alternative method

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is a risk of contamination by (pathogenic) microorganisms from the outside environment into the drinking water during maintenance or pipe breaches in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS) and, consequently, the drinking water distributed to consumers may result in possible detrimental effects on public health. Traditional time-consuming microbiological testing is, therefore, performed to confirm drinking water is not microbially contaminated. This is done by culturing methods of the faecal indicators Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci and the technical parameters coliform bacteria and heterotrophic plate counts at 22 °C (HPC22). In this study, fast methods (adenosine triphosphate (ATP), flow cytometry, enzyme activity and qPCR) were compared as an alternative for HPC22. Using dilution series and field samples, ATP (ATPtotal-lab and ATPcell-mob) and enzymatic activity (ALP-2) methods proved to be the more reliable and sensitive than flow cytometry and qPCR methods for detecting microbiological contaminations in drinking water. Significant (p < 0.05) and relatively strong correlations (R2 = 0.61-0.76) were obtained between HPC22 and both ATP methods, enzyme activity and qPCR parameters, but relations with flow cytometry were weak (R2 = 0.24 - 0.52). The samples taken after repairs or a calamity from the DWDS showed in general limited variation in the HPC22 count and were in most cases below the guidance level of 1,000 CFU/mL. We recommend that the best performing alternative methods, i.e. ATPtotal-lab and ATPcell-mob and ALP-2, should be included next to HPC22 in additional field studies to further test and compare these methods to be able to decide which fast method can replace HPC22 analysis after maintenance work in the DWDS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To study the effects of drugs on embryo/fetal development (EFD), developmental and reproductive toxicity studies in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos is expected to be an accepted alternative method to animal studies using mammals. However, there is a lack of clarity in the relationship between the concentration of developmental toxicity agents in whole embryos or larvae (Ce) and that in aqueous solution (Cw), and also between the amount of drug exposure required to cause developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos or larvae and that required in mammals. Here, we measured Ce for developmental toxicity agents every 24 h starting at 24 h post fertilization (hpf). We found a high correlation (R 2: 0.87-0.96) between log [Ce/Cw] and the n-octanol-water distribution coefficient at pH 7 (logD) of each drug at all time points up to 120 hpf. We used this relationship to estimate the Ce values of the 21 positive-control reference drugs listed in ICH guidelines on reproductive and developmental toxicity studies (ICH S5). We then calculated the area under the Ce-time curve in zebrafish (zAUC) for each drug from the regression equation between log [Ce/Cw] and logD and compared it with the AUC at the no-observed-adverse-effect level in rats and rabbits and at the effective dose in humans described in ICH S5. The log of the calculated zAUC for the 14 drugs identified as positive in the zebrafish developmental toxicity test was relatively highly positively correlated with the log [AUC] for rats, rabbits, and humans. These findings provide important and positive information on the applicability of the zebrafish embryo developmental toxicity test as an alternative method of EFD testing. (267 words).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detecting the toxic effects of chemicals on reproduction and development without using mammalian animal models is crucial in the exploitation of pharmaceuticals for human use. Zebrafish are a promising animal model for investigating pharmacological effects and toxicity during vertebrate development. Several studies have suggested the use of zebrafish embryos for the assessment of malformations or embryo-fetal lethality (MEFL). However, a reproducible protocol as a standard for the zebrafish MEFL test method that fulfills global requests has not been established based on the International Council of Harmonisation (ICH) S5 (R3) guidelines. To establish such a toxicity test method, we developed a new and easy protocol to detect MEFL caused by chemicals, especially those with teratogenic potential, using fertilized zebrafish eggs (embryos) within 5 days of development. Our toxicity test trials using the same protocol in two to four different laboratories corroborated the high inter-laboratory reproducibility. Our test method enabled the detection of 18 out of 22 test compounds that induced rat MEFL. Thus, the prediction rate of our zebrafish test method for MEFL was almost 82% compared with that of rat MEFL. Collectively, our study proposes the establishment of an easy and reproducible protocol for the zebrafish MEFL test method for reproductive and developmental toxicity that meets ICH guideline S5 (R3), which can be further considered in combination with information from other sources for regulatory use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxicological assessment of chemicals is crucial for safeguarding human health and the environment. However, traditional animal experiments are associated with ethical, technical, and predictive limitations in assessing the toxicity of chemicals to the skin. With the recent development of bioengineering and tissue engineering, three-dimensional (3D) skin models have been commonly used as an alternative for toxicological studies. The skin consists of the subcutaneous, dermis, and epidermis. All these layers have crucial functions such as physical and biological protection and thermoregulation. The epidermis is the shallowest layer protecting against external substances and media. Because the skin is the first contact point for many substances, this organ is very significant for assessing local toxicity following skin exposure. According to the classification of the United Nations Global Harmonized System, skin irritation is a major potentially hazardous characteristic of chemicals, and this characteristic must be accurately assessed and classified for enhancing chemical safety management and preventing and reducing chemical accidents. This review discusses the research progress of 3D skin models and introduces their application in assessing chemical skin irritation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two alternative methods for producing compost in a tunnel, from certain category (Cat.) 3 animal by-products (ABP) and other non-ABP material, were assessed. The first method proposed a minimum temperature of 55°C for 72 h and the second 60°C for 48 h, both with a maximum particle size of 200 mm. The assessment of the Panel on Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ) exclusively focused on Cat. 3 ABP materials (catering waste and processed foodstuffs of animal origin no longer intended for human consumption). The proposed composting processes were evaluated for their efficacy to achieve a reduction of at least 5 log10 of Enterococcus faecalis and Salmonella Senftenberg (775W, H2S negative) and at least 3 log10 of relevant thermoresistant viruses. The applicant provided a list of biological hazards that may enter the composting process and selected parvoviruses as the indicator of the thermoresistant viruses. The evidence provided by the applicant included: (a) literature data on thermal inactivation of biological hazards; (b) results from validation studies on the reduction of E. faecalis, Salmonella Senftenberg 775W H2S negative and canine parvovirus carried out in composting plants across Europe; (c) and experimental data from direct measurements of reduction of infectivity of murine parvovirus in compost material applying the time/temperature conditions of the two alternative methods. The evidence provided showed the capacity of the proposed alternative methods to reduce E. faecalis and Salmonella Senftenberg 775W H2S negative by at least 5 log10, and parvoviruses by at least 3 log10. The BIOHAZ Panel concluded that the two alternative methods under assessment can be considered to be equivalent to the processing method currently approved in the Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Efforts are being made globally to improve the evaluation and understanding of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Recognition of their impact on human health and the environment has stimulated attention and research in this field. Various stakeholders, including scientists, regulatory agencies, policymakers, and industry representatives, are collaborating to develop robust methodologies and guidelines for assessing these disruptors. A key aspect of these efforts is the development of standardized testing protocols and guidelines that aim to provide consistent and reliable methods for identifying and characterizing endocrine disruptors. When evaluating the potential endocrine-disrupting activity of chemicals, no single test is capable of detecting all relevant endocrine-disrupting agents. The test battery approach is designed to reduce the risk of false negative results for compounds with toxic potential. A weight-of-evidence approach is therefore necessary for endocrine disruptor evaluation. This approach considers various types of data from multiple sources, assessing the overall strength, consistency, and reliability of the evidence. OECD guidelines are highly regarded for their scientific rigor, transparency, and consensus-based development process. It is crucial to explore and develop new methodologies that can effectively evaluate the risks associated with potential endocrine disruptors. Integrating these methods into a comprehensive weight-of-evidence framework will enhance risk assessments and facilitate informed decisions regarding the regulation and management of these substances, ensuring the protection of human health and the environment from their adverse effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antivenom therapy is the only specific treatment for snakebite envenomation, and antivenom potency determination is key in the efficacy assurance quality control process. Nowadays, this process relies on the in vivo murine model - thus, the development of alternative in vitro methods is imperative. In the current study, the principle of the proposed method is the ability of Bothrops venom to induce cytotoxic effects in Vero cells, and the capacity to evaluate the inhibition of this cytotoxicity by the respective antivenom. After exposure to the venom/antivenom, the relative proportions of adherent (viable) cells were evaluated by direct staining with Coomassie Blue. The optical density (OD) of the lysed cell eluate was directly proportional to the number of adherent cells. This cytotoxicity-based alternative method could represent a potential candidate for validation as a replacement for the current in vivo test. The in vitro-determined cytotoxicity of the Brazilian Bothrops reference venom (expressed as the 50% effective