
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased knowledge of heritable traits in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) is important to overcome bottlenecks in salmonid aquaculture. Atlantic salmonid populations, both landlocked and anadromous, represent an interesting model to gain insight into anadromy related traits, most notably, the probability to smoltify. While a previous study has identified several genomic regions diverging between anadromous and landlocked populations across the species range, the present study explores these data further with the aim to uncover if some of these genomic regions are linked to beneficial genetic traits associated with smoltification. In this study 17 of these loci were monitored in 669 anadromous salmon originating from 36 full-sibling families that had been reared under common garden conditions. The Smolt Index was calculated, using multiple visual markers, and provided a means of assessing smoltification stage. One SNP, located in Ssa04, showed a significant association with probability to smoltify, where individuals homozygous for the landlocked variant (LL) displayed a decrease in probability of smoltifying after one winter when compared with the homozygous for the anadromous variant (AA). This effect was independent of individual fish size. A separate common garden study comprising 200 individuals from either anadromous or landlocked strains showed that expression levels of ncor1, a thyroid mediator hormone located on the same chromosomal region (Ssa04), were significantly reduced in landlocked individuals post smoltification but remained constant in their anadromous counterparts. This study therefore suggests that while size is still the most important trigger for the induction of smoltification, there may also be an additional genetic component or trigger that has been \'lost\' during the years deprived of SW transfer. In conclusion, the LL genotype identified here could potentially be used by the industry to delay smoltification and may also represent one of the first clues to the genetic regulation of smoltification in Atlantic salmon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anadromous rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) have experienced a large range reduction in recent decades and the status of remnant spawning populations is poorly known in Maine, where these fish have significant ecological, cultural, and commercial relevance. Defining the remnant range of anadromous smelt is more difficult than for many declining fish species because adults are only ephemerally present while spawning in small coastal streams at night during spring runoff periods when traditional assessments can be unreliable or even hazardous. We hypothesized that eDNA might facilitate improved survey efforts to define smelt spawning habitat, but that detection could also face challenges from adult eDNA quickly flushing out of these small stream systems. We combined daytime eDNA sampling with nighttime fyke netting to ascertain a potential window of eDNA detection before conducting eDNA surveys in four streams of varying abundance. Hierarchical occupancy modeling was in turn employed to estimate eDNA encounter probabilities relative to numbers of sampling events (date), samples within events, and qPCR replicates within samples.
    Results from the combined eDNA and fyke net study indicated eDNA was detectable over an extended period, culminating approximately 8-13 days following peak spawning, suggesting developing smelt larvae might be the primary source of eDNA. Subsequently, smelt eDNA was readily detected in eDNA surveys of four streams, particularly following remediation of PCR inhibitors. Hierarchical occupancy modeling confirmed our surveys had high empirical detection for most sites, and that future surveys employing at least three sampling events, three samples per event, and six qPCR replicates can afford greater than 90% combined detection capability in low abundance systems.
    These results demonstrate that relatively modest eDNA sampling effort has high capacity to detect this ephemerally present species of concern at low to moderate abundances. As such, smelt eDNA detection could improve range mapping by providing longer survey windows, safer sampling conditions, and lower field effort in low density systems, than afforded by existing visual and netting approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine-derived nutrients (MDN) contained in gametes (mature eggs and sperm), carcasses and metabolic wastes from anadromous migratory salmon can transfer energy and materials to fresh water, thereby affecting the structure and function of stream ecosystems. This is crucial among ecosystems where humans have mediated biological invasions by propagating non-native species. Previous studies have demonstrated that consumption of MDN from salmon can benefit both native and invasive resident fishes. Yet, a more detailed understanding of the transfer of biomolecules with important physiological functions such as ω-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) have received less attention among researchers. Here we demonstrate that consumption of MDN contained in invasive Chinook salmon eggs transfers ω-3 HUFAs (e.g., EPA and DHA) to resident invasive rainbow trout in a river food web. We conducted a field study in river sections previously identified as spawning areas for Chinook salmon in the Cisnes River, Patagonia. Rainbow trout were sampled around salmon spawning areas before, during, and after the salmon spawning season. Additionally, we collected tissue from different food web resources and components of different origin (e.g., primary producers, aquatic and terrestrial items) from the Cisnes River system. Analyses of stomach contents of trout were performed in conjunction with analyses of both lipid content and fatty acid profiles of trout tissue and food web components. Chinook salmon eggs