
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MPs), tiny plastic particles less than 5 mm in size, have emerged as a common and worrying pollutant in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments worldwide. In this study, we revealed the microplastic exposure of two endemic newt species for Türkiye. We found that polyethylene terephthalate (PET) was the predominant microplastic polymer type in both species, with the blue fiber shape in particular. We also found that there was a negative correlation between microplastic size and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) weight, but there was no significant difference between body length and GIT weight of both species. Our findings might be surprising as the studied species live in natural spring waters in remote, high-altitude areas. However, the detection of water bottles in their habitats appears to be the reason for their exposure to microplastic pollution. Therefore, reducing the use of single-use plastics is predicted to contribute to the conservation of these endemic newts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reptiles and amphibians are popular in the exotic pet trade, where Australian species are valued for their rarity and uniqueness. Despite a near-complete ban on the export of Australian wildlife, smuggling and subsequent international trade frequently occur in an unregulated and unmonitored manner. In 2022, Australia listed over 100 squamates in Appendix III of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) to better monitor this trade. We investigated current trade and assessed the value of this Australian CITES listing using web-scraping methods to monitor the online pet trade in Australian reptiles and amphibians, with additional data from published papers, trade databases, and seizure records. Despite the export ban, we identified 170 endemic herpetofauna (reptile and amphibian) species in international trade, 33 of which were not recorded previously in the international market, including 6 newly recorded genera. Ninety-two traded species were included in CITES appendices (59 added in 2022), but at least 78 other traded species remained unregulated. Among these, 5 of the 10 traded threatened species were unlisted, and we recommend they be considered for inclusion in CITES Appendix III. We also recommend the listing of all Diplodactylidae genera in Appendix III. Despite this family representing the greatest number of Australian species in trade, only one genus (of 7 traded) was included in the recent CITES amendments. Overall, a large number of Australian reptile and amphibian species are traded internationally and, although we acknowledge the value of Australia\'s recent CITES listing, we recommend the consideration of other taxa for similar inclusion in CITES.
    Escala del mercado internacional no regulado de reptiles y anfibios australianos Resumen Los reptiles y anfibios son populares en el comercio de mascotas exóticas, en el que las especies australianas son valoradas por su rareza y singularidad. A pesar de la prohibición casi total de la exportación de fauna silvestre australiana, el contrabando y el comercio internacional posterior se producen con frecuencia de forma no regulada y no supervisada. En 2022, Australia incluyó más de 100 escamosos en el apéndice III de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) para controlar mejor este comercio. Investigamos el comercio actual y evaluamos el valor de esta inclusión en CITES con métodos de raspado web para monitorear el comercio virtual de reptiles y anfibios australianos como mascotas, con datos adicionales de artículos publicados, bases de datos comerciales y registros de incautaciones. A pesar de la prohibición de las exportaciones, identificamos 170 especies endémicas de herpetofauna (reptiles y anfibios) en el comercio internacional, 33 de las cuales no se habían registrado previamente en el mercado internacional, incluidos 6 géneros registrados recientemente. Noventa y dos especies comercializadas se incluyeron en los apéndices de CITES (59 añadidas en 2022), pero al menos otras 78 especies comercializadas permanecieron sin regular. Entre ellas, cinco de las diez especies amenazadas comercializadas no estaban incluidas y recomendamos que se considere su inclusión en el apéndice III de CITES. También recomendamos la inclusión de todos los géneros de Diplodactylidae en el apéndice III. A pesar de que esta familia representa el mayor número de especies australianas en el comercio, sólo un género (de 7 comercializados) fue incluido en las recientes enmiendas de CITES. En general, un gran número de especies de reptiles y anfibios australianos son objeto de comercio internacional y, aunque reconocemos el valor de la reciente inclusión de Australia en CITES, recomendamos que se consideren otros taxones para su similar inclusión.
