
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the retina, rod and cone pathways mediate visual signals over a billion-fold range in luminance. AII (\"A-two\") amacrine cells (ACs) receive signals from both pathways via different bipolar cells, enabling AIIs to operate at night and during the day. Previous work has examined luminance-dependent changes in AII gap junction connectivity, but less is known about how surrounding circuitry shapes AII receptive fields across light levels. Here, we report that moderate contrast stimuli elicit surround inhibition in AIIs under all but the dimmest visual conditions, due to actions of horizontal cells and at least two ACs that inhibit presynaptic bipolar cells. Under photopic (daylight) conditions, surround inhibition transforms AII response kinetics, which are inherited by downstream ganglion cells. Ablating neuronal nitric oxide synthase type-1 (nNOS-1) ACs removes AII surround inhibition under mesopic (dusk/dawn), but not photopic, conditions. Our findings demonstrate how multiple layers of neural circuitry interact to encode signals across a wide physiological range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amacrine cells (ACs) are the most diverse neuronal cell type in the vertebrate retina. Yet little is known about the contribution of ACs to visual processing and retinal disease. A major challenge in evaluating AC function is genetic accessibility. A classic tool of mouse genetics, Cre-mediated recombination, can provide such access. We have screened existing genetically-modified mouse strains and identified multiple candidates that express Cre-recombinase in subsets of retinal ACs. The Cre-expressing mice were crossed to fluorescent-reporter mice to assay Cre expression. In addition, a Cre-dependent fluorescent reporter plasmid was electroporated into the subretinal space of Cre strains. Herein, we report three mouse lines (Tac1::IRES-cre, Camk2a-cre, and Scx-cre) that express Cre recombinase in sub-populations of ACs. In two of these lines, recombination occurred in multiple AC types and a small number of other retinal cell types, while recombination in the Camk2a-cre line appears specific to a morphologically distinct AC. We anticipate that these characterized mouse lines will be valuable tools to the community of researchers who study retinal biology and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The morphology of retinal neurons strongly influences their physiological function. Ganglion cell (GC) dendrites ramify in distinct strata of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) so that GCs responding to light increments (ON) or decrements (OFF) receive appropriate excitatory inputs. This vertical stratification prescribes response polarity and ensures consistent connectivity between cell types, whereas the lateral extent of GC dendritic arbors typically dictates receptive field (RF) size. Here, we identify circuitry in mouse retina that contradicts these conventions. AII amacrine cells are interneurons understood to mediate \"crossover\" inhibition by relaying excitatory input from the ON layer to inhibitory outputs in the OFF layer. Ultrastructural and physiological analyses show, however, that some AIIs deliver powerful inhibition to OFF GC somas and proximal dendrites in the ON layer, rendering the inhibitory RFs of these GCs smaller than their dendritic arbors. This OFF pathway, avoiding entirely the OFF region of the IPL, challenges several tenets of retinal circuitry. These results also indicate that subcellular synaptic organization can vary within a single population of neurons according to their proximity to potential postsynaptic targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a cytoprotective protein for the retina. We hypothesize that this protein acts on neuronal survival and differentiation of photoreceptor cells in culture. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the neurotrophic effects of PEDF and its fragments in an in vitro model of cultured primary retinal neurons that die spontaneously in the absence of trophic factors. We used Wistar albino rats. Cell death was assayed by immunofluorescence and flow cytometry through TUNEL assay, propidium iodide, mitotracker, and annexin V. Immunofluorescence of cells for visualizing rhodopsin, CRX, and antisyntaxin under confocal microscopy was performed. Neurite outgrowth was also quantified. Results show that PEDF protected photoreceptor precursors from apoptosis, preserved mitochondrial function and promoted polarization of opsin enhancing their developmental process, as well as induced neurite outgrowth in amacrine neurons. These effects were abolished by an inhibitor of the PEDF receptor or receptor-derived peptides that block ligand/receptor interactions. While all the activities were specifically conferred by short peptide fragments (17 amino acid residues) derived from the PEDF neurotrophic domain, no effects were triggered by peptides from the PEDF antiangiogenic region. The observed effects on retinal neurons imply a specific activation of the PEDF receptor by a small neurotrophic region of PEDF. Our findings support the neurotrophic PEDF peptides as neuronal guardians for the retina, highlighting their potential as promoters of retinal differentiation, and inhibitors of retinal cell death and its blinding consequences. Cover Image for this issue:






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amacrine cells are interneurons composing the most diverse cell class in the mammalian retina. They help encode visual features, such as edges or directed motion, by mediating excitatory and inhibitory interactions between input (i.e., bipolar) and output (i.e., ganglion) neurons in the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Like other brain regions, the retina also contains glial cells that contribute to neurotransmitter uptake, metabolic regulation, and neurovascular control. Here, we report that, in mouse retina (of either sex), an abundant, though previously unstudied inhibitory amacrine cell is coupled directly to Müller glia. Electron microscopic reconstructions of this amacrine type revealed chemical synapses with known retinal cell types and extensive associations with Müller glia, the processes of which often completely ensheathe the neurites of this amacrine cell. Microinjecting small tracer molecules into the somas of these amacrine cells led to selective labeling of nearby Müller glia, leading us to suggest the name \"Müller glia-coupled amacrine cell,\" or MAC. Our data also indicate that MACs release glycine at conventional chemical synapses, and viral retrograde transsynaptic tracing from the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus showed