
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Derivatives of the potassium-sparing diuretic amiloride are preferentially cytotoxic toward tumor cells relative to normal cells, and have the capacity to target tumor cell populations resistant to currently employed therapeutic agents. However, a major barrier to clinical translation of the amilorides is their modest cytotoxic potency, with estimated IC50 values in the high micromolar range. Here we report the synthesis of ten novel amiloride derivatives and the characterization of their cytotoxic potency toward MCF7 (ER/PR-positive), SKBR3 (HER2-positive) and MDA-MB-231 (triple negative) cell line models of breast cancer. Comparisons of derivative structure with cytotoxic potency toward these cell lines underscore the importance of an intact guanidine group, and uncover a strong link between drug-induced cytotoxicity and drug lipophilicity. We demonstrate that our most potent derivative called LLC1 is preferentially cytotoxic toward mouse mammary tumor over normal epithelial organoids, acts in the single digit micromolar range on breast cancer cell line models representing all major subtypes, acts on cell lines that exhibit both transient and sustained resistance to chemotherapeutic agents, but exhibits limited anti-tumor effects in a mouse model of metastatic breast cancer. Nonetheless, our observations offer a roadmap for the future optimization of amiloride-based compounds with preferential cytotoxicity toward breast tumor cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) are activated by proteolysis of the α and γ subunits at specific sites flanking embedded inhibitory tracts. To examine the role of α subunit proteolysis in channel activation in vivo, we generated mice lacking the distal furin cleavage site in the α subunit (αF2M mice). On a normal Na+ control diet, no differences in ENaC protein abundance in kidney or distal colon were noted between wild-type (WT) and αF2M mice. Patch-clamp analyses revealed similar levels of ENaC activity in kidney tubules, while no physiologically relevant differences in blood chemistry or aldosterone levels were detected. Male αF2M mice did exhibit diminished ENaC activity in the distal colon, as measured by amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (ISC). Following dietary Na+ restriction, WT and αF2M mice had similar natriuretic and colonic ISC responses to amiloride. However, single-channel activity was significantly lower in kidney tubules from Na+-restricted αF2M mice compared with WT littermates. ENaC α and γ subunit expression in kidney and distal colon were also enhanced in Na+-restricted αF2M vs. WT mice, in association with higher aldosterone levels. These data provide evidence that disrupting α subunit proteolysis impairs ENaC activity in vivo, requiring compensation in response to Na+ restriction. KEY POINTS: The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is activated by proteolytic cleavage in vitro, but key questions regarding the role of ENaC proteolysis in terms of whole-animal physiology remain to be addressed. We studied the in vivo importance of this mechanism by generating a mouse model with a genetic disruption to a key cleavage site in the ENaC\'s α subunit (αF2M mice). We found that αF2M mice did not exhibit a physiologically relevant phenotype under normal dietary conditions, but have impaired ENaC activation (channel open probability) in the kidney during salt restriction. ENaC function at the organ level was preserved in salt-restricted αF2M mice, but this was associated with higher aldosterone levels and increased expression of ENaC subunits, suggesting compensation was required to maintain homeostasis. These results provide the first evidence that ENaC α subunit proteolysis is a key regulator of channel activity in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cigarette smoke has been shown to induce a phenotype in humans known as \"acquired cystic fibrosis\". This occurs because the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) functions are impaired systemically due to the deleterious effects of smoke components. Elucidation of cigarette smoke effects on the tracheal epithelium is important. The aim of this study was to develop an ex vivo sheep tracheal model to investigate tracheal ion function. In this model, the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is inhibited after exposure to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) as a proof of principle.
    Tracheas were isolated from healthy sheep and the tracheal epithelium was surgically excised. Tissues were mounted in Ussing chambers and the short circuit current (Isc) was measured after incubation with 5% CSE in PBS or PBS alone for 30 min. The function of ENaC was investigated by the addition of amiloride (10-5M) apically. Western blot analysis was performed to assess differences in ENaC quantity after CSE exposure. Some specimens were stained with H&E for detection of histological alterations.