showed higher content of ω-3 HUFAs, especially EPA (31.08 ± 23.08 mg g DW-1) and DHA (27.50 ± 14.11 mg g DW-1) than either freshwater or terrestrial components (0-6.10 mg g DW-1 both EPA and DHA). We detected marked shifts in the fatty acid profile (~six-fold increase in EPA and DHA) of trout following consumption of Chinook salmon eggs. Our findings suggest that MDN via consumption of salmon eggs by resident rainbow trout may positively influence resident trout and likely contribute to gauge synergistic interactions between invaders on receiving ecosystems of Patagonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The timing of seaward migration is a key life-history trait for many anadromous fish species, with growth and survival at sea depending on a match/mismatch scenario between the timing of the sea entry and optimal conditions. Based on a 25-year study with 15,226 individually tagged brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a Norwegian river, we analysed how the within-season timing of sea migration impacted growth and survival. In both first-time and veteran migrants, marine growth was highest for early migrating individuals, large individuals, and those with a low condition factor when entering the sea. Survival was highest for individuals entering the sea early in the season. In first-time migrants, survival increased with body length. Survival also increased with the number of other smolts migrating simultaneously. As the early smolts were the most successful, it may seem strange that many smolts migrate later in the season. We suggest that late-migrating smolts may not be of a size and/or physiological state suitable for early marine conditions, and may make the best of a bad situation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anadromous Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) are known for their homing behavior based on olfactory imprinting, which is formed during their seaward migration. Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE/Snare) complex is a minimum unit of vesicle exocytosis from the pre-synaptic membrane. Its component genes (synaptosome-associated protein 25, syntaxin 1, and vesicle-associated membrane protein 2) are more strongly expressed in the olfactory nervous system (olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb, and telencephalon) at the migration stages related to olfactory imprinting and/or retrieval in salmon. This study focused on the mRNA synthesis of synaptophysin (Syp), one of the Snare regulatory factors. syp is strongly expressed in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) olfactory nervous system during the seaward migration and temporarily increased during the homeward migration. In reference to our previous studies, these expression changes were similar to the snare genes in the chum salmon. Therefore, syp and Snare component genes were synchronously expressed reflecting the development and short-term plasticity of the olfactory nervous system that is essential for olfactory imprinting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Striped bass Morone saxatilis support one of the most popular and important inshore recreational and commercial fisheries along the Atlantic Coast of North America. Populations at both extremes of its distribution are largely resident while those in the center of its range (Hudson River, New York, to Roanoke River, North Carolina) are seasonally migratory, ranging from the Bay of Fundy, Canada, to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Historically, population abundances of striped bass fluctuated widely, sometimes resulting in the imposition of severe management measures to restrict their harvest. Detailed knowledge of its rangewide population structure would aid in more effective management; however, most genetic studies addressing the structure of the migratory coastal stock have largely failed to achieve this goal. To address this need, we used multi-loci microsatellite DNA analysis. We identified six genetically distinct populations across the species\' distribution, including the Miramichi, Shubenacadie, Hudson, Delaware-Chesapeake, Roanoke, and Santee-Cooper rivers. We also report significant genetic differentiation between the Nanticoke and Choptank rivers along the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay and collections from tributaries along the western shore of the Bay. The Annapolis and Saint John rivers, tributaries of the Bay of Fundy, historically hosted striped bass aggregations that were extirpated, or nearly so, by anthropogenic stressors in the late 20th century. No specimens with unique genotypes were found in collections from either river; instead the vast majority were admixed with genotypes of Shubenacadie River, Hudson River, Chesapeake Bay, and Roanoke River lineage. Finally, we show in simulations that these genetic markers should be informative in quantifying the contributions of the Hudson River, Chesapeake Bay-Delaware, and Roanoke River to mixed-stock harvests that occur within the range of the coastal migratory stock.