anatomical priors

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Deep learning is the standard for medical image segmentation. However, it may encounter difficulties when the training set is small. Also, it may generate anatomically aberrant segmentations. Anatomical knowledge can be potentially useful as a constraint in deep learning segmentation methods. We propose a loss function based on projected pooling to introduce soft topological constraints. Our main application is the segmentation of the red nucleus from quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) which is of interest in parkinsonian syndromes.
    UNASSIGNED: This new loss function introduces soft constraints on the topology by magnifying small parts of the structure to segment to avoid that they are discarded in the segmentation process. To that purpose, we use projection of the structure onto the three planes and then use a series of MaxPooling operations with increasing kernel sizes. These operations are performed both for the ground truth and the prediction and the difference is computed to obtain the loss function. As a result, it can reduce topological errors as well as defects in the structure boundary. The approach is easy to implement and computationally efficient.
    UNASSIGNED: When applied to the segmentation of the red nucleus from QSM data, the approach led to a very high accuracy (Dice 89.9%) and no topological errors. Moreover, the proposed loss function improved the Dice accuracy over the baseline when the training set was small. We also studied three tasks from the medical segmentation decathlon challenge (MSD) (heart, spleen, and hippocampus). For the MSD tasks, the Dice accuracies were similar for both approaches but the topological errors were reduced.
    UNASSIGNED: We propose an effective method to automatically segment the red nucleus which is based on a new loss for introducing topology constraints in deep learning segmentation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Lymph nodes (LNs) in the chest have a tendency to enlarge due to various pathologies, such as lung cancer or pneumonia. Clinicians routinely measure nodal size to monitor disease progression, confirm metastatic cancer, and assess treatment response. However, variations in their shapes and appearances make it cumbersome to identify LNs, which reside outside of most organs.
    METHODS: We propose to segment LNs in the mediastinum by leveraging the anatomical priors of 28 different structures (e.g., lung, trachea etc.) generated by the public TotalSegmentator tool. The CT volumes from 89 patients available in the public NIH CT Lymph Node dataset were used to train three 3D off-the-shelf nnUNet models to segment LNs. The public St. Olavs dataset containing 15 patients (out-of-training-distribution) was used to evaluate the segmentation performance.
    RESULTS: For LNs with short axis diameter ≥ 8 mm, the 3D cascade nnUNet model obtained the highest Dice score of 67.9 ± 23.4 and lowest Hausdorff distance error of 22.8 ± 20.2. For LNs of all sizes, the Dice score was 58.7 ± 21.3 and this represented a ≥ 10% improvement over a recently published approach evaluated on the same test dataset.
    CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, we are the first to harness 28 distinct anatomical priors to segment mediastinal LNs, and our work can be extended to other nodal zones in the body. The proposed method has the potential for improved patient outcomes through the identification of enlarged nodes in initial staging CT scans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sodium MRI is challenging because of the low tissue concentration of the 23 Na nucleus and its extremely fast biexponential transverse relaxation rate. In this article, we present an iterative reconstruction framework using dual-echo 23 Na data and exploiting anatomical prior information (AGR) from high-resolution, low-noise, 1 H MR images. This framework enables the estimation and modeling of the spatially varying signal decay due to transverse relaxation during readout (AGRdm), which leads to images of better resolution and reduced noise resulting in improved quantification of the reconstructed 23 Na images.
    METHODS: The proposed framework was evaluated using reconstructions of 30 noise realizations of realistic simulations of dual echo twisted projection imaging (TPI) 23 Na data. Moreover, three dual echo 23 Na TPI brain datasets of healthy controls acquired on a 3T Siemens Prisma system were reconstructed using conventional reconstruction, AGR and AGRdm.
    RESULTS: Our simulations show that compared to conventional reconstructions, AGR and AGRdm show improved bias-noise characteristics in several regions of the brain. Moreover, AGR and AGRdm images show more anatomical detail and less noise in the reconstructions of the experimental data sets. Compared to AGR and the conventional reconstruction, AGRdm shows higher contrast in the sodium concentration ratio between gray and white matter and between gray matter and the brain stem.
    CONCLUSIONS: AGR and AGRdm generate 23 Na images with high resolution, high levels of anatomical detail, and low levels of noise, potentially enabling high-quality 23 Na MR imaging at 3T.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Precise delineation of glioblastoma in multi-parameter magnetic resonance images is pivotal for neurosurgery and subsequent treatment monitoring. Transformer models have shown promise in brain tumor segmentation, but their efficacy heavily depends on a substantial amount of annotated data. To address the scarcity of annotated data and improve model robustness, self-supervised learning methods using masked autoencoders have been devised. Nevertheless, these methods have not incorporated the anatomical priors of brain structures.
