
α - 晶体蛋白
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquaporin-0 (AQP0) constitutes 50 % of the lens membrane proteome and plays important roles in lens fiber cell adhesion, water permeability, and lens transparency. Previous work has shown that specific proteins, such as calmodulin (CaM), interact with AQP0 to modulate its water permeability; however, these studies often used AQP0 peptides, rather than full-length protein, to probe these interactions. Furthermore, the specific regions of interaction of several known AQP0 interacting partners, i.e. αA and αB-crystallins, and phakinin (CP49) remain unknown. The purpose of this study was to use crosslinking mass spectrometry (XL-MS) to identify interacting proteins with full-length AQP0 in crude lens cortical membrane fractions and to determine the specific protein regions of interaction. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that the AQP0 N-terminus can engage in protein interactions. Specific regions of interaction are elucidated for several AQP0 interacting partners including phakinin, α-crystallin, connexin-46, and connexin-50. In addition, two new interacting partners, vimentin and connexin-46, were identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) are ATP-independent chaperones vital to cellular proteostasis, preventing protein aggregation events linked to various human diseases including cataract. The α-crystallins, αA-crystallin (αAc) and αB-crystallin (αBc), represent archetypal sHSPs that exhibit complex polydispersed oligomeric assemblies and rapid subunit exchange dynamics. Yet, our understanding of how this plasticity contributes to chaperone function remains poorly understood. Using biochemical and biophysical analyses combined with single-particle electron microscopy (EM), we examined structural changes in αAc, αBc and native heteromeric lens α-crystallins (αLc) in their apo-states and at varying degree of chaperone saturation leading to co-aggregation, using lysozyme and insulin as model clients. Quantitative single-particle analysis unveiled a continuous spectrum of oligomeric states formed during the co-aggregation process, marked by significant client-triggered expansion and quasi-ordered elongation of the sHSP oligomeric scaffold, whereby the native cage-like sHSP assembly displays a directional growth to accommodate saturating conditions of client sequestration. These structural modifications culminated in an apparent amorphous collapse of chaperone-client complexes, resulting in the creation of co-aggregates capable of scattering visible light. Intriguingly, these co-aggregates maintain internal morphological features of highly elongated sHSP oligomers with striking resemblance to polymeric α-crystallin species isolated from aged lens tissue. This mechanism appears consistent across αAc, αBc and αLc, albeit with varying degrees of susceptibility to client-induced co-aggregation. Importantly, our findings suggest that client-induced co-aggregation follows a distinctive mechanistic and quasi-ordered trajectory, distinct from a purely amorphous process. These insights reshape our understanding of the physiological and pathophysiological co-aggregation processes of α-crystallins, carrying potential implications for a pathway toward cataract formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye lens α-crystallin has been shown to become increasingly membrane-bound with age and cataract formation; however, to our knowledge, no studies have investigated the membrane interactions of α-crystallin throughout the development of cataracts in separated cortical membrane (CM) and nuclear membrane (NM) from single human lenses. In this study, four pairs of human lenses from age-matched male and female donors and one pair of male lenses ranging in age from 64 to 73 years old (yo) were obtained to investigate the interactions of α-crystallin with the NM and CM throughout the progression of cortical cataract (CC) and nuclear cataract (NC) using the electron paramagnetic resonance spin-labeling method. Donor health history information (diabetes, smoker, hypertension, radiation treatment), sex, and race were included in the data analysis. The right eye lenses CM and NM investigated were 64 yo male (CC: 0), 68 yo male (CC: 3, NC: 2), 73 yo male (CC: 1, NC: 2), 68 yo female (CC: 3, NC: 2), and 73 yo female (CC: 1, NC: 3). Similarly, left eye lenses CM and NM investigated were 64 yo male (CC: 0), 68 yo male (CC: 3, NC: 2), 73 yo male (CC: 2, NC: 3), 68 yo female (CC: 3, NC: 2), and 73 yo female (CC: 1, NC: 3). Analysis of α-crystallin binding to male and female eye lens CM and NM revealed that the percentage of membrane surface occupied (MSO) by α-crystallin increases with increasing grade of CC and NC. The binding of α-crystallin resulted in decreased mobility, increased order, and increased hydrophobicity on the membrane surface in male and female eye lens CM and NM. CM mobility decreased with an increase in cataracts for both males and females, whereas the male lens NM mobility showed no significant change, while female lens NM showed increased mobility with an increase in cataract grade. Our data shows that a 68 yo female donor (long-term smoker, pre-diabetic, and hypertension; grade 3 CC) showed the largest MSO by α-crystallin in CM from both the left and right lens and had the most pronounced mobility changes relative to all other analyzed samples. The variation in cholesterol (Chol) content, size and amount of cholesterol bilayer domains (CBDs), and lipid composition in the CM and NM with age and cataract might result in a variation of membrane surface mobility, membrane surface hydrophobicity, and the interactions of α-crystallin at the surface of each CM and NM. These findings provide insight into the effect of decreased Chol content and the reduced size and amount of CBDs in the cataractous CM and NM with an increased binding of α-crystallin with increased CC and NC grade, which suggests that Chol and