    爬行动物和两栖动物在外来宠物贸易中很受欢迎, 其中, 澳大利亚的生物因其稀有性和独特性而备受青睐。尽管澳大利亚几乎全面禁止野生动物出口, 但仍频繁出现不受管理和监督的走私及随后发生的国际贸易。2022年, 澳大利亚将100多种有鳞类动物列入《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》 (CITES) 附录III, 以更好地监管相关贸易。本研究采用网络抓取数据的方法监测澳大利亚两栖和爬行动物的在线宠物贸易数据, 并从已发表论文、贸易数据库和罚没记录中补充了更多数据, 以研究当前的贸易情况并评估这些澳大利亚物种列入CITES附录的价值。尽管存在出口禁令, 我们仍在国际贸易中发现了170种特有的两栖和爬行动物, 其中33种以前在国际市场上没有记录, 包含6个新记录的属。有92个贸易物种已被列入CITES附录 (其中59个为2022年新增物种), 但至少有另外78个贸易物种仍未受到监管。其中, 10个濒危的贸易物种中有5个未列入附录, 我们建议考虑将其列入CITES附录III。我们还建议将澳洲蜥虎科 (Diplodactylidae) 所有属都列入附录III。这个科在澳大利亚贸易物种中所占数量最多, 但在最近的CITES修订中只列入了一个属 (共7个贸易物种) 。总体而言, 大量澳大利亚两栖和爬行动物存在国际贸易, 尽管我们承认澳大利亚最近新增CITES附录列入物种的价值, 但我们仍建议考虑将其他类群同样列入CITES附录。【翻译: 胡怡思; 审校: 聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical pollution, land cover change, and climate change have all been established as important drivers of amphibian reproductive success and phenology. However, little is known about the relative impacts of these anthropogenic stressors, nor how they may interact to alter amphibian population dynamics. Addressing this gap in our knowledge is important, as it allows us to identify and prioritise the most needed conservation actions. Here, we use long-term datasets to investigate landscape-scale drivers of variation in the reproductive success and phenology of UK Common frog (Rana temporaria) populations. Consistent with predictions, we found that increasing mean temperatures resulted in earlier initialisation of spawning, and earlier hatching, but these relationships were not consistent across all sites. Lower temperatures were also linked to increased spawn mortality. However, temperature increases were also strongly correlated with increases in urban area, arable area, and nitrate levels in the vicinity of spawning grounds. As with spawning and hatching, there was marked spatial variation in spawn mortality trends, where some sites exhibited steady increases over time in the proportion of dead or diseased spawn. These findings support previous work linking warming temperatures to shifts in timing of amphibian breeding, but also highlight the importance of assessing the effect of land use change and pollution on wild amphibian populations. These results have implications for our understanding of the response of wild amphibian populations to climate change, and the management of human-dominated landscapes for declining wildlife populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) is a rhabdovirus that primarily infects cyprinid finfishes and causes a disease notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health. Amphibians, which are sympatric with cyprinids in freshwater ecosystems, are considered non-permissive hosts of rhabdoviruses. The potential host range expansion of SVCV in an atypical host species was evaluated by testing the susceptibility of amphibians native to the Pacific Northwest. Larval long-toed salamanders Ambystoma macrodactylum and Pacific tree frog Pseudacris regilla tadpoles were exposed to SVCV strains from genotypes Ia, Ib, Ic, or Id by either intraperitoneal injection, immersion, or cohabitation with virus-infected koi Cyprinus rubrofuscus. Cumulative mortality was 100% for salamanders injected with SVCV, 98-100% for tadpoles exposed to virus via immersion, and 0-100% for tadpoles cohabited with SVCV-infected koi. Many of the animals that died exhibited clinical signs of disease and SVCV RNA was found by in situ hybridization in tissue sections of immersion-exposed tadpoles, particularly in the cells of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. SVCV was also detected by plaque assay and RT-qPCR testing in both amphibian species regardless of the virus exposure method, and viable virus was detected up to 28 days after initial exposure. Recovery of infectious virus from naïve tadpoles cohabited with SVCV-infected koi further demonstrated that SVCV transmission can occur between classes of ectothermic vertebrates. Collectively, these results indicated that SVCV, a fish rhabdovirus, can be transmitted to and cause lethal disease in two amphibian species. Therefore, members of all five of the major vertebrate groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians) appear to be vulnerable to rhabdovirus infections. Future research studying potential spillover and spillback infections of aquatic rhabdoviruses between foreign and domestic amphibian and fish species will provide insights into the stressors driving novel interclass virus transmission events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The skin of amphibians is a rich source of peptides with a wide range of