    UNASSIGNED: This study proposed an anatomical prior-informed masking strategy to enhance the pre-training of masked autoencoders, which combines data-driven reconstruction with anatomical knowledge. We investigate the likelihood of tumor presence in various brain structures, and this information is then utilized to guide the masking procedure.
    UNASSIGNED: Compared with random masking, our method enables the pre-training to concentrate on regions that are more pertinent to downstream segmentation. Experiments conducted on the BraTS21 dataset demonstrate that our proposed method surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art self-supervised learning techniques. It enhances brain tumor segmentation in terms of both accuracy and data efficiency.
    UNASSIGNED: Tailored mechanisms designed to extract valuable information from extensive data could enhance computational efficiency and performance, resulting in increased precision. It\'s still promising to integrate anatomical priors and vision approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Positron emission tomography (PET) molecular biomarkers and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) derived information show associations and highly complementary information in a number of neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer\'s disease. Diffusion MRI provides valuable information about the microstructure and structural connectivity (SC) of the brain which could guide and improve the PET image reconstruction when such associations exist. However, this potental has not been previously explored. In the present study, we propose a CONNectome-based non-local means one-atep late maximuma posteriori(CONN-NLM-OSLMAP) method, which allows diffusion MRI-derived connectivity information to be incorporated into the PET iterative image reconstruction process, thus regularising the estimated PET images. The proposed method was evaluated using a realistic tau-PET/MRI simulated phantom, demonstrating more effective noise reduction and lesion contrast improvement, as well as the lowest overall bias compared with both a median filter applied as an alternative regulariser and CONNectome-based non-local means as a post-reconstruction filter. By adding complementary SC information from diffusion MRI, the proposed regularisation method offers more useful and targeted denoising and regularisation, demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of integrating connectivity information into PET image reconstruction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphological and diagnostic evaluation of pediatric musculoskeletal system is crucial in clinical practice. However, most segmentation models do not perform well on scarce pediatric imaging data. We propose a new pre-trained regularized convolutional encoder-decoder network for the challenging task of segmenting heterogeneous pediatric magnetic resonance (MR) images. To this end, we have conceived a novel optimization scheme for the segmentation network which comprises additional regularization terms to the loss function. In order to obtain globally consistent predictions, we incorporate a shape priors based regularization, derived from a non-linear shape representation learnt by an auto-encoder. Additionally, an adversarial regularization computed by a discriminator is integrated to encourage precise delineations. The proposed method is evaluated for the task of multi-bone segmentation on two scarce pediatric imaging datasets from ankle and shoulder joints, comprising pathological as well as healthy examinations. The proposed method performed either better or at par with previously proposed approaches for Dice, sensitivity, specificity, maximum symmetric surface distance, average symmetric surface distance, and relative absolute volume difference metrics. We illustrate that the proposed approach can be easily integrated into various bone segmentation strategies and can improve the prediction accuracy of models pre-trained on large non-medical images databases. The obtained results bring new perspectives for the management of pediatric musculoskeletal disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of scanners with ultra-high gradient strength, spearheaded by the Human Connectome Project, has led to dramatic improvements in the spatial, angular, and diffusion resolution that is feasible for in vivo diffusion MRI acquisitions. The improved quality of the data can be exploited to achieve higher accuracy in the inference of both microstructural and macrostructural anatomy. However, such high-quality data can only be acquired on a handful of Connectom MRI scanners worldwide, while remaining prohibitive in clinical settings because of the constraints imposed by hardware and scanning time. In this study, we first update the classical protocols for tractography-based, manual annotation of major white-matter pathways, to adapt them to the much greater volume and variability of the streamlines that can be produced from today\'s state-of-the-art diffusion MRI data. We then use these protocols to annotate 42 major pathways manually in data from a Connectom scanner. Finally, we show that, when we use these manually annotated pathways as training data for global probabilistic tractography with anatomical neighborhood priors, we can perform highly accurate, automated reconstruction of the same pathways in much lower-quality, more widely available diffusion MRI data. The outcomes of this work include both a new, comprehensive atlas of WM pathways from Connectom data, and an updated version of our tractography toolbox, TRActs Constrained by UnderLying Anatomy (TRACULA), which is trained on data from this atlas. Both the atlas and TRACULA are distributed publicly as part of FreeSurfer. We present the first comprehensive comparison of TRACULA to the more conventional, multi-region-of-interest approach to automated tractography, and the first demonstration of training TRACULA on high-quality, Connectom data to benefit studies that use more modest acquisition protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A model-based reconstruction framework is proposed for motion-corrected and high-resolution anatomically assisted (MOCHA) reconstruction of arterial spin labeling (ASL) data. In this framework, all low-resolution ASL control-label pairs are used to reconstruct a single high-resolution cerebral blood flow (CBF) map, corrected for rigid-motion, point-spread-function blurring and partial volume effect.