CBDs might be a key component in maintaining lens transparency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    α-Crystallin (αABc) is a major protein comprised of αA-crystallin (αAc) and αB-crystallin (αBc) that is found in the human eye lens and works as a molecular chaperone by preventing the aggregation of proteins and providing tolerance to stress. However, with age and cataract formation, the concentration of αABc in the eye lens cytoplasm decreases, with a corresponding increase in the membrane-bound αABc. This study uses the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-labeling method to investigate the role of cholesterol (Chol) and Chol bilayer domains (CBDs) in the binding of αAc, αBc, and αABc to the Chol/model of human lens-lipid (Chol/MHLL) membranes. The maximum percentage of membrane surface occupied (MMSO) by αAc, αBc, and αABc to Chol/MHLL membranes at a mixing ratio of 0 followed the trends: MMSO (αAc) > MMSO (αBc) ≈ MMSO (αABc), indicating that a higher amount of αAc binds to these membranes compared to αBc and αABc. However, with an increase in the Chol concentration in the Chol/MHLL membranes, the MMSO by αAc, αBc, and αABc decreases until it is completely diminished at a mixing ratio of 1.5. The Ka of αAc, αBc, and αABc to Chol/MHLL membranes at a mixing ratio of 0 followed the trend: Ka (αBc) ≈ Ka (αABc) > Ka (αAc), but it was close to zero with the diminished binding at a Chol/MHLL mixing ratio of 1.5. The mobility near the membrane headgroup regions decreased with αAc, αBc, and αABc binding, and the Chol antagonized the capacity of the αAc, αBc, and αABc to decrease mobility near the headgroup regions. No significant change in membrane order near the headgroup regions was observed, with an increase in αAc, αBc, and αABc concentrations. Our results show that αAc, αBc, and αABc bind differently with Chol/MHLL membranes at mixing ratios of 0 and 0.5, decreasing the mobility and increasing hydrophobicity near the membrane headgroup region, likely forming the hydrophobic barrier for the passage of polar and ionic molecules, including antioxidants (glutathione), creating an oxidative environment inside the lens, leading to the development of cataracts. However, all binding was completely diminished at a mixing ratio of 1.5, indicating that high Chol and CBDs inhibit the binding of αAc, αBc, and αABc to membranes, preventing the formation of hydrophobic barriers and likely protecting against cataract formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are a family of ATP-independent molecular chaperones that function as \"holdases\" and prevent protein aggregation due to changes in temperature, pH, or oxidation state. sHsps have a conserved α-crystallin domain (ACD), which forms the dimer building block, flanked by variable N- and C-terminal regions. sHsps populate various oligomeric states as a function of their sequestrase activity, and these dynamic structural features allow the proteins to interact with a plethora of cellular substrates. However, the molecular mechanisms of their dynamic conformational assembly and the interactions with various substrates remains unclear. Therefore, it is important to gain insight into the underlying physicochemical properties that influence sHsp structure in an effort to understand their mechanism(s) of action. We evaluated several disease-relevant mutations, D109A, F113Y, R116C, R120G, and R120C, in the ACD of HspB5 for changes to in vitro chaperone activity relative to that of wildtype. Structural characteristics were also evaluated by ANS fluorescence and CD spectroscopy. Our results indicated that mutation Y113F is an efficient holdase, while D109A and R120G, which are found in patients with myofibrillar myopathy and cataracts, respectively, exhibit a large reduction in holdase activity in a chaperone-like light-scattering assay, which indicated alterations in substrate-sHsp interactions. The extent of the reductions in chaperone activities are different among the mutants and specific to the substrate protein, suggesting that while sHsps are able to interact with many substrates, specific interactions provide selectivity for some substrates compared to others. This work is consistent with a model for chaperone activity where key electrostatic interactions in the sHsp dimer provide structural stability and influence both higher-order sHsp interactions and facilitate interactions with substrate proteins that define chaperone holdase activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mark implicated in selective rRNA gene expression, but the DNA methylation readers and effectors remain largely unknown. Here, we report a protein complex that reads DNA methylation to regulate variant-specific 45S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene expression in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). The complex, consisting of METHYL-CpG-BINDING DOMAIN PROTEIN5 (MBD5), MBD6, ALPHA-CRYSTALLIN DOMAIN PROTEIN15.5 (ACD15.5), and ACD21.4, directly binds to 45S rDNA. While MBD5 and MBD6 function redundantly, ACD15.5 and ACD21.4 are indispensable for variant-specific rRNA gene expression. These 4 proteins undergo phase separation in vitro and in vivo and are interdependent for their phase separation. The α-crystallin domain of ACD15.5 and ACD21.4, which is essential for their function, enables phase separation of the complex, likely by mediating multivalent protein interactions. The effector MICRORCHIDIA6 directly interacts with ACD15.5 and ACD21.4, but not with MBD5 and MBD6, and is recruited to 45S rDNA by the MBD-ACD complex to regulate variant-specific 45S rRNA expression. Our study reveals a pathway in Arabidopsis through which certain 45S rRNA gene variants are silenced, while others are activated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Therapeutic proteins are potent, fast-acting drugs that are highly effective in treating various conditions. Medicinal protein usage has increased in