    The amiloride effect on normal epithelium led to a significant decrease in Isc [ΔI=33±5.92 μA/cm2; p<0.001 versus control experiments (ΔI=1.44±0.71 μA/cm2)]. After incubation with CSE, ENaC Isc was significantly reduced (ΔI=14.80±1.96 μA/cm2; p<0.001). No differences in αENaC expression were observed between CSE-exposed and normal tracheal epithelium. Histological images post CSE incubation revealed decreases in the height of the epithelium, with basal cell hyperplasia and loss of ciliated cells.
    Reduced ENaC inhibition by amiloride after CSE incubation could be due to alterations in the tracheal epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The envelope (E) protein of SARS-CoV-2 is the smallest of the three structural membrane proteins of the virus. E mediates budding of the progeny virus in the endoplasmic reticulum Golgi intermediate compartment of the cell. It also conducts ions, and this channel activity is associated with the pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2. The structural basis for these functions is still poorly understood. Biochemical studies of E in detergent micelles found a variety of oligomeric states, but recent 19F solid-state NMR data indicated that the transmembrane domain (ETM, residues 8-38) forms pentamers in lipid bilayers. Hexamethylene amiloride (HMA), an E inhibitor, binds the pentameric ETM at the lipid-exposed helix-helix interface. Here, we investigate the oligomeric structure and drug interaction of an ectodomain-containing E construct, ENTM (residues 1-41). Unexpectedly, 19F spin diffusion NMR data reveal that ENTM adopts an average oligomeric state of dimers instead of pentamers in lipid bilayers. A new amiloride inhibitor, AV-352, shows stronger inhibitory activity than HMA in virus-like particle assays. Distance measurements between 13C-labeled protein and a trifluoromethyl group of AV-352 indicate that the drug binds ENTM with a higher stoichiometry than ETM. We measured protein-drug contacts using a sensitivity-enhanced two-dimensional 13C-19F distance NMR technique. The results indicate that AV-352 binds the C-terminal half of the TM domain, similar to the binding region of HMA. These data provide evidence for the existence of multiple oligomeric states of E in lipid bilayers, which may carry out distinct functions and may be differentially targeted by antiviral drugs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Preclinical models indicate that amiloride (AMD) reduces baroreflex sensitivity and perturbs homeostatic blood pressure (BP) regulation. However, it remains unclear whether these findings translate to humans. This study investigated whether oral administration of AMD reduces spontaneous cardiac and sympathetic baroreflex sensitivity and perturbs BP regulation in healthy young humans. Heart rate (HR; electrocardiography), beat-to-beat BP (photoplethysmography), and muscle sympathetic activity (MSNA, microneurography) were continuously measured in 10 young subjects (4 females) during rest across two randomized experimental visits: 1) after 3 h of oral administration of placebo (PLA, 10 mg of methylcellulose within a gelatin capsule) and 2) after 3 h of oral administration of AMD (10 mg). Visits were separated for at least 48 h. We calculated the standard deviation and other indices of BP variability. Spontaneous cardiac baroreflex was assessed via the sequence technique and cardiac autonomic modulation through time- and frequency-domain HR variability. The sensitivity (gain) of the sympathetic baroreflex was determined via weighted linear regression analysis between MSNA and diastolic BP. AMD did not affect HR, BP, and MSNA compared with PLA. Indexes of cardiac autonomic modulation (time- and frequency-domain HR variability) and BP variability were also unchanged after AMD ingestion. Likewise, AMD did not modify the gain of both spontaneous cardiac and sympathetic arterial baroreflex. A single oral dose of AMD does not affect spontaneous arterial baroreflex sensitivity and BP variability in healthy young adults.