biological activities. They are stored in secretory granules in an inactive form. Upon stimulation, they are secreted together with proteases into the skin. Once activated, they rapidly exert their biological effects, including fighting microorganisms and predators, while their excess is immediately destroyed by the released proteases. To keep bioactive peptides in their initial form, it is necessary to inhibit these enzymes. Several inhibitors for this purpose have previously been mentioned; however, there has not been any reliable comparison of their efficiency so far. Here, we studied the efficiency of methanol and hydrochloric and formic acids, as well as phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, in the inhibition of nine frog peptides with the known sequence, belonging to five families in the secretion of Pelophylax esculentus. The results demonstrated that methanol had the highest inhibitory efficiency, while phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride was the least efficient, probably due to its instability in aqueous media. Possible cleavages between certain amino acid residues in the sequence were established for each of the inhibitors. These results may be helpful for future studies on the nature of proteases and on prediction of the possible cleavage sites in novel peptides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Among human actions threatening biodiversity, the release of anthropogenic chemical pollutants which have become ubiquitous in the environment, is a major concern. Chemical pollution can induce damage to macromolecules by causing the overproduction of reactive oxygen species, affecting the redox balance of animals. In species undergoing metamorphosis (i.e. the vast majority of the extant animal species), antioxidant responses to chemical pollution may differ between pre- and post-metamorphic stages. Here, we meta-analysed (N = 104 studies, k = 2283 estimates) the impact of chemical pollution on redox balance across the three major amphibian life stages (embryo, tadpole, adult). Before metamorphosis, embryos did not experience any redox change while tadpoles activate their antioxidant pathways and do not show increased oxidative damage from pollutants. Tadpoles may have evolved stronger defences against pollutants to reach post-metamorphic life stages. In contrast, post-metamorphic individuals show only weak antioxidant responses and marked oxidative damage in lipids. The type of pollutant (i.e. organic versus inorganic) has contrasting effects across amphibian life stages. Our findings show a divergent evolution of the redox balance in response to pollutants across life transitions of metamorphosing amphibians, most probably a consequence of differences in the ecological and developmental processes of each life stage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The skin is the biggest organ in the human body. It is the first line of protection against invading pathogens and the starting point for the immune system. The focus of this review is on the use of amphibian-derived peptides and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the treatment of wound healing. When skin is injured, a chain reaction begins that includes inflammation, the formation of new tissue, and remodelling of existing tissue to aid in the healing process. Collaborating with non-immune cells, resident and recruited immune cells in the skin remove foreign invaders and debris, then direct the repair and regeneration of injured host tissues. Restoration of normal structure and function requires the healing of damaged tissues. However, a major issue that slows wound healing is infection. AMPs are just one type of host-defense chemicals that have developed in multicellular animals to regulate the immune response and limit microbial proliferation in response to various types of biological or physical stress. Therefore, peptides isolated from amphibians represent novel therapeutic tools and approaches for regenerating damaged skin. Peptides that speed up the healing process could be used as therapeutic lead molecules in future research into novel drugs. AMPs and amphibian-derived peptides may be endogenous mediators of wound healing and treat non-life-threatening skin and epithelial lesions. Thus, the present article was drafted with to incorporate different peptides used in wound healing, their method of preparation and routes of administration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finding effective pathogen mitigation strategies is one of the biggest challenges humans face