motion and aerial maneuvers compared with spinner dolphins.