    Six volunteers were recruited for CBF imaging using pseudo-continuous ASL labeling, two-shot 3D gradient and spin-echo sequences and high-resolution T1 -weighted MRI. For 2 volunteers, high-resolution scans with double and triple resolution in the partition direction were additionally collected. Simulations were designed for evaluations against a high-resolution ground-truth CBF map, including a simulated hyperperfused lesion and hyperperfusion/hypoperfusion abnormalities. The MOCHA technique was compared with standard reconstruction and a 3D linear regression partial-volume effect correction method and was further evaluated for acquisitions with reduced control-label pairs and k-space undersampling.
    The MOCHA reconstructions of low-resolution ASL data showed enhanced image quality, particularly in the partition direction. In simulations, both MOCHA and 3D linear regression provided more accurate CBF maps than the standard reconstruction; however, MOCHA resulted in the lowest errors and well delineated the abnormalities. The MOCHA reconstruction of standard-resolution in vivo data showed good agreement with higher-resolution scans requiring 4-times and 9-times longer acquisitions. The MOCHA reconstruction was found to be robust for 4-times-accelerated ASL acquisitions, achieved by reduced control-label pairs or k-space undersampling.
    The MOCHA reconstruction reduces partial-volume effect by direct reconstruction of CBF maps in the high-resolution space of the corresponding anatomical image, incorporating motion correction and point spread function modeling. Following further evaluation, MOCHA should promote the clinical application of ASL.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anatomical connectivity constrains but does not fully determine functional connectivity, especially when one explores into the dynamics over the course of a trial. Therefore, an enriched granger causal model (GCM) integrated with anatomical prior information is proposed in this study, to describe the dynamic effective connectivity to distinguish the depression and explore the pathogenesis of depression. In the proposed frame, the anatomical information was converted via an optimized transformation model, which was then integrated into the normal GCM by variational bayesian model. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of 24 depressive patients and 24 matched controls were utilized for performance comparison. Together with the sliding windowed MEG signals under sad facial stimuli, the enriched GCM was applied to calculate the regional-pair dynamic effective connectivity, which were repeatedly sifted via feature selection and fed into different classifiers. From the aspects of model errors and recognition accuracy rates, results supported the superiority of the enriched GCM with anatomical priors over the normal GCM. For the effective connectivity with anatomical priors, the best subject discrimination accuracy of SVM was 85.42% (the sensitivity was 87.50% and the specificity was 83.33%). Furthermore, discriminative feature analysis suggested that the enriched GCM that detect the variable anatomical constraint on function could better detect more stringent and less dynamic brain function in depression. The proposed approach is valuable in dynamic functional dysfunction exploration in depression and could be useful for depression recognition.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The limited spatial resolution of the clinical PET scanners results in image blurring and does not allow for accurate quantification of very thin or small structures (known as partial volume effect). In cardiac imaging, clinically relevant questions, e.g. to accurately define the extent or the residual metabolic activity of scarred myocardial tissue, could benefit from partial volume correction (PVC) techniques. The use of high-resolution anatomical information for improved reconstruction of the PET datasets has been successfully applied in other anatomical regions. However, several concerns linked to the use of any kind of anatomical information for PVC on cardiac datasets arise. The moving nature of the heart, coupled with the possibly non-simultaneous acquisition of the anatomical and the activity datasets, is likely to introduce discrepancies between the PET and the anatomical image, that in turn might mislead lesion quantification and detection. Non-anatomical (edge-preserving) priors could represent a viable alternative for PVC in this case. In this work, we investigate and compare the regularizing effect of different anatomical and non-anatomical priors applied during maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) reconstruction of cardiac PET datasets. The focus of this paper is on accurate quantification and lesion detection in myocardial (18)F-FDG PET.
    METHODS: Simulated datasets, obtained with the XCAT software, are reconstructed with different algorithms and are quantitatively analysed.
    RESULTS: The results of this simulation study show a superiority of the anatomical prior when an ideal, perfectly matching anatomy is used. The anatomical information must clearly differentiate between normal and scarred myocardial tissue for the PVC to be successful. In case of mismatched or missing anatomical information, the quality of the anatomy-based MAP reconstructions decreases, affecting both overall image quality and lesion quantification. The edge-preserving priors produce reconstructions with good noise properties and recovery of activity, with the advantage of not relying on an external, additional scan for anatomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The performance of edge-preserving priors is acceptable but inferior to those of a well-applied anatomical prior that differentiates between lesion and normal tissue, in the detection and quantification of a lesion in the reconstructed images. When considering bull\'s eye plots, all of the tested MAP algorithms produced comparable results.