today. In the context of wildlife, emerging infectious diseases have repeatedly caused widespread host morbidity and population declines of numerous taxa. In areas yet unaffected by a pathogen, a proactive management approach has the potential to minimize or prevent host mortality. However, typically critical information on disease dynamics in a novel host system is lacking, empirical evidence on efficacy of management interventions is limited, and there is a lack of validated predictive models. As such, quantitative support for identifying effective management interventions is largely absent, and the opportunity for proactive management is often missed. We considered the potential invasion of the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), whose expected emergence in North America poses a severe threat to hundreds of salamander species in this global salamander biodiversity hotspot. We developed and parameterized a dynamic multistate occupancy model to forecast host and pathogen occurrence, following expected emergence of the pathogen, and evaluated the response of salamander populations to different management scenarios. Our model forecasted that taking no action is expected to be catastrophic to salamander populations. Proactive action was predicted to maximize host occupancy outcomes relative to wait-and-see reactive management, thus providing quantitative support for proactive management opportunities. The eradication of Bsal was unlikely under all the evaluated management options. Contrary to our expectations, even early pathogen detection had little effect on Bsal or host occupancy outcomes. Our results provide quantitative support that proactive management is the optimal strategy for promoting persistence of disease-threatened salamander populations. Our approach fills a critical gap by defining a framework for evaluating management options prior to pathogen invasion and can thus serve as a template for addressing novel disease threats that jeopardize wildlife and human health.
    Apoyo cuantitativo para los beneficios de la gestión proactiva del control de enfermedades silvestres Resumen Uno de los mayores retos en la actualidad es encontrar estrategias eficaces de mitigación de patógenos. En el contexto de la fauna silvestre, las enfermedades infecciosas emergentes han causado en varias ocasiones una morbilidad generalizada de los hospedadores y el declive de las poblaciones de numerosos taxones. En zonas aún no afectadas por un patógeno, un enfoque de gestión proactivo tiene el potencial de minimizar o prevenir la mortalidad de los hospederos. Sin embargo, en general se carece de información crítica sobre la dinámica de la enfermedad en el nuevo sistema huésped, las pruebas empíricas sobre la eficacia de las intervenciones de gestión son limitadas y faltan modelos predictivos validados. Por lo tanto, no existe un apoyo cuantitativo para identificar intervenciones de gestión eficaces y a menudo se pierde la oportunidad de una gestión proactiva. Consideramos la posible invasión del hongo quitridio Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), cuya aparición prevista en América del Norte supone una grave amenaza para cientos de especies de salamandras en este punto caliente de la biodiversidad mundial de salamandras. Desarrollamos y parametrizamos un modelo dinámico de ocupación multiestado para predecir la presencia de hospederos y patógenos, tras la aparición esperada del patógeno, y evaluamos la respuesta de las poblaciones de salamandras a diferentes escenarios de gestión. Nuestro modelo predijo que no tomar ninguna medida sería catastrófico para las poblaciones de salamandras. También predijo que la acción proactiva maximizaría los resultados de ocupación de hospederos en relación con la gestión reactiva de esperar y ver, proporcionando así un apoyo cuantitativo a las oportunidades de gestión proactiva. La erradicación de Bsal fue improbable bajo todas las opciones de gestión evaluadas. Contrariamente a nuestras expectativas, incluso la detección temprana del patógeno tuvo poco efecto sobre los resultados de ocupación de Bsal o del hospedador. Nuestros resultados apoyan cuantitativamente a la gestión proactiva como la estrategia óptima para promover la persistencia de poblaciones de salamandras amenazadas por la enfermedad. Nuestro enfoque llena un vacío crítico al definir un marco para evaluar las opciones de gestión antes de la invasión de patógenos y, por lo tanto, puede servir como plantilla para hacer frente a nuevas amenazas de enfermedades que ponen en peligro la vida silvestre y la salud humana.
