
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dynamin 1 mediates fission of endocytic synaptic vesicles in the brain and has two major splice variants, Dyn1xA and Dyn1xB, which are nearly identical apart from the extended C-terminal region of Dyn1xA. Despite a similar set of binding partners, only Dyn1xA is enriched at endocytic zones and accelerates vesicle fission during ultrafast endocytosis. Here, we report that Dyn1xA achieves this localization by preferentially binding to Endophilin A1 through a newly defined binding site within its long C-terminal tail extension. Endophilin A1 binds this site at higher affinity than the previously reported site, and the affinity is determined by amino acids within the Dyn1xA tail but outside the binding site. This interaction is regulated by the phosphorylation state of two serine residues specific to the Dyn1xA variant. Dyn1xA and Endophilin A1 colocalize in patches near the active zone, and mutations disrupting Endophilin A binding to the long tail cause Dyn1xA mislocalization and stalled endocytic pits on the plasma membrane during ultrafast endocytosis. Together, these data suggest that the specificity for ultrafast endocytosis is defined by the phosphorylation-regulated interaction of Endophilin A1 with the C-terminal extension of Dyn1xA.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Dynamin 1 (Dyn1) has two major splice variants, xA and xB, with unique C-terminal extensions of 20 and 7 amino acids, respectively. Of these, only Dyn1xA is enriched at endocytic zones and accelerates vesicle fission during ultrafast endocytosis. Here, we report that the long tail variant, Dyn1xA, achieves this localization by preferentially binding to Endophilin A through a newly defined Class II binding site overlapping with its extension, at a site spanning the splice boundary. Endophilin binds this site at higher affinity than the previously reported site, and this affinity is determined by amino acids outside the binding sites acting as long distance elements within the xA tail. Their interaction is regulated by the phosphorylation state of two serine residues specific to the xA variant. Dyn1xA and Endophilin colocalize in patches near the active zone of synapses. Mutations selectively disrupting Endophilin binding to the long extension cause Dyn1xA mislocalization along axons. In these mutants, endocytic pits are stalled on the plasma membrane during ultrafast endocytosis. These data suggest that the specificity for ultrafast endocytosis is defined by the phospho-regulated interaction of Endophilin A through a newly identified site of Dyn1xA\'s long tail.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) proteins are known as classical membrane curvature generators during endocytosis. Amphiphysin, a member of the N-BAR sub-family of proteins that contain a characteristic amphipathic sequence at the N-terminus of the BAR domain, is involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Full-length amphiphysin contains a ~ 400 amino acid long disordered linker connecting the N-BAR domain and a C-terminal Src homology 3 (SH3) domain. We express and purify recombinant amphiphysin and its N-BAR domain along with an N-terminal glutathione-S-transferase (GST) tag. The GST tag allows extraction of the protein of interest using affinity chromatography and is removed in the subsequent protease treatment and ion-exchange chromatography steps. In the case of the N-BAR domain, cleavage of the GST tag was found to cause precipitation. This issue can be minimized by adding glycerol to the protein purification buffers. In the final step, size exclusion chromatography removes any potential oligomeric species. This protocol has also been successfully used to purify other N-BAR proteins, such as endophilin, Bin1, and their corresponding BAR domains. Graphical overview.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The multidomain adaptor protein amphiphysin-1 (Amph1) is an important coordinator of clathrin-mediated endocytosis in non-neuronal cells and synaptic vesicle (SV) endocytosis at central nerve terminals. Amph1 contains a lipid-binding N-BAR (Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs) domain, central proline-rich (PRD) and clathrin/AP2 (CLAP) domains, and a C-terminal SH3 domain. Amph1 interacts with both lipids and proteins, with all of these interactions required for SV endocytosis, with the exception of the Amph1 PRD. The Amph1 PRD associates with the endocytosis protein endophilin A1, however, the role of this interaction in SV endocytosis has not been investigated. In this study, we set out to determine whether the Amph1 PRD and its interaction with endophilin A1 was essential for efficient SV endocytosis at typical small central synapses. To achieve this, domain-specific interactions of Amph1 were validated using in vitro GST pull-down assays, with the role of these interactions in SV endocytosis determined in molecular replacement experiments in primary neuronal culture. Using this approach, we confirmed important roles for CLAP and SH3 domain interactions of Amph1 in the control of SV endocytosis. Importantly, we identified the interaction site for endophilin A1 within the Amph1 PRD and exploited specific binding mutants to reveal a key role for this interaction in SV endocytosis. Finally, we determined that the formation of the Amph1-endophilin A1 complex is dependent on the phosphorylation status of Amph1-S293 within the PRD and that the phosphorylation status of this residue is essential for efficient SV regeneration. This work, therefore, reveals a key role for the dephosphorylation-dependent Amph1-endophilin A1 interaction in efficient SV endocytosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An analysis of the clinical features of autoimmune encephalitis accompanied by anti-amphiphysin antibodies.
    The data of encephalitis patients with anti-amphiphysin antibodies were retrospectively evaluated, including demographics, neurological and laboratory findings, imaging, treatment, and prognostic predictions.
    Ten patients aged between 29 and 78 years (median age 52 years) were included. The male: female ratio was 4:6. Limbic encephalitis was found in nine patients while epileptic seizures were present in seven patients. All patients showed anti-amphiphysin antibody positivity in sera while one ninth was positive for CSF antibody. The EEG findings were abnormal, including reductions in background activity, and the presence of diffuse slow waves, sharp waves, and spikes and waves. Five patients showed signs of increased T2 signals in the medial temporal lobe on MRI while PET showed either hyper- or hypo-metabolic changes in several brain regions, including the temporal lobe, hippocampus, basal ganglia, frontal and parietal cortices. Nine of ten patients were treated with immunotherapy, with improvements of varying degrees. There was a significant reduction in seizure frequency, and all patients were seizure-free at last follow-up.