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Preclinical models indicate that amiloride (AMD), a nonselective antagonist of the acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs), impairs baroreflex sensitivity and perturbs blood pressure regulation. We translated these findings into humans, investigating the impact of acute oral ingestion of AMD on blood pressure variability and spontaneous cardiac and sympathetic baroreflex sensitivity in healthy young humans. In contrast to preclinical evidence, AMD does not impair spontaneous arterial baroreflex sensitivity and blood pressure variability in healthy young adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Apparent resistant hypertension (aTRH) is a significant public health issue. Once low adherence to antihypertensive treatment has been ruled out and true resistant hypertension is diagnosed, aldosterone-direct-renin-ratio (ADRR) aids in the screening of an aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) and primary aldosteronism (PA). Once PA and other secondary causes have been ruled out, the values of aldosterone and renin allow patients to be classified into phenotypes such as low renin hypertension (LRH), Liddle\'s-like (LLph), and primary hyperaldosteronism (PAph). These classifications could aid in the treatment decision-making process. However, optimal cut-off points for these classifications remain uncertain. This study aims to assess the prevalence of these phenotypes and the behavior of different cut-offs of the ADRR in an Afro-Colombian population with apparent resistant hypertension, as well to describe their sodium consumption. Afro-descendant individuals 18 years of age or older, diagnosed with resistant hypertension and attending to a primary care center in Colombia were recruited as volunteers. As part of the study, their plasma renin concentration (PRC) and plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) were measured. The phenotypes were categorized into three groups based on multiple cut-off points from different authors: low renin and low aldosterone phenotype (LLph), low renin and high aldosterone phenotype (PAph), and high renin and high aldosterone phenotype, referred to as the renal phenotype (Rph). The prevalence of ADRR values exceeding the cut-off and phenotypes were calculated. A linear regression model was derived to assess the effect of sodium consumption with PAC, PRC and ADRR. A total of 88 patients with aTRH were included. Adherence to at least 3 antihypertensive medications was 62.5%. The median age was 56 years (IQR 48-60), 44% were female, and 20% had diabetes. The study found that the prevalence of ADRR values exceeding the cut-off ranged from 4.5 to 23%, while low-renin hypertension (LRH) varied from 15 to 74%, Rph was found in approximately 30 to 34% of patients, PAph in 30 to 51%, and the LLph in 15 to 41%, respectively, depending on the specific cut-off value by different authors. Notably, sodium consumption was associated with lower aldosterone (β - 0.15, 95% CI [- 0.27, - 0.03]) and renin concentrations (β - 0.75, 95% CI [- 1.5, - 0.02]), but ADRR showed no significant association with sodium consumption. There were no significant differences in prevalences between the groups taking < 3 vs ≥ 3 antihypertensive medications. Altered aldosterone-direct-renin-ratio, low renin hypertension, Liddle\'s-like, and primary hyperaldosteronism are prevalent phenotypes in patients within Afro-Colombian patients with apparent treatment-Resistant hypertension.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cisplatin, a chemotherapy agent widely used since its FDA approval in 1978 for testicular cancer, is associated with nephrotoxicity and hypomagnesemia. Magnesium supplementation is not only a treatment for hypomagnesemia but also a well-established agent in preventing cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity (CIN). Considering the challenges associated with intravenous magnesium use and even with the supplementation of oral forms, there is a need for drugs that effectively reduce urinary magnesium excretion. Amiloride and sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2 inhibitors) have emerged as potential candidates. Amiloride is a well-known potassium-sparing diuretic that also has a hypomagnesemia effect seen in preclinical data. SGLT2 inhibitors are a drug class initially used in diabetes that was also observed to have positive effects on cardiovascular mortality, diabetic kidney disease, and hypomagnesemia. SGLT2 inhibitors were found to reduce hypomagnesemia in a meta-analysis study of 18 trials. However, these trials were not specifically designed for the evaluation of hypomagnesemia, and their current use in hypomagnesemia is considered off-label.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In rodent models of nephrotic syndrome (NS), edema formation was prevented by blockade of the epithelial sodium channel ENaC with amiloride. However, apart from case reports, there is no evidence favoring ENaC blockade in patients with NS.