    【摘要】 保护文献涉及广泛的跨学科问题和利益。其中大部分文献的作者来自不同国家, 尤其是那些重点关注保护工作的国家。众所周知, 在其他学科中, 学术出版领域存在着阻碍和偏见, 这会影响研究成果的传播和作者的职业发展。本研究使用离散选择实验来确定七种期刊属性如何影响作者在发表保护研究论文时的选择。我们直接联系了在18种目标期刊上发表过论文的作者, 同时通过保护组织的交流渠道间接联系了其他作者。我们只纳入了曾在保护相关期刊上发表过文章的受访者。我们使用多项logit模型和潜在类别模型分析了所有受访者和不同亚群的偏好。我们将1038位曾在保护期刊上发表文章的受访者划分为三个群体(主要来自中等收入国家的年长作者、主要来自中等收入国家的年轻作者, 以及来自高收入国家的年轻作者)。每个群体都表现出不同的出版偏好。不同群体仅对两个期刊属性存在一致响应:出版费用对期刊选择有一致的负面影响, 包括高收入国家的作者;作者对双盲审稿有一致的偏好。与高收入国家的作者不同, 中等收入国家的作者愿意为学会主办的期刊支付更多费用。在三个群体中, 有两个群体偏好地域范围广、可开放获取且影响因子相对较高的期刊。然而, 在决定期刊选择方面, 期刊范围和开放获取比影响因子更重要。总体而言, 不同人群对期刊有不同偏好, 他们在选择期刊时会受到开放获取政策等因素的限制。然而, 来自低收入国家的受访者很少(占受访者的2%), 这凸显了保护研究中普遍存在的代表性阻碍。我们建议期刊提供双盲审稿, 降低或取消开放获取费用, 调研提供免费出版支持的选项, 并更好地认可局部尺度单一物种研究的价值。学术团体尤其应反思其期刊如何支持保护和保护研究者。 【翻译:胡怡思;审校:聂永刚】.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The joint influence of abiotic and biotic factors is important for understanding the transmission of generalist pathogens. Abiotic factors such as temperature can directly influence pathogen persistence in the environment and will also affect biotic factors, such as host community composition and abundance. At intermediate spatial scales, the effects of temperature, community composition, and host abundance are expected to contribute to generalist pathogen transmission. We use a simple transmission model to explain and predict how host community composition, host abundance, and environmental pathogen persistence times can independently and jointly influence transmission. Our transmission model clarifies how abiotic and biotic factors can synergistically support the transmission of a pathogen. The empirical data show that high community competence, high abundance, and low temperatures correlate with high levels of transmission of ranavirus in larval amphibian communities. Discrete wetlands inhabited by larval amphibians in the presence of ranavirus provide a compelling case study comprising distinct host communities at a spatial scale anticipated to demonstrate abiotic and biotic influence on transmission. We use these host communities to observe phenomena demonstrated in our theoretical model. These findings emphasize the importance of considering both abiotic and biotic factors, and concomitant direct and indirect mechanisms, in the study of pathogen transmission and should extend to other generalist pathogens with the capacity for environmental transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a pathogenic chytrid fungus that is particularly lethal for amphibians. Bd can extirpate amphibian populations within a few weeks and remain in water in the absence of amphibian hosts. Most efforts to determine Bd presence and quantity in the field have focused on sampling hosts, but these data do not give us a direct reflection of the amount of Bd in the water, which are useful for parameterizing disease models, and are not effective when hosts are absent or difficult to sample. Current methods for screening Bd presence and quantity in water are time, resource, and money intensive. Here, we developed a streamlined method for detecting Bd in water with low turbidity (e.g., water samples from laboratory experiments and relatively clear pond water from a natural lentic system). We centrifuged water samples with known amounts of Bd to form a pellet and extracted the DNA from that pellet. This method was highly effective and the resulting concentrations across all tested treatments presented a highly linear relationship with the expected values. While the experimentally derived values were lower than the inoculation doses, the values were highly correlated and a conversion factor allows us to extrapolate the actual Bd concentration. This centrifuge-based method is effective, repeatable, and would greatly expand the domain of tractable questions to be explored in the field of Bd ecology. Importantly, this method increases equity in the field, because it is time- and cost-efficient and requires few resources.





