amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Cress seeds release allelochemicals that over-stimulate the elongation of hypocotyls of neighbouring (potentially competing) seedlings and inhibit their root growth. The hypocotyl promoter is potassium, but the root inhibitor was unidentified; its nature is investigated here.
    METHODS: Low-molecular-weight cress-seed exudate (LCSE) from imbibed Lepidium sativum seeds was fractionated by phase partitioning, paper chromatography, high-voltage electrophoresis and gel-permeation chromatography (on Bio-Gel P-2). Fractions, compared with pure potassium salts, were bioassayed for effects on Amaranthus caudatus seedling growth in the dark for 4 days.
    RESULTS: The LCSE robustly promoted amaranth hypocotyl elongation and inhibited root growth. The hypocotyl inhibitor was non-volatile, hot acid stable, hydrophilic and resistant to incineration, as expected for K+. The root inhibitor(s) had similar properties but were organic (activity lost on incineration). The root inhibitor(s) remained in the aqueous phase (at pH 2.0, 6.5 and 9.0) when partitioned against butan-1-ol or toluene, and were thus hydrophilic. Activity was diminished after electrophoresis, but the remaining root inhibitors were neutral. They became undetectable after paper chromatography; therefore, they probably comprised multiple compounds, which separated from each other, in part, during fractionation. On gel-permeation chromatography, the root inhibitor co-eluted with hexoses.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cress-seed allelochemicals inhibiting root growth are different from the agent (K+) that over-stimulates hypocotyl elongation and the former probably comprise a mixture of small, non-volatile, hydrophilic, organic substances. Abundant components identified chromatographically and by electrophoresis in cress-seed exudate fitting this description include glucose, fructose, sucrose and galacturonic acid. However, none of these sugars co-chromatographed and co-electrophoresed with the root-inhibitory principle of LCSE, and none of them (in pure form at naturally occurring concentrations) inhibited root growth. We conclude that the root-inhibiting allelochemicals of cress-seed exudate remain unidentified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imbibed cress ( Lepidium sativum L.) seeds exude \'allelochemicals\' that promote excessive hypocotyl elongation and inhibit root growth in neighbouring competitors, e.g. amaranth ( Amaranthus caudatus L.) seedlings. The major hypocotyl promoter has recently been shown not to be the previously suggested acidic disaccharide, lepidimoic acid (LMA), a fragment of the pectic polysaccharide domain rhamnogalacturonan-I. The nature of the hypocotyl promoter has now been re-assessed.
    Low-molecular weight cress-seed exudate (LCSE) was fractionated by high-voltage electrophoresis, and components with different charge:mass ratios were tested for effects on dark-grown amaranth seedlings. Further samples of LCSE were size-fractionated by gel permeation chromatography, and active fractions were analysed electrophoretically.
    The LCSE strongly promoted amaranth hypocotyl elongation. The active principle was hydrophilic and, unlike LMA, stable to hot acid. After electrophoresis at pH 6·5, the only fractions that strongly promoted hypocotyl elongation were those with a very high positive charge:mass ratio, migrating towards the cathode 3-4 times faster than glucosamine. Among numerous naturally occurring cations tested, the only one with such a high mobility was potassium. K + was present in LCSE at approx. 4 m m , and pure KCl (1-10 m m ) strongly promoted amaranth hypocotyl elongation. No other cation tested (including Na + , spermidine and putrescine) had this effect. The peak of bioactivity from a gel permeation chromatography column exactly coincided with the peak of K + .
    The major \'allelopathic\' substance present in cress-seed exudate that stimulates hypocotyl elongation in neighbouring seedlings is the inorganic cation, K + , not the oligosaccharin LMA.