    METHODS: The monocentric randomized controlled AMILOR study investigated the antiedematous effect of amiloride (starting dose 5 mg/day, max. 15 mg/day) in comparison to standard therapy with the loop diuretic furosemide (40 mg/day, max. 120 mg/day) over 16 days. Overhydration (OH) was measured by bioimpedance spectroscopy (BCM, Fresenius). Depending on the OH response, diuretic dose was adjusted on days 2, 5, 8 and 12, and if necessary, hydrochlorothiazide (HCT) was added from d8 (12.5 mg/day, max. 25 mg/day). The primary endpoint was the decrease in OH on d8. The study was terminated prematurely due to insufficient recruitment and a low statistical power due to a low actual effect size.
    RESULTS: Median baseline OH was +26.4 (interquartile range 15.5-35.1)% extracellular water (ECW) in the amiloride arm and + 27.9 (24.1-29.4)% ECW in the furosemide arm and decreased by 1.95 (0.80-6.40) and 5.15 (0.90-8.30)% ECW after 8 days, respectively, and by 10.10 (1.30-14.40) and 7.40 (2.80-10.10)% ECW after 16 days, respectively. OH decrease on d8 and d16 was not significantly different between both arms.
    CONCLUSIONS: The AMILOR study is the first randomized controlled pilot study suggesting a similar antiedematous effect as furosemide. Further studies are required to better define the role of amiloride in NS (EudraCT 2019-002607-18).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and hypertension are common conditions that may be linked through sympathetic activation and water retention. We hypothesized that diuretics, which reduce the body water content, may be more effective than amlodipine, a blood pressure (BP)-lowering agent implicated with edema, in controlling OSA in patients with hypertension. We also aimed to compare the effects of these treatments on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).
    METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind clinical trial, we compared the effects of chlorthalidone/amiloride 25/5 mg with amlodipine 10 mg on OSA measured by portable sleep monitor and BP measured by ABPM. The study included participants older than 40 who had moderate OSA (10-40 apneas/hour of sleep) and BP within the systolic range of 140-159 mmHg or diastolic range of 90-99 mmHg.
    RESULTS: The individuals in the experimental groups were comparable in age, gender, and other relevant characteristics. Neither the combination of diuretics nor amlodipine alone reduced the AHI after 8 weeks of treatment (AHI 26.3 with diuretics and 25.0 with amlodipine. P = 0.713). Both treatments significantly lowered office, 24-h, and nighttime ABP, but the two groups had no significant difference.
    CONCLUSIONS: Chlorthalidone associated with amiloride and amlodipine are ineffective in decreasing the frequency of sleep apnea episodes in patients with moderate OSA and hypertension. Both treatments have comparable effects in lowering both office and ambulatory blood pressure. The notion that treatments could offer benefits for both OSA and hypertension remains to be demonstrated. TRIAL REGISTRATION CLINICALTRIALS.
    UNASSIGNED: NCT01896661.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The volume and composition of airway surface liquid (ASL) is regulated by liquid secretion and absorption across airway epithelia, controlling the pH, solute concentration, and biophysical properties of ASL in health and disease. Here, we developed a method integrating explanted tracheal tissue with a micro-machined device (referred to as \"ex vivo trachea-chip\") to study the dynamic properties of ASL volume regulation. The ex vivo trachea-chip allows real-time measurement of ASL transport (Jv) with intact airway anatomic structures, environmental control, high-resolution, and enhanced experimental throughput. Applying this technology to freshly excised tissue we observed ASL absorption under basal conditions. The apical application of amiloride, an inhibitor of airway epithelial sodium channels (ENaC), reduced airway liquid absorption. Furthermore, the basolateral addition of NPPB, a Cl- channel inhibitor, reduced the basal rate of ASL absorption, implicating a role for basolateral Cl- channels in ASL volume regulation. When tissues were treated with apical amiloride and basolateral methacholine, a cholinergic agonist that stimulates secretion from airway submucosal glands, the net airway surface liquid production shifted from absorption to secretion. This ex vivo trachea-chip provides a new tool to investigate ASL transport dynamics in pulmonary disease states and may aid the development of new therapies targeting ASL regulation.