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brown trout (Salmo trutta) display extensive plasticity in marine migratory behaviours, with marine migrations considered to be an adaptive strategy which enables sea trout to maximize growth and reproductive potential. However, marine migrations are not without associated costs, including threats posed by ever-increasing salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestations. In the present study, we used passive integrated transponder technology to characterize variability in sea trout migration behaviour amongst three catchments situated in a region of intensive salmon farming in central Norway. Specifically, we investigate how lice infestation, out-migration date and body size alter sea trout return rate and marine residence duration during the first out-migration to sea from each catchment. Distinct catchment-specific differences in sea trout out-migration size and the number of cohorts were observed, but larger body size did not guarantee the successful return of migrating trout. The marine residence duration of individuals that successfully returned to freshwater was positively correlated with lice infestation risk, suggesting for these individuals the lethal infestation threshold had not been reached. Our results also suggest that sea trout populations from lotic-dominated catchments are potentially at greater risk from size-related threats to their survival encountered during their marine migrations than sea trout from lentic-dominated catchments. The variability in sea trout migratory behaviour amongst catchments observed here emphasizes the challenges fisheries managers face when deciding the best actions to take to protect the anadromous portion of brown trout populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acoustic telemetry was utilized to track 49 brown trout (Salmo trutta) and 37 Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) first-time migrants of wild origin [post-smolts; mean LF (fork length): 169 and 172 mm] in a large fjord in northern Norway. The S. trutta were registered at sea for more than twice the time of the S. alpinus (medians of 54 and 22 days, respectively). Both species were mostly detected near river mouths (>80% of detections) and almost exclusively spent their time (>95%) within the interior 18 km of the fjord. They were surface oriented, with most detections at <1 m depth and S. trutta deeper on average (median mean depths of 0.7 and 0.5 m, respectively). This study concludes that post-smolts of both species stay closer to the surface and to river mouths than larger veteran migrants. This study emphasizes the importance of river mouths and upper water layers for the survival of both species during their first marine migration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consistent individual differences in behavior have been demonstrated for many animals, but there are few studies of consequences of such repeated behavior in the wild. We tested consistency in migration timing to and from the sea among anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta), using data from a study period of about 25 years, including more than 27,000 uniquely Carlin-tagged individuals that migrated to sea for feeding in the spring and returned to the river in late summer for up to 13 successive years. Consistency was found between individuals across time in timing of the seaward migration. Individuals migrating early during their first migration tended to migrate early the following years, and late migrants tended to migrate late. The same pattern was found also at ascent to freshwater. Hence, this study demonstrated that individual fish in nature can differ in behavior related to migration timing and that these differences can be consistent during their lifetime. Early migrants increased their mass more than late migrants and had a higher specific growth rate. Early migrating Arctic char, but not brown trout, experienced a longer life after the first migration to sea than late migrants. In both species, maturity occurred earlier in individuals that migrated early. For brown trout, but not for Arctic char, fecundity was significantly correlated to the timing of smolt migration. Hence, the repeatable individual variation in migration timing seemed to have ecological and fitness consequences in terms of growth, longevity, timing of maturity, and lifetime fecundity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish migrations are energetically costly, especially when moving between freshwater and saltwater, but are a viable strategy for Pacific salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus spp.) due to the advantageous resources available at various life stages. Anadromous steelhead (O. mykiss) migrate vast distances and exhibit variation for adult migration phenotypes that have a genetic basis at candidate genes known as greb1L and rock1. We examined the distribution of genetic variation at 13 candidate markers spanning greb1L, intergenic, and rock1 regions versus 226 neutral markers for 113 populations (n = 9,471) of steelhead from inland and coastal lineages in the Columbia River. Patterns of population structure with neutral markers reflected genetic similarity by geographic region as demonstrated in previous studies, but candidate markers clustered populations by genetic variation associated with adult migration timing. Mature alleles for late migration had the highest frequency overall in steelhead populations throughout the Columbia River, with only 9 of 113 populations that had a higher frequency of premature alleles for early migration. While a single haplotype block was evident for the coastal lineage, we identified multiple haplotype blocks for the inland lineage. The inland lineage had one haplotype block that corresponded to candidate markers within the greb1L gene and immediately upstream in the intergenic region, and the second block only contained candidate markers from the intergenic region. Haplotype frequencies had similar patterns of geographic distribution as single markers, but there were distinct differences in frequency between the two haplotype blocks for the inland lineage. This may represent multiple recombination events that differed between lineages where phenotypic differences exist between freshwater entry versus arrival timing as indicated by Micheletti et al. (2018a). Redundancy analyses were used to model environmental effects on allelic frequencies of candidate markers, and significant variables were migration distance, temperature, isothermality, and annual precipitation. This study improves our understanding of the spatial distribution of genetic variation underlying adult migration timing in steelhead as well as associated environmental factors and has direct conservation and management implications.