selective connections between MACs and a subpopulation of retinal ganglion cell types. Visually evoked responses revealed a strong preference for light increments; these \"ON\" responses were primarily mediated by excitatory chemical synaptic input and direct electrical coupling with other cells. This initial characterization of the MAC provides the first evidence for neuron-glia coupling in the mammalian retina and identifies the MAC as a potential link between inhibitory processing and glial function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Gap junctions between pairs of neurons or glial cells are commonly found throughout the nervous system and play multiple roles, including electrical coupling and metabolic exchange. In contrast, gap junctions between neurons and glia cells have rarely been reported and are poorly understood. Here we report the first evidence for neuron-glia coupling in the mammalian retina, specifically between an abundant (but previously unstudied) inhibitory interneuron and Müller glia. Moreover, viral tracing, optogenetics, and serial electron microscopy provide new information about the neuron\'s synaptic partners and physiological responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of nervous system function is limited by our ability to identify and manipulate neuronal subtypes within intact circuits. We show that the Gbx2CreERT2-IRES-EGFP mouse line labels two amacrine cell (AC) subtypes in the mouse retina that have distinct morphological, physiological, and molecular properties. Using a combination of RNA-seq, genetic labeling, and patch clamp recordings, we show that one subtype is GABAergic that receives excitatory input from On bipolar cells. The other population is a non-GABAergic, non-glycinergic (nGnG) AC subtype that lacks the expression of standard neurotransmitter markers. Gbx2+ nGnG ACs have smaller, asymmetric dendritic arbors that receive excitatory input from both On and Off bipolar cells. Gbx2+ nGnG ACs also exhibit spatially restricted tracer coupling to bipolar cells (BCs) through gap junctions. This study identifies a genetic tool for investigating the two distinct AC subtypes, and it provides a model for studying synaptic communication and visual circuit function.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many neuronal types occur as pairs that are similar in most respects but differ in a key feature. In some pairs of retinal neurons, called paramorphic, one member responds to increases and the other to decreases in luminance (ON and OFF responses). Here, we focused on one such pair, starburst amacrine cells (SACs), to explore how closely related neuronal types diversify. We find that ON and OFF SACs are transcriptionally distinct prior to their segregation, dendritic outgrowth, and synapse formation. The transcriptional repressor Fezf1 is selectively expressed by postmitotic ON SACs and promotes the ON fate and gene expression program while repressing the OFF fate and program. The atypical Rho GTPase Rnd3 is selectively expressed by OFF SACs and regulates their migration but is repressed by Fezf1 in ON SACs, enabling differential positioning of the two types. These results define a transcriptional program that controls diversification of a paramorphic pair.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mouse retina has a layered structure that is composed of five classes of neurons supported by Müller glial and pigment epithelial cells. Recent studies have made progress in the classification of bipolar and ganglion cells, and also in the wiring of rod-driven signaling, color coding, and directional selectivity. Molecular biological techniques, such as genetic manipulation, transcriptomics, and fluorescence imaging, have contributed a lot to these advancements. The mouse retina has consistently been an important experimental system for both basic and clinical neurosciences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amacrine interneurons play a critical role in the processing of visual signals within the retina. They are highly diverse, representing 30 or more distinct subtypes. Little is known about how amacrine subtypes acquire their unique gene expression and morphological features. We characterized the gene expression pattern of the zinc-finger transcription factor Prdm13 in the mouse. Consistent with a developmental role, Prdm13 was expressed by Ptf1a+ amacrine and horizontal precursors. Over time, Prdm13 expression diverged from the transiently expressed Ptf1a and marked just a subset of amacrine cells in the adult retina. While heterogeneous, we show that most of these Prdm13+ amacrine cells express the transcription factor Ebf3 and the calcium binding protein calretinin. Loss of Prdm13 did not affect the number of amacrine cells formed during development. However, we observed a modest loss of amacrine cells and increased apoptosis that correlated with the onset timing of Ebf3 expression. Adult Prdm13 loss-of-function mice had 25% fewer amacrine cells, altered calretinin expression, and a lack of Ebf3+ amacrines. Forcing Prdm13 expression in retinal progenitor cells did not significantly increase amacrine cell formation, Ebf3 or calretinin expression, and appeared detrimental to the survival of photoreceptors. Our data show that Prdm13 is not required for amacrine fate as a class, but is essential for the formation of Ebf3+ amacrine cell subtypes. Rather than driving subtype identity, Prdm13 may act by restricting competing fate programs to maintain identity and survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amacrine cells are a diverse set of local circuit neurons of the inner retina, and they all release either GABA or glycine, amino acid neurotransmitters that are generally inhibitory. But some types of amacrine cells have another function besides inhibiting other neurons. One glycinergic amacrine cell, the Aii type, excites a subset of bipolar cells via extensive gap junctions while inhibiting others at chemical synapses. Many types of GABAergic amacrine cells also release monoamines, acetylcholine, or neuropeptides. There is now good evidence that another type of amacrine cell releases glycine at some of its synapses and releases the excitatory amino acid glutamate at others. The glutamatergic synapses are made onto a subset of retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells and have the asymmetric postsynaptic densities characteristic of central excitatory synapses. The glycinergic synapses are made onto other types of ganglion cells and have the symmetric postsynaptic densities characteristic of central inhibitory synapses. These amacrine cells, which contain vesicular glutamate transporter 3, will be the focus of this brief review.