the past 10 years, and it will evolve further as we better understand disease molecular pathways. However, it is associated with high processing costs, limited stability, difficulty in being administered as an oral medication, and the inability of large proteins to penetrate tissue and reach their target locations. Many methods have been developed to overcome the problems with the stability and chaperone activity of therapeutic proteins, viz., the addition of external agents (changing the properties of the surrounding solvent by using stabilizing excipients, e.g., amino acids, sugars, polyols) and internal agents (chemical modifications that influence its structural properties, e.g., mutations, glycosylation). However, these methods must completely clear protein instability and chaperone issues. There is still much work to be done on finetuning chaperone proteins to increase their biological efficacy and stability. Methylglyoxal (MGO), a potent dicarbonyl compound, reacts with proteins and forms covalent cross-links. Much research on MGO scavengers has been conducted since they are known to alter protein structure, which may result in alterations in biological activity and stability. MGO is naturally produced within our body, however, its impact on chaperones and protein stability needs to be better understood and seems to vary based on concentration. This review highlights the efforts of several research groups on the effect of MGO on various proteins. It also addresses the impact of MGO on a client protein, α-crystallin, to understand the potential solutions to the protein\'s chaperone and stability problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small heat shock proteins are the well-known regulators of the cytoskeleton integrity, yet their complexes with actin-binding proteins are underexplored. Filamin C, a dimeric 560 kDa protein, abundant in cardiac and skeletal muscles, crosslinks actin filaments and contributes to Z-disc formation and membrane-cytoskeleton attachment. Here, we analyzed the interaction of a human filamin C fragment containing immunoglobulin-like domains 22-24 (FLNC22-24) with five small heat shock proteins (HspB1, HspB5, HspB6, HspB7, HspB8) and their α-crystallin domains. On size-exclusion chromatography, only HspB7 or its α-crystallin domain formed complexes with FLNC22-24. Despite similar isoelectric points of the small heat shock proteins analyzed, only HspB7 and its α-crystallin domain interacted with FLNC22-24 on native gel electrophoresis. Crosslinking with glutaraldehyde confirmed the formation of complexes between HspB7 (or its α-crystallin domain) and the filamin С fragment, inhibiting intersubunit FLNC crosslinking. These data are consistent with the structure modeling using Alphafold. Thus, the C-terminal fragment (immunoglobulin-like domains 22-24) of filamin C contains the site for HspB7 (or its α-crystallin domain) interaction, which competes with FLNC22-24 dimerization and its probable interaction with different target proteins.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    αH-Crystallin, a high molecular weight form of α-crystallin, is one of the major proteins in the lens nucleus. This high molecular weight aggregate (HMWA) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of cataracts. We have shown that the chaperone-like activity of HMWA is 40% of that of α-crystallin from the lens cortex. Refolding with urea significantly increased-up to 260%-the chaperone-like activity of α-crystallin and slightly reduced its hydrodynamic diameter (Dh). HMWA refolding resulted in an increase in chaperone-like activity up to 120% and a significant reduction of Dh of protein particles compared with that of α-crystallin. It was shown that the chaperone-like activity of HMWA, α-crystallin, and refolded α-crystallin but not refolded HMWA was strongly correlated with the denaturation enthalpy measured with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The DSC data demonstrated a significant increase in the native protein portion of refolded α-crystallin in comparison with authentic α-crystallin; however, the denaturation enthalpy of refolded HMWA was significantly decreased in comparison with authentic HMWA. The authors suggested that the increase in the chaperone-like activity of both α-crystallin and HMWA could be the result of the correction of misfolded proteins during renaturation and the rearrangement of protein supramolecular structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial small heat shock proteins, such as inclusion body-associated protein A (IbpA) and IbpB, coaggregate with denatured proteins and recruit other chaperones for the processing of aggregates thereby assisting in protein refolding. In addition, as a recently revealed uncommon feature, Escherichia coli IbpA self-represses its own translation through interaction with the 5\'-untranslated region of the ibpA mRNA, enabling IbpA to act as a mediator of negative feedback regulation. Although IbpA also suppresses the expression of IbpB, IbpB does not have this self-repression activity despite the two Ibps being highly homologous. In this study, we demonstrate that the self-repression function of IbpA is conserved in other γ-proteobacterial IbpAs. Moreover, we show a cationic residue-rich region in the α-crystallin domain of IbpA, which is not conserved in IbpB, is critical for the self-suppression activity. Notably, we found arginine 93 (R93) located within the α-crystallin domain is an essential residue that cannot be replaced by any of the other 19 amino acids including lysine. We observed that IbpA-R93 mutants completely lost the interaction with the 5\' untranslated region of the ibpA mRNA, but retained almost all chaperone activity and were able to sequester denatured proteins. Taken together, we propose the conserved Arg93-mediated translational control of IbpA through RNA binding would be beneficial for a rapid and massive supply of the chaperone on demand.