    Autoimmune encephalitis with anti-amphiphysin antibodies has a variety of clinical manifestations. The most common symptom is limbic encephalitis. Although relief from seizures can be achieved relatively easily, many patients suffer psychiatric, cognitive, and sleep sequelae. The disease was found to be associated with a lower incidence of cancer than has been previously reported for paraneoplastic neurologic syndromes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Appendiceal goblet cell carcinoma (aGCC) is a rare neoplasm with mixed endocrine and exocrine features. No paraneoplastic neurological syndromes or autoantibodies have been identified in cases of aGCC or even appendiceal tumors. Amphiphysin-immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoimmunity was first described in stiff-person syndrome with breast cancer. We firstly described the clinical course and pathological findings of a patient with aGCC-associated amphiphysin-IgG autoimmunity.
    A 54-year-old man who developed aGCC was admitted for acute disturbance of consciousness, psychiatric symptoms, cognitive impairment, seizure and hypotension. Amphiphysin-IgG was detected in the patient\'s serum and CSF by immunoblotting and tissue-based indirect immunofluorescence assay confirming the diagnosis of definite paraneoplastic amphiphysin-IgG-positive encephalitis. Histopathology revealed amphiphysin protein expression and accompanying immune cell infiltration (predominantly CD20+ B cells, CD3+ and CD8+ T cells) within the tumor tissue, suggesting a possible paraneoplastic origin of amphiphysin-associated paraneoplastic neurological syndromes (PNSs) in this case. Although the patient\'s symptoms resolved after high-dose corticosteroid therapy, he experienced recurrence 6 months later, manifesting as paraneoplastic cerebellar dysfunction. Despite treatment with IV cyclophosphamide and oral mycophenolate mofetil, no improvement was noted.
    This case suggests that aGCC may trigger amphiphysin-IgG autoimmunity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane-enclosed transport carriers sort biological molecules between stations in the cell in a dynamic process that is fundamental to the physiology of eukaryotic organisms. While much is known about the formation and release of carriers from specific intracellular membranes, the mechanism of carrier formation from the recycling endosome, a compartment central to cellular signaling, remains to be resolved. In Caenorhabditis elegans, formation of transport carriers from the recycling endosome requires the dynamin-like, Eps15-homology domain (EHD) protein, RME-1, functioning with the Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (N-BAR) domain protein, AMPH-1. Here we show, using a free-solution single-particle technique known as burst analysis spectroscopy (BAS), that AMPH-1 alone creates small, tubular-vesicular products from large, unilamellar vesicles by membrane fission. Membrane fission requires the amphipathic H0 helix of AMPH-1 and is slowed in the presence of RME-1. Unexpectedly, AMPH-1-induced membrane fission is stimulated in the presence of GTP. Furthermore, the GTP-stimulated membrane fission activity seen for AMPH-1 is recapitulated by the heterodimeric N-BAR amphiphysin protein from yeast, Rvs161/167p, strongly suggesting that GTP-stimulated membrane fission is a general property of this important class of N-BAR proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mechanoenzyme dynamin 2 (DNM2) is crucial for intracellular organization and trafficking. DNM2 is mutated in dominant centronuclear myopathy (DNM2-CNM), a muscle disease characterized by defects in organelle positioning in myofibers. It remains unclear how the in vivo functions of DNM2 are regulated in muscle. Moreover, there is no therapy for DNM2-CNM to date. Here, we overexpressed human amphiphysin 2 (BIN1), a membrane remodeling protein mutated in other CNM forms, in Dnm2 RW/+ and Dnm2 RW/RW mice modeling mild and severe DNM2-CNM, through transgenesis or with adeno-associated virus (AAV). Increasing BIN1 improved muscle atrophy and main histopathological features of Dnm2 RW/+ mice and rescued the perinatal lethality and survival of Dnm2 RW/RW mice. In vitro experiments showed that BIN1 binds and recruits DNM2 to membrane tubules, and that the BIN1-DNM2 complex regulates tubules fission. Overall, BIN1 is a potential therapeutic target for dominant centronuclear myopathy linked to DNM2 mutations.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Centronuclear myopathies (CNM) are rare congenital disorders characterized by muscle weakness and structural defects including fiber hypotrophy and organelle mispositioning. The main CNM forms are caused by mutations in: the MTM1 gene encoding the phosphoinositide phosphatase myotubularin (myotubular myopathy), the DNM2 gene encoding the mechanoenzyme dynamin 2, the BIN1 gene encoding the membrane curvature sensing amphiphysin 2, and the RYR1 gene encoding the skeletal muscle calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor. MTM1, BIN1, and DNM2 proteins are involved in membrane remodeling and trafficking, while RyR1 directly regulates excitation-contraction coupling (ECC). Several CNM animal models have been generated or identified, which confirm shared pathological anomalies in T-tubule remodeling, ECC, organelle mispositioning, protein homeostasis, neuromuscular junction, and muscle regeneration. Dynamin 2 plays a crucial role in CNM physiopathology and has been validated as a common therapeutic target for three CNM forms. Indeed, the promising results in preclinical models set up the basis for ongoing clinical trials. Another two clinical trials to treat myotubular myopathy by MTM1 gene therapy or tamoxifen repurposing are also ongoing. Here, we review the contribution of the different CNM models to understanding physiopathology and therapy development with a focus on the commonly dysregulated pathways and current therapeutic targets.