concentration; EC50) was 3.61 μg/ml; the in vitro-determined 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the Brazilian Bothrops reference antivenom was 0.133 μl/ml. From these two values, it was possible to calculate the potency of the reference antivenom. The results from the assays exhibited a good linear response, indicating that the method could be a potential candidate replacement method for use in antivenom quality control prior to lot release, subject to further validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful treatment of pediatric cancers often results in long-term health complications, including potential effects on fertility. Therefore, assessing the male reproductive toxicity of anti-cancer drug treatments and the potential for recovery is of paramount importance. However, in vivo evaluations are time-intensive and require large numbers of animals. To overcome these constraints, we utilized an innovative organ culture system that supports long-term spermatogenesis by placing the testis tissue between a base agarose gel and a polydimethylsiloxane ceiling, effectively mirroring the in vivo testicular environment. The present study aimed to determine the efficacy of this organ culture system for accurately assessing testicular toxicity induced by cisplatin, using acrosin-green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgenic neonatal mouse testes. The testis fragments were treated with different concentrations of cisplatin-containing medium for 24 h and incubated in fresh medium for up to 70 days. The changes in tissue volume and GFP fluorescence over time were evaluated to monitor the progression of spermatogenesis, in addition to the corresponding histopathology. Cisplatin treatment caused tissue volume shrinkage and reduced GFP fluorescence in a concentration-dependent manner. Recovery from testicular toxicity was also dependent on the concentration of cisplatin received. The results demonstrated that this novel in vitro system can be a faithful replacement for animal experiments to assess the testicular toxicity of anti-cancer drugs and their reversibility, providing a useful method for drug development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cigarette smoke induces an inflammatory response in the lungs by recruiting inflammatory cells, leading to lung diseases such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary fibrosis. Existing inhalation exposure methods for assessing the adverse effects of cigarette smoke require expensive equipment and are labor-intensive. Therefore, we attempted to develop a novel method to assess these adverse effects using intratracheal instillation (ITI) of whole cigarette smoke condensate (WCSC). The WCSC (0, 5, 10, or 20 mg/mL) was administered by ITI once daily for 6 or 12 days using an automatic video instillator. Repeated WCSC ITI increased the lung weight, and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), neutrophil, and lymphocyte levels within bronchoalveolar lavage fluid compared to the control. In the histopathological analysis of the lung tissue, a mild inflammatory response was observed in the 6 and 12 days 20 mg/mL WCSC exposure groups. The genome-wide RNA-seq expression patterns revealed that inflammatory and immune response-related genes, such as the chemokine signaling pathway, Th1/Th2 cell differentiation, and cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, were employed following WCSC exposure. In addition, MCP-1 was time-dependent and increased in the 10 mg/mL exposure group compared to the control group. These results suggested that the WCSC might induce the potential pulmonary inflammatory response. Furthermore, we proposed that ITI may be a rapid and effective method of evaluating the adverse effects of WCSC within a short exposure period (less than 2 weeks), and it can be used to evaluate cigarette inhalation toxicity studies as an alternative method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The tomato russet mite, Aculops lycopersici, is a major worldwide pest infesting tomato crops for which only few control methods are available. At present, no commercialized beneficial organism has proven to be an effective biological control agent of the pest. As there is a strong need to develop alternatives to synthetic insecticides, we assessed the efficacy of an iolinid mite, Pronematus ubiquitus, as a preventive method against A. lycopersici in comparison with a curative treatment in a replicated experiment in the greenhouse.
    RESULTS: After pre-establishment of P. ubiquitus supplied with cattail pollen, followed by infestation of A. lycopersici, the predator was able to reduce pest populations by 98% as compared with control plants. Probably due to lack of food and high temperature, the number of P. ubiquitus decreased during the season and so the Eriophyid population rose, along with crop damage. The sulphur treatment could stop the progress of A. lycopersici, but their population levels remained high.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pronematus ubiquitus has great potential to prevent the establishment of the tomato russet mite. Even if a curative treatment affects the pest mite, the use of a preventive method is preferable as such insecticides/acaricides are harmful for beneficials and are applied after symptom appearance, when the pest pressure is already high. Despite the need to optimise management of the predator throughout the season, P. ubiquitus proved to be able to establish successfully on tomato plants. